MILL CITY ENTERP-RIAE. JANUARY 37. 1943 Gates Edward Chance Jr. was brought home from Dornbecker last Friday and is repotted getting along nicely. He was taken to Portland Wednesday for a checkup by his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chance. Mrs. Otis Dike of Salem has re- turned to her home after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Chance. The Gates Women’s Club is spong soring a miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Glen Hennes whose home burn ed to the ground Sunday morning. It will be held Saturday at 1:30 at the school house. Trade Your Old Furniture for New . We anticipat a brisk trade in used ; furniture, when the dam gets going. Why not get rid of your old stuff I now ? Mill City Furniture Co I The Mill City Enterprise ____ _ those ____ ____ -__ ‘ the show Among attending presente(j at the State Penitentiary by the convicts as a benefit for the March of Dimes were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Henness, Mrs. Clarence Rush, Mrs. George Stafford and daughter Carmen, Miss Esther AVeathcrs and Marvin Stafford. T .R. Burton, principal of the local schools, been ill at his home for fore than a week. Mrs. N. J. Pennick was engaged as substitute teacher during his absence from school. Carl Knutson of Salem, formerly of Gates, spent Saturday at the home of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Knutson. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kelle and son of Sutherlin were week end guests at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Kelle and Mr. and Mrs. J Miss Jackline Bidegary of Lake- ^ew is a guest at the Norman Gar rison home. The Glen Henness home in Gates burned to the ground early Sunday morning when fire broke out, sup posedly from an overheated furnace. A benefit dance for the Henness* will be held at the Fire Hall in Mill City Saturday night. The house was a total loss, anil only a few articles of clothing were saved. Mr. and Mrs. Henness, their son Earl and a schoolmate, Mailin Cole, were in the house at the time of the fire, which drove them from their home in 10 degree cold. Keith Henness, another son, re turned in time to see the home ablaze and in his anxiety to learn of the safety of his parents and brother, drove so rapidly that his car skidded into a car parke in the driveway leading to the house, damaging both cars. The home was a landmark over looking Kings Prairie and was one of the most atti active places in the Canyon. The house, two stories, had been completely remodeled inside and MHI City, Oregon. modernized. Among the many valu- i able articles lost were a new electric Charle« Wolvarton, Editor and Publisher range and refrigerator, which had Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager only recently been installed. A wash ing machine was recovered from an Entered u second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, outside porch. Mrs. Lyle Rush of Salem was com- Oregon jnder the Act of March 3, 1879. __ ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING plimenfed Thursday evening when Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and Mrs. Norman Garrison and Mrs. Glen Henness were hostesses at 3 bridal those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the “Too Late to Classify’ shower given in her honor at the section. . mi Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise wdl not home of Mrs. Joe Joaquin. Games and music provided diver be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. CLASSIFIED RATE sion for the guests during the eve One insertion for 50c or three insertions for |1.00. Display advertising 40c inch ning before the gifts were opened. Mrs. Elmer Stewarj and Mrs. Bess NATIONAL EDITORIAL Müde» Vandermeer were awarded prizes in > * ✓ 1 I A 5 SO C- i I a T i S n PER the games and Misses Norma and Lo O reg v. te -xd I I ATION rena Devine presented several ac- P ublish cotdian nunrfSers. Refreshments were served by the hostesses to the hon ored guest, Mrs. Rush, her mother ford, Miss Eileen Eccleston, M r s. of Mill City, Mrs. Vandermeer, Mrs. William Pennick and Mrs. Nancy Clarence Rush, Mrs. Martha Bowes, Pennick, Mrs. Burrel Cole, Mrs. Al Mrs. Charles Rush, Mrs. Henry Ec bert Millsap, Mrs. Riley Champ, Mrs. cleston, Mrs. Laura Joaquin, Mrs. Lang Stafford and Mrs. Melbourne Elmer Stewart, Mrs. Blanch Dean, I Rambo. Mrs. Elmer Cooper, Mrs. Joe Joaquin, Mrs. K. J. Wells of Anchorage, Al- Mrs. Merle Devine and daughters Norma and Lorena. Those sending ’ aska, is the house guest of her grand gifts were Mrs. Tina Graham, Miss mother, Mrs. Lula Collins. She was Wanda Vanermeerd of Mill City, Mrs. joined by her sister, Mrs. Robert Dale Bassett of Corvallis, Misses Iva, Sweeny, and daughter Shannon of Joy and June Zeller of Scio, Mrs. Portland over the week end. George Stafford, Miss Carmen Staf- Mike Plant has returned from Long View, where he was called by the death of his nephew. Water Systems Sheet Metal Mrs. Edward Tietze has returned Oil Burners Water Softeners to Portland for medical attention and JUDSON’S GATES is at the home of her aughter, Mrs. Plumbing • Heating Scott Lindsey. Mrs. Tietze has been “Service Anywhere” Tel. 3-1414 279 N. Commercial (ill since before Thanksgiving and it is thought she suffered a slight Salem, Oregon stroke. I Miss Georgia Shane spent several | days in Salem where she received Weddle Funeral Home treatment for a cold she has suffered MODERN FUNERAL for two weeks. LYONS WOMEN’S CLUB SERVICE Meets every Thursday at the Com Stayton, Oregon munity Hall, Lyons, at 2 P. M. CAPITAL A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle hours Richards Tavern Directory Organizations Monumental Works I SANTIAM AERIE OF EAGLES No. 2945 Meets at Idanha Rod and Gun Club J. C JONES. Prop. I MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS NOW 2210 So. Commercial St. Salem Office Ph. 6887 Res. Ph. 6887 PIANOS Yes, a real "Mid-Ship*Ride in the smooth Rear window alone 88% larger. F. H. ALBUS, RG. PH. STAYTON INSTRUMENT REPAIRING _______________ LESSONS Tex’s Tavern Jacquith Music Co. 136 N. High St. A friendly family atmosphere prevails SALEM center- section. New "Hydra Coil Big Car Safety! ’Lifeguard' Body Front Springs of heavy- gauge steel..‘.King-Size* New Brakes that operate 35% "Para-Flex easier... lower center of gravity to Rear I. W. A. - C. I. 0.1 Regular Meeting ights wander, even in a cross wind. MILL CITY—4th Friday Monthly IDANHA • 2nd and 4th Thursday LYONS - 1st and 3rd Friday Monthly Second Friday open for special meet ings. 50 cents in city 15 cents per road mile cutside Mill City Taxi Service Phone Phone :!602 ::R02 Bell & Devers Take the wheel WMf »I da»«// Wf«l o*« ab/« a* ««Ir* coti 6'g Car Power! Your choice of lOOh.p. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Stayton 324 V-8 or a 9S h p- Six. Up to 10% greater gasoline savings HARLOW I.. WEINRICK Attorney at la« ÎÎ* Rrrwiafhin Herrold-Philippi Motor Co I ST OTOX * INwiy » t hold the road without Springs STORE PRESCRIPTIONS BAND INSTRUMENTS ACCORDION Big Car Visibility! *Picture Windows* all around. F 20 years of Continuous Service Big Car Comfort! Seats as wide as sofas...up to 60.9 inches wide Plenty of hip and shoulder room for 6 Big People. w DRUG I £ I Wood’s Store LADIES A CHILDREN’S DRESSES MILL CITY Service Station C.E.’’Pink” Mason Prop Shell Products Auto Storage, Batteries Fishing Tackle - Zenith Tires