The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949, January 20, 1949, Image 4

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Douglas fir, owns the growing and
staying power to lift wealth for us
from the poorest land. It is a tree
to cherish.
Baby Tree.
Down in the youngest second
growth at the foot of the mountain
and near the county road stod the
I Foresters reckoner th
>ad tow­
five year old Douglas fir. The Christ­
Among the thousands of trees on ered three hundred feet and more in mas tre thieves had passed it by be­
the mountain slope were three, each 1 its prime. Early settlers had noted cause it was little and the gaps of
with an individual story. The big­ the big fir at a turn in an Indian growth were too long and bare be­
gest and highest of the three was a i trail, as far back as 1848. Then it tween branches. But other saplings
dead Douglas fir, a hollow, standing was still alive, except for a snag top. had been stolen around it. Cut
Around 1898, the great Douglas
snag. Its trunk was ten feet through.
branches and trees that had been cut
fir had lost its last sprig of green.
and then discarded lay among the
The giant trunk stood on, dead tim­
small, higt stumps. Above the de-
ber, the top crumbling away year by
bris the baby tree stood alone.
year. Now in 1949 it was broken
Look ahead in imagination to some
Most Treaaured Documents
down to. a mere 50 feet in height. At
summer day, after a week of heat
its bottof a fire scar had eaten into
and dry east wind. A car speeds up
an opening that a man could enter
the road in a cloud of dust, bound
without stooping and which provided for a fishing stream. A live
I housing for bears and littler timber | is flipped from the window
of the
Benjamin Franklin
I beasts.
Six hundred and more years ago, the Christmas tree thieves
Writes his Epitaph.
— into
' the forestéis said, the big tree had mats of needle like leaves that are
' been but a tiny seed, a grain with a now brown, tinder-dry in the parch­
glider tail, in flight from a ripe Doug ing weather. Soon smoke
In our display window
boils up
las fir cone that a dry east wind of in the drifting dust.
late fall had opened. Where a light­
The fire creeps on, there is a lift
ning fire had made a clearing, the of the licking flames into a
torch for
I seed found life in soil exposed to a minute, and then the little lone
sunlight. Bracken fern, fireweed and tree is left standing, smoking, every
' -alai had nuised this seedling with needle leaf burned into a black shred.
A Seif Supporting, Tax Paying
i others on the burned laond. In time There it is, when the tank truck rolls
Private Enterprise
a family of youngg Douglas firs had up and the forestry men drown out
crowded out all lesser plant life from the blaze. “No damage
to report. w 1
the burn and fought each other in Another lesson, bit no poetry
thrustingg up learly spears of growth t me.
to the sun.
Six centuries of tiee life come to
Here the tough and strong tree
ruin, Six centuries aggo trees were had stood and thus held its
felled in Norway and staves from against the worst the winds could
them were used to build churches, give it, and so, it had giown into
That wood lives on in beauty and the shape of a landmark for the ,
service. There is poetry in the fact. pioneers of the 1840’s. They named
There is a gieat lesson.
the spot Tough Tree Point.
Tough Tree Point.
The Douglas fir clung to the rocks
Half way down the mountain a drank throng its roots, breathed
boulder of granitt jutted so as to through its leaves, and by the magic
be visible for many miles. On the of its natural chemistry woiking
shoulder’s point another tree grew with air, sunlight and water, lived
out of loose rocks. It was probably on. There is poetry in this fact, too.
more than 200 years old, yet it was And a lesson that our main tree, the
n more than 20 inches through the
trunk, while its wind-beaten crown
was bue 60 feet aloft.
The roots of the tree on the point
were numerous and they were pow­
Only ten members of the Gates
erful and large in their spread. The Women's Club bi aved the cold and
spread was exposed. There the roots ice to attend the regular meeting
swelled in bulges, as with mighty Thursday afternoon at the school­
muscles, reaching on to grip rocks house.
befor thrusting down to water sourc-
A 1 o’clock dessert luncheon was
served by the hostesses, Mrs. Glen
Henness and Mrs. Clarence Rush.
Following the luncheon the bus­
iness session was held with Mrs. El­
mer Stewart presiding. The names
of the “seciet pals” were revealed
but it was decided to postpone tse I
drawing of name for the coming I
year until the social meeting Jan. 27 ,
to be held at the home of Mrs. T. R
Mrs. Kenneth Miller representing
the Marion County home extension I
unit spoke on the subject “how to
grow old gracefully.” The next reg­
ular meeting will be held Feb. 10
with Mrs. Joe Joaquin and Mrs. Wil
liam Athey as hostesses. The topic j
will be The Selection of China, with ■
a demonstrator from the extension I
unit present.
Those attending the meeting were I
Mountain States
Power Company
Mrs. Miller o' Salem, Mrs. Burrel
Cole, Mrs. St'-wait, Mrs. Lula Col-
lins, Mrs. Laura Joaquin, Mrs. Steve
X-» — Mrs. - Valma
---- — Carey, - Mrs.
---- — Joe
Joaquin, Mrs. Burton and the hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Caud Seilard of Sa-
*cm were Sunday guests at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Lula Collins
Mrs. Julia Mangold of Tenito,
Wash., spent several days at the
home of her sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mi3. Don Gessner. Mrs.
Mangold was en route to Hunting­
ton Park, Calif., to visit another sis­
Don Gessner is assisting Charlie
Smith in remodeling the Smith home.
It is planned to put a cement found­
ation under the house, puT on a new
roof and other improvements.
Edward Jr., the small son of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Chance, is repoited
to be convalescing at the Doernb ck-
er hospital in Portland where he was
taken following an accident a week
ago last Sunday. The child fell from
the family car. Severe head injuries
requiring surgery were sustained. It
Misa Georgia Shane is convalesc­
will be necessary for hime to re­
, main in the hospital at least for an- ing in her home after a week’s ill­
ness from a very severe coii.
other week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin mo-
Announcements of the marriage
- of
Albert Becker to Mrs. Alvie Smith tored to Eugene to attend the state
have been received by friends of the bowling tournament a week ago Sat-
couple here. The marriage took place ■ urday on on their return Sunday they
in Portland Dec. 26. Mr. and Mrs. ' stopped at Monroe to visi. Mr. Dr s-
Becker will reside in North Bend, bhi’s son, Delbert. Mis. Brisbin’s son
where he has been employed for Ansel Hayward of Portland played
some time. The bridegioom is a local with fl. he postal clerks club of that
man, having attended school and city.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Alexander of
spent most of his boyhood here. He
Is a veteran of World War II and Uyak, Kodiak Is., Alaska, arrived n
saw active service in Alaska.
Gates Monday to renew old acquain-
House guests over the week end tences and visit relatives. Mrs. Al­
at the Melbourne Rambo home were exander spent her girlhood here and
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Miller and son 1 will be remembered as Molly Gate .
Duane of Glendale, Oie.
They were guests of Mis. Lula Col­
Bob Meyer and Gene Burris have lins Monday night and also will vis-
moved c trailer onto the property of ' it the Ned Richards’. Jun. Alexand­
Mise Georgia Shane and rented her er and Mrs. Richards are cousins.
gue.t 1 use. Tl'.cy are advance en­
At the Norman Garrison home on
gineers, working for the government Sundya were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Zel-
and are here for the purpose of test­ i 1er and family of Scio. Mr. Zeller
ing gravel in tMk area for use in and Mrs. Garrison are brothe: and
the construction of the Detroit dam. sister.
Mrs. Meyer and Mis. Burris will join
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hennes, Miss
their husbands soon, from Woodland, I Carmen Stafford and Gerald Garri­
son motored to the coast Sunday.
Salem’s Most Sensational
of major
is now under way at
R E F R I (i E R A T 0 R S
Washers - Gas Ranges - Refrigerators
Water Heaters - Floor Furnaces
Top Brand Nationally Advertised
Appliances At lowest prices yet
. K. L Elfstrom Co.
2350 STATE ST.
FROM 6.00 A. M. to &30 P. MJ
Freezing weather in the Cc!:.’mbia River water­
shed and subsequent sho’tage of vater io turn the
generators at Grand Coulee and
and ii other power plants, extends th? critical per­
iod throughout the day instead of just during the
peak hours!
Hallmark Cards - Edward Williams
330 Court
Malie.Every Kilewatt Ceaat!
"A Self Supporting, Tox-?2ying, Private ente
In Cooperation With All Major