U AB Y H. ^49 « 0RC !"♦«• for them. "We jest figgered to camp h«re while Pa was workin’ yonder,” Ma explained “Hope you don’t mind. 1 always hate to see a feller with a natural-lookin’ face trit into tiouble with Pa. It always changes a feller and take anything away that was FOREST PROPERTY RIGHTS to." I loose or which could be dug up or They were good Christian folks. Sixteen years back I gave up a 62- cut down. No evil was meant. The custom of acre stump ranch, one into which I’d There were »word ferns, for ex­ put years of savings from green­ ample, the biggest and greenest I’ve the country was be ig followed. That chain labor and logging. I let it go ever seen anywhere. And a number was to make free"with any unoccu­ for taxes. One leason was that just i of cascara trees among the giant el­ pied property out in the woods. When about everybody who came along felt ders along the river. People went in another neighbor made free to use free to enter and use the place at Will | there regularly and—uh — boi rowed my ranch as calf pasture, I did not venture a murmur. ‘ the bark. I took care not to show up I Ji nd while they were doing it. Among Lost If I had valued the land and what these here shootin’ Tarheels, I’m a was on it in the light of today’s val­ LADIES A < HILDKEN'N yellow coward. ues, I’d have put up a fight for my You may not believe this one, but American citizen’s property rights DRESSES if put to it I can p.ove it. The sum- there. Butmy personal situation was the one who can make the most out r mer was that of 1926—or maybe such that I could do nothing to real­ of cascara <» Unusual Cards HALLMARK " CARDS for birthdays. anniversaries HALLMARK rr CARDS and birth congratulations I IIALL/AARK T1 CARDS IALLMARK 11 CARDS Salem Welding Supply Edward Williams 330 Court SALEM IffiiiMam You will find « urwl» or« of ’unity ». wix otturi wfM-n Real Estate & Insurance Jtraks, ehops, French fries, chili STAYTON Subvert»« na •hit 8F»cle' "get* acquainted et et "I •*<•*•••• SI IL » ’u • Trade ’h» Chg < Norway Strict tutor i j. Mu> X. I I I «...♦■»<■• ♦ Man* tot »i » .'>>« Nam»__ <>,«,’. n« ith ,..,j ., J, FOOTPft . SANDS er TIME *■"•____ Slot« MHAT IS \ 11'KER'S DOZEN? F ihrow in something extra. «*•» 415 Tim«» HJ g Fu» fir id 4 Ur» I OO; r> /« t'i« ' er' of th« Ch i c i It • I c, -• »Pt -i -n In ftnrfir j hungry fellow m«n abroad, and in rehabilitating di«- rup ?d l»v •1. I contribute herewith $ in cosh. Fea.ei e my g.ft through the following ogency or church ] Catbo'ic Liol L4e, L Chvrch W oh J »ice, . Lun e ui d tel ef, or Your Old Furniture for New We anticipat a brisk trade in used furnitures when the dam gets going. Why not ret rid of your old »tuff NOW? » s Adirai« Ci Sta*« J 'TSMHlGffSTREET Mill City Furniture Co