The North Santiam’s Mill CityEnterprise Gen ing the North Santiam Valley VOLUME V, NI MBER 9 ■■I ■ ■! I* I M I III ■ ■*■!————*■■ Lyons, Mehama, Elkhorn, Mill City, Cates, Mongold. Detroit and Idanha liW'MfiNH du i mi iHMW-MIHitt'imimi WUlWIDIW™ HRllM >2.00 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A CSPY MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. M ARCH 3. 1949 I Looking Up Forks Miners and Down Trapped; Fear the Canyon They Starve AFL Signing Up Workers for Dam Don Gessner, Canyon business ag ent for the American Federation of Labor building trades, announced this week he was taking applications for jobs at the Detroit dam — workers supplied by the union to the contrac tor. Regisration is being held from 7 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. at the Ges- nes camp at Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Peters of Prineville are the parents of a baby girl bom F«4>. 2. Mrs. Peters is the former Mary Lou Houston of Mill City. Start on Dam Awaited The Canyon marked time this week as it awaited the announcement of a contract award on the Detroit Dam. Final approval of the low bid of By CHARLES WOLVERTON $28 nullion made by Consolidated A mini. company in the Little A week or so ago some local res Builders, Inc., Portland, was expected idents, with an eye for bargains, North Fork area was working fever soon from Col. Theron Weaver, Pa- were in Salem.They went to a Salem ishly this week with caterpillar trac cfic district army engineer. Meanwhile, officials of the com grocery store and bought a big order, tors to reach six miners at the Am Bids will be opened in Portland pany, which is allied to the Henry Bids for the construction of a 230 They had other business so they algamated mine, 15 miles above Elk Kaiser interests, were in the North asked to leave the box at the store horn. trapped since December by av kva power line between Lyons and March 15. The specifications for the trans Santiam area looking for sites upon alanches and snow. to be picked up later. the site of the Detroit Dam were mission line, which is a part of the which to build a residential devel Food was running low for the mar An hour or so later they were called for Feb. 21 by the Bonneville Detioit-Goshen line, provide for the opment of an estimated 25 homes ready to return to Mill City (which ooned miners, and it was estimated it Power Administration, it was an- construction of about 21.4 miles of for executives. They looked at tracts also has bargains in its grocery still would take three or four days to nounced in Eugene this week by W. line located in Marion and Linn in Mill City and Gates. They appear staores) and they couldn’t find the reach t..? mine area, cut off now by E. Troi .merhausen, manager of the Counties, consisting of one single ed inteiested in a site near, and in store where they had paiked their two avalanches which cover the road circuit steel tower, 113 double cir cluding the Canyon Park, in Mill southwest district. victuals. So they hunted the whole and tons of ice and snow that blan MucTr of the tower equipment al- cuit steel towers and one wood pole City. town over, but, to them, at least, that ket the bridges and road. Mr. an Mrs. Boeman are two of the ready has been spotted along the structure. Completion is scheduled in Al Bauer, manager of Consolidated store had vanished from the face of 120 calendar days. people trapped at the mine. Mis. Boe Builders, Inc., and George Wolfe, an righl-of-way. the land. architect for the Kaiser interest, !n- They gave up, and the man decided man is a daughter of the owner, Mr. ter viewed local businessmen and pro to come back to Salem the next day. Hewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Trippet, who live at perty owners in Mill City Monday, He filled up his gas tank (you don’t with the view of locating a site on o that with hay these days) and the mine, were halted several weeks which to build 25 or more perman headed for Salem the next day. After ago from returning to the mine and When J. C. (Doc) Kimmel, presi ent hemes for executives connected a long search the grocery bai gains have been staying at the Elkhorn dent of the local Chamber of Com with the dam construction. were located. He put the box in the Guest Ranch, which also has been is- Co. The big Freres-Frank Lumber They met J. C. Kimmel, president merce and druggist, met Al Bauer, car and headed for a service station dated part of the time. About five mill in Lyons got into full-scale op feet of snow lies on the ground. The eration Monday, and the new estab- • manager of Consolidated Builders, of the Mill City Chamber of Com and parking lot. the latter caled him by n; %e and merce, who with others helped locate You can figure out what comes plight of the marooned miners cannot lishment, one of the most modem in recalled a college function both ha I owners of ceitean building sites. next. When it came time to go home wait til it melts. test without the Canyon passed the Other officials of the company had Ercill Wilson, Mehama logging op a hitch. attended at the University of Ore he couldn’t find the parking lot. This been in Mill City Sunday and had erator, furnished the two " ‘ cats ” now gon 30 years before. he was not only minus his bar time The mill, which Ted Freres anti A report of damage totaling $50,- It was their first meeting since their eyes on a level tract which gain box of specials—he didn’t even at work trying to break through the Amandus Frank began a year ago, slides. Mr. Trippet was able to get uses a band saw and thus conserves to $00,000 to buildings at the iamou* college days when they were a class turned out to be the s.te of Mill City have a car to carry them home in. I grade school. So another search got under way. from the Guest Ranch last week and considerable lumber over the circu canyon resort, Breitanouau Springs, ap*,t. Doc is still a maxed. It was learned that R. A. Hoffman, was brougnt to Detroit Tuesuay by Mr. Bauer also is a president of After hours of hunting he found the reach Mr. Wilson. lar type. A group of Mehama business peo car. To make a happy ending, no one The mill has an estimated capac vwu men who skned out oi the snow a Chamber of Commerce—in Port an associate in^t|]g Kaiser company, had been name)} general superinten land. had gotten into the car and stolen ple went through mud and snow Sun ity of about 75,000 board feet daily, bound reg.on east ol here. the iurt were E. C. Kennedy of Mr. Bauer is consideied one of the dent of the dam project at a meet the food, which often happens to Sa day to watch the rescue efforts. is equipped with a planing shed and The Amalgamated mine was re produces its power from steam made me ko we. oprings resort ana wil- best technicians in darn construction ing of the allied firms in Seattle over lem shoppers. .iwiii Van Buren, a caretaker at the in the nation and was in key posts the wedk end. Without further vent he got home opened about two years ago by Mr. from burning wood waste. None of the officials wished to Hewitt. An extensive development of two men told tile Detroit Cor on most of the great projects in the with his purchases, having saved at The severe winter delayed the op- make any statement this week inas least a penny on half of the items roads was undertaken, and at that ening which was scheduled for last espondent of tne Enterprise that the West. much as no word had been received general store ana poslouwe at Breit- bought, unless perhaps a can or so time the plans were to set up a bunk fall. at that time on official approval by were spoiled, in which case it would er for loading ore at the railroad in Lumber operations were getting enbush Hot bp. nigs had burned Co Col. Theron Weaver, Pacific area ar Lyons. tne ground. The bath house adjacent take another tankful of gas to get under way up and down the (any a® my engineer of the bid. It has been The mine was worked until about this week after one of the most ro the swimming poo. was crushed back to Salem to exchange them. stated that the bld. i®;ght be rejected The moral of this little tale is 1920. Copper, zinc and some gold are vere winters and longest shutdowns io the ground by the weight of eight as too low—it waA W5 millions be-' leet of snow, ’lire dance hall, they plain, at least to those who try to said to be plentiful in certain parts in the history of the area. low the U. S. estimate, but officials do most of their trading at home, if of that region. Theldanha Veneer Co., closed since reported, also collapsed, and many of Consolidated defended the bid on early December, resumed operations small cabins broke down under the not to those who waste hours of time, the grounds that in a single item terrific weight. In another structure gallons of gas and wear and tear on Feb. 23. their plans would effect a saving of automobiles chasing bargains out of B. & W. Logging Co. started par- a new truck and an old one were de $2 million. Instead of a costly trestle tial operations iVb. 21, after being molished by the co.lapse of the roof. the Canyon. from which to pour concrete into the The fire was reported to have oc- The lesson, scholars, is: TRADE I out of the woods since Dec. 3. forms of the dam. they have planned AT HOME. Most of the mills we:e back at juried Feb. 8. A a Six logging ...... firms, five of them for a cable arrangement, upon which waa» — -------------- • • • A meeting to organize a garden work in Lyons, and the big Mt. Jef The entire resort area has been cut off from the outside by unusual from the North Bantiam area and | giant buckets will roll, This is a democratic country. This club for Mill City will be held in the ferson mill was going full blast. The report of the Army Engin high school auditorium Friday, Mar. Frank’s mill west of Mill City was ly heavy snow since December. The one from the South Santiam*, com is a democratic newspaper. eers in its request for $11,300,000 bined Friday night in Stayton into again at work, and a new mill be nearest to the resort leached recent The question has come up locally 11. Officers of the Stayton Garden ing built by Oregon Pulp and Paper ly was about to Humbug Creek. A a company which will bid on clear for the dam for 1949-50 contains the that Mill City, after two years as an following proposed expenditures: incorporated town, ought to dissolve Club will be present to offer sugges i Co. east of town was shaping up, ac- haylift to feed starving deer and elk ing the Detroit Dam reservoir. Pu chase of additional lands for Steps to incorporate w ill be under in the region reached that point re tions and help set up an organiza I cording to Tony Ziebert, local man the municipality and go back to the reservoir $567,000 . taken immediately. The meeting was cently in special army vehicles. former arrangement. The Enterprise tion. ager. Miscellaneous hired labor construc There were no reports of damage held in the office of Walter Bell, Stay Many persons who Robert Veness, The Mill City Planing and Proces- offers to both sides a full opportunity city councilman, talked to here this i sing Co. was setting up a big timber to the main lodge or to the flumes ton attorney, Who has transacted a tion and operation-$228.000. to express their views. Continuation of reservoir clearing The Enterprise opposed incoipora- week were greatly interested in the planer (bull planer) at the local mill which carry thouands of gallons of great deal of the logging industry’s by contract—$1,000 000. business for many years. tion when the matter came to a vote, plan for a gaiden club. A good turn at an estimated cost of about $10.000. lava-warmed water from the springs. Construction of dam and power The logging concerns include the The two men appeared fresh and not because it was against forming out at the meeting is expected. The i The planer was salvaged out of a house, by contract — $8,105,00). Gooch Log go ng Co. of Sweet Home, fire several years ago which burned strong after their long trek of ten a municipality, but because of the public is invited. Big Cliff Dam: Detailed project Thomas Bios. Logging Co. of Mill Immediate project will be the beau the shed, and has been rebuilt re- miles or more on skis. boundaries then designated. We’re plans and construction plans and spe City, Bevier and Wagner of Mehama, uqualifiedly for incorporation now, tification of the city. i cently. Boring and Mansveld of Mehama, the cifications— $350,000; Site develop — At a later date the choice of a for reasons which will be submitted PTA PLANS FATHERS NIGHT Schoenhauer Logging Co., Stayton, ment, roads, clearing, diversion and in successive issues. But both sides town flower will be made. AT NEXT MEETING Bl'S RESUMES PASS RUN Mike Sthwindt logging firm of Lyons clearing, diversionnonon-Moat hB Mr. Veness stressed early action have a right to have their say in this care of river^ -$500,000; initiation of The Thursday, March 10 meeting and Ed Goschie of Mill City. so that garden planning can be un paper. The Hamman Stage Lines resumed of the Mill City Parent-Teacher construction of dam and powerhouse Elected as president was Fred • • • der way this spring. operating between Salem and Bend Assn will be Fathers night when the —$500,000. Gooch of Sweet Home; vice presi The condition of the streets after Feb 25. dads will have the say about the pro dent, Walter Thorr as, Mill City, and the past winter ought to be argument Santiam Pass (Hogg Pass) has gram, the entertainment and even the Charles Wolverton, Mill City editor, enough for a real paving program. SNOW BOUND COUPLE ARRIVE been closed since Feo. 10 of seci etary-treasurer. The corporation refrshments. Here’s a suggestion how it might Gene Armstrong, local depot ag the deep snow and slides. Previous A grand evening of fun is prom tiA'be formed Will elect permanent be started: ent, and his wife arrived in Mill City to the warmer weather there was 200 ised everyone who atends. A prixe offV'ers. Under the municipal laws of most Sunday aftel*- several days of being inches of snow at the junction. will be given to the class, either The company has ben in the pro states, and I presume that applies snowbound on a train in Wyoming. grade or high school, which records cess of formation for about a month. Marion County’s 1949 American here, any group of property owners They reported the snow was piled SCOUT OFFICIAL COMING the largest turnout of fathers. Mrs. Several of those in the present com Rer Cross fund campaign was launch may, by petition, ask that a special higher than the train they were on. Eric Soderberg, executive for the John Muir and Mrs. Elmer Shaw are pany conferred several weeks ago ed this week, the overall objective assessment be levied on them for an A pleasant crowd enjoyed a fine in charge of this contest and will with Col. O. E. Walsh, district aimy for the county chapter being $52,000. inmprovement in connection with t me at the ffi»nce in the Bohemian Cascade area Boy Scouts, will be in figure the winning class on a per engineer in charge of the Detroit Gates chairman is Mr*. Elmer their own property. hall Saturday night. Music was fur Mill City Fiday night at the school rentage basis. project, and were encouraged to sub Stewart. Mrs. Ed Byrkit i* leading auditorium where he will meet wth For instance, if the hornet wners in nished by Tony Ficek’s orchestra. Martin Hanse in chai i man of the mit a bid on the clearing, which com- the drive in Detroit. a single block wanted to have curb Louie Drapella and wife of Salem parents of pro pective scouts. Twen program, and Principal Henry Bay prises more than 4000 acres. The For Marion County the chairman ty-four boys in the Mill Citjwrea. ings and pavement, they could peti attended the dance Saturday night less of the high schol is in charge logging group is in contact with the is Wesley E. Stewart Jr., and Cobum 9 and 10 years of age, have expressed tion the city council for such im here. of the refreshments. low bidders on the dam. Consolidated Grabenhorwt ia co-chairmen. Both are their desire to become cub scouts. provement. The council then would Builders, Inc., of Portland in regard i of Salem. provide for a special assessment on HIGH SCHOOL NEWS to clearing 200 or more acres under The community project of a ’"lood OLD RESIDENT DIES FIRE .SWEEPS GRASS ARFA the property owners in that block ball The seniors won the volley its contract. program was the Red Cross as the A grass fire near the Arey Po- Bonus, backed by the city, then would William Carter. 70, long a resident championship last Friday afternoon Trie and Mansveld Co. has organizing and coordinating agency, be floated, and the property owners ,.f the Canyon, died Sunday of a par dabsky home got out of control on by first defeating the juniors and made an extensive study of the re through thi* program, blood and all would pay the cost of the cuibings alytic stroke in 'Idanha where he had Monday, and the fire department was then the freshmen, by scores of 46 to gion to be cleared. They reported it* derivative* will be supplied, free and pavement in installments, usual- { been making his home for jome|< me. caller! to halt the blaze, which was 41 and 40 to 17, respectively. that only a smal part of the area is of charge to all in need of them. fanned by a high wind. ly over a ten or 20 year period. He had lived in nearly all the town< The junior* ami freshmen played pra ticab'e for the use of big equip For Mill City a chairman had not Pavement and curbing on any one I in the Canyon during his 70 years. Ila M?y Albright was operated on 1 off their tie Tuesday with th’ latter ment and that most of it would be yet been chosen, but Mr*. Frank Bla- 50 foot lot—that is, to the middle He is survived by his wife. A ina | zek, pres <lent of the Firemen'» Aux for appendicitis last week in a Salem winning 30 to 26 to win second place. a “hand show." of the street, should not cost more 1 Carter, and son William. In basketball a tournament already iliary, wa* to call a meeting thi* hospital. She returned home Wed than $200 or $300. Spread over a was under way. with the freshmen DETROIT GETS 2 BUSINESSES week on possible sponsorship of that nesday. ten-year pel od, the cost would be beating the sophomores, 30 to 12. Two new business establishments orgaoization of the Red Cross drive. M's. J O. Herron was operated on were to start. slight, and the value of the property Certainly the council would offer last week in Salem Memorial Hos and the juniors topping^ the seniors will »pen in Detroit in the near fut would be greatly inhance-1. 25 to 13. ure. RIDERS GET RODEO BID At least a complete block would all aid and encouragement to those pital. Pat Herron, who is atending Filing with the Marion County clerk Next intramural games will be on The Hantiam Riders received an school in PorfTan 1. was home for the have to be undertaken at any one who wanted paving, and there’s some Friday afternoon. The ping pong at Salem last week for as tied bus- invitation this week to pa: tierpate in week end to see Ms mother equipment already on hand to help. time. X, Lois Hart is again confined to her tournament is well on its way with iness name certificate* were: Donald the -econd annual trail ride spon The next few years, while Mill We’re offering a prize, the envy I the second round of play about to and Edith Striggow for the Santiam sored by the St. Paul Rodeo Assn, home with a sever cold. City is enjoying the benefits of vast of the rest of the town, to the first start. _ Sheet Metal Shop; and Max J. Kol- I as a preliminary feature to its July Mrs. Lois Walker is now waking neighborhood that st irts in paving. federal expenditures, is the time to -... iver, Santiam Supply, dealing in el- 4 week «id wild west show. at the Bank Cafe. do the job. which will pay off in terms It’s just a guess, but we’ll venture Mr and Mrs. W. B Shuey enter-ectrical, plumb ng and heating sup f The trail ride will^Be Sunday. July Mrs. Ernest Brown has returned to that most of the town would follow of thousands of dollars in increased tained officer* of the Eastern Star plies. I ', over a riverside route. her job at 0>e Mill City Bakery. property values. suit if one group of property owners Bonneviille Seeks Bidders On Lyons-Detroit Power Line Freres-Frank’s New Mill in Lyons Opens Fire and Snow Old Horne Week Loss $50,000 AtBreitenbush Loggers Form Clearing Firm Garden Club Plan To be Presented For Reservoir Red Cross Drive Gets Under Way I