MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, Sublimity, played at Gates Friday to consolidation of schools. Mr. and night. The score was 68 to 23, in fa- Mrs. Alex Muzechenko furnished sev­ I for of Sublimity. Detroit plays at eral musical numbeis. At the close By JEAN ROBERTS of the me 'ting doughnuts and coffee By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT | Gates Tuesday n 11. party was held Thurs Visitors in Detroit Sunday from Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R^y were served. night on the Ike Myers ranc... Mill City weie Gayle Dorothy, Buzz Johnson last week were Mr. John- LEGAL An old logging road was converted Fleetwood, Mr. and Mrs. John Mont- son's niece, and her husband, Mr. into a toboggan run, and Mr. and gomery and daughter Ann, and Mis. and Mrs. Ralph Ballatyne, of Albu- The school board of District 29 J Mrs. Carl Longneche. an.': family. Montgomery’s sister, Mrs. Allen querque, querque. N. Mex. The Ballatvnes al- ­ Ballatynes al Mr. anj Mrs. Bill Bicket and family, Neff of Sunnyvill, Calif. so visted with their daughter in Spo- solicit sealed bids on the following Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts and fam­ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dart, Len Davis kane before driving here. They re- school properties: District 61 Jordan containing acie ily and Mr. and Mrs. Myers and fam­ and Bruce Hauk were business call­ ported the weather very cold in age and building; Dist. 84 Twin Ce­ ily all enjoyed the fun. er in Salem Monday. i Washington. , .Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leingnechet and J. Fischer, who was painfully in- | Winifred Booth and her brother. dars, acreage and building only a few family were Wednesday night din­ jured New Year’s nite and was in a Tommy Thompson, auto dealer i n years old; IMst. 130 McCully Moun­ ner guests at the Phil Dooley home. Salem hospital, retimed to his home Redmond, returned this week by car tain, school house and shed to be sold -Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts and fam­ this week. after a visit u i;h their sister and separately, all in Linn County. Dis tint 90 Oakdale school house ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Toots Bill­ Betty Nolan has been visiting the bi other-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. T. D ington at Sweet Home Sunday. Mr. past week with friends and relatives Leon of San Francisco. Also visiting in Marion County. Bids must be accompanied by 10 and Mrs. Billington were Elkhorn in Vancouver. Wash. at the Leon home was a niece and residents prior to last September. J. C. Fowler visited with his wife her huAand, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ri per cent in rash or certifier! check to A good many Elkhorn residents in Portland last week end. der of Nerw York. Winifred is making cover bid, bankable not for balance, The Boiad reserves the right to attended the last ritas for Si Rhoda B. B. Bland and C. M. Veal of Al­ her home here with another sister, reject all bids. Bids close Jon. 24. last Monday. He had been a f ¡«.-nd bany are the new proprioetois of the Mrs. Ray Johnson. i and neighbor to many in past years. Mt. Jefferson Cafe, in Idanha, which The PTA decided to postpone the 1949, at 9 p. ns. For further information see a mem­ The heavy snow-fall plus fieezing opened recently. . “open house” at the new school, weather made for excellent coa ting Elton Fritz of the Cedar Tavern scheduled for Jan. 24, until a later ber of the school board, Alice Huber, up here. Monday night there were was in Vancouver on business last ddate, because of weather and road clerk, G. Paul Johnston, chairman, George Nydegger, and Vernon James. 19 adults and children coasting down week. conditions. Mrs. Lewis H. McDaniels, former­ Schotthoeffer’s logging road near the BOOTS CHAMPION In the Matter of the Application 1 , Ray Roberts home. A good time was ly of Cottage Grove and now making of ) j had by all. he. home at Mongold, announces the WILUS POTTER, clerk of ses-) Mrs. Ike Myers, Mrs. Bill Bickett formation of a Get Acquainted Club sions, and ANNE M. DAWES, ) and Mis. Ray Roberts attended lodge at Mongold. Main purpose of the trustee, of the Presbyterian ) in Lyons Wednesday night. club is social activity for children. L Church, tri By CHARLES DE SULLY NEAL MARTTALA and) For the present the club will meet Mr. an Mrs. Phil Dooley and Mr. > Mrs. Luella Floyd was taken to the *2 ARY ANNA EPPS and Mrs. Lao Rus elll were dinner every Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the guests at the Ike Myers home Tues­ McDaniels home and is open to any­ Memorial Hospital suffering fiom a NOTICE OF ALLEY VACATION heart attack. Latest reports are very TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: day night. one who is interested. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ed Hanan of the Detroit Theater favorable, Mr. ami Mrs. Ray Roberts were Kenneth Harris underwent a very WILLIS POTTER and others, have helping Mr. and Mrs. Meivin Knox spent a few days in Portland on serious operation, having part of his filed a petition Nov. 20, 1948. with renovate their house Thursday and business this week. The folks in this part of the Can­ lung removed. He is doing remark­ the Common Council, to close the Friday of last week. Plaster was torn down from the dining and living yon are bieathing much easier, with ably well but will be a long time con­ fourteen foot alley running north and the letting up of the cold spell Many fined to bed. Mr. Harris and the girls south through the center of Block 13, rooms and firtex replaced. were kept busy thawing out or fix­ have taken a home in Portland so Hobson’s Addition to Mill City, Linn ing bursted water pipes, etc. The 'they may be with him. Mrs. Harris County, Oregon, Between B Street Don’t borrow. Subscribe! usual greeting was, “How’s your is making many trips. Cheeiup, Ken! and C Street in the City of Mill City, Oregon, as same appears upon the pipes?” Even the old Santiam start- | "e are a" f°r y°u- recorded plat of said Addition of said The chimney fire in Detroit Sat ­ ed to get ice on its bottom. That ’ s HOWARD CORSET SHOP no foolin'. The Detroit fire depart­ urday night fortunately was not ser­ City, now on file in the Recorder’s ment depends on the river for its ious. It proved one fact, the efficiency Offiice of the Recorder of Conveyanc­ FOUNDATION GARMENTS of our firemen. From the time the es in and for Linn County, Oregon, Special Attention Give, to Fittings water supply. Luckily no fires. phone call was made, only seven or ansi that said Common Council has Hosiery-Lingerie-Dresses-Smocks Detroit high school did not fare eight minutes elapsed befoie they set the 2nd ilay of February, 1949, at 131 High St. Salem Ph. 4032 8:00 P.M. o’clock thereof at the City so well in its basketball game with were on the scene. • C. Faris is certainly having a Hall as the time and place for the ' tough time. His wife recently return­ hearing of objections, if any there ed from the hospital after and opera­ be, why the above described alley tion and her younger son had appen­ should not be closed. dicitis at the sametime. Now his el­ Earl Ragsdale der son has been taken to the hos ­ City Recorder < pital and may ha e to be operated WE KNOW tliat the old method of NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS on. (We hope not.) To add to all firefighting couldn't compare bo to­ Sealed bids will be received by this, when e picked up his mail, he day’s We realize that new methods h: d woid his father was not expect­ Schooy District No. 129-J, Linn and of doing things. ...that is, the ME­ ed to live. Marion Counties, Mill City, Oregon, CHANICS |of doing them have Warren Stoll and family have left at the office of theSchool Superin improved daily. That's why we have I for California for a two weeks’ visit tendent until 8:00 p.m. Thursday, constantly purchased new equipment ( Warren will visit some of his old February 23, 1949, for the construc­ for shoe repairing., new at y les in tion of an Elementary Schoo] Build­ aTmy friends. our ready made shoes. But the thing ing for School District No, 129-J, the firewagon in this very til’ steel Linn and Maiion Counties, Mill City. LYONS engraving DID have was the rom- Lyons is again without a beauty Oregon, and will then and there be ance of PERSONALITY. You usual­ shop, which iwill be greatly mimed. opened and publicly read aloud. Bids ly knew iTf men who manned the Mrs. Clara Basl who operated the received after the trtne fixed for op machine... you bnd a EOeat PER­ shop here has moved to Sweet Home entpg will not be considered. Plans, SONAL interest in their every call. She wished to thank her many cus­ specifications, form of contract doc­ Well, we're old-fashioned enough tomers for their patronage and co­ uments and proposal may be obtain­ down at pur place to hope you till operation. It i/ hoped that another ed at the office of S. R. Haatvedt, have that Interest in us .and pur Architect, 340 W. 1st St.. Albany. operator will be secured, soon. work. It's good to know the folks Oregon, upon a deposit of |35.00 per who fix your shies! The Mehama Kme Extension Unit set, on or about February 1, 1949 I met Friday at the Women's Club­ ami plans and specifications may be house for an all day session. Miss examined at the office of the Mill Eleanor Trindle, county agent, and City Schoo) Superintendent after the Mrs. Miller, asistant agent, demon­ I same date. Each bid shall be accom­ strated blouse making, with short­ panied by a certified check, cashier's cuts in sewing. Those present were check or bid bond made payable to Mesdames Roy Philippi, Ira Kirsch, Chester Blum, Louis Kirkland. Jack Teeters. Arch Kimsey, Milton Roten, Giles Wagner, Earl Wolfkeil, Jack Rv land. Miss Trindle, Miss Lois Blom i Miss Jean Kimsey and Mrs. Miller. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN The Lyons PTA held its meeting 1 1 at Rebekah Hall Friday evening with Light and Power Wiring a fair crowd considering the cold (iuarartCoed Work weather. Rex Putnam, state super­ Reaaonable Rates 1 intendent of schools, who was to be At Ken Golttt'a Ph. 147 Mehama 1 the speaker, was unable to attend LET US GIVE Y'OU a free estimate on overhauling vour due to the icy roads. Glen Julian motor. All work guaranteed. We can promise you the i showed motion pictures pertaining QUICKEST SERVICE IN TOWN. Elkhorn AUTOMATIC Stayton Hardware ana Furniture STAYTON, OREGON MARKET NEW AND USED FURNITURE The Store with the Lowest Prices in Town 1605 N. Summer SALEM GARAGE GENERAL AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACETYLINE WELDING PHONE 3452 YOU HAD JUST AS WELL BE HEALTHY & HAPPT ★ HEMORRHOIDS ★ FISTULA ★ PRC-APSE ★ ITCHING and other rectal dkordera ed without ho-pitallzation. DETROIT Idanha VV O O I) R Y FURNITURE correct­ Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo Proctologist u k 218 N. Liberty. Salem, Ore. Geo. H. Bell Real Estate & Insurance Zff STAYTON Arthurs Cafe A friendly place to meet «nd eat. Chicken in the Rough Mill City Cafe Bl WISE—ECONOMIZE Bat at th. .MILL CITY CAFE .teaks, chops. French fries, chili. Septic Service Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanka priced 912.50 and up. and Electric Roto-Rooter Sew- •r Service. No digging. No mass. Phone 3-9468 or Rea. 1BT9 Elm St i k N.HIGH STREET Information Center. Detroit, Oregon 24 hour* a dav JANUARY 20. 1949 ASK ABOUT OUR BUDGET PLAN and pay a small amount each week. District the owner in amount not less than 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. Linn and Marion Coun­ ties School District No. 129-J re­ serves the right to ieject any or all bid- and to waive infonnalitTFs No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof or before award of contract, unless said awaid is delayed for a period exceeding 30 ays. CHARLES KELLY Clerk. Don't borrow. Subscribe! H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop * Blacksmithing * Welding * Logging and Sawmill Repairing. BLOCK WEST OF THEATER I)r. S. A. W HEATLEY OPTOME TRIST Stayton 145 Third St. Office hours 6:00 to 9:00 «acl. Tuesday evening. Salem office located at 167 S .High St. Phone 24469 Santiam Hardware and IMPLEMENT COMPANY Stayton Hi ’)'■ ‘"I Gibb Electric Service Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance WART, the Speed Cop UOOP Vit IT - ) « x r—l K • « SHUX ELECTRIC COMPANY STAYTON ” See Ed L. Davis Lyons, R. F. I). Also Estimates on Frame Straightening Phone 751 Mill City THE DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. PHONE 3188 SALEM 510 N. Commercial st. BABY BEEF FOR LOCKERS SILVER PHONE SADDLE SERVICE STATION TRAILER COURT IN CONNECTION 24 Ho' I SERVICE Freres Building Supply to Building Materials of All Kinds Earl Smith, Mgr Stayton Mom & Pop s Cafe Private Dining Room BARGAINS In Furniture, Stoves, Dishee Clothing, Houseware« MAC’S S. ( hurch. next to '»•lei» Parking