Serving the North .Santiam Valley The North Santiam’s Mill City Enterprise FEBRUARY 17. 1919 MILL CITY. OREGON'. THURSDAY. 12.00 A YEAR. $ CENTS A CSPY I I Looking Up Power Fails Mill City and Down For 20 Hour Stretch the Canyon Lyons, Mill City. Gates. Mongold, Detroit and Idanha AmateurActs Draw Crowd Congress Unit OKs A 20-hour power failure in Mill and the 1949-50 winter season is ex­ City last Thursday ail but paralyzed pected to bring much more serious business—except the sale of lamps problems of curtailment. More than 350 people filler the Mill The state ought to do something and candles. "But for the fact that water con­ C.ty Theatere Tuesday evening to as its share in helping get the De­ Food in local deep freeze un ts and ditions were unusually gotxi at the troit dam built. And its greatest con­ comme.cial lockers was endangered beginning of this winter’s cold spell, applaud ana thoioughly enjoy what tribution at this time would be to by the long power cutoff, but the it would have been necessary tliroug- may well become an annual Lions I fulfill is long-planned program of a I lockers at the Mill City Meat Mar­ out the “Pacific Northwest to make Club event the first amateur show ever sponsored for Canyon audiences. highway from Mill City into the Val­ ket held a temprature well below Contestants, filling 16 acts, ranged ley. freezing until the power finally was tn age from four and one-half to the The present Highway 222—a made resumed. LET THERE BE 1LGHT rocking chair stage, and were lound- over wagon trail—is ovei loaded and Muir’s Bakery was unable to bake, During the Thursday power bleak ly applauded for providing outstand­ inadequate even for the current traf­ because an electric oven is used. The fic. When the lumber industry gets M il City Theater did not open. The down people noticed an electr o light ing entertainment. An applause me­ into operation again it will have all Mill City Enterprise was late in pub­ burning in the Arey Podrabsky res­ ter determined the winners. Bob Fish Congress this week was doing its or of Salem was master of ceiemon­ it can handle, without the tremendous lishing for the first time in two and idence. part to place the Detroit Dam on a Several persons phoned, asking. ies. Mrs. Don Sheythe served as ac­ inter-Canyon tiavel that may be ex­ a half years. power producing basis by 1952, the “How come?” companist. aim of the Coips of Army Engin­ pected from the building of the dam. A House appropriations committee The power failure was «fused by Kirk Wirick, tenor, of Lyons, and ‘‘It’s because I’m a city council­ Added to this, the North Santiam a broken wire between Lyons and this week recommended a fund of eers. a senior at Mill City High School, highway is scheduled for competion Mill City. This caused an overload man,” Mr. Podrabsky told them. A house appr priations committee | It turned out that he had hooked won first prize of $25. Close behind about $7,500,090 for new transmis- by June except for surfacing, which of curient to be thrown into one in Washington recommended a sum . : ion lines in the Northwest. up a 6 volt, 50 watt lamp to a bat ­ were Noima and Lorena Devine of means that a new load of trans-Cas- transformer, burning Tt out. A set what the Engineers The recommended fund was a, de­ of $2,000,900 Gates, a sister act with accordians. cades trafile will begin to flow into of three larger ones were installed tery. ficiency apr opriation for the current -ought as a deficiency appropriation Lois Hart. Mill City seventh grader, I .or the current yeai ending June 30. the Canyon. and the powei’tL1 (Sil on about 2 a.m. won thirds rize for her short older year, until Jun 0. It included about The state has purchased right-of- Friday morning. I $’,000,000 for the Detroit-Goshen This brings the total for this year , much more drastic cuts in power use arristry. way for a relocated highway between (Eugene) line a 230 kv tower line, for the big North Santiam project to None of the adjacent communities 1 to *Nwagh the season. Mehama, Lyons, Mill City, Gates Mill City and Mehama. That portion were affected for such a'long time. I ‘‘There can be no real relief in the part of which is under construction about $5 4000,000, of which only a and Detroit were represented in the is e pecially vital to the transporta­ Lights were burning in Gates ami ! re*ion’s critical power situation until through the Canyon here. small part has been spent so fat this tion of heavy equipment to the De­ Lyons almost all day/and even the new n were Fred Gooch Deputy Sheriff Larry Wright said Ixtuis Ve.beck to lead a campaign national highway network. The fed­ sharp drop in temperature could Jr., A) Yankos, Charles and Walter Monday that several othei burglar­ for the cabin. eral government has done its part quickly create a new crisis.” Although two “cats” have been ' Walter H'dl. Stayton attor­ ies with similar telltale marks may­ Lawrence Kanoff, scoutma t r, led working regularly to plow snow from ney and Charles Wolverton, publish­ in hacking out a fine new road in Locally Curt Cline, manager, said > uc natAcu by further confessions of the demonstration which included em­ the SP tracks in the upper Canyon, er of the Enterprise. this Canyon. It’s up to the state to that the capacity of the transformer be cracked y l]t»> ergency first aid, artificial respira­ the locomotive sk d ied off the traik carry it into the valley and to the bank has been increased from 400 . A meet’ng will be held this Friday Burglaries cleareiL* A’ "by the ar­ tion. live win- precautions, ca.rying again Friday at the crossing by the in M . Bell’s office in Stayton at 7:30 coast. kilowatts to 600 kw following last • • • include those at the Hoge Klm- injured person, etc. Participating in veneer plant, near Idanha. Ray Wat­ n.m. to discuss the plan. All logging week’s interrupteel service. | * rest brough, Julian DeJardin and l’a u 1 the work were Richard Kanoff, See- kins took the crew to Mill City. Think of it, within a w|k we may, outfits, large and small, are urged The company stated that “users of have word that the great Detroit electricity are urged to avoid waste | Kirsch residences in Stayton, the ley Bennett, Le F >y Golden, Richard The Southern Pacific logging train to a’’end. dam' contract may have been award­ of power and to be alert to notice . Wayne Ransom and Sherman Wall Verbeck, Herbe t Hampton, Tommy was derailed Monday at noon and ed? and within a month substantial any critical development whether due homes in Mehama, the Robert Ve- Kanoff, Howard Powelson, P i ip Ca­ tipped over into a snow bank at Lar­ work will be under way. to weather or to possible breakdown . ness home in Mill City, and the office rey, Elton Gregory, Joe Stodola. Ger­ son station above Detroit. The (ail Few of us are able to visualize just | of heavily loaded local generators , of Mill City High School. In most ry Golden, Bu-iiard Crook, and Ver­ buckled uip under the engine. what all this will mean to the small i and transmission facilities of the . cases burnt matches were strewn in non Christ*« in. As engineer John Demaria, or I’ ■’ Merit i ,4kre speeches were given land, was trying to drain the wat'-r (the invaded homes, and similar clews community of the North Santiam Northwest. | were left in the burglary of the San- by Elton Gregory and Richard Ver- f> m ’*■» engine, a Lulid Or wh'ah Canyon. “All members of the Northwest First of all, it means the employ- group, comprising private and pub- * tian Tavern between Stayton and beck. was Dying to upr.g’jt if erushod Mr. Eric Soderberg, district executive, Demaria, breaking his liba. He wn ment, possibly by summer, of as big l.c distributors of electric service * Mehama during the holidays. At the Wayne Ransom home, the spoke, and showed films on scouting. rushed to Salem by ambulance. a working fotce as there are people join in expressing warm apprrecia- A corner of the Canyon Moon now reading between Mehama and tion of the wonderful public co-op­ house was ransacked, burnt matches Warner Hampton reported on hiking The engine was in had shape The dancehail, bousing the sandwich Idanha. It means that the total pay­ eration which was responsible for left and 50 cents anff a package of and camping. Refreshment- included SP wrecking crew went up the Can­ counter, collapsed Tuesday night un­ roll of the Canyon, now about 750 avoiding a general breakdown of el- cigarets taken. At the Wall home, a cake contr buted by t’ . M.U Cit; yon Tuesday to get tl e train back der the weight of snow on the roof. or 800 wen all are working, will be ecrtic sei vice during recent critical nothing was taken, but the same ev­ Bakery. on the tiacks. The building will be remembered idence of matches was left. Guests were Lvon« Troop hl ami increased by 3000. weeks. Also, they cannot overem- as the old community hall at Camp About The Mill C!ty High school burglary its scoutmaster. Chet Grim It means that this town which has lohasize the fact that the combined The highway from Marion Forks 17. The structure was built in 1937 30 were present. suffered many setbacks in the past power systems of the region, even was attempted, apparently to locate I over the Santian: pass ha been on the property of George Streff. in the ups and downs of the lumber with favorable weather and water student body funds, but the burglar closed since Monday, Feb 7, because Mate ials and labor were dontaed by industry, is being offered not only conditions, have no reserve capacity could not find them. There, too, the TEACHERS AT INSTITUTE of the deep snow and slides. the community, and the local union trail of burnt matches indicated that the properity of a boom period but The high school faculty atten led Ben Hauck, bus drivei, on his lant (CIO). A few years later the proper­ the same thief had broken in. a future of prosperity and develop­ HEALTH OFFK ER COMING teachers institute in Corvalli- Thur-- trip through Monday en routs from In the Stayton homes, all of which day and Friday High school classes Bend to Salem, had to shovel hie ty was sold to R. R. (Bub) Haseman ment into an enterprising trading A representative of the Marion of Idanha who in turn leased the and Industrial center. County health office will be in Mill bore similar marks of the match-burn were dismissed the two day-. Grade way throug in places, to bring his property to two young GIs, Paul and Old timers here have heard about City Monday at 1 p.m. in the recrea­ ing burglar, the DeJardin home lost school pupils were dismissed Thuis- bus and passengers through. He also J. D. Bruce of Sublimity. $9, the Kimbrough home, some mon- day because of the power bre ik town. , helped the highway crew saw and the dam for so many years that they , t on room of the high school to _ ___ con- The Bruces did some extensive re­ are still skeptical. The Detroit dam i fer with representatives f local r- I ey and a ruby ring, which the youth •CAN SPRING BE EAR BEHIND?' ; clear a tree from the highway. modeling and opened the hall last has been on paper for ten or 15 years ganizatins. Anyone else interested i« I gave to the officers. All told the bur- First JIabenger of spring Wan October. Since that time the building ■ glaries amounted to about $75 : n and was talked about years before cordially invited. da Vandermeer picked violet s in hi > ¡’DOZER KEEPS OPEN • has been used for social functions as that. Meantime, nothing much has back yard Monday. They we...... . a ELKHORN ROAD Mr. and Mrs. James Bwan visited I cash. well as dancing. The youth was unred a year ’ s sus ­ been done, until real work was ac­ their daughter, Mrs. George Gillen­ south slope wheie the sun Another Upper Canyon building Except for the peisistance of the complished in relocating the highway. water. and family, in’Swisshome over pended sentence to Woodburn after pecially warm. collapsed antler the heavy snow. county gra ier man and Phi) Dooley I he was picked up here in a drunken But just because a lot of empty pro­ the week end. All the other violets hidlng under 'condition by Chief King. He waa a foot or more of snow said: with his cat, the Elkhorn community mises were made in the past is no sentenced by City Judge Don Sheythe generators. All industrial civil»! i- excuse for pessimism now. ‘‘We gotta get out of here by Jone. woe Id r ave been completely snow- bound th le past week. Truth is, this canyon has become 1 tions are built upon a foundation of and return ng to school was a con­ There was between three and four dition of his parole. He did not re ­ a vital and stratigic area in the na­ an important and plentiful fuel In the second playoff of the Mar­ «* • gro ind and was turn to school, however. tion's power program. A crippling source. ion County B League basketball n the ides of the road high- When tried here, the boy admitted What the Army Enginee*.« ar» d >- shortage of electric rower has de­ championship Saturday night at the a car. veloped in the Northwest. The grow­ ;ng, with their hydroelectric power he had be»n previously arrested for By BOOT'S CHAMPION Willamette University Gym in Salem llkhorn Gue-t Ranch was is- T1 crime, but refused to say ing population is placing a future development, is laying a foundati .’. aaot**er There’s a sequel to ’he storv bout the Dettoit high schoo was defeated with over four was. strain on the power grid, even worse for the North* e«t of an ample supply what Mary AAnn, Detroit’s pet <1 by Sublimity by a score of 62 to 32. 4> than the present shortage. Places of fuel for a future population that You remembe- what we wro ab- The eight teams that participated 1 the » ■» like the North Santiam Canyon, with will rival the East's, if the cur ent JAMES COOKE WINS AS ORATOR out Mary Ann having a little j at Salem were Sublimity vs. Detroit; was oming up. Word hundreds of thousands of unharness­ migration continues. Well, Friday mornn i g about 9 a who dozed the slide Jefferson v*. Turner, 30 to 28; Ore­ t< Dr James Cooke, Salem high school Mary Ann brought her littl Upon that foundation an industri­ ed kilowatts, are keys to th» solution gon State Deaf School vs. Aumsville; W< of the dilemma. A region's distress al foui at <>n of rraa^^cent propor­ «tudent. sha-ed highest honors Sat­ right into town, to the suip mawa v«. Huirt-ard who 49 t' . D b St«' urday in a debat:ng contest spon- Detroiters. tion.« will be built. is our good fortune. 37. Sublimity, Jefferson, the Deaf ived at Fiank ’ s Tn many respects the Nortwest ha« inrei by Linfield Col’ege in McMinn­ Something else which ought to be Yes, sir. and she took her i g School and Chemawa will play in the ars. movieri a greater future than California, for ville. considered in this entire power de­ the m«:n street, too. semifinals Feb 17. The two winners P- irtlani Wednesday. With John Rockenfeller, another velopment program is what it mean« all its mushroom growth. Our neigh- The little stranger was a bit will play the following Saturday, for P'-i! Dooley's cat almost burned up Salem student, they took the top aw ­ bor to the south already is hemmed to the future of the region. vous, but decided to b ave the the B league championship. inday. Pennsylvania's coad was th • foun-- in by a scarcity of water—hence a ards over high school orator.« from «truck «tares of the tow//' Thus The school bus p.loted by Bill Har­ Uc had just starte! it to go to the towns. lack of power. western Oregon dation of the East's industrial struc- of you who did not see this unusual ris» transported th® pupils and some fane. if the county grader when There's a new saying: People come Young Cooke is a son of Mr. and feat, really missed a sight. tare. It fired its steel furnaces, pro­ of the parents ta Salem for the game. i flames. burst the t of Mill City. Mrs. Ed Cooke vided the raw power for its electric to California—they stay in Oregon I By CHARLES WOLVERTON BA Une Funds One Bonneville Line Here Gets Boost Prospect Good For Added ’49 Appropriation Y outh Admits Series of 8 Burglaries Scouts Planning To Build (’abili Snow Tangles Roads, Rails Snow Crushes Dancehall Roof Play inTournament Pet Deep Has Pal