CLASSIFIED BUSINESS & INVEST. OPPOR. Whatnot Shelf Makes Fine Gift for Home ONE complete sawmill, electrical book- up Have 90O.OVU M ft. ot tlmb<r accessible with roads and bridges, also GMC 6x6 truck. Grosses ftooo monthly, Box 751, Livingston. Mont. department CAFE Seats 22. Hunters, Fisher men, tourists. Also good local busi ness Money-maker for two Box WANT LIVE RABBITS 4 lbs. UD. rab 381 or Ph. 141, Stanwood, Wash. bit »kins, hides, wool, mohair, cas- cara. live poultry. Baby B Company. SALE—Fully equipped garage S35 S. W. Trout, Portland. Oregon. and three-pump service station, Tex aco. Firestone, Kaiser-Frazer fran MISCELLANEOUS chise. Four furnished apartments ovur station. Good location near WE HAVE additional capacity for Hungry Horse dam D R. Randall, kiln drying, resawing, planing and ■ox 484, Whitefish, Wash. lumber run to pattern. Salem Box Company, Salem, Ore. Ph. 39189. MODERN AUTO COURT 12 units on hiway 99, plus modern liv 1947 MODEL 2-unlt DeLaval Sterling ing quarters. Room for additional milking machine. Complete 1250. units Central heating plant, elec, B. A. Tiffany, Rt. 1, Box 225, ranges and refrig Large income. Camas, Washington. O'Donnell Realty, Realtors, 4526 Roosevelt Way, Seattle 5, Washing Q. I. T1UCK PUTS—Wew and Used. ton. Owners; if selling contact us. BEN'S TRUCK FARTS Tacoma, Washington FOR SALE—A neighborhood grocery. Ph. Garland 4282 All equipped and stocked. Also lovely 2-bedrooin apt. In fast growing GOOD DIESEL engines, General Motors, six town of Newport. Oregon, on Coast, cyl.. 225 hp , left hand. Price $750 to $950. rod at a sacrifice as owner has CORONADO MARINE WAYS, foot of A St poor health. Irena B. Jonas, Box Coronado, Calif. - Henley 3-4855. 1338. Newport, Ore. FRUIT TREES, shade trees, evergreens, shrubs, roses, berries, vines, etc. We grow COMPLETE shoe machinery, hand tools and stocks, reasonable. J. R. hundreds of acres of nursery stock and fruit. Myers, Garibaldi, Ore. You can grow your own fruit with pleasure and profit. Properly planted ornamentals add charm and value to your home. Write for DOGS. CATS. PETS. ETC. free color catalog. COLUMBIA A OKANOGAN’ NURSERY CO BLUB AUSTRALIAN n ’ h plu-rd cat Wenatchee, Washington. tle and sheep dogs. Natural heelers. Established Abhmead Stock Ranch, Chester, Montana. WE PURCHASE RABBITS & SKINS POULTRY. CHICKS Coin Collections AND PAY FOR Gold Coins $ 2.60 5.00 10.00 20.00 & EQUIP. ATTENTION Poultrymen and broiler growers. Available for immediate and regular delis ery 10,00<» New Hampshire cockerels, day old, pul- loruni tested stock. Write or wire for prices Hokebergen Hatchery, Lynden, Wash. gold piece....... $ 5.00 gold piece_________ 8.00 gold piece—... 16.00 gold piece.... .. 37.00 “CHICKS from our heavy laying Par menter Keds will make you come back for more.' Conley’a Poultry Farm, Vida, Oregon. Weill's Coin & Stamp Shop HELP WANTED—WOMEN REGISTERED NURSES: General duty. 2I-bed doctor's hospital, start 81.12 4-81.IT li hour. Rima General ■ospitai, Sima, Washington 724 8. W. Sth Ave. 701TL1KD 5, ORB. Tel. AT. 3893 MACHINERY & SUPPLIES TD 14 wide gauge tractor—Isaacson ’dozer—Carco drum—all guards. Ex cel. cond. Chet Hays, Yachats, Ore gon. Phone 1502. SPECIAL i «.LleMh gQrasS (HIMOSRHOIDS) • RECTAL AND COLON AILMENTS • STOMACH DISORDERS • • • • • • Width» 20-26-30-40 ft. Any length you require. Completely pre-cut. Bolted 2x6 wood frame». Heavy .024 aluminum. All parta and plan» num bered. • Designed for you to erect. Treated Without Hospital Operation Mon. through Frl.t 10 o.m. Io 5 p.m. Evening,¡Mon., Wed.and Erl.,until I Write or call tor FREE deur.ptive booklet T he D ean C linic In Our 39th Year CHinOeeACTlC vhviiciaw , N.t. Corner I. Bumside and Grand Ave. Telephone fAst 3918 Portland 14, Ore. ROSE CITY r DENTAL PLATES «sw Pre-cut Buildings, Inc. Ml* N.I. SANBV BL VO. • TBinlty 2S4O Writ* for Illustrated Pamphlet D r . H arry S emler , DctdUi S1ISHY ILIC. ■ 3m> g MORRISOH PWILMII). OEt Vaccinating Pigs As small pigs are more easily handled than large ones, it is ad visable to have pigs vaccinated against cholera, castrated, and ear marked before they are weaned— at about eight weeks of age. It Is mors economical to have pigs vaccinated early because not as much serum Is required as for large pigs and hogs. Early vac cination also provides longer im munity. Cut-Rate Sols Cot Costs Inflation-badgered Americans might seek relief in Peru where the dollar is king. According to Pe ruvian International airways, de valuation of the sol has resulted in such bargains as a shoe shine for three cents, American movies 26 cents, and an average taxi ride 16 cents. A room at Lima's Hotel Bolivar with three meals end five o'clock tea costs 60 sols — about *4 00. X-rsy Measure» Steel Thickness of red hot steel as It leaves a rolling mill's finishing stands now can ba determined ac- curatsly and speedily by electronic X-ray without touching the metal. Until recently ths measurement was made by hand, after the steel had cooled from at least 1,400 de grees to a point where a microm- •ter could be held against the metal. Highway Signs An octagonal, or eight-sided sign means STOP—you're approaching a stop street, a trunk line junction, or perhaps a dangerous corner. A round sign indicates there is a railroad crossing ahead. A diamond shaped sign means that you should slow down — immediately ahead may be a dangerous curve or hill, a narrow bridge, end of pavement, bad road. etc. Mastiff Fights Until Victoria's time, mastiffs in England provided cruel amusement in spectator pits for dog fighting and bull and bear baiting. On the queen's insistence, such exploita tion was outlawed in 1835. though the law was held lightly for many years. Before Canning To prevent light colored fruit such as apples, pears, and peaches from darkening, drop them into a vinegar solution, Use two table- spoons of salt and two tablespoons of vinegar to a gallon of water. Fruit should have a slight rinse be fore canning. Life of Snakes Some snakes have been known to live from one to two years without food by absorbing the fat of their own bodies. Iron In Milk Iron will appear in a cow's milk within five minutes after the ani mal is fed iron-containing food. This was discovered by experi ments with radio-active iron. Bass Spawning Season Bass spawn but once a year, us ually during the early spring months One-Eighth H. P. Motor A one-eighth horsepower electric motor can do as much work on a farm as one hard-working farm- hand. Whale .Milk Whale milk, wildlife experts say, is not essentially different from cow s milk. Magic Valley The 96.500 people in Magic Val- ley, Idaho, have a per capita buy ing power of more than four times the national average. Canned Citrus Juice More citrus juice was canned in the U. S. during the 1947-’48 season than in any previous year. Farm Children A third of the nation's children live on farms although farm people are only one-fifth of the total U. S. population. Lie Detector Technical name for the lie de- tector is "psychointegrosmeter.” Dogs Caa't ReaS Good Medicine A woman went to buy a drinking bowl for her dog. and the shop keeper asked ber if she would like one with the inscription. "For the dog " "It really doesn't matter,” • he replied. "My busband never drinks water, and the dog ean’t read.” "Wen. I do say.” said ths sweet old lady upon tasting ber first glass of beer. "It ‘.astea exactly like the medicine my husband has been tai- lng for the last >0 year»." Marriage I» *» Otrt -» Mrs Boggs: "Its not till yeu marry a men that you find him uf "That's right It was Mrs Ncggs: „ not till Td married Ncggs that I found be »as out »very night” Simple Geography Teacher: 1 "What is A ultra U • bounded by, Tommy?" Tommy (eagerly): "Kangaroos.” NEEDLEWORK PATTERNS Pineapple Edgings Are Dainty Sew Some Colorful Potholders « AUTOS WITHOUT DELAY It is predicted by several De troit automobile makers that with in six months it will be possible to walk into most agencies and get a car with positively no wait ing. This will mean that the auto salesman will bother to get up out of his chair. The proprietor may drop that deep-freeze manner and start cultivating good-will again. ---- *---- We understand some salesrooms are already starting to rehearse the staff in shaking the head up and down instead of negatively. It has been years since some auto salesmen have had any practice in vigorous salesmanship. They have been specialists in discourag ing customers. It is not going to be easy reconverting them into warm human beings dealing in a popular product. —*— There will be plenty of cardiac trouble when people walk into agencies once more in this country and anybody shows a mild interest in them. And swooning will be nationwide when dealers call on the phone and "would you let us give you a demonstration this after noon?” ---- *---- We anticipate the following dia logue in auto agencies: Salesman (rising affably)— Ah, good morning. Glad to sea you. Customer (amazed)—Pardon me; I must be in the wrong alley. Salesman—What makes you think so? Customer—Y o u ’r e cordial! You’re not resenting niv en- trance! This can’t be an auto agency. Salesman—Indeed it is. Have a chair! Relax! Customer—Stop kidding. I know no ice flow can melt that fast. Salesman—I’m not kidding. I’m happy to see you and trust I may interest you in a new car. Customer—Quick, an aspirin tablet! Salesman—Certainly, Take a couple on the house. Customer—T w o won’t be enough. Let's get this straight. Are you really an auto sales man? Salesman—Certainly. Customer—And are you au thorized by the boss to welcome a prospective buyer this way? Salesman—Yes, he is out of the icepack, too. What model would you like? Customer—You mean with- out putting my name on a list? Salesman—Exactly. No mor lists. Customer—That’s going to a little hard to get used to. gives a man prestige to be those waiting lists. I was on many that, if by some miracle production had suddenly caught up with the demand. I would have had 15 new cars at my door. Salesman—From now on you get a car when you want it. Customer—Right away? Salesman—At once. Customer—With no political influence? Salesman—None. Customer—No angles? Salesman—Not one. Customer—No bonus? Salesman—Not at all. Customer—What about my old car? Salesman—we give you a fair price for it and don’t even insist you trade it in if you can do better at private sale. (The customer faints.) e e e Two new types of phonograph discs are on the market, both opera ting at different speeds. Neither can be played on the same machine or on the orthodox phonograph. The proper inquiry in the home now would seem to be, "Would you like to hear a new record or don't you care to get mixed up with an en- gineering problem?” e e e e A Detroit engineer says that • J*t motor is near develop- Folks ment for automobiles, along super highways had been under the impression they were in use already. * e e In a jet-propelled auto a lot of the charm rests in the fact you never know a traffic light has turned red on you except by rumor. • • • "White House repairs may now cost four instead of one million dollars.'*—News item. ------ +------ More Hollywood and New York restaurant men sat on that piano than we had realized. e e ih''.* C'VERYONE always seems to need whatnot shelves. This one is a reproduction of those used fre quently in Colonial homes. No skill or special tools are required to make this shelf. Perhaps the most important piece of equipment need ed is a 25c coping saw and the full size pattern offered below. This specifies the materials to use and amount needed. Simple, step-by- step directions are included. Sim ply trace the pattern on the wood, saw and assemble. It should not take more than two evenings to turn out a professional looking job. Homing Pigeon Can't Miss Science has a pretty good idea of how the homing pigeon gets home. According to Prof. Henry L. Yeagley of Pennsylvania, the pigeon is equipped with an enor mously sensitive navigation devise that can determine minute differ ences in the earth’s magnetic field and the rate of the earth’s surface turning under him. "Ah-h! I Can Breathe Agam!”^ I B When your nose fills Jii-, up with a stuffy head cold or occasional con- kil T*^ gestion, put a few drops \\ A/l / of Vicks Va-tro-nol In each nostril and get comforting relief almost instantly/ Va-tro-nol U bo ef fective because It works right where trouble is to soothe irritation, relieve stuffiness. make breathing easier. Try it! Litt Vicks Va-tro-nol Nose Dropal 5669 Crocheted Edgings COUR handsome edgings in the " popular pineapple motif that you will enjoy making. The widest measures 2 inches, the narrowest 1% inches. Accent your bed and ta ble linens with crocheted edgings— easy, quick and inexpensive to do. e • e To obtain complete crocheting instruc tions, stitch illustrations and complete directions for Pineapple Edgings (Pat tern No. 5669) send 20 cents in coin, YOUR NAME. ADDRESS and PATTERN NUM BER YES. In just 7 days... In one short week ... a group of people who changed from their •Id dentifrice» to Calox Tooth Powder aver aged 387c brighter teeth by scientific teat. Why not change to Calox your »elf? Buy Calox today ... so your teeth can start looking brighter tomorrow! CALOX TOOTH POWDIH McKesson & Robbins Inc, Bridgeport, Cona 07-49 WNU-13 Brighten Your Kitchen Give your kitchen a fresh, new look with these amusing pothold ers. Each one is six inches in width and can be made of bright scraps you've been saving. The faces are embroidered in simple stitches after the holders are fin ished. To obtain applique design, »ewing In« structions and color suggestions for em broidering features of the Handy Help ers Potholders (Pattern No. 5434) send 20 cents in coin. YOUR NAME. ADDRESS and PATTERN NUMBER. SEWING CIRCI. K NEEOI.EWOKK 330 South Wells Si. Chiesto T, 111. Enclos« 20 cent» tor pattern. No________________ Namq Addresa_____________________________ B Bread crusts, left over after the preparation of certain dishes, should be dried and made into crumbs, then stored in the refrig erator in a covered jar. — e— When making clothes for chil dren, buy an extra card of match ing buttons for each garment. Such buttons are priceless when it comes time to replace lost buttons. Few patterns for little girls call for a placket opening into the skirt: but a sash just can't pull in and conceal excessive inches of dress material—a zipper in a placket and two waistline darts, front and back, will make a surprising improve ment in the fit and appearance of the garment. —•— Baked potatoes should be care fully timed in baking and promptly served to avoid the loss of this vegetable’s valuable vitamin C. —•— A coat of spar varnish applied to wooden drain boards in the kitchen will provide an extremely durable finish. —•— Cream whips best when it is very cold, but egg whites whip best when they are at room temperature 70 degrees fahrenheit. MOTHER, MOTHER, IWAI THINKING A* I watched you BAKE TODAY, ,YO</ MAO* BISCUITS LIGHT ANO ISs FLUFF? I WISH ICOULD BAK* THAT WAY 7 4- High-School Graduates CHOOSE YOUR CAREER A GROWING PROFESSIONI open lo girls under 95, hlgh-ach(M)l graduates and college girl*. —more opportunities every year forth« graduate nurse. beet preparation for both career and marriage. ask for mote Information al the hospital where you would like lo enter nursing. Buy U.S.Savings Bonds! BAKE THE CLABBER GIRL WAV, MY DEAR */ hh CLABBER GIRL BAKING POWDER Ailt Mother, She Keowt,,, Clabber Girl 1» th« baking powder with the ba/anced double action . .« Right, in the mixing bowl; light, from the oven. CLABBER GIRL 1 say thousands about good tasting SCOTTS EMULSION If eoMa hans oa. or yon ea’rh th*m often, maybe you don't ff«*t anoufh natural A AD Vitamin food. Thrn »tart taking goo4* tasting S'-ott’a Emulsion! Bae hr.w pronaptJy it b*ipa break up a cold and help« build jf*» up. bo you feel your own a*lf again ! Scott's it a HI .H ENERGY FOOD TONI' -rieh in MtaroJ A AD Vitamins and enerry-buildin« natural oil Economical Buy today at yonr drug store. MOtf then |ust e tonic — it’s powerful nourishment! HEAD-COLP MISERY ? Quick relief with MENTHOLATUM Don't give in to bead-cold misery—g«f Mentholetum Feel Mentholatum'» famous combi nation of menthol, camphor •nd other fast-acting ingredi ents help thin out thick mucus, lessen congestion and swelling, soothe smarting nostrils. Soon soreness eases up, head starts to clear, > om CM breelhe agent ,n comjort. 35« and 75«. e We were all for that pay increase for the President. 5434 Send 20c for Newcastle Whatnot Shelf Pattern No. 31 to EasiBIld Pattern Com pany, Dept. W, Pleasantville. N. Y. e Florida has never had such fun as it has been having playing up those newspaper photographs of snow on the orange groves of Cali fornia. e l'.nt'H* SCOTÍS EMULSION HlOH fVCaOY TONIC mentholatum 1