MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, GRANGERS HEAR STORY OF OREGON TRAIL RIDE 17 Make Honor Roll It Pays to Be Polite to Civits Marion County Pomona Grange in a meeting in Stayton last week heard Rev. John W. Beard of Portland tell Fred Skilling!-, Mill Valley (Gooch) of the 2500 mile horsback ride they logger, operates on the theory that Seventeen high school students took last year along the route of the I it pays to be polite—even to civit were listed on the honor roll for the old O egon trail. cats. W. M. Tate, master presided over six weeks' period just ending. The other night, when the cold the meeting which voiced opposition They are: weather was bringing the wildlife Seniors: Marian King, David Karr, t« tax .ncrease calsed by the op out of the hills into the valley, for eration of the Marion County rural John Straight and Virginia Jackson. school district; approved a r-solution warmth and food, the Skillings house Juniors: Phyllis Timm, Ethel Ski hold was asleep. A bedroom window lings, LHdores Brewer and Ronald calling for the diversion of more in was slightly open. Mr. Skillings and come and excise taxes for school sup Ragsdale. his wife awoke to find they had a Sophomores: Wanda Vanderm'’er, port; and opposed any alteration in visitor, and a strong aroma indicated Marlene Verbeck, Betty Humphrie initiative and referendum statutes. Elmer McClure, Portland, state ov the species. Freshmen: .Alona Daly, Dolor» s A whispered conference finally de Poole, Leia Kelly, Arlone Kuhlman erseer, called upon the Granges to cided on tactics. be moie active on legislative mat Donna Cook and Bob Shelton. They call» to their son, Delmar, I \ | Saturday night of Mr. and ’Mrs. R. who was upstairs, to come down and turn n the front room light, open ’C. King. the front door and the bedroom door where they were tiying to b<- as nice The executive committee of the Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto visit Lyons PAT met at the home of M i s. ed their boss, John Johanson, and as could be to their visitor. They Burl Smith Thursday evening to plan I Mrs. Johanson in Silverton Tuesday did’nt say, “Nice kitty!” however, al- thought they doubtless would have, for the coming year. A pie social will night. be held at Rebekah Hall Feb. 11. Al | Mr. and Mrs. Milan Weston, for if it could help. The civit cut decided to make an so a musical program and games will merly of NITI City, are now living «^.ited room be offered. ] in Waldport, having moved there re exit out through and the open door. He didn’t leave cently from Klamath, Calif. a calling card. About 50 peisons attended the dance fc Mrs. Artie Mack left for San Fran Saturday night at the Bohemian hall. It was the first of a series of dances cisco Tuesday accompanied by her planned by the lodge. The orchestra aster, Mrs. Gladys Kimsey of Meha The Timberwolves came back from included Mrs. Beatrice Jones, Anton ma to visit either siter there. Gates' Tesday night with a 56 to 10 Dick Turpin says that great flock victory on their neiglibor’s basket and Don Ficek and Ernest' Podrab «ky. In charge of the lunch was Mrs. of grosbeaks are here, portending an ball court. Ernest Podrabsky and Mrs. Jack Car ffarly spring. The Gates team had one go»>d quar Mrs. Chailes Wolverton had lunch ter. the second, when they outplayed ey. I in Salem Tuesday with Mrs. Larry and outscored their visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Charles French had i Laarbaaken. Mrs. Virgil Johnson and Hunter for Mill City led the scor dinner with the* Kenneth Harris’ Sun- Mrs. James Kerber of Cutler City ing with 16 points, an I Leo Poole joined theip later. day. had 14. Miller was close behind with Mr. and Mrs. Linn Berry, son and 12. Muise foi Gates accounted for Mill City xirls recently installed daughter-in-law ofN-'oriest Berrv, of 12 of their points. in the Order of Rainbow for Girls, California, stopped overnight Tues In the game for Mill City were day. Acacia Assembly, Stayton, were: also Thorby. Baltimore, Wirick, Key, Mrs. Everett Elliott is ill with a Lawrence Poole, Venheck. For Gates »Marlene Verftett, Faith; Patricia Cree, confidential observer; Leia Mel sinus infection. Ziebert Eccleston Carey, Knarp, Miss Daisy Hendricson and Mr. and Cripes, Romey, J. Oliver and E. Oli Kelly, musician; Dorothy Downer, member of choir; Jeannin»“ Bently. Mrs. James Houston drove to Salem ver. . installing officer. Mrs. W. B. Shuey Tuesday- The ’Wolves won another league Anna and Noima Nelson are game with Turner 39 to 25, with was named to the advisory board. Visitors included Mrs. !x>is Walker confined to their home with the flu A benefit dance will be given Fri and daughter Lois, Mr. anil Mrs. Low day at the Fire Hail. . ell Cree and LaVetta Powelson. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill and son had dinner in Stayton Tuesday evening. Don't btnrow. Subscribe! JANUARY 27. 1949 «• 3» ’» ■» <«• -at- Verbeck taking Hgu point honors. The also won a close one with the Clifl Ambers Salem B team, winning 32-31. Lawr ence Poole, guard, took scoring hon ors from the legular forwards, with 9; Miller, center, had 8; Leo Poole, 4; Verbeck, 5 JUST EAST OF GATES Friday night the Timberwolves will x -»' -3S6- •» <♦> play the Detroit team here. I It will be one of the few remain ing home dates for the high school I team which has, if not the best, at HAUUNG CATS, least -econ '.earn in the league. SHOVELS and So far they have lost only to Sublim- THE < • « » Planing and Processing Co •: FOR HIRE HEAVY • RETAIL LUMBER EQUIPMENT Phone«: Plant 34644; Office 39408 14t5 N. FRONT ST, SALEM w'«ESH tiny M c D aniels The Man with the Horn CLUB COMBO DINING AND DANCING 3059 Portland Road . r 00 I! .... • ■ II ... .. - .. .. " Tuesday, Feb. 15, 8 P.M. Ï Ï Prises to he award»-»! to -contestants rating highest on applalw meter. GENERAL STORE MILL CITY —' AryovA DOOA ~OA — Ar y ova sroA¿ milMHMH'Î.IUIIINI lin liti We*D(> AlLTypes of Meat Cutting For Lockers I ■ Custom Curing of Pork II I QUICK FREEZING AVAILABLE KEN GOLLIET TOY & HOBBY SHOP Meh ”v>a ** MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, PROP “At the Bottom of the Hill” Salem MILL CITY OREGON When your watch 1« »low or takes time off—it’« loaf- ini; on the i»b and in need of analysis. Call on Baker's! It will be returned li you a well adjusted timepiece. FORREST BAKER Expert Repairing by a LICENSED WATCHMAKER Intereated «»ntestant« may apply for auditions at Stiffler’s Ra dio and Appliance Store and at the Mill City Ths-ater in the eve nings. All cboron contestants in ust put up an entry or bond fee of $5.00 to be refunded after the performance, win, lose or draw. Any kind of amateur talent acceptable. Baker’s Jewelry Cheese “Swifts” Lard Corn Syrup Apple Sauce PROCESSED BROOKFIELD. 2 LB. CASCADE BRAND Ut PRIZE $25 2nd PRIZE $15 3rd PRIZE $5 .69 21b. pkg. 46 5 lb jar .45 11 oz. 3 for .25 TASTY PACK BRAND—DARK TINNERS and P L V M B E R S STANTON, ORE. OREGON BRAND I**' Try our frozen Foods FOR THE SAME COST & Carrots Cauliflower Cabbage CAL. BUNCH CAL. WHITE NICE COLOR .09 22 lb. ’ 061b. Ice Cream One Golden Curl Montana Slim Spanish Polka Rosalie Allen Until Tommy Dorsey I'm a Fool to Care Gene Autry Rxe Waltt Louise Massey I’m in love Do is Day i You Must Walk in Line Eddy Arnold - . Glen Miller ■ W B h w < Alb 1 Organ Reveries D’ck Leu beet POKIER & LUI LET YOUR BAKER DO YOUR fc « a I N G I "First With What You Want West” COMPLETE APP1ANCE SERVICE Radio. W ««her Refrigerator end Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 8tavton 215 — I. HILLTOP 4 s ' Rubber Boots Lumber-Jacks " AMATEUR SHOW I IWuMHUM.iUI IIH'IIIUIIII Ull iHiaiUdllkilllUHLiill .ni (UlfflM UUdiliiUlk W.llUtittliU-- Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co. 163 N. Commercial Phone 21588 Ksaau—»-¡nr ' " M I L L C I T Y M aples Wolves W in i nree SANTIAM « Prices Friday and Saturday 7 i. m. to 6 p. m.