Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1949)
7 MILL CITY KK’T EH PRIME, FEliR 'AR Y 10. J949 The pie social sponsored by’ the numerous among the adults. M . ami Mrs. Hartnell who have PT A which was to be held at Rebe kah Hall Friday evening, the 11th. been living in one of the Heineck has been postponed until a later date apartments have bought the Hollan der house. Mr. Hartnell is empiayed due to bad weather. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Becker of Med as planerman at the Mt. Jefferson ford spent the week end at the home Lumber Co. of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Cooking Mrs. Jim Lande was hostess for ham. Their little daughter, Randee, the meeting of the Women’s Society is staying with her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Miller spent of Christian Se vice at her home on the week end at the home of his par Tuesday afternoon. During the devo tional hour a letter was read from ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Miller. The Santiam Valley Grange degree Edna Holder, a missionary in India. staff went to Lebanon Sunday after Plans were made to have a silver noon to confer the first an«i second tea March 29, and invitations will be degrees upon a laige class of candi extended to Mehama, Stayton an i dates. A large class was expected Mill City. At the close of the meet but due to the weather several sur ing dainty refreshments, with the rounding lodges were unable to at- Valentine motif, were served. Pre sent were Mesdames Burl Smith, Roy- tend. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cookingham of Huber, Albeit Julian, Glen Julian, Portland visited Saturday at the Alex Bodeker, George Huffman, Al home of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Conk bert Ring, Loren Chamberlain, Art Boltzer, Floyd Bassett, L. J. Smith, ingham. A birthday dinner honoring their Mrs. Daisy Johnston, Mrs. Minnie daughter Joyce’s fifth birthday was Smith, Mis. Anna Johnson and the held at the Hershel Culwell home in hostess. Lyons. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor and son Sam Culwell, Mr. and Mrs. Howard i Naue, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Short, Rose Morse of Waldport spent tl;e week I.alack, Hailin Gibson, Elmer and A. end with relatives in Lyons. Mrs. B. Culwell, Mi. and Mrs. Hershell Taylor is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Culwell, Joyce, Thelma and Shirley. Pat Lyons. Ten major contract bidders and many minor contracto:s visited the Several children of the community- Don't borrow. Subscribe! are confined to their homes with the Detroit damsite Tuesday. Bid- are due to be opened this month. measles, and flu and colds are quite •» <«• -at« <♦> -nt- <♦> B» EVA BRESSLER Mr. and Mrs. Frank Studes and $ ! little daughter Candace of Molalla $ i visited at the home of Mrs. Anna Johnson. ft Bidders Vie For Contract on G /eat I'm ÄÜfrO MATTER WHERE ■B^ YOU LIVE./. p LYONS Red Skelton Coming You con enjoy LP-GAS Unless you spend most of your time in the dog house we don’t recommend an LP-Gas Water Heater for there — but we <h> recommend one for your home No matter how far you live from the gas mains you can enjoy all the hoi water you need with I P Gas for |ust a few cents a day I et id < plain how Mis. Albert Bass was hostess for the afternoon card club with her par ty held at Rebekah Hall. A 1:30 des sert luncheon was served, followed bv several tables of 500. High hon ors went to Mrs. Bob Free, s«*con I to Mrs. Floyd Bassett, low to Mrs. Boh Carleton. Mrs. Bert Lyons draw the traveling prize. Present were Mes- dames Earl Allen, Arthur Olmstead, Bob Carleton. Oscar Naue, George Huffman. Pat Lyons, Floyd Bassett, Bert Lyons, Herman Free, Bob Free. , Orville Downing Sam Bridges and the hostess. • Ift Featuring $ Unusual HALLMARK 11 CARDS K anniversaries i School was «lismissed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the Lyons , district due to the eep snow. The I school busses were unable to drivt their customary routes, an 1 as the I teachers institute is Thursda and Friday the di e< tors thought it best. HALLMARK n CARDS 8 and birth >: congratulations HALLMARK CARDS $ I I I IALLMARK 11 CARDS 9 è s $ $ 31» FERRY ST Opistsite Marion Hotel S tl.F.M Phone Salem 3-5098 Ncwsm er , $ I Year A $ Edward Williams 330 Court Moat Treasured Documents next week IJncoln'a Plan for of Slavery In our display window Mountain States Power Company A Self Supporting. Tat Paying Prit ate Enterprise ■taMMMaakWMS* Stop and shop at The Little French' Shop (orlatesi fashion in mats suits and dresses Pay nur half, rhargv nnr half 115 V High St All m. ■ I It’s Scenes frm "A South«* n Yankee," a hilarious R«*d Skelton picture appearing at the Mill City Thearo ne \t Sunday. to close for the week. Santiam Valley Grang«* held its regular meeting at the hall Friday evening, with a small crowd due the bad weather. The usual rout nc of business was carried out. I.’ y Sletto, president of the Marion C< ty Livestock Assn., gave a very t teresting report of the convent: Gearhart. During the lectu-er’s a lively discussion was held, f ing tlie legislative report. Plans made for a card party to be he the social meeting Feb ! S I M MAYFLOWER 5 PEhCCNT “DAVENO DAZE” I I V at Elfstrom’s See our large selection of budget priced davenos and SAVE Mi t V vv Kin R. L. Elfstrom Co Ne s e_ hlyr. unirai < tiici .vis* Sth o u ■n •» •>-. <♦> I iniwiiillnM mi’Ml.imillilMUltMi □ American Bee Journal 3J té S.’«.ner Fruit Grower..... 223 Amer can Giri ......... .. 3.00 □ t ailing AH Hoys ........... 2.83 □ Calling All Girla______ 2 85 □ t ailing All kids ....... 2JI5 □ Child Ufa...........................300 □ Coronet .................... 4 30 □ Correct English ......... 3.00 □ Country Gentleman <3 yrs » 3.00 □ Etude Music Magaline 3*»0 □ Field A Stream 3So □ Flower Crowd- ....... 3.25 □ Fur-Fish-Game ______ 3.10 □ Good Health _____ 2.80 □ Hoard's Dairy man 2.10 □ Homemaker 3.80 □ Korsehold Magatine 230 (j Hunting A Fishing 2.75 □ Hygrla Health Mag 3.23 □ Inside Detective Stories 3.113 □ Jack « Jill 3.90 □ King Com Ice 3 00 D Magatine Digent 3.75 □ Magic Comics 3 0(1 □ Market Grower'» Jrnl. 2.50 □ Modem Romances 3 63 □ Modern Screen SJ UY □ National li>x«»t 3.90 [J National Live Htock Prodncer 2 35 n N’ 4. n O Opeo K »d for Hoys 3.0t) fj Octdoors 300 □ Ok-««winnlty (Mnc.essfnl Gelling I J.Ò0 □ Onldoorwmsa <2 yrs.I 325 □ Parvati' Magasine 3.73 3 Ml □ Personal Romances l’ Philatelie P-ess 2.SO ( ) ’’epatar Dogs 3JU □ ••opnlar Homecraft 3 ■ 9 □ Po »ular Mechanics 4J>J □ IN»:« Relente Monthly «.00 □ Poultry man (weekly) 2 «0 (j Iteat’er’s Digest 413 (J Redbook 4 0» □ Ike Maman X0O □ Trae » wir» 2M Q True i.ery «*»-•» □ 1'. 8 t amera UK ! □ H a.t Di- ;.ey Comtat «s Klar ten 2A5 □ Wee V" lorn SJ»* ; -i AMERICAS SALEM •j« and any ot the following ■ CARDS birthday & Appliance Co. I T cards for PROPANE GAS * ; hallmark | f Abolition 1 34 » Court ' i SALEM I K