Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1949)
SLUJ ewY »NTRRUMHE. IT Id By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT Three games of basketball were played Friday night at the Cany n Moon. Ail proceeds went to the March of Dimes. The first game, between the grade school and the freshmen, went to the former, by a score of 19 to 15. The second game, between two groups of high school girl», ended 29 to 22 in favor the group clad in gym suits. The third game, a tussle between the high school team and the town team, was won by the latter, 45 to 38. A ve.y good crowd attended, con- s dering weather conditions. FEBRUARY Id 1949 The evening was spent viewing home Andrews of moviesand playing pinochle. A late ............ By BOOTS C HA. V. ’ snack was enjoyed. ' S Substituting for Mrs. Joe V, nght. The Civic Club will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ed Hanan. Mrs. 1 Loir».ne Sophy will serve as co hostess. Wood Waste both sides of the highway all the way from Salem to Idanha. By the autumn of 1950 it will all be filled in solid full length. When the Government Dam is com pleted and all crews discharged, I am wonderin? how many will be hold ing the »ack?----- . When the high way gets all filled in on both sides —Salem to Idanha—then some fellow will start the movement to incorpor ate it all under one head and it will be done, and christened Salem. And 'this Canyon will have done its part toward housing the immigration. Respectfully DICK TURPIN District the owner in amount not less than 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. Linn and Marion Coun ties School District No. 129-J re serves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof or before award of contract, unless said award if delayed for a period exceeding 30 ays. Wednesday, Feb, 2, was ground- i hog day. And if the poor little fel low came out of his hole at all, >ngh i the time he dug his way up through Clerk all this snow Here, he probably was (A continuation of last week’s ar- CHARLES KELLY too tired to see his shadow. End of tide on wood waste uses. Inadv er- Competition is getting prety keen tently cut short.) « in the shuffle boar tournament here. quotation. ___________ Probably one of the most interest- The scores for the two games played last week at the Detroit Linvted are: Mrs. John Estey called on Joe ing evelopment in the full utilization Wednesday, 32 players, winners Ir Wright in the Memorial Hospital, program is the production of ethyl alcohol frbm wood. Although there TRASK BAGS ANOTHER COUGAR ene Stout and Otto Russell; ’•'riday while in Salem last week. night. 24 players, winners, Emmett M rs. Lorraine Sophy entertained are numerous processes now in ex- B b Trask, with Nick Ball and an the Pinochle Club at her home Wed- , istence, the principal ones are the ex other hunter, brought back another Dorothy and Peter Campbell . nesday. First prize went to M r s. traction from pulp liquor (this is cougar, a snail one. from the Mad John Delaire, of Idanha, and second done at a pulp plant in Bellingham, Creek area last Friday. It was the Mr. and Mrs. Tex Blazek and * Blacksmithing friends of Mill City were calleis in to Mrs. Emma Rhodes. Members at Wash.) and from wood waste (in ex fourth this season for Trask. * Welding perimental runs in the governing tending were Mrs. Perry Fry, Mrs. Detroit last week. The cougato had just killed a buck * Logging and Sawmill Bruce Hauck and J. C. Fowler Rhodes, Mrs. Fred Sieviers, M r f. plant in Springfield, Ore. I The pro deer. Repairing. Lillian Gesher. Mrs. Walter Ander cesses are entirely too complex for were business callers in Mill City. Leon Bennett killed a six foot cou descriptions h -re, but the former has Mrs. John Hanati slipped and fell son. Mrs. Delaire and Mrs. Dick Far gar Saturday morning. been more successful. BLOCK WEST OF THEATER OB the ice in front of her h | 1 la-t row. Refrshments were served. At a wood saccharification plant at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson were week, causing her much discomfort. CARD OF THANKS I Bruce Hauck t eported someone business callers i n Portland last Ems. Switzerland, which is the most modem plant in Europe, the lignin We are grateful for the assistance I helped himself to about half a cord week. (lignin is an organic substance, which of our friends and neighbors after Joe Kish, partner in the Cascade of wood piled ~n back of the tavern. Mr. and Mrs. Len Davis and son, Hotel, arrived Friday from Portland. with cellulose, forms the chief part the fire which destroyed our home. OPTOMETRIST Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hennes-r. John, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Dick He will remain here to help in the of woody tissue) byproduct is bri 145 Third St. Stayton quetted for use as fuel to supply remodeling of the hotel. Buker at a inner Tuedsday night. power to the plant. It has been pro LEGAL has Miss Colleen Mermillion, who J. Evans, foreman of the PRA in • • • Detroit, returned last week after a been taking a business course in Sa- posed that the lignin from the Spring field plant could also be used as fuel The .school board of District 29-J lem, was home last week end to visit Office hours 6:00 to 9:00 each visit of a few days in Estacada. in mixture with the necessary am solicit sealed bid« on the following Tuesday evening. her mother, Mrs. Rose Mermillion. Visiting Miss Fay Cooper last • • • week for a few days was Mrs. Frank M iss Mermillion, who left here the ount of sawdust, or the mixture could school properties: District 61 Jordan containing acre Salem office located at 167 S High SI. Opetz of Salem. Tuesday evening first of the year, is employed in Sa be briquetted and sold to domestic fuel users. age and building; Dist. 84 Twin Ce Phone 24469 Miss Cooper entertained with a din lem and attends night school. Agricultural laboratories report dars, acreage and building only a few ■Mias Lillian E. Carlson, a high ner. Present were Oskie Nyberg, and daughter Christen, Mrs. Opetz. Curly school teacher, was recently hospit- that potatoes grown in soil contain years old; Dist. 130 McCully Moun ing lignin show a marked improve tain, school house and shed to be sold Trask, Harry Christian, Fay Cooper, 1 alized in Salem. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl ment in both yield and starch con separately, all in Linn County. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Champion. District 90 Oakdale school house ) Parker for a few days was Mrs. Par- tent. Experiments are also under way mniiiHi iiiiuiiHimiiinni'iiiiimi ram ini Hiiinii.iininii.nHiioeiHi iimmmiiMraa I ker’s brother, Fred R. White, of Port- to obtain information on the value in Marion County. of lignin as a mulch and soil builder. Bills must be accompanied by 10 HOWARD CORSET SHOP lan(1 Conversion of Douglas fir bark for per cent in cash or certified check to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dart and daughter Anderia moved to Bend use in five new forest products at cover bid, bankable not for balance, FOUNDATION GARMENTS Weyerhaeuser plant at Longview is The Botad reserves the right to Special Attention Given to Fittings last week. Mr. Dart and Len Davis the most recent success in wood reie.-t all bids. Bids close Jon. 24. D. Tavern were partners in the D. & Hosiery-Li ngerie-Dresses-Smocks until recently when they sold their wasteutilization. What formerly re 1949, at 9 p. m. 131 High St. Salem Ph. 4032 For further information see a mem interest to Bruce Haue’: and John presented an approximate 12 per cent waste in logging, lumber and pulp ber of the school board, Alice Huber, operations is now being processed in clerk, G. Paul Johnston, chairman, to marketable raw material for pho George Nyilegger, and Vernon James nograph records, explosives, plastics, , insecticides, glues, soil conditioners, Don’t borrow. Subscribe! etc. The new products are the result NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS of nearly ten years of research by Sealed bids will be received by various lumber companies, govern ment aggencies, schools, laboratories Schooy District No. 129-J, Linn and and individuals. "Silvacon,” is the Marion Counties, Mill City, Ori'gon, tiade name for five new products at the office of theSchool Superin- marketed last year. All five products tendent unt'l 8:00 p.m. Thursday are composed of elements in bark, March 1st, 1949, for the construe cork, fiber, powder and combinations tion of an Elementary Schoo) Build of these elements. Only the thick ing for School District No. 129-J. ba:k of Douglas fir is being used in Linn and Marion Counties, Mill City the new Weyerhaeuser plant. Barks Oregon, and will then and there be of all Pacific coast conifers are us opened and publicly read aloud. Bid' able; but they must be processed se received after the time fixed for op parately. At Weyerhaeuser’s plant, ening will not be considered. Plans, utilization integration reaches its specifications, form of contract doc peak in the production of Silvacon uments and proposal may be obtain No. 472, used as an adhesive compo ed at the office of S. R. Haatvedt, Architect, 340 W. 1st St., Albany. nent in plywood manufacture. Maximum capacity of the Silvacon Oregon, upon a deposit of $35.00 per plant is 75,000 pounds a day. set, on or about February 1, 1949 One of the five materials, Silvacon an I plans and specifications may be No. 383, is a so?T building product. examined at the office of tbe Mill It has also been used successfully as City School Superintendent after the a fuel in meat curing. Experimental- I same date. Each bid shall be accom ily it is being used as filler for ex panied by a certified check, casl ier’s plosives, in plaster, accoustfcal pro check or bid bond made payable to ducts, flooring materials, cork pro- ihicts, cleaning compounds, adhesive formulations, heat treating of metals buffiing compaunds, and many others. The other four materials are for industrial use by of LICENSED F.LE( TRK IA N ¡ shoe soles, brick, piasti f* "molding, I records, raffio» and phone parts and I light and Power Wiring i many others. I b) UsesExpIained H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop Stayton Hardware and Furniture Dr. S. A. WHEATLEY VV O O I) R Y FURNITURE MARKET NEW AND I’SEI) FURNITURE The Store with the Lowest Prices in Town 1605 N. Sumn er Santiam Hardware SALEM I SANTIAM GARAGE and GENERAL AUTO and truck repair ARC AND ACEfYLINE WELDING PHONE 3452 YOU HAD JUST AS WELL EE HEALTHY & HAPP’! ★ HEMORRHOIDS ★ FISTULA ★ PRO! APSE * ITCHING ' and other recta! disorders ed without hn< pitalizalion. i e correcl- Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Nuturo Proctologist ; 218 N Liberty. Salem. Ore. Ill ...... i 'O1 ns'JB.- Geo. H. Bel! Real Estate & Insurance STAYTON Arthurs Cafe A friendly place to meet IMPLEMENT COMPANY Stayton Gibb Electric Service FREE and eat. Chicken in the Rough LET US GIVE YOU a free estimate on overhauling vour motor. All work guaranteed. We can promise you the QUICKEST SERVICE IN TOWN. Information ('enter. To the Editor: Prophecy. There already is a thin town of business buildings and dwellings on Guarantied Work lU-asainabl«- Rate» At Ken Gol lit’s Iffi. 147 Mehama 24 hour« a day See Ed L. Davis Lyons, R. F. D. 1 Mill Citv Cafe STAYTON Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance ASK ABOUT OUR BUDGET PLAN and pay a amali amount each week. Detroit, Oregon SHÖX ELECTRIC COMPANY Also Estimates on Fiame Straightening Phon« 751 Mill City Bl WISE—ECONOMIE« Bat at the MILL CITY CAFE /teaks, chops. French fries, chili. Septic Service Septic Teaks Cleaned Tanks priced 11150 and up. and K«ctrie Roto-Rootar Sew er iUrvu-e No digging. N« triu Phon« 3-9468 or 3 5327.. .. Rea. 1#7» Eia St- W Salem CHEVROLET CO PHONE 3188 SALEM Cafe 510 N. Comme rial St. BABY BEEF FOR LOCKERS Freres Building Supply Co Building Materials of All Kinds Earl Smith, Mgr Private Dining Room BARGAINS In Furnitur«, Stoves, Dishes Clothing, Houseware» MAC’S