The North Santiam’s Serving the North ¿unliani MillCity Enterprise \ alley VOLUME V. NUMBER I Lyons. Mehama. Elkh orn, Mill City. Gates. Mongold. Detroit and Idanha M IM HlTil" -Ml *’ jSbo A YE AR. 5 CENTS A C»PV MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANI ARY 27. 1949 I Looking Up CVA Proposal and Down Meets Mixed the Canyon nw Reaction Ask $2,000,000 More Support The March of Dimes For Dam Before July By CHARLES WOLVERTON I ______ 1 Pacific Northwest citizens greeted Modern social theories have it toa. | with mixed reactions this week the youth must be given a carefully news that President Truman has guided recreation program, and there c.”ed for the immediate enactment is an entire profession devoted to of a Columbia Valley Authority. A vivid display of the northern the cause of organized play activi In Salem Gov. Douglas McKay im lights brought hundreds of resident ties. The idea behind all this is that mediately voiced opposition, with the President Truman Tuesday sub here out of on s Monday n ght. the youth becomes socially adjusted remark: mitted to Cong es, in his request for In the early evening the spectacle —whatevei that means—and a better "What’s wrong with the way we’ e deficiency appropriations for the clr- filled the northern sky with a dull addition to society. doing it now?” yellow glow, « I!" <• rcasional short rent year, a total of $2 million for Pardon me for being anmrld fuddy- But labor and farm organizations Detroit dam construction funds be of fire stabbing high into the heav duddy. but the whole notion strikes responded quickly with an unquali- ens. Latter in the night, about 10:30, foie July 1. me as frilly nonsense. Why must fied indorsement of Mr. Truman’s The sum, if granted, would bring- the aurora bore ilia became more bril a youngster be entertained, taught proposal. the total appropriation for the year liant. and the yellows changed to a to play, except as he might learn in The question is of urgent concern on the big North Santiam project to fiery red. school at..leiics or the Scouts, 4-H, to the North Santiam area, for if To men who have spent a good $5.5 millions. etc. ? Even an infant of three or folr CVA were to be approved, the De The prsident atieady has asked for I • can keep himself occupied with play troit an Big Cliff dams would come $11.3 millions fur the fiscal year of ed to resemble the plow in t'e sky day in and out without boredom. And under the .«'-stem. 1949-50. radiating from a forest fire. Still la (Chief difference between a CVA why the emphasis on “gioup” activ The new appropriation request ter :n the nl<«ht fro northern tight and the present Bonneville Power ity? would give the Army Engineers a shifted restlessly from one part of The English-speaking cart of the Administration setup is Hie matter chance to go ahead in full swing on the horizon to the ether. Looking world has a great culture; perhaps of organization. The Tennessee Val from downtown NT511 City, bold fhafts the dam in the spring, as Col. O. E. as a literature as any peoples. ley Authority, after which CVA of red glov » I first in the northw 'st Walsh has indicated he wants to do. There’s more recreation in an eve would be modeled, is a government and then almost as far east as Mt. Biddsm tt> '<<on5dr With Walsh. ning with Dickens, for an alert young corporation with three directors ap Horeb. Pr<«*«ctive bidders on construc man or woman, or child, ex " than pointed by the President with the ap Here in the Canyon, one does not tion ana supply for the Detroit dam can be derived going through ,ne proval of Congress. TVA administers see as much of tWe horizon as in thz have been invited to confer with the paces for a professionally glad te- a tegional program, and turns its plains country, so that the blight Army Engineers in Portland Feb. 7 creation director. A young person of profits into the treasury to amortize glow at the levl was not visible. and 8. infantile paralysis to get well 16 who hasn’t read three or four of loans advanced to it. By JERÎCY SWAN The engines s. Col. Walsh said, will Bonneville operates under direct wanted the plays of Shakespeare is not only Hut, two, three four, hut two, thrree, outline the details of the project at am tharti to say, “I used to have immature—he’s missing a lot of fun. government control. Its revenue« are four. Left left, right, left. Do the Masonic Temple in Portland the infantile Above all, the degiee of self-reli tuinecl in directly to the treasury, you hear that right? I don’t think first day and prospective bidders will .paralysis, but now I can walk. ance one develops in occupying ones and it must operate each year on a you lie taken to the artisite the nexdt day. direct appropriation from Congress.) thanks to spare hours is the mark of a man or I do. You think of soldiers, I think of The bidders will submit estimates President Truman wrote to the children—children with infantile the many people in the United States woman. It need not be literature, al on building the concrete structure, Who though books are the best of all the I heads of the Interior, Army, Agri paralysis. The marching is pennies, ’ncluding all pieparatory work such arts of man. An interest in science, , culture and Commerce departments nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars. joined the March of Dime«. as clearing the damsite area and dig ant? others asking them to draft leg From 1943 to 1947 over 80,000 people which can be deeply developed by the I I hear that marching all over the ging a conversion tunnel for the liv were young, is a great challenge. And ev islation for a CVA. The news was country. stricken with infantile pa:alysis. The entire Canyon area suffered er, the power plant foundations, and ery hour spent in the spirit of in released' after the President had con- President*Franklin D. Roosevelt through its second week of unusual other major phases. The current bid Think satiable curiosity, which is normal feried with Rep. Hugh B. Mitchell, started Democrat, Washington. of the money it cost. That's where ly cold -weather, which paralyzed mill does not include dealing the reser to the young, in scientific inquiry is The March of Dimes. He wanted tc In Salem Morton Tompkins, mas operations and crippled business gen- voir area, installing of generators, the hut, two. three, four comes in. S<> work on a real foundation for living help the or other power plant installations. ter of the State Grange, said his or join the March of Dimes. eially. in a modem world. ones who had infantile paralysis Engineers’ »‘Ian IndOrwd. City the The at?,' e prose poem was a theme Several nights in Mil) All knowledge that the young ac ganization had slpported the CVA because In Sale-’- Wednesday the Marion l. ro, ai d idea for many years and "we are ' thermometer sunk clpse to written by Jerry Swan and it won a quire on tweir own initiative means he knew what it was lie. He wanted County Court went on iecord approv moie to them even than their school happy that the President has pe-son- the children and grown-ups both who ciwnpMition unainintoualy. with Jhe in Detroit and Idanha the tempera- tures were lower than any of record. ing the Army Engineers’ general faculty as judges. w ork, which, being a duty, is less | nally got behind the movement.” had had Local residents weie able to recall program of diveloptnft the Columbia ........... .. The .... .. — ........... thrilling. inner development of ' Janne8 T M*rr' secretary of the only two times in the past 35 or 40 basin, including the Willamette Val ones mind, in individual pursu t of Gregon State h ederation of Labor, years when the Santiam River froze ley project. The statement apparent ideas and facts, rounds out the vast j 'ieclared that the Oregon labor move completely across at the narrows in ly was prompted by the forthcoming goal of learning..................................... ' ment "toffether with farm groups POLIO VICTIMS RECOVERIN’ the center of tmwn. Once, in about Basin conference in Portland Feb. 2, The recreation advocates offer will give CVA their active and en Little Claudia Fry, daughter of 1918, similar cold was experienced, nt which time the entire scope of a ’time-consuming program of activ ergetic support.” the Northwest's power find reclama Mr. and Mrs. Perry Fry of Detroit, and the rive: was bridged with S'milar support came from labor ities to lead the youth toward being tion blueprint will be reviewed. who was stricken infantile par and farm organizations ip Washing Again, in 1937, it was at that point, “socially adjusted.” This means, in "Marion County being located at alysis early in December, is recover- ! frozen at that point. their viewpoint, that he’s equipped ton. the foot of the proposed Detroit dam ing remarkably well from its effects. I the Canyon Roy T. Atkinson, regional dhector In the upper part of to get along with his fellow-men. that She was able to attend Sunday school a freak freeze filled the North S*r which will have more influence upon he’s popular. The fallacy of that kind of the CIO, commented: this week. “ Organ : zed labor — particularly tiam with ice from the bottom up, the potential 'b’F^velopment of the of thinking lies in the fact that the lowlands of Marion County than any Philip Ficek, son of Mr. and Mr-. those workers in the light metals in around Detroit and Idanha. world, in the long run, judges a man other factor known at the present Anton Ficek of Mill City and ano Deer and other wildlife we-e driv dustries — will greet the Presidents by other standards than his personal time,” the court said. ‘We are in fa- ther victim, is similarly making a action as bearing out their faith in en down from the mountains by the adjustment to society. Washington, vor of a high dam and .power instal- good recovery in Portland at Shrin- Robert P. Veness, theater propri- deep snow, and around Detroit the him during the last election. CVA for instance, vas a taciturn man, al lation for the reason *z need the ers Hospital, fie is able to move i will help make the Pacific Northwest deer had become almost tame. ator, was appointed last Wednesday most a misfit according to the stand power very badly.” part of his body without difficulty. Muir ’ « Bakery was completely shut the center for a great light metals to the city council, to fill t e unex ards of the recreation pollyannas. The court pointed to an are« of j industry, making thousands of new down Monday and TAjewlay b'caus< pired term of Lee Ross, who resigned The great John Calvin or Martin Lu about 93,000 acres which needs ir- . jobs for our working men and worn- pipes were frozen. when he moved out of the city lim ther, leaders of the Reformation, Few homes and businesses e caped r gat ion. to 28,000 acrea which the its. i and rude fellows both, hardly were | en.” the annoyance of frozen plumbing. dam wbtfld help to spare from flood C. Girard Davidson, assistant sec Mr. Veness ’ appointmen was made ] the product of sweet forms of re In Detroit, householde s were milt damage, and the need for Salem of retary of the Interior, said: by Mayor Harold Kliewer, with the ( creation. Lincoln, who not only was “ CVA is the only way we can get ing snow for their water supply. In more city water supply. unanimous consent of the other four deprived of their planned play but th* enti-e area, few houses, construct ' The county court ffTTt TTT*rtolce its federal activities in the Northwest council members. also all but a little formal education, properly integrated. We ed as they are for a much milder cli- approval or disapproval of the pro believe we Mr. Veness has been proprietor of found himself as a leader because he i mate, could withstand the unprece posed CVA. this can be don without interfering the theater for the past nine years. had the capacity for individual self with states' rights. ” dented cold. The Mill City Rockets, town t-am, He is an officer of the Mill City Cham teaching. His recreation was litera A regionwide meeting called by ber of Commerce and is active in the and the high school’s Timbei wolves ture in his boyhood—and his wise use of his spare time as a lad fitted the League for the CVA, will be held Lions Club. This is his first public will play Tuesday on the local bas I ketball court in a March of Dimes office. him for the great achievements of in February. Affiliated with the League are the The bill presenting the first city benefit game. his later years — and his addresses An added attraction will he th* have taken their place as literature. state Granges of Oregon an 1 Washi charter to the legislature wil be sub An important meetng of the Mill A school budget of $107,811, over The world, and particularly Amer ngton, the Washington, Oregon and mitted by Rep Max Landon of Sweet high school girls volley ball squad I Idaho AFL. the CIO and the Faimers Home and possibly a representative versus the faculty. City Chamber of Commerce was held 1 $13,000 above the previous year ’ ica, is suffering from the results of Adm ««ion will be 25 cents for chil was approved Monday night at ar Thursday noon at ^Ibm and Pop’s from Marion county. It will not b • too much tecreation—there is an in I Union of four Northwest states. Lined up solidly against a CVA offered as a joint bill, but will await dren and 50 cents for adults. 1 official school meeting in the High Cafe to outline a program for the fantile preoccupation with trivial cur: ent year. The affair is planned as the com . School. time wasting recreation that poorly are the various private power com action in the lower house befoie it Topics for immediate attention of suits a people with such grave res panies. some Chambers of Commerce reaches the state senate. The charter munity’s main money raising event But actually, the expenses had been and the Republican controlled state was modeled after one drawn up by for the f’jnd to fight infantile paral I trimmed seme in certain items. Ac local businessmen were: ponsibilities in the world. 1 Discussion on sending a d> legate governments of Washington and Or- the League of Oregon Cities, but ad ysis, which alieady this ye.-$r has counting for the increase was a big I egon. They denounce the CVA pro- apted to local needs. It will contain stricken one local child. item of »10,000 in the 1949 50 bud to the Columbia Basin Conference in TJesides this athletic event, mon'” get for t<e building fund, in <as>- Portland Feb. 2. This will be a hear about 5000 words. The other evening I got a telephone I posal as socialistic. Existing ordinances are not includ is .being collected in milk bottl*» at more money was needed to complete ing to outline general policy of flood call. A syrupy voice purred: local business house«. A celection at the projected erode ifffiooi building control end hydroelectric power in "This is station WOW. Your name STREET LIGHT LINES STRI NG ed in the charter. Copies of the charter wer prepared the theater one night this week n*t- ■To thin program also was ad led »4 - th* Northwest. has been selected from the telephon The Mountain States Po-^-_Cv. is 2 Widening the membership of the Response has been good, the 001 for I ndscaping of the s‘r 'ct ir". d-'re'torie« of the nation for a chance at--work on the L nn County -ide of hy Farl Ragsdale. city recorder, in t*d Th« I; d'.et ont nuol th» an i ■cal chamber. the form necessaiy for submission local chalr-mn. Char’«» Kelly, sc f. to win a ize. If you anwer • 3. Nom nation of officers for the I nual figure of »14.000 that had been the question v^.i-e about to direct of wav foi street lights. Eerly this to the legislature. use ' to ».nc«» a sfnk ng ng f- *■ nd fn fnr th» «>■»«■• year. DETROIT HOSTEL SOLD to yu correctly, you will win a Pon week the wires were installed in the Cards were sent out to about 75 The city wil! begin con truction i Mr. and Mrs J. Cal Schlador have building; the »am* amount is time tiac sedan, a houseful of furniture, hr is n»-i section on the south side of fo *et ement of bonds to attend the meeting. «non on a garage to house municipal ♦ ■•old the Cascade Rooms to * * 1,” v ' v-’’l *-« . a trip to Hawaii for you and your the river. and Ted Iryzk of Las Vegas, 1« v., for the cuilding. It was pointed mt Mr«. Albert Toman offered her some vehicles. family. Now listen closely u» the Correct." replied the voice or< r T >• bui’d'ng. <>F wood construction, •vho is rem deling the basement into ' that a sb wer ate of arr ort’zati *fi as a meeting place. question. "What is the name of Roy Roger ’ the phone, "You have just won tw will be built on city property behind 12 bedrooms. They are ala Sliding v is ye »¡’’e lot f e hoar-* *«•♦ h pounds of fertilizer.” horse?” the jail and city hall. It w II be 2* three shows s and lavorate de« and W'zld be better to retire the d bt a •I”\I.TH BROADCAST PLANNED The Oregon State Medical Society fast as possible. I’ve been somewhat unenthi -iasti- Only he didn't say fertilizer, I feet 1 'ng. large enough for the grad redecorating the interior. Tnere * T e Item *or teacher»’ «Marie« w » rind the Sts’e Department of Educ a be accommodations for about 35. The about horse operas since my 11th since learn«'! that at least one ot^er er, the t uck and another car tion ar* co-' perating on a series of Cascade rooms will be remeobe ed | up about »5000 :.bove la*t year. yea . so I did not know I put my itizen won a prize, only he got five health broadcast» «ta ting Feb. 2 for The budget will he submitted ' han 1 over th« rece.ver and asked the founds. This is rank — no double 2 BIDDINGS UNDER WAY as the o’ I Fre . Stahlan home, It *vnty boarJ app oval, »nd will lie the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. family. I got the right an.wwer. hop- meaning intended diacrim.nat on. If ; Roy Beebe is building a carpenter will be called the Case: le Ho*.»!. I neroented to voter* again before the Broadcasts ar* scTN-duled wecfcTy at ng I woiAi ’t I* d -qua fied be su*e ‘he correct a newer is worth five * shop and a new house on his proper ” • ' \ ' kTiPS and beginn’ng of the next fiscal year in Ihmt barrow. Sa barn he! pounds in one case, it ought to be ty near the Beebe apartment« The 1 got help. KRVM for 15 weeks. | July. "Trigger,” 1 replied. worth five pounds in another. | carpenter shop is almost finished Northern Lights A Brilliant Show New Request Would Speed Up Work Timetable Cold Spell Hits For 2d Week Council Names Veness io Fill Vacancy Game Tuesday School Budget Boost Approved I Chamber Plans Year’s Program