The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949, February 17, 1949, Image 6

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Practical Pretties
WANT LIVE RABBIT» 4 lbs. up, rab­
bit skins, hides, wool, mohair, cas-
cara. live poultry. Buby & Company,
935 S. W. Front, Portland. Oregon.
Farm Outlook Bright
For Coming 5 Years
MBLODIEB written
poem. Bring or send poems to A.
»•■tall, 8725 lit, M- W., S««ttl« 7,
Federal Economists Show
Optimism in Forecasts
In spite of some recent declines
in farm prices, agricultural econ­
omists of the U. S. department of
agriculture took an optimistic point
of view at their recent outlook con­
ference in Washington, D. C. In
the past, these economists have
confined their estimates of the out­
look to the coming 12 months. This
time they tried to look five years
ahead. And, they decided that
things look fairly good for the farm­
er for that long.
Of course, they made two basis
assumptions that some people still
are a little doubtful about—-that a
stable peace will be established and
that there will be no serious de­
WE HAVE additional capacity for
kiln drying, resawing, planing and
lumber run to pattern. Salem Box
Company, Salem, Or«. Ph. 39189.
1947 liODBL 2-umt De La
milking machine. Complete >250.
E. A. Tiffany, Bt. 1, Box 225,
Camas, Washington.
Q. I. TRUCK PARTS—Mow and Used.
Tacoma, Washingion
Ph. Garland 4282
Ft K8, Deer, Elk, Cow end other skins
tanned, made into Coats, Gloves, etc., to
your measure by oldest established manu­
facturer in West. Also buy hides.
1117 N.W . 19th Ave.
Portland, Ore.
GOOD DIESEL engines, General Motors, six
cvl.. 225 hp , left hand. Price 8750 to *95<’.
Coronado. Calif.
Henley 3-4M5.
FRI’IT TREES, shade trees, evergreens,
shrubs, roses, berries, vines, etc. We grow
hundreds of acres of nursery stock and fruit.
You can grow your own fruit with pleasure
and profit. Properly planted ornamentals add
charm and value to your home. Write for
free color catalog.
Wenatchee, Washington.
Established HMM
\ \ 7 ANT to perk up your kitchen?
Make these gay potholders
and oven mitts of bright scraps.
They are big bazaar or gift items
Pretty potholders and mltta for heavy
duty! Pattern 510; transfer of four pot­
holders and two oven mitts
Our Improved pattern makes needle­
work so simple with its charts, photos
and concise directions.
(See Recipes Below)
Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept.
M4 W. Randolph st. Chlcaso SO, III
Endosa 20 cents for pattern.
Relieve - t “
Chest Colds
Into upper bron­
chial tube* with
special soothing
medicinal vapor*.
chest, throat and
back surfaces like
» warmine, com»
forting poultice.
At bedtime rub throat, chest
and back with Vicks VapoRub.
Relief-bringing action starts
instantly ... 2 waus at once!
And It keeps up this special
Penetrating - Stimulating ac­
tion for hours a
in the night to \/IUr\U
bring relief. > V apo R ub
America’s economic boom con­
tinues as buying power outpaces
pression. If time should prove them
wrong about one of the two, the
effect may be drastic. And they
hasten to point out that these are
assumption, not predictions.
They then go on to point out that
the population will increase be­
tween one and two million persons
a year until 1952; that industrial
output per worker will increase,
and that yields per acre and per
livestock unit probably also will
High incomes for industrial work­
ers will mean a steady market for
foodstuffs and clothing. High yield
per worker might mean more
stable prices for industrial goods.
Higher yields per acre and per an-
nima) unit will mean more economi­
cal production for the farmer.
All in all, this shapes up to just
about the kind of five-year period
that the farmers themselves would
like to enjoy. High production at
fair prices means a break for pro­
ducers and consumers — a square
deal for both.
Battle Against Aftosa
See how
SCOTT S helps
build you up!
If you feel run down,
and cold« hang on —
maybe you don't eet
enough natural All)
Vitamin food. Then try good-tint in«
Soot t o Emulsion the HIGH ENERGY
FOOD roNlt ' See how ><.u
btffill to get )<>ur etrength
back I How you can fight off
colda I Scott’s la a “gold mine"
of natural A AD Vitamin* and
«•nrnry-bui.diag natural oil.
Easy t.> take EeoiuMsleal Huy
today at your drug »tore.
MORI than |u>t ■ tonic —
it' i powerful nourishment!
SORETONE Liniment’«
Heating Pad Action
Gives Quick Relief!
* hen fatigue exposure put misery in musdev ten
(torn and bai.ii relieve such symptom* quukly
• uh the liniment specially made for this purpose
Soretom I iniment contains effective rubefa
cient ingredients that eel like glowing warmth
from a heating pad Helps attract fresh surface
blood supply
Soretone is m a class by itself Fast, gentle,
satisfying relief assured or price refunded Sk
f conomy sire $1 00
Try Soretone for Athlete's Foot Kills ad 5
type* of common fungi - on contact'
How To Relieve
Creomultixa relient promptly b«xauM
U goe, righi tu th* Mal »I th« trvubl*
to help loosen and exp*l g«rm laden
phlegm and aid natura to soothe and
heal raw, lander, inflamed bronchial
mu< out membranet.Tell vour dmagiti
to tell you a botila of Craomultton
with the understanding you nun like
the way it qui.kly aliava the cough
ot vou are to have your money hack.
for Coughs ChctfCold« Bronchiti
STAR well drilling ma< hin« on
White truck. Complete with 6” and
8" tools. First class condition. S. W.
lnrrui, Bt. 8. Box 802, Anburn,
In a drive to stamp out aftosa
(foot and mouth disease) from
Mexico in two years, a joint U. S.-
Mexico commission has under­
taken the job of vaccinating from
eight to 10 million cattle in the
affected area by the end of 1919.
Trained teams go ahead of the
nine teams of vaccinators to
preach the benefits ot vaccination
and convince the sometimes ig­
norant cattle owners that vaccina-
lion is the only alternative to
By the end of l‘M9 the program
will have cost approximately >0
million dollars. It includes five
points: constant inspection, dis­
infection. eradication, vaccina­
tion and quarantine.
The vaccination process itself
is simple. A needle of the vaccine
is shot into the animal and that's
all there Is to it. It will take from
eight to 10 million shots to com­
plete the job. The vaccine pro­
tects for six months.
ONE OF THE biggest services
which any homemaker can give her
family is to feed them a good, sub­
stantial breakfast to get them off to
work and school with proper spirit.
This is the best way—at least to my
knowledge—of preventing that mid­
morning lag in energy as well as
having the mind razor sharp
whether you apply yourself at a
school desk, sit in an office or work
In the barn, fields or your own
A good breakfast need not be
elaborate to serve its purpose. Start
off with a simple pattern including
fruit, cereal and milk and you can
be well fed.
Naturally if you want more, there
are any number of foods to be
added. Too, there’s no need to feel
that breakfasts can’t have variety.
You can vary fruit and cereal daily,
while eggs, breakfast meats and hot
breads have infinite variety.
If mother will start fragrant odors
in the kitchen when the family is
scheduled to hear the alarm clock,
this will help keep them interested
in completing the process and get
them down to a good breakfast.
FOR THOSE of you who depend
upon the oven to take the chill out
of the house in the morning, here
are some splendid, quick-to-mix hot
breads for breakfast or any other
Honey Nut Bran Muffins
(Makes 16 large muffins)
14 cup honey
1 cup flour
** teaspoon soda
teaspoon salt
teaspoon baking powder
cups bran
tablespoon melted butter
cups milk
cup walnuts, chopped fine
Sift together flour, soda, salt and
baking powder. Mix with bran and
add other ingredients. Place in
greased muffin pans and bake in
a quick (425’ F.) oven for 25 to 30
m inutes
Raisin Bran Muffins
(Makes 6 Muffins)
cup sifted flour
teaspoons double acting bak
Ing powder
teaspoon salt
tablespoons sugar
egg, well beaten
cup milk
tablespoons melted shorten­
cup raisin bran
Sift flour once, measure, add bak­
ing powder, salt and sugar; sift
again Combine egg and milk and
add to flour mixture. Add shorten­
ing, then mix only enough to damp­
en flour Fold in raisin bran. Turn
into greased muffin pans, filling
them 2/3 full. Bake in a hot
(425" F.) oven 25 minutes
Flake Gems
(Makes 12 muffins)
1 cup sifted flour
4 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 •Cl
i.j cup milk
4 tablespoons melted fat
2 cups corn flakes or wheat
Expert Urges Milk Cows
\<ld Variety
Be Taught ’Good Habits'
To Breakfast
Training your cows in good habit«
Orange toast is a delightful varia­
is most important to all dairymen, tion to serve for breakfast To make
according to a lead; rg dairy ape­ it, toast and butter bread, then
cialist. He lists the following rec- spread with a mixture of sugar and
commendations for more milk
grated orange rind which has been
greater profits and reduced ma,- moistened with orange j uice.
Flaked cereals are delicious if
Keep cows und stuib.d, «tn: ulata heated in a shallow pan. dotted with
milk letdown one minute before butter
milking begins, operate milking sugar, and sprinkled with brown
machine according to manufac­ just a Heat in a moderate oven for
few minutes and serve at
turer's directions.
Orange Juice
Cooked farina with raisins
•Honey Kuchen
•Recipe Given
Sift together flour, sugar, salt and
baking powder. Beat egg until light,
add milk then stir in dry ingre­
dients, being careful not to overmix.
Add slightly cooled fat and stir just
enough to mix ingredients. Care­
fully fold in corn flakes. Fill
greased muffin pans, 2 inches in
diameter, 2/3 full. Bake in a moder­
ately hot (400° F.) oven about 20 to
25 minutes.
Honey Kuchen
(Makes 1 square)
M cup brown sugar
teaspoon cinnamon
teaspoon nutmeg
2 tablespoons butter
M cup bran or wheat flakes
% cup sifted flour
214 teaspoons baking powder
>< teaspoon salt
14 cup milk
cup honey
1 egg
3 tablespoons melted fat
1'4 cups bran or wheat flakes
Sift together flour, baking pow­
der, salt. Combine milk, honey well-
beaten egg and add to flour mix­
ture. Add fat mixing only enough
to combine. Fold in flakes. Place
into a greased pan 8x8x2 inches,
Sprinkle topping over batter. Bake
in a moderately hot (400’ F.) oven
25 minutes.
• ♦ •
ANOTHER WAY to include cereal
in the menu is to cook, chill and
fry it. This may be served with
fruit or breakfast meat or with
syrup It’s a hearty, tasty dish.
Fried Wheat-Meal
(Serves 6)
teaspoon salt
2»i cups boiling water
•4 cup wheat meal
Add salt to boiling water in the
saucepan. Add cereal slowly, stir­
ring constantly. Bring to a boil and
cook 3 minutes, stirring constantly.
Pour into cold, wet mold. Let stand
overnight, or until cold and firm.
Turn from pan. Slice into 3/8-inch
slices, and saute in a small amount
of fat, turning to brown both sides.
Serve with maple-flavored syrup.
(Leftover cooked wheat-meal may
be used in this way.)
Fried Wheat-Meal with Fruit: Add
cup seedless raisins, chopped
dates or chopped figs to the cooked
cereal before turning into mold.
Fried Wheat-Meal with Apples:
Add * l r * cup apples, peeled and cut
in H-inch pieces to cooked wheat­
meal before turning into mold.
Either of the above are excellent
when served with sausages, pre­
pared this way: lay pork patties or
links in a cold frying pan and fry
slowly for 12-15 minutes, turning
occasionally with 2 forks or a spa­
tula, being careful not to puncture
the casing. Four off fat as it ac­
cumulates. Serve the fat for sea
soning vegetables, frying eggs
potatoes. French toast or for mak
ing sauces of gravies.
DAIRY FARM—30 acres, 20 plowed, 10
light brush. New barn 32x40, easily
made grade A. 2 bedrooms, mod.,
firepl. Deep well. Good location.
313,000—down. Write or eall
Calef B. B., Bt. 5, Bx 1180, Van­
couver, Wash. Ph. 7531-B1.
FOR SALE—’48 Ford tractor, extra
trans., duals; ’44 Ford Ferguson
tractor, extra trans ; ’48 New Hol­
land baler with brakes; ’45, 52-R
combine 5 ft. Almost complete line
good farm equipment. Approx. 200
T hay and straw, special price if
entire tonnage taken. Have sold
farm, must sell all equipment and
supplies. Six miles east Washougal.
W. J. Bwlng, Jr., Bt. 1, Box 630,
Washougal, Wash.
ATTENTION Poultrymen and broiler
growers. Available for immediate
and regular delivery 10,000 New’
Hampshire cockerels, day old, pul-
lorum tested stock. Write or wire
for price
Hoksbergen Hatchery,
Lynden, Wash.
TIRE ItBCAPPIN’G * Repair buei-
nest in booming Springfield Or.
Is,500. New equipment. Nat’L Iran-
chia- Owner will teach amt assist
purchaser. Write Phil W*naL OK
Mubbsr Welder,, aou W. 8th Bt.,
■ ages«, Or.
ONE complete sawmill, electrical hook­
up. Have ¡>00,000 it ft. ot timber
accessible with roads and bridge*,
also CMC 6x0 truck Grosses 14000
■ ox 751, X.lvtng*toa. Mont.
CAFE—Seats 22. Hunters. Fisher­
men, tourists. Also good local busi­
ness. Money-maker for tw >
381 or Ph. 141, Stanwood, With.
FOR SALE—Fully equipped garage
and three-pump service station, Tex.
aco. Firestone. Kaiser-Frazer fran­
chise. Four furnished apartment*
over station. Good location near
Hungry Horse dam. D. K. Kendall,
Box 484, Whitefish, Wash.
12 units on hlway 91*. plus modern liv­
ing quarters. Room for additional
units. Central heating plant, elec,
ranges and refrlg. Large Income.
O'Donnell B*alty. Baaltor*. 453,
Booaevelt Way. Seattle 5, Waahlng-
ton. Owner*! if **lling contact n*.
FOR SALE—A neighborhood grocery.
All equipped and stocked. Al*o lovely
2-bedroom apt. In fa»t growing
town of Newport. Oregon, on Coast.
Offered at a sacrifice as owner has
poor health. Irene B. Jon**
1358. Newport, Or*.
L'KC registered American black and
tan coonhound pups, born Sept 15.
Tapers at purchase. Write R A.
Welsh. Box 507, at*v*n*on. Wash.
BLUE AUSTRALIAN shepherd cat­
tle and sheep dogs. Natural heelers.
Guaranteed Shipments
Entiat. Wa,k.
strawberry plants, 100—53.25, 500—
raspberry plants. 100—56.75. 1000—
545.00. Lawrence, Red Haven and
Veteran peach trees, 51.00 each.
Postpaid. Write for quantity prices.
Box 194, Centralia, Wash.
duty. 24-bed doctor's hospital, start
51.12)4-51.17^ hour. Blma G«n*ral
Hospital. Elma, Washington.
30 ACRES springs, timber, buildings,
good road W. I*. Coop«r, Boat« 2,
Arlington, Wash.
For any good property as part payment,
new 2-story, full bsmt , 5 bdrms, and 1 bd­
rm. in basement, with space for 2 more
bdrms, in bsmt, if desired. 2 firepls. with
heating units built in. No. 1 oak floors, insul.,
Venetian blinds, 3 sets of plumbing, partly
fur., rental of bsmt, should make pymts. on
loan. Dbl. garage. 15 min. bus stop in front.
Will sell for less than cost to build it.
361 1«TH
Buy U. S. Savings Bonds!
Let the Ads Guide
You When Shopping
Hungarian Partridge
This European game bird was
brought to this country in the early
1900’s in large numbers for stock-
ing purposes. Between 1900 and
1909 nearly 50,000 birds were lib­
erated, principally in the north­
eastern states. The “hunkie,” as
he is commonly called, is slightly
larger than our “bob-white” quail.
TD 14 wide gauge tractor—Isaacson
’dozer—Carco drum—all guards. Ex­
cel. cond. Chet Hay«, Yachats, Ore­
gon. Phone 1502.
TO RENT or buy—40 a. or more.
Dairy or diversified farm. Prefer
irrigation Write Bt. 2, Box 76O-O,
Kelso, Wash.
J/ ul (ß&At QnvßAhmnL
(ßm^ and. Hold l/owc
'll. 5. Savings. ßondA.
Handy Bottle of Vinegar
Many homemakers like the idea
of keeping a bottle of vinegar on
hand with several cloves of garlic
•nd a few pods of red peppers in
it. Such vinegar is particularly
pleasing in flavor when used in
making mayonnaise or french
dressing for vegetable salads, and
is delicious too when poured over
a roast of lamb or beef.
Washington Monument
Cornerstone of the Washington
monument was laid on July 4. 1848.
The famous obelisk rests on a stone
20 feet or more underground at the
base of the monument's original
foundations. The stone was taken
from a Baltimore quarry. The shaft
is 555 feet high.
Shade for Birds
Framework made of poles and
covered with palmetto leaves will
provide good shade for birds on
farms where natural shade of trees
and other growth is not available.
Shade end plenty of clean fresh
water are essential for flocks in hot
Stove Spots
Spots and stains will appear on
the stove enamel. To clean away,
dampen a clean cloth, dip into
soda and rub vigorously. You can
keep your stove shining this way.
Chinese Pheasant
The pheasant is a native of the
orient A thousand years before the
Christian era the Chinese were
using them for food and sport.
Cooking Cheese
Ovtrcooked cheese ia lumpy,
stringy and tough. To avoid over­
cooking, keep the temperature
Laying House
Lack of enough feeding and wa­
tering space in the laying house
will result in more culls, and low­
ered production.
Heat Conservation
Loose-fitting windows and doors
need weather stripping to make
them tight against drafts and h«at
leakage. Metal weather stripping of
either the flat type or the inter­
locking type gives the best and
longest service.
Iron Safely
It's a good thing to study the way
you iron to be sure you’re doing it
safely. Provide a fire-proof cover
for your ironing board. And always
disconnect the wall plug before an-
twering phone or doorbell.
Location of Study Lamp
To avoid shadows on work when
children are studying, place the
•tudy lamp at the left of those who
are right-handed and to the right
for the left-hander,.
Bed Facts
Average double bed is only 54
inches wide, while twin beds are
each 39 inches wide, a total of 78
inches, or 12 inches more per
Something to Remember
A wooden match stick dipped In
ink is an excellent substitute for a
pen in addressing parcels; it not
only saves the pen, but makes the
writing bolder and clearer.
Sandwich Spread
Mix cream cheese with chopped
green peppers, prepared hone­
radish and little mayonnaise for a
delicious sandwich spread.
Tree-Ripened Fruits
Best fruits for canning are those
that are tree-ripened. Unripe fruit,
•re low in flavor and hav* a hard
Turkey's Preference
Tests have shown that turkey,
prefer ladino clover to bluegras,
a d several other common tutor e
Released by WNU Feature*
Cinnamon toast made this way is
delicious toast and butter bread,
then sprinkle with brown sugar and
cinnamon and broil until bubbly.
For maple toast, make as cmna
mon toast, substituting shavings of
maple sugar for cirtnamon-sugar
mixture; broil.
Dried fruits, cut and added to any
of the cooked cereals, then served
with brown sugar and rich milk
provide an interesting dish.
Leftover dinner muffins ma y be
served for breakfast if split and
buttered, then toasted.
the 96 NEW
refrigerators in ­
stalled IN THE U.S.
/ a may supersede