’JL19t2, « Mrs. Mike Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Doc Mrs. u. i> Gchaer, who i.iriuaatd ast repc rt: he is much better. Jungwirth, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lam­ ice cream, and their mothers who Hrs. Don Scanner is in Salem vis- . bert, Pete Jungwirth and Mr. and baked bi.'hday cakes. Thu students itiug at the home of her son, Robert MHI City, Oregon. Hr EVA HK EH KL EK were Ronald Knapp, Edward Bishop Boaz, and family She will remain ! Mrs. John Jungwiith, all of Lyons. Charles Wolverton, Editor and Publisher Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber and -n George Rambo. until the snow and bad weather here Mrs. John Jungwirth was hoste- are over. for the meeting of the Altar Sock y little son Dennis spent several days Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager Members of the Gates Women’s last week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Cole and tit her home. The afternoon was . i. __ .ni Club have received an invitation in making plans and working for the Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mulkey of Sil­ iron» the Mehama W’omen’s Club to daughter Jo Ann of V. aidport spent Entered as second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, verton. the week end at the home of his par- Or4(i!on Jnder Act of March 3, 1379. bazaar. Plans were made for a St. Mr. and Mis. Bob Romine left Sat­ be their guests .Tuesday evening, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Buriel Cole. Bur­ ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Patrie’s party. Present were M r s • urday for Dea Moines, la., where she Feb. 22, in Mehama at the clubhouse, dette Cole, wife and new baby re- , Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and dames Fred Lindemann, Pat Lyory, was called by the serious illness of at 8 o’clock. Transportation will be turned to their home in Mill City those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the “Too Late to Classify” Philip Pietrok, Clarence Jungwirth, provided and any number wishing to after spending a week at the Cole sectfOn. her mother and sister. Francis Jungwirth, Merrill Bras.- attend should contact Mis. Joe Joa­ home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooch Sr. spent Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not field, Paul Gerath, Sam Bridges, Lou quin, secretary. the week end in Lebanon at the home Mrs. Chris Knutson has been visit­ be responsible for more than one ^correct insertion. Doerfler, Doc Jungwirth, Fathed of their son, Fred, Jr., and family, ing friends and relatives in Poitland i CLASSIFIED RATE Schneider and the hostess. The Gates Women's Club met in for the past week. and celebrated their 53rd wedding One insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1.00. Display advertising 40c inch , regular session Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Tumidge were Faith Rebekah lodge held its meet­ anniversary. Mi. and Mrs. John Neal wept to j in the social rooms of the high school guests of Mrs. Eva Sylvester at her ing at the hull) with the following Th« te.-ses, Mrs. William Athey home in Lebanon Sunday. x * z 0 R E Gio Gjo-pN LW( StPjty1 E 1 R N VI LW. officers in the chairs: Helen MiClurg, Scio Sunday to attend the 60th wed- ' and Mrs. Joe Joaquin, served a des­ ding anniversary of her parents, Mr. Mrs. Glen Hcnness and son Keith OCÁATIOM noble giand, Frances McCarley, vice PlJBLIS sert luncheon to the six membeis at­ ■weie business visitors in Corvallis grand, Garnett Bassett, secretary, and Mrs. Geoge Westenhouse. tending. Following a short business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and and Beulah Lewis, treasurer. Follow­ { meeting with Mrs. Elmer Stewart Local Hig School teachers attend- ' Jting her son, Lowell Stiffler, and morning at 10. ing the regular routine, Alta Bode- son Cecil were Sunday guests at the | pre-iding, the remainder of the af­ ed the Marion County teachers in- family for a few days. ker, good of the order chairman, read home of their son, Dale, and his wife Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Faust were in ternoon was spent informally. Miss stitute in Salem Thursday and Fri- f The American Legion will meet a letter of suggestions on ways of in Corvallis. Noima Jean and Lorena Albany last Wednesday. Eleanor Ti indie, of Salem, represent- day of last week. June Devine of Gates went with them Thursday evening at the church re- making money and other ideas. Anna Mr. and Mrs. James Houston and Mrs. Mabel Farrell of White, S. ' ing the Home Extension Unit, who creation building. B. Julian gave an interesting talk on Miss Daisy Hendricson were in Sa­ was scheduled to speak on the selec­ Dak., visited at the home of Mrs. The Predbyteiian Missionary Soci­ lem Wednesday. their trip east. At the social hour tion of china postponed her talk un­ ety will meet at the R. L. Faust res­ the committee, Helen McClurg, Car Minnie Smith. Mrs. Farrell and Mrs. til such a time that the weather idence Wednesday, Feb. 23. rie Naue and Alta Bodeker, entei- | ; Smith went to Salem Sunday to vis- would permit a larger attendance. ’ it other friends fiom South Dakota. Dr. David J. Ferguson attended twined with a Valentine party. Re- 1 By CHARLES DE SULLY Th^ club will sponsor a commun­ Mrs. Floyd Bassett entertained in Presbytery in Albany Tuesday. freshments were served at the close was To Mr. and Mrs. McKinney ity no-host dinner the evening of of the meeting with the tai'les de­ honor of their son, Cecil, on his 12th The executive board of the PT A born a son, 8 pounds, 15 ounces, at birthday. Covers were laid for Car­ February 24 at the schoolhouse. met at the home of Mrs. Robert Ve- corated in the Valentine motif. A fi ion Uy place to meet a Salem Hospital. Those present Thursday were Miss roll, Shirley and George Johnston, neas Wednesday. Mis. McKinm y is doing well and Trindle, Miss Georgia Shane,. Mrs. and eat. John Jungwirth was surprised Sat­ Iceland Humphries, Mr. and Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Teeters have will be home shortly. Velma Carey, Mrs. Laura Joaquin, Bassett and Cecil. urday evening when a gioup of re­ Rain coming on Wednesday and been ill with colds the past two weeks School took up again Monday in Mrs. Elmer Stewart, and the hos­ latives and friends gathered to help Mrs. Olie Green is ill with pneu­ the sinking of the snow certainly him celebrate his birthday anniver­ Lyons district, No. 29J after a week tesses, Mrs. Joaquin and Mis. Athey. was a welcome sight. It turned out monia at the home of her daughter, sary. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Bill of closing due to the deep snow and Mrs. John A. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Tilmon Raines were since it was too good to last. Porter of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Hen teachers institute Thursday and Fri- Air mail postcards are now avail­ Michael Howland had a nasty cut happily surprized Sunday when their day. Information ('enter. ry Jungwirth of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. able at the postoffice for four cents. on the back of his head caused when Mr. and Mrs. Sid Thomson re- cnildren and families came to their Lou Doerfler of Mehama, Mr. and Mrs. Gertrude Mason returned on Detroit, Oregon 'he was playing on a swing. After Mrs. Craire Thomas of Jordan, M I 8. turned from- Seattle the first of the home with a large turkey and all first aid at Idanha he was taken to Friday from Harrisburg where she 24 hour- a day Edith Missler of Stayton, Mr. and week. Thorson is swyer at the Mt. the fixin's foi a dinner honoring Mr. the doctor to hav^ stitches put in. had spent a month with her son, Ar­ and Mrs. Raines on the 25th anniver­ Mrs. Clarence Jungwirth, Mr. and Jefferson Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Girod and boys thur ,and family. On her return she Sunday dinner guests at the home sary of their marriage. They were Mrs. Fiancis Jungwirth, Mr. and of Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Lindemann also present a silver service for eight have gone for a two weeks vacation visited Mr. and Mrs. George Mason . of Rickreall. were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill and son Tnose pi esent were Tilmon Ra.nes Jr. in California. D W. Reid MD k Mrs. D. B. Hill returned from Sa­ Mis. Lee Thorton is very efficient­ Bl W i'1 of Mill City and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cline and son, PI IYSICIAN & SURGEON I? Mrs. Bert Lyons. and William' Okerman. ail of Sweet ly helping in the store while they are lem where she had been staying for 1 medical treatment. Home, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cline and away. Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harris spent son, house guests at the Raines home the week end in Portland and Hills- Mr. and Mrs. Ju ^T'^kepfer Septic Tanka Cleaned boro. three children from Coon Hollow, and Tanks priced $12 50 and up, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blazek had were the honoied couple. Valentine parties and boxes and Electric Roto-Rooter Sew­ dinner Saturday with Mrä. Addie Mrs. Virgil Cribbs gave an aftei- Guests at the home of Mr. and held in each of the different rooms er Service. No digging. Ne Wells. school Valentine party at her home after ­ ’ .Mrs. Riley Champ were her son in the grade sfhool Monday and nut. Elder Verne Lee of Sweet Home noon. In the fifth and sixth grades family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Humph­ for Larry and Sharyn, and their Phone 3-9468 or 3-5327.......... is replacing Elder Fumell in the Lat­ and re- occur- friends. Games were played reys and son and Earl Humphreys, the students whose birthdays Rea. 107* Elm St, W. Salen, freshments served. Children attend- ter Day Saints Church. Mr. Fumell red in January and Febiuary were all of Toledo. especially honored by their teacher, Mrs. Edward Teitze who has been ing were Carol an Shirley Veness, has gone to Arlington Wash., Mr. in Poitland at the home of her daugh Shereen and Craig Muir, Lincoln and Lee is a resident of New Mexico and HOWARD CORSET SIKH’ » ter, Mrs. Scott Lindsey, for several Jefferson Wolvetton, Rodney Syver- was doing missionary work in Sweet weeks, has reteued home. Her health son and the host and hostess. Assist­ Home. FOUNDATION GARMENTS The church membership has grown is reported to be much imprAr I fol­ ing Mrs. Cribbs was her mother, Mrs Spe cial Attention Given to Fittings to 65 or 70 since it started. Seivices Arnold Syverson. lowing medical treatment in Poit ­ Hosiery Linger -ie -Dreeses-Smocks land. Mr. and Mrs. Arey Podiabsky, Mr. are held in Odd Fellows Hall Sunday 131 High St. Salem Ph. 40.12 Bill Hutchinson, Lyons, Kt. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap were and Mrs. Albert Toman, Mr. and Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. George Veteto and Mr. and Mrs. LICENSED Mrs. Rosa Daly in Mill City. The din­ Robert Veness were Mill City cou­ ner waes in observance of the birth­ ples attending the folk dance meet­ day anniversaiy of her son-in-law, ing in Scio Sunday afternoon. They will participate in the Folk Dance Wilbur Meinert. ATTORNEYS AT LAW There has been much sickness here Festival naxt Sunday in Portland, $1 per month and up Itayton 324 during the past week, colds and flu, sponsored by the International Folk Also ner ving Gates and Lyons 'he result of the continued cold wea- Dancers and the Bureau of Parks. ‘ther. Brush Those Tears From Your * Blacksmithing MILL CITY 50 venta in city Vernon Todd, superintendent of Mrs. Steve Champ and daughter * Welding DISPOSAL SERVICE 15 cents per road I ila have both ,bee,i seriously HI at schools, sprained his ankle playing * Logging anil Sawmill ■aile outside Phone 2102 their homt from a sinus infection. basketball over the weekend . Repairing. LEONARD HERMAN Mrs. Harold Wilson is recovering Mrs. L. E. Stiffler of Salem is vis- Mill City Ta i Service from an attack of the flu wluch has BLOCK WEST OF THEATER ’kept her confined to her home fore Phone 2602 I some time. Gilbert Brosig was taken suddenly One of Portland’s favorite wom­ ‘ f k R. M en’s apparel stores with branches I City made two trips during the day. inAlbany and Eugene announces the opening of a beautiful fash­ ion salon in Salem. I Kailes label is a guarantee of tailoring that imparts to qual­ ity garments distinctive fashions COME TO SALEM Bringing you up-to-the- I minute fashions in Suits COATS and DRESSES The Mill City Enterprise LYONS Idanha Arthurs Cafe Chicken in the Rough MIKE’S Septic Service (¡ates Mill City GARBAGE SERVICE ILA. Schroeder Repair Shop Grand Opening It’s “DAVENO DAZE” : Heart Disease is America's No. 1 Killer RAILES APPAREL SHOP Button and bowes shorty coat of Lorraine gabardine. All colors. at Elfstrom’s See our large selection of budget priced davenos and SAVE I I I » R. L. Elfstrom Co. Open your heart —GIVE to fight hear’ disease The Ori c>- i • A>,ociation ¡1 I.-* lunds ur­ gently needed for scien- tific research to reduce ana prevent needless loss of human life...by ♦ ght- ing heart disease This plea s ac'-liowcc, c YOU • • • con.ri.Ai < *.'i ously to h.i; « j. c ej Ones an.. >Osrsei from America s No 1 Killer— heart disease fflease send your contribution to Oregon Heaii Ass’n Parlor B Portland Hofei 310 Court «MK». SALEM Porfiaría Oregon <>an«rd nr or worsted boxy suit featuring cable stitching rorstman tweed two way coat, pleat in back, with or with- ut belt, in black, brown, aqua, e .or lime.