Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. FERRI’ARY 10. 1949 '-âu- TRAFI IN D E T R 0 I T BUYING AT HOME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON ? I SANTIAM SELF - SERVICE L A U N D R Y Standard Rates Washing, Drying or Eit' er Workingmen’» Bundles Finial ed Ph. 418 DETROIT L. C. DAVIS & SON MEATS Margaret NOBLE * FOR SALE—10 used washers, $29.50 I to $89.50. 90 day guarantee. Santiam Hdw. & Implement Co., Stayton. * I WE STOCK all types of Hearing Aid batteries. Radio Batteries, and Flash- Stifflei lite and lantern batterie«. Ra iio and Appliance Store. A GOOD selection of linoleum yard- age, tr and 9 ft. widths. 95c per sq. yd. Mill City Furniture Co. Baldwin’s Spurting Goods & Notions Dry Goods and Clothing For the Entire Family BOB Wants and Sales FOR RENT—3 rm. mod. apt. See Ed Cooke, Shephera Add. * FOR SALE—1941 5 pass Ford coupe, »taper deluxe, new Mercury motor, ny lon »eat covers. See at Silver Sad ile.4 SEE MORRISON for carpentering and concrete work. Free estimates. Sidewalks a special ty. See D. V. Morrison, Gates, or leave word with Don Jenkins, Mil' * FOR SALE — blue and white gluk roller singeT. $12.50 Mrs. J. Van Han del, Rt. 1, Bx 45, Stayton. Ph. 9f2. * FOR SA1JS—Baby stroller, $6; wall phone, $18; wood heater, $10. See Mrs. J. O. Herron, Rt. 1, Lyons, Ore.G IS YOUR REFRIGERATOR work ing right? If not, call PORTER & EXPERT auto and home radio ser LAU for fast, dependable refrigeia- vice. 20 years experience, all makes tor, washer, electric appliance or ra Guaranteed service. dio sei vice. * Stiffler's Radio and Appiance MILL CITY FOR SALE—mod. small 5 rm house, DISPOSAL SERVICE near business section. Box 61, Ph. Garbage, ashes, trimmings. etc. 260, Iietroit, or inq. within after 1 Weekly pickups $1 per month. Also p.m. R. J. Mermilion. 3* light hauling. Leonard Herman Phone 2102 $75.00 an ACRE Mill 129.5 acres level land adjoining Oregon Certified Marshall City on SE. 5 rm house, barn and Strawberry Plants outbuildings, year round creek, ex- Grown in Eastern Oregon cellent teims. Call or write. Write for Price List BURT PICHA, REALTORS Agricultural Research Industries Ph. Salem 23640 337 N. High st. Route 2, Box 72, Payette. Idaho FOR SALE—refrigerator, W’ard's de luxe. 7 ft, like now, call 620, Detroit, or see at Mrs. Mermillion’s home, Detroit. 4* NURSERY STOCK-See or call Tony Moravec. Berry and poultry farm, Rt. ■ 1. Bx 242, Stayton, Ph. 1483, about I your Wash, raspberry and Varybest I blueeirry plants. Ask for pi ice list. • • 1 rue. that "little illness” you've beer mentioning in an offhanc way, may not seem to amount to much— just a few flint symptoms. But. ne iccted, these "little ills” can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not to mention needless suffering and loss of precious time. Consult a Doctor now — you'll save by it in the end. And.of course, we hope you'll bring his prescription to us for careful compounding. Capital Drug Co Salem. Oregon PttStfllFTIOMS I ' SUNDAY AND MONDAY ) 41 The busy flight line of the Naval Air Station at Pensacola will roar into action shortly as Naval Aviation Cadets iump into their last, sturdy SNJ trainers and taxi out for a practice hop. Pen- a- cola Naval Air Station, the ’'Annapolis of the Air," is the focus of the recently reactivated Naval Aviation Cadet training pro gram, which is open to healthy, single young men between 18 and 25, with at least two years of college. Upon graduation they are commissioned ensigns in the Naval Reserie, or second lieuten ants in the Marine Corps Reserve, are awarded their wings and assigned to two years’ active duty. (OSu.i N.,, Photo[r.uh\ Idanha By CHARLES DE SULLY Every cloud has a silver lining! This continued snow piling up five feet on the level makes it hard to believe. For real optimism visit the Girod store in Idanha and see the wonderful display pf garden seeds. It looks so goo you can almost smell the fragrance of the flowers. Most people are up ip the air these days. They are all busy shoveling snow off their roofs. Paul Reynolds made a business trip to Portland. Tuesday Santiam Lions Club AMATEUR SHOW Wednesday and Thursday Y'vonne De Carlo ... .Dan Duryea Jeffrey I.ynn "BLACK BART" I, vice president; and "M^inby ging Camp. Other survivors are Carl Paulson, San Francisco, and Glen of Brisbin, secretary-treasurer. The out going presient is Wilma Stewart. Alsea. Next meeting of the club will be Santiam Rebekah Lodge No. 166 at the home of Mrs. Clayton Balti met last Wednesday night with the more. new officers in the chai’s. Wilma There will be a free Valentine Stewart, noble grand, presiding. The members voted to contribute dance at the Bohemian Hall Satur to the current March of Dimes cam day. Lunch will be sold during the paign. Initiatory degrees will be giv evening. Everyone is welcome. en next Wednesday. Feb. 16, to three candidates. The charter iwast draped for Luella Hasenjan, a member of the lodge for 38 years and a past noble grand. Refreshment committee for the evening included Chrissie Hen derson, Mrs. Blanche Syverson, Mrs. A^rta Toman and Mrs. Eva Duffy. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS Notice is hereby given that March 1st is the last date on which to se The Three Links Club'fcue.lay el cure your dog license from the Coun Mrs. H. J. Wagner attended the ected new officers for the next half ty Clerk without paying a penalty. year period at a meeting Tuesday. The license fee is $2.00 for male and funeral of her father, G. W. Paulson, The new officers are, Mrs. Rachel spayed female dogs and $3.00 fo- in Portland Jan 21. G. W. Paulson ODD JOBS done Fridays after school female dog». After March 1st a pen was a resident of the Canyon in the Olmstead, president; Mrs. Ida Fleet- tMNMHMMMMNMMMMMMI and Saturdays. See Pat Wolverton, alty of $2.00 will be charged with early ’20s. He lived in Mill City and Wilma Howe or phone 3425. * each license issued All pups are sub- ran the donkey at the Silveiton Log- BABY SITTING week nights and '-¡«‘t to license as soon as they reach CITY OF MILL CITY. ORE. Sat. Call before 7:30. Phone 3425 or the age of 8 months. If license is not Near Detroit dam, wants diversified see Pat Wolverton or Wilma Howe.* procured ’before such pup reaches the industries, large and small. Sites, la Has Everything for Your W. of Hilltop Store. 7* age of 0 months the penalty of $2.00 bor, utilities available. Write for bro attaches. OFFICE NEEDS chure. Chamber of Commerce, Mill PETE FIEDLER NOTICE City, Ore. * Dog Catcher. Personal property owners are re 1 I quired to file an invoice as of Janu List your homes and farms with me. 141 N. Com mereiai St. IF YOUR FURNITURE looks shab ary 1st, 1949, with the Assessor for Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, an assessment base. Assessment must by have it recovered, modern'zed and Detroit, Lyons. be tiled on or before Maich 2, 1949. made like new. Mail us a card giving DAVID M. REID. REAL ESTATE exact location and I will call with Penalty provided after due date. Trucks and automobiles carrying samples and give free estimate of State license plates and furniture in cost. Truck and auto seats recovered. Pickup and delivery free. C. E. Hen private homes are exempt. sley, 604 N. 1st st., Silverton. Phone Furniture in Hotels, Apartments and Rooming Houses are subject to 1153. Mill The Commercial Cook Store FOR RENT 2 rm. house, furnished, reasonable rent, propane gas cook, oil heat, laundry and bathhouse. H. taxation. C. Edwards, Gates. 8 If you have not received an as sessment blank, pease notify the As LOST—21. jewel Lord Elgin wrist sessor ’ s Office. watch, broken hand. Reward. Leonard Herman. 6 JOHN W. SHEPPARD^ I Linn County A / ’ssor WANTED—trimsaw for small mill, 8 see Bert Karr. FOR SALE—House tiailer, 24 feet long. $265.00 5 tires. Bill Athey, Box LITTLE ILLS 132a, Rt. 1 Lyons, Ore. 1 mi. E. of Gates. ® MAKE Russell Hayden Inez Coiper “NORTH OF THE BORDER" and Lucille BALI. Fianchot TONE “HliR HUSBAND'S AFFAIRS" FOR SALE—5 used electiic ranges $59.50 to $189.50. Hotpoint, Westing house, Frigidaire. Santiam Hdw. & Implement Co. Stayton. * GROCERIES Janet NELSON and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Redd Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryden I)& 1) TAVERN LEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY FOR SALE Baby buggy, good con dition. Mrs. Wilbur Meinert * Santiam FOOD MART DETROIT TAVERN SPORTING & DRY GOODS BOYi: Have fl» Got ’IT”! What ? ? f Canyon Property To buy or sell—see “The Women PENNICK A PENNICK Phone 702 LOST— small alligator overnight bag initialed ZS. On highway west of Detroit Sat. morning. Reward. Ph. Detroit 1902 or the Enterprise. • CANYON GARAGE DW1S Plan« Muster at ‘Annapc-s ol Ihjûir'j RELIABLE high school girl for baby sitting. References if desreid. "Wanda i-'.l. • THEATRE Vi Mi. E. of Detroit EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E FRY. Manager FOR SALE—16" A t wood, $12 per cord; also wood logs, $6 per cord. Louis and Rex Hampton, Gate«, Ph. 3303. $75.00 AN ACRE — 129.5 acres, known as the Downing farm, adjo'n- rig Mill City on the south. Fair build ings. 2 creeks, good terms. Call or write. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 23649 N. High St., Salem ’hone 3-15.11 Too Beautiful for Words FOR SALE—-one and one-half ton truck, Ion - wheelbase, in good shape 6 practi illy new tires. $250. Bill Athey. B >x 132a, Rt. 1, Lyons Ore.. 1 mi. E of Gates. 6 FOR SALE— Ideal hon-.esite3, with water an 1 electricity availa le; lots i 50x100. We do our own financing, i In Mill City, below the dam. in a I lovely valley on the North Santian Geo. (Red) Thomas or Wayn Thom as, Mill City, Ore. 8 A. fl. flcCLLN PORTLAND AND MILL CITY LOVEE MANAGER l HXRLES FOR RENT—'Mod. new 2 bedroom home, elec, water h-ater. $50 p r n> Aiey Podrabsky. I LOST, strayed or stolen — female ; yellow and w-ite ceibe at ’jates, i about Jan. 1. Robt. Todd, Rl 4. Bx. 1047, Salem. Ph. 20020. FOR SALE 22 cal. Benjamín piatol and hol«ter. practicad $8.50. George Child, Rt. 1, Lyons. HOME TOWN , : rou*o I 0,0 von err rv’er'trsu ■ him 1 ' T tmmt rnna r a a,rr 37 nt < sro*r re f /*£ 7© r<*< r » —v-5yQftt • t I « in your futur» ! ¿b/w 'n and sea /t today KING’S RS' DANCELAND -A 9CJ FREE COFFEE I O MAN SERVICE A TO TRUCK DRIVERS 3 MILES WET OF MILL CITY — HI WAY 222 Herrold-Philippi Motor Co STAYTON