Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1949)
• LYONS Hr EVA HHtHBLLK Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Boring '• nt to Brownsville Saturday evening, to attend a dinner honoring her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis on their 53rd wedding anniversary. SJMSaMniRNBHaeBaRSaaSBMSMHSMISiMSBi / D. W. Reid MD |j I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON H - ’ r» y Mill City CAPITAL Monumental Works J. a JONES. Prep. MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS NOW 2210 So. Commercial St. Salem Office Ph. 6887 Rea. Ph. 6887 HOWARD CORSET SHOP FOUNDATION GARMENTS Special Attention Given to Fitting» Hosiery-Lingerie-Dressea-Smocks 181 High St Salem Ph. 4032 jflpiMlfgJjWWIIIimilliMINIIilldlllullI lill.iiliiliilllllkiiltlliliilHjIMIj illlilHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIiai I I I Bell & Devers ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Mayton 324 I I | Santiam Valley Grange held its social meeting Friday evening and entertaiMd with a novelty card par ty. Much fun was had by «all. Re freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor and son Morse returned to their heme in Waldport Tuesday morning after visiting relatives here. Sunday dinner guests at the Lyle Burmester home were Mr. and Mrs. William Beran. Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Goller of Scio. Mr. and Mrs. Arlelgh Murphy and children of Glendale visited the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. Several members of the Lyons Women’s Club were guests at the Mehama club recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman and daughters were Sunday guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard of Eugene, and the Clarence Darker*. Mrs. Catherine Engdahl of Salem is spending this week visiting rela tives in Lyons. Mis. Sarah Cookingham and grand ■ laughter Randee Becker and her mo ther Mrs. Scoefield »pent the week end in Portland with her son Paul and Mrs. Cookingham. James Kimery is somewhat im proved. Mr. and Mrs. E. E Munsey of Al bany visited Sunday with the Roy Hubei s. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and Mrs. Lizzie Bassett visited Sunday with the Earl Bassetts in Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elmer and son Gale of Albany were at the home of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt. The Wesley Fellowship group of Willamette University was in charge of servies Sunday morning at the Methodist Church, with Miss Shirley Dean, soloist. Miss Frances Shodde, pianist, Miss Martha Brooks, Wen dell Hall and Rex Lindemood, who preached. Mrs. Minnie Smith was hostess to the Women’s Society o f Christian Service Tuesday. Mrs. Wallace Pow er led the devotions. A silver tea will be held in Rebekah Hall March 29. Present were Mesdames W a I a c e ’’«wer, G s >,-gu Iiuf. a.i, o I sil ver, Git Julian Jim L nde, Roy- Huber, Albeit Aing, Albert Julian, Loren Chamberlain, Eugene Roye, Burl Smith, Floyd Bassett, Alex Bo- deker, L. J. Smith, Mrs. Daisy John ston, Mrs. Sarah Cookingham, Mrs. Anna Johnson and Mrs. Scoefield and Mrs. L. Larmier. Elkhorn By JEAN ROBERTS Mr. and Mis. A. L. ’Toots’’ Billing ton, former residents of Elkhorn, who now live in Sweet Home, were wit nesses recently to a holdup and rob bery of a small store near their home. Thiee armed, masked men held them and the store proprietor at gun point w hile r ibbinb the cash register of about $150. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Myers visited friends and relatives in Elkhorn last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts and family and Mr. and Mrs. ‘Toots” Bill ington and family were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Knox last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Myers attended 1 a Farmers Union convention in Aur ora a few days last week. Bob Longnecher fainted Tuesday night and falling, struck Ids head on a washing machine cutting his fore head. Ten stitches were taken to close the wound. It was discovered last week that the Elkhorn community clubhouse i had collapsed due to the heavy snow. It is reportedly beyonfi tepair. A pot luck supper and card party was held at the Bill Bickett home Saturday night. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sischo, Bob and Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longnecher, John, Bob and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ro berts, lads, Gerry and Jo Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers. . and . A James Reed, Jimmy a 1 Johmfj, of Molalla, former re- SMtents, were Sunday dinner guests of the Robert Veness’. Mr. and Mrs. Bassie "Dilley and son John of Florence called on his sister, Mrs. Bert Tuinidge, Thursday evening. He was called to Tillamook by the death of his niece, Nellie Hester Johnson. Mr. Dilley was a logger for Fred Gooch Sr. 40 years ago. Thia was his first teturn to Mill City since that time. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kerber and Rose of Cutler City, Ore., spent the week end at their Mill City home. They plan to return to Mill City in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stiffler weie in Salem Sunday. Her father, Martin Schroeder, returned with them for a »ho.t visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and Do lores of Sheridan were visiting in Mil) City for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. William McCoy, who had been' visiting them, returned with the Smiths. Mis. C. E. Mason entertaine 1 with a bridge luncheon Friday in honor of Mrs. Henrietta Quinn of Seaside. First prize iwent to Mrs. Quinn, sec ond to Mrs. Willis Potter and third to Mis. R. L. Faust. Guests in addi tion wre Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mrs. D. B. Hill, Mrs. Curtis Cline and Mrs. Charles Wolverton. A special “Bess Truman” dessert was served. Adelbeit Allen was in Sublimity Wednesday to observe a tree prun- ing demonstration. Mr. Allen plans to develop the old Allen ranch above Mill City into a fruit farm. Mrs. Henrietta Quinn of Seaside has sold her Mill City home to Mis. The Mill City Enterprise MHI City, Oregon. Charles Wolverton, Editor and Publisher Elabeth Wolverton, Business Manager Entered as second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and tho6e received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the “Too Late to Classify” section. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one inoorrect insertion. CLASSIFIED RATE One insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1.00. Display advertising 40c inch !.1 ernie-. > 8 W. W. Allen. Mrs. Allen will move Memorial Hospital for cataracts, to her new home soon. Mrs. Ed Haynes underwent an op- BARGAINS Mom & Pop’s Cafe Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Heniy Bayless and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall, of Gates, were at Silver Creek Falls picnick ing Sunday. Private Dining Room JENKINS HARDWARE M> .UM.» ----------------------------------- --r.............. m -I Introducing Ì Tex Agee TEX AGEE m now connected Ç I with JENKINS HARM ARE in our Appliance Department. He will be making cals at your home to explain to you the wi de range of bppiiancew we Un handling und their place in y our home. ■ ■ JENKINS HARDWARE SELL S a wide variety of time-tested, nationally known and advertised appliances, including washing machines, steel kitchens, electric refrigerators, home freezers— and guarantees the proper instal lation of them in your house. kX—Ita. Sensational new Bendix Washer WITH AUTOMATIC SOAP INJECTOR! And only the Bendix has it TEX is devoting his full time (o yoilr tuppiianoo need». He has plenty of know-how on installation. MWvice and re- Call Jenkins Hardware. He'll be glad to Jalk to you. I Here’s what you get! The only washer that puts in the soap. It’s Easy to Own a Bendix! New step-saving auto matic soap injector accurately measures and puts in the soap. One fill of the soap bin lasts through numerous washings No other washer is so completely automatic. The only washer in the world that soaps, soaks, washes, rinses and damp-drys your wash. Improved "TUMBLE-ACTION." New cylinder design with Ported W atrr Aetioie ter • >» -s more soil. Gets clothes cleaner than ever. More complete dam a IF YOU HAVE AN IDEA THAT A BENDIX IS BEYOND YOUR POCKETBOOK. WE CAN SHOW YOU IT COSTS NO MORE THAN A CONV ENT1ONAL WASHER _ ne« clothes lighter, dryer, easier to handle. Here’s what you save! Up to $100 just on soap alone. In ten years soap sav ings can pay back as much as bait of the cost of your Up to $110 over other automatics. Now tendix 0« luxe Mode'^1-21 5 /iMfetwefK Se*0 luyctir Opt i* nt I HERE'S THE AMAZING AUTOMATIC SOAP INJECTOR It mokes a Bendix "Almost Human’ Bendix brings an autom ttic at the lowest price Terms Are Easy! DOWN PA^ KENTS are as low as $50 Gallons of water! Saves as much as 10 gallons on a single load compared with leading non-automatics. You save money on clothing bills tool The Bendix won't snag even delicate nylons. RthMMSCRI THi RINOIX SAVIS AU THI WORK, YIT COSTS USS * TO OWN ANO USI THAN ANY OTHIR AUTOMATIC WASHIR I and your old washer maj be worth that for & trade-in. Now you can 15 MONTHS TO PAY! Modul $-101, Includin „ it for e free demotitrotion! See tbo «tu Bendit Gyremetictbet need 'eg/ ¥e fetteeod do**!