MILL CITY ENTF1UMUSÍ. JANUARY 27, 1949 sessment blank, pease notify the As­ FOR SALE—16" fir wood, $12 per SEE MORRISON sessor's Office. cord; also wood logs, $6 per coid. Louis ami Rex Hampton, Gates, Ph. JOHN W. SHEPPARD^ 3303. 3 for carpentering and concrete work. BUYING AT HOME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON Free estimates. Sioewalks a special Linn County A/essor ty. See D. V. Moi risen. Cater, or 8 BOY!! Hate «» Got “IT"! leave word with Lion Jenkins, Mill What? ’ I City. • FOR SALE — 5 acres, 6 rm. older Canyon Properfy ATTENTION Amateurs SANTIAM SELF - SERVICE I____________________ -__ —A— style house plus utility rm; watei To buy or sell—see “The Women” of Santiam Canyon ! $75.00 AN ACRE — 129.5 acres, piped to house; elec, pump, elec, ho* L A U N D R Y PEN NICK & PENNICK (Mehama to Idanha) known as the Downing farm, adjoin­ water heater, laund. trays, showe , Phone 702 DETROIT ing Mill City on the south. Fair build­ barn, chicken house, dou. garage, or­ Talent is now being signed for RELIABLE high school girl for baby ings, 2 creeks, good terms. Call or chard. berries, best of garden soil, Standard Rates Santiam Lions Club Amateur loca- can al! be iirigated; fishpond sitting. References if desreid. "Wanda write. Washing, Drying or Either Show at MILL CITY THEATRE tion; mail, school bus service, Easy Haney. Ph. 2031 • BURT PICHA, REALTORS Workingmen's Bundle» Finished Tuesday, February 15. J din ­ Ph. 23649 337 N. High St.. Salem terma can be arranged. Royal LOST- small alligator overnight bag son, 2 mi. e. of Gates, Linn Co side.” Contact Mil! City Rentre oi initialed ZS. On highway west of HAVE YOU evu ’ urnt out a motor Stifflers Radio and Appliance Co. *4 Mi. E. of Detroit Ph. 418 Detroit Sat. morning. Reward. Ph. or had one get ovei heated and smoke for details and audition applica­ Detroit 1902 or the Enterprise. * when the power dropped too low ? tion. ! This danger can be eliminated with FOR SALE Baby buggy, good con­ 1 one of our HOPAX CIRCUIT CANYON GARAGE Santiam dition. Mrs. Wilbur Meinert * | BREAKERS installed on your ap- FOOD MART FOR SALE—5 used electric ranges. | pliance motor. Call us for informa EXPERT REPAIRING to Winners OBITUARY MEATS • GROCERIES $59.50 to $189.50. Hotpoint, Westing tino. Ph. 902. Stiffler Radio and Ap­ SHELL OIL PRODUCTS Funeral services we:? held for Mrs lai Prize — $25.00 house, Frigidaire. Santiam H1 cVMausW BURT PICHA, REALTORS per hanging, painting for car, wash­ 1, Bx 242, Stayton, Ph. 1483, about Ph. Salem 23649 337 N. High st. ing machine, chickens, wood, tele- your Wash. laspberry and Verybest Jerry- blueerry pllbants. Ask for pi ice list. FOR SALE—refi igerator, Ward’s de­ [hone, dentistry, anywhere. luxe, 7 ft. like new, call 620, Detroit, Johnson, Gen. Del. Mill City. Ore. Re­ NOTICE TO OWNERS 2 or see at Mrs. Mermillion’s home, sidence bl. w. of Hilltop stoie. OF DOGS Wk Detroit. 4* PAINTING, paper hanging, paper Notice is hereby given that March FOR SALE—1941 5 pass Ford coupe, samples. See Jerry Johnson, 1 block 1st is the last date on which to se­ opín 2 cure your dog license from the Coun­ super deluxe, new Mercury motor, ny­ W. of Hilltop Store. SHOP ty Clerk without paying a penalty lon seat covers. See at Silver Sad lle.4 MILL CITY _ 1 The license fee is $2.00 for male and DISPOSAL SERVICE spayed female dogs and $3.00 for Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. female dogs. After March 1st a pen­ Weekly pickups $1 per month. Also alty of $2.00 will be charged with AND light hauling. each license issued. All pups are sub­ Leonard Herman Phone 2102 ject to license as soon as they reach REFINISH your own floors—Easily the age of 8 months. If license is not done with our latest model high speed procured before such pup reaches th- Wc aren’t patting ourselves on Floor Sanders and Finishers. Save age of 9 months the penalty of $2<0 tlie back. And we claim no Time—Save Money — Instructions ' ittaches. monopoly on virtue. But it PETE FIEDLER furnished. Phone 504 B. Western Dog Catcher. seems to us doubly important Store. Stay-ton. fora Prescription I’harmac) to Oregon Ceitified Marshall maintain the highest ethical Strawberry Plants standards. That means not Grown in Eastern Oregon only integrity in the compound­ Write for Price List ing of fresh, potent drugs; hut Agricultural Research Industries uniformly fair prices as well. Route 2. Box 72. Payette, Idaho We'll appreciate your patron­ ODD JOBS done Fridays afterschool age on all possible occasions. and Saturdays. See Pat Wolverton. NEW! Jam-packed Wilma Howe or phone 3425. TRADEIN D E T R 0 I T I HlUlUMUlh THEATRE a I) WIS Baldwin’s 1) & I) Wants and Sales I The Commercial Book Store EH ■ ’I p Capital Drug Co Salem. Oregon BABY SITTING week nights and Sat. Call before 7:30. Phone 3425 or see Pat Wolverton or Wilma Howe.’ W. of Hilltop Store. [Hsi't borrow. Subscribe! PRESCRIPTION^ rortbi-»’®*.. SEARS CATALOG SALES ¡¿DEPARTMENT with thrilling values, thousands ft MJ of lower prices A. M. McCUEN PORTLAND AND MILL CITY CHARLES I.OVE1- MANAGER Riders of the Santiam > DANCE at SEARS SPRING and SUMMER Jordan, Sat., Jan. 29 HOME TOWN FOLKS - ¡ wan / * C you-^c ait TyOu’i VOU DO lT ■------- Psw»« ? t i-»E w -TS * E * . 4 ; I I F 1949 CATALOG <• r«i •. i. you r • Satisfaction always guaranteed TH ät ’S how > rm. vo • Convenient credit terms Step Into one itore* Shop from one counter for all your need* in A i *I Sears new Spring-Summer catalcgl Visit your Sears Catalog Sales KING’S Dept. . . . see how easy it is to shop and save the one-stop way. EB. • “TEEN-AGERS’ DANCELAND" w-w w w v s i y MOBIL-MIN I TE- FREE COFFEE MAN SERVICE TO TRUCK DRIVERS 3 MILES T v T.'T OF MILL ' in' HI WAY 222 K I Ml b ÇfADÇ oiÿout, fiiOfuy JL hi \3 sÎÎüæ ùirCct