ft O- F HE POESY V ano puts light on . to TURN LIGHT ON MOTHERS relief Are you going through the func­ tional ’middle age’ period peculiar to women (38 to 52 yrs.) ? Docs thia make you suffer from hot Hashes, feel ro nervous, hlghstrung tired? Then do try Lydia E. Pn.lcham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Pinkhams Compound also has what Doctors call a sto­ machic tonic rffe” BACK HOME AGAIN CHEST-COtP * Don't let coughing wrack his chest—rub on time-proved MtntMdtHm. See how quickly Mentholatum's famous com­ bination of menthol, camphor and other ingredients help les­ sen congestion without burn­ ing tender skin. Its soothing vapors comfort inflamed bronchial passages, eass coughing spasms. 3 5« and 75<. New towels should be laundered before use for better absorbency and sanitation. vw Miß can a cÿareiïe be? By Ed Dodd I LEARNED THE V LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S WNU-13 f HAS YOUR DOCTOR SAID:^ “REDUCE SMOKING”? 06—49 Watch Your Kidney^/ '30 DAYS ? IVE ANSWER TO SMOKED CAMELS THAT WHEN I MADE THE CAME L^ FOR YEARS. I KNOW THEYfef 30-DAY TEST— MILD-AND THAT CAMELS ARE MILD! RICH, FULL FLAVOR IS GREAT? Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Wante Tour kldaerv are eonetantly filtering sraete matter from the blood itream. But kidney* eometlmee lag la their work—do not art aa Nature Intended—fail to re­ mora Impunti«« that, if retained, may polaon the eyetem and upeet the whole body machinery. Symptom* may be nagging backache, pervie?«!t headache, attack« of diuineea, getting up mghta, «welling, puAaeea under the eyeo—a feel.ng of nerroua anxiety and loaa of pep and strength. Other eigne of kidney or bladder die* order are eometimea burning, veanty or too f-equant urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment a wieer than neglee* Ute Deen • PilU. Doew’« hare been winning new friend« for more than forty years. They bare a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the country ever. Aak peer eeigMorf_______ D oans P ills In a recent test of hundreds of people who smoked only Camels foe 30 days, noted throat specialists, making weekly examinations, reported NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION du« to »molting CAMELS I