Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, JANUARY 27. 1919 *R SALE 16” fir wood, $12 per I SEE MORRISON cord; also wood logs, $6 per cord. I. •i- ami Rex Hampton. Gates, Ph. i 3303. 3 for carpentering and concrete work. BUYING AT HOME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON Free estimates. Sidewalks a special ty. See D. V. Moi risen. Gates, or BOY.'! Have He Got “IT“! t What Î ? leave word with Don Jenkins, Mill City. • Canyon Property SANTIAM SELF - SERVICE To buy or sell—see “The Women” $75.00 AN ACRE — 129.5 acres, L A (J N 1) li Y PENNICK & PENNTCK known as the Downing farm, adjoin- Phone 702 DETROIT | .ng Mill City on the south. Fair build RELIABLE high school girl for baby ings, 2 cieeks, good terms. Call or Standard Rates sitting. References if desreid. Wanda write. Washing, Drying or Either ■ 1 BURT PICHA. REALTORS Workingmen's Bundles Finished Ph. 23649 337 N. High St., Salem LOST small alligator overnight bag initialed ZS. On highway west of HAVE YOU eve burnt out a motor Ph. 418 li Mi. E. of Detroit Detroit Sat. morning. Reward. Ph. or had one get overheated and smoke Detroit 1902 or the Enterprise. • when the power dropped too low ? FOR SALE Baby buggy, good con This danger can be eliminated with one of our HOPAX CIRCUIT CANYON GARVGE Santiam dition. Mrs. Wilbur Meinert * BREAKERS installed on your ap FOOD MART FOR SALE—5 used electric ranges. pliance motor. Call us for informa- EXPERT REPAIRING MEATS • GROCERIES $59.50 to $189.50. Hobpoint, Westing tino. Ph. 902. Stiffler Radio and Ap SHELL OIL PRODUCTS • house, Frigidaire. Santiam Hdw. & pliance, Mill City, Ore. Margaret Janet U. S. ROYAL TIRES Implement Co. Stayton. • NOBLE NELSON P. E. FRY, Manager List your homes and farms with me. Have cash buyers. Mill City. Gates. Don't borrow, Subscribe! Detroit, Lyons. DETROIT TAVERN CABIN for rent. Small, 3 rooms. See DAVID M. REID, REAL ESTATE and Trailer Court H. R. Edwards, Gates. 2 SPORTING & DRY GOODS First in Detroit IF YOUR FURNITURE look« riiab REOPENING my shop for sewing by have it recovemed, modernized and Still First in Detroit L. C. DAVIS & SON Redd Rynearson Otto Russel) i an l bpm tit -hing. Tsird house back made like new Mail us a card giving of Stone’s Feed Store. Mrs. II. I. exact location and I will call with Glen Dryden Plymale 7 samples and give free estimate of FOR SALE—10 used washers, $29.50 cost. Truck and auto seats recovered. to $89.50. 90 day guarantee. Santiam Pickup and deliveiy free. C. E. Hen Hdw’. & Implement Co., Stayton. • sley, 604 N. 1st st., Silverton. Phone TAVERN Spotting Goods & Notions 1153. Dry Goods and Clothing WE STOCK all types of Hearing Aid LEN BOB For the Entire Family itteries. Radio Batteries, and Flash- FOR SALE—House tiailer, 24 feet lite and lantern batteries. Stifflei long. $265.00 5 tires. Bill Athey, Box Tadio and Appliance Store. • 132a, Rt. 1 Lyons, Ore. 1 mi. E. of Gates. 6 IS YOUR REFRIGERATOR work in? right ? If not, call PORTER & \ GOOD selection of linoleum yard- LAU for fast, dependable refrigera >ge, 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per sq FOR SALE -one and one-half ton FOR RENT—3 rm. mod. apt. See Ed truck, long wheelbase, in good shape, tor. w isher, electric appliance or ra yd. Mill City Furniture Co. Cooke, Shephera Add. * 6 practically new tires. $250. Bill dio sei vice. * POLISH your own floors—rent our Athey. Box 132a. <A 1. Lyons, Ore., This week’s special: high-speed polishing and scrubbing 1 mi. E of Gates. 6 Sweep. 89 c. Small 29c. 7.95 •■quipment. Easily handled by wom Sq. Butt Shingle 215 lb. Just in time to clean nut your flues Hax Shingle 168 lb. NOTICE 5.93 en. Complete line of floor materials before cold werther sets in. Personal property owners are le- 1.93 and waxes available. Western Store, Mica Roofing 45 lb. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance 2.47 Phone 504 B, Stayton. Mica Roofiing 55 lb. • quired to fil^ un invoice as of Janu I Mill City Ph. 902 ary 1st, 1949, with the Assessor for 2.91 Mica Roofiing 65 lb. 3.11 FOR SAFE—Baby stroller, $6; wall an assessment base. Assessment must Mineial Roofiing 90 lb. FOR SALE--mod. small 5 rm house, 3.92 phone, $18; wood heater, *10. See be filed on or before Ma:ch 2. 1949. Staggered Edge 105 lb. near business section. Box 61, Ph. 4.42 Mrs. J. O. Herron, Rt. 1, Lyons, Ore.G Penalty provided after due date. Brick Siding 105 lb. 260, Detroit, or inq. within after 1 Trucks and automobiles carrying Felt, 324 sq. ft., 15 lb. per roll 2.43 p.m. R. J. Mermilion. 3* !’’RT auto and home radio ser- State license plates and furniture in Felt, 216 sq. ft 30 lb. per roll 3.24 ■e. 20 years experience, all makes. private homes are exempt. Also ask for free estimate on com- $75.00 an ACRE ' i contee 1 service. Furniture in Hotels, Apartments 129.5 acres level land adjoining Mill pletely installed and guaranteed job. tiOler's Radio and Appiance and Rooming Houses are subject to City on SÉ. 5 rm house, barn and Pay by the month. Phone 504B, Stay taxation. 3* outbuildings, year roun I creek, ex ton, Western Store. NURSERY STCCK-See or call Tony r If you have not received an as- cellent te-ms. Call or write. i OR CASH or t ae—First class pa- Moravec. Berry and poultry faim, Rt. BURT PICHA, REALTORS p»r hanging, painting for car, wash 1, Bx 242. Stayton, Ph. 1483, about Ph. Salem 23649 337 N. High st. ing machine, chickens, wood, tele ■ir Wash raspberry and Vorybest Jerry FOR SALE—refrigerator, Ward’s de ; hone, dent siry, anywhere. r-y r’1 nts. Ask for price list. luxe. 7 ft. like new, call 620, Detroit, Johnson, Gen. Del. Mill City. 0 e R< 9 - -r r VVMERS or see at Mrs. Mermillion’s home. : i.lence bl. w. of Hilltop sto e. OF DOGS Detroit. 4* A1NT1NG, paper hanging, p t < ■ h- hereby given that March pies. See Jerry To'.ins n, ’ t FOR SALE—1941 5 pass Ford coupe, « t’ e las. date on which to se- super deluxe, new Mercury motor, ny- 7. of Hilltip Store. ; rr d g license from the Coun- ♦ t -'-y ng a penalty ’’e’ ' ’2.00 for male anc WJtBUClCANDCa -• -n’ $306 fov te M rch 1st a pen- P‘ ’i' 1- charged with I e : su ’ 1 All pups are sub- Phone 2102 ma» I *" peens’ !• ne* floor« Easily EITNTSH V • > -nr ’ - pop rea hes the ol I I 'h -p'-ed . < >r' i r \/e aren’t patting ourselves on !™L±. I) E T K 0 I Ï THEATRE D WIS Baldwin’s I) & I) Wants and Sales the back. And we claim no monopoly on virtue. But it t seems to us d ulily imp for a Prescription l’liarni- maintain the highest ethical standards. That means not only integrity ill the compound ing of fresh, potent drugs; but uniformly fair prices as well. We’ll appreciate your patron age on all possible occasions. Capi al Drug Co sessment blank, pease notify the As sessor’s Office. JOHN W SHEPPARD^ Linn County A / essor 8 FOR SALE — 5 acres, 6 rm. older style house plus utility rm; water piped to house; elec, pump, elec, ho* water heater, laund. trays, showe , barn, chicken house, dou. garage, or chard, berries, best of garden soil, can all tie irrigated; fishpond loca tion; mail, school bus service. Easy terms can be arranged. Royal John son, 2 mi. e. of Gates. Linn Co side.3 ATTENTION Amateurs ci Santiam Canyon! (Mehama to Idanha) • • • Talent is now being signed for Santiam Lons Club Amateur Show at MILL CITY THEATRE Tuesday, February 15. Contact Mill Citi % ‘atre o Stifflers Radio an I Appliance Co. for details and audition applica tion. Idanha • • • Cash 1 •rises Awarded to Winners 1st Prize — $25.00 2nd Prize — $15.00 3rd Prize — $5.00 By CHARLES DE SULLY OBITUARY Funetal services wc » held f< r M * Luella Haseman of Idanha at the Weddle Funeral Home in Stayton on Saturday. Mrs. Haseman died Wednesay af ternoon in leiianon Hospital. She was a long-time resident of Mill City an 1 was past noble grand of Santiam The Girl Scouts are selling t'cketa Rebekah Lodge, where she ha 1 been for Girl Scout cookies. This is one a member for 38 years, and a mem theing we should all do our best to ber of Marilyn Chapter, OES, for 25 make a success for them. years. Funeral services were follow ed by cremation. Surviving are the Don't borrow. Subscribe! widower, C. T. Haseman ofridanha; a daughter, Mrs. Veina Raines of Le SEWING - DRESSMAKING banon, and two sons, R C. and Jack Haseman of Idanha; and four grand TAILOR WORK children. i find Our ohlest residents say that they ALTERING have never experienced such cold as All Work Guaranteed wp have recently suffered, and still aie having. May we get an early change. Mrs Manning an daughters of the Spar Cafe are spending a few days in Portland. The Commercial Book Store lias Everything for Your FURNITURE AND BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES Phone 3-45.14 141 N. CVinnu-rcial St. 0HN IHK0VIS TO Tur wn»| SEARS CATALOG SAL departments • -T-T> T T'•' • d !ara II r I R ute 2. .ODD JOBS d ine Fridays artor achool an ! S turdays. See Pat Wolverton W'lna Ho’"e or phone 3425. NEW! Jam-packed with thrilling BABY SITTING week nights ar.d t Call be'ore 7:30. Phone 3425 or ••• •, ■ • r. >r V. i' i a Ho■ e • ’ ll’.op S ore. Salem. Oregon z »••• ............. I D n't borrow. Subscribe! values, thousands of lower prices u M. ilcvllEN : tla ‘ d and mill city l HARLES LOVEl, MANAGER 1949 CATALOG HOME TOWN YOU ; a ’V u c • ' . C M © » • Satisfaction always guaranteed rvE FQVKO R v • Convenient credit terms l»«p into on« »tore* Shop from on« counter for all your need» in S«ari n«w Spring-Summer catalog! Visit your Sear» Catalog Sales D«pt . . . see how easy it is to shop and save the one-stop way. KING’S “TEEN AGERS’ D4 VUELAND ' ING’S MOBIL-MINI TF MAN SERVTCF 3 MIIES WEST OF MILL CITY' — HI-WAY 222 • I JLnnJ \ J E