Coffee Table Used In Variety of Ways SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS CLASSIFIED RABBITS & SKINS \NT LIVE RABBITS 4 .ba . . rat bit skins, hides, woo!, mohair, caa- ara. live poultry. Baby M Company. 935 8. W Front, Portland. Oregon. BEST LAUGHS OF THE WEEK HE FULL size patterns now available provide a quick, ac­ curate, easy and inexpensive method of making many hand­ some articles of furniture and household equipment. The Salis­ bury table and tray illustrated above is cleverly designed and is as much in demand for use in­ doors as out. The table legs are collapsible and easily stored. Used by themselves, they make an ideal luggage rack. r INKLINGS MISCELLANEOUS By Jarvis MAKE an offer! PT-19 Fairchild— new license—low time—radio. Con­ tact Mobart Karr. 230 4th St.. Brem­ erton. Washington. Phone 201. iST Al T<> WRECKIN’». CO., . aria • r most 'ate models N»-w low pr . < - 8560 8. E Division St.. Port­ land, Oregon. SU 2394. TAXIDERMY SUPPLIES, form* tan­ ning Wholesale leather jacket ipfg Mohr’s Studios, 15641 Pacific Biway South, Seattle. Washington l'D-9 INT W gauge 20-in Gd. cond. B. 1». Larson, Gaston. Oregon. POOL TABLES WANT1D \ny condition Phil Marcus, 622 IE W. Gliaan St.. Portland, Oregon. FIBS. Dear. Elk. Cow and other skins tanned, made into Coats. Gloves, etc., to voür measure by oldest established manu­ facturer in West. Also buy hides. CHFRVKNY TANNERIE* 1157 NW, l»th Ave - Portland Ore Build this table from the pattern offered below and you will find how very easy it is and lots of fun too. The pattern is merely traced on the lumber. Tne lumber is then sawed and assembled exactly as and where the pattern indicates. No special tools or skill are required. All materials can be purchased at any lumber yard Paint it for use on porch or lawn, stain It for use indoors. • • • FOB SALE—D7 Cat. La Tourneau dorei Caterpillar 70 Scraper. A-l Condition. WALTER O’NEILL • Havre, Meat MACHINERY & SUPPLIES Send 25c for Salisbury Coffee Table .Pat­ tern No 52 to Easi-Bila Pattern company. Dept. W, Pleasantville. N. Y CONSULT US ON ALL OT VOUK logging and Construction Equipment Requirements Sound Waves May Be Used As a Local Anesthetic Sound has been used to lull peo­ ple to sleep but now for the first time it is being tested for possi­ ble use as an anesthetic. Directing a stream of sound waves at the site of the operation induces a temporary loss of sensation. tracks. Bt. 1, LARGE STOCK Or Crawlur Tractors, Cranes, Shovels, etc. Equipped as Desired. Tharoughly Reconditioned and Guaranteed. Payments arranged to suit your job Contract or Rental Option. A7M E. Marginal Way • Meattie S, Wash Telephone; LAnder Ttee and Idoe 7th Avenne. Eagene. Orvyaa Tepphone: Fngena ‘¡544. *... YES, 3UT IF WE EVER DO HAVE A FLOOD, I'LL 0E ALL SET/" FARM MACHINERY & EQUIP. FOR SALE—TD1M Internationa) trac­ tor, 4500 lira . farm lined. |6000. J. R. Yooom, Bufua. Oregon. WHEN^ HELP WANTED—MEN COLDS - —CAUSE EXPERIENCED body and fender men wanted. steady work. excellent working conditions. WARREN BROS . CHEVROLET. IMO. 217 W. Main. Centralia, Washington. Croupy Coughs REAL ESTATE—MISC. CNOICB INDUSTRIAL SITB 4BS ft., biway 99 frontage, same on railroad, in city limit», on sewer, excavated, including »even-room modern home. Ideal for warehouse, factory or Motel. 516.500. Term». Owner Lloyd Wilson, 936 Prospect St., Roseburg, Oregon. BUSINESS & INEST. OPPOR. . WEI*’ -Coast town, 1"“ keg* sum­ mer. kegs winter. Take trade up t - >6.000 Write Box 33, Rockaway, Ora. ev««* Ml! FFLE BOARDS for sale 1495.90 and |625 “" Jim Merten, 4537 8. B. Division, Portland 15. Oregon. MANUFACTURING SHOP, plaster figurine», plastic noveltie» Whole­ sale and retail outlet». Will teach business 15000 11000 down. Terms. 2305 N. Lombard, Portland 3, Ore. Mother, you know what won­ derful relief you get when you rub on Vicks VapoRub! Now... «’hen your child wakes up in the night tormented with a croupy cough of a cold, here's a special way to use Vicks VapoRub. It's VapoRub Steam —and It brings relief almost instantly! Put a good spoonful of Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water or vaporizer. Then ... let your child breathe in the soothing VapoRub Steam. Med­ icated vapors penetrate deep into cola-congested upper bron­ chial tubes and . • — bring relief with IC K C breath! \ TAVERN—Sold 116 halves last mo.: brewery checkup will prove 90 halves mo. average. Same owner 3 yrs who has purch. fishing boat and is going fishing. 2 draft beer boxes. 150 seating cap. 1120 rent on lease which inclu. heat A- water. Any operator can net 12.500 mo, 512 500 -asb hdls 1919 5th Ave., Seattle. Washington. ACME BROKBRAGB. INC. H & TA\ ERN Loe i. w bike, from this office; 175 rent on long lease; $56,000 receipts last yr.: Av- erage«! 519“ per day. Same owner X yr*.. Ideal for man A wife; should net 512“O per mo.; 39 seating canao.; all elec kltch . plenty of refrlg walk-in box. 2 Wells Deep Fat Fry­ ers only 513.5110 total price which incl. guar of 52000 »lock A- 5376 lease deposit. Term» 1919-5th Av*., Seattle, Wn ACME BROKBRAGB, INC. Advertisements Mean A Saving to You FARMS AND RANCHES T* unw TO MAh £ I S.« e«r Pattern No 1630 come» In size, 14. 18. 18. 20; 40. 42. 44 and 46. Size 16. 3>, yards of 35 or 39 inch Don’t miss the Fall and Winter FASH­ ION—60 pages of smart, easy to mak, styles: special features — fre. pattern printed Inside the book. 25 cents. PacifkTractor & Equipment Co. DAIRY, STOCK M POULTRY FARMS Write the man who has had 45 year« Agricultural Experience in the coast area of Oregon and Washington. Farms from 54.50“ to 5150,000. Can give vou EXPERT advice C. W Laughlin, Beal BstaU Broke» Astoria, Oregon and Cathlamet, Wash. I ,T □REGO Write for fr«-u flOpy of Kin. ney s Farm Katalog Descriptions and picture» from 51000 to 5*!0 “00. Box 71 -B. Bugene, Oregon. =! ÇÎL. =• cerforitnow • A( RES Cranberry Bogs. 2 acre» planted, 4 A »and 56,009 FOR QUICK SALE B. B. FISK - Bandas. Oreg«». Puffed Sleeve Dress V' OU’LL want to make several •* versions of this dainty little puffed sleeve dress that comes in the one-to-five range. Brightly colored ric rac is used for trim, a narrow sash ties in back. Panties to match. • • • SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 530 South Wells St. Chicago 1. 111. Enclose 23 cents tn coins for each pattern desired. Pattern w" ai—______ AArtrM« Pattern No 1859 la for sizes 1. 2. 3. 4 and 5 years. Size 2. dress. 2 yards of 39-inch; panties. ’. yard. Shirtwaist Frock A WELL tailored shirtwaist frock for your busy winter schedule. It buttons down the front, has comfortable cap sleeves and two handy pockets. A year ’round favorite in suitable fabrics. I ASK ME A- A-- fv fv. fv. /V. (s. . fx. ANOTHER ? A General Quiz The Questions 1. Was the air force ever part of the army signal corps? 2. What Biblical character was turned into a pillar of salt? 3. Where is Loch Lomond, fa­ mous in song and story? 4 Name the capital of Mexico. 5. Where is the Great Lakes Naval Training station located? 6. What is the incubation pe­ riod of a chicken egg? 7. What is the population of India? 8. At Baku, Kussian port on the Caspian sea, more than 2,500 years ago. The Answers 1. Yes, during World War I. 2. Lot’s wife 3. In Scotland. 4. Mexico City. 5. On Lake Michigan near Chicago. 6. Twenty-one days. 7. 360,000,000. 8. Where was petroleum first discovered? Splendid Cough Relief Is Easily Mixed at Home To get quick und satisfying relief from coughs due to colds, mix this recipe in your kitchen. Once tried, you’ll never be without it. First, make a syrup by stirring 2 cups granulated sutrar and one cup of water a few moments, until dissolved. A child could do It. No cooking needed. Or you can use corn syrup or liquid honey, instead of sugar syrup. Then get 2% ounces of Finex from any druggist. This Is a special com­ pound of proven ingredients, in con­ centrated form, well-known for Its quick action on throat and bronchial Irritations. Put the Plnex In a pint bottle, and All up with your syrup. This makes a full pint of splendid medicine and you get about four times as much for your money. Never spoils. Tastes fine. And for quick, blessed relief, It Is surprising. You can feel It take hold tn a way that means business. It loosens the phlegm, soothes the Irri­ tated membranes, and eases the sore­ ness. Thus It makes breathing easy, and lets you sleep. Money refunded If not pleased In every way. Plnex I m Nwifl Acting! Getting Deaf? Thouianch now know there it no excuse for letting deafMM kill the joy of living. An »mailing new radionict hearing device hat been perfected in the great Zenitht Radio laboratories —to simple - so easy to use it can be sent to you for 10-day free trial * Ready to wear, no individual fit­ ting necessary. Accepted by the American Metlical Association. Council on Ph>steal Medicine. Come out of that world of silence. Write today for full details to Zenith Radio Com., Hearing Aid Divi­ sion, Dept. 19 - PO, 5801 Dickens Ave., Chicago V), Illinois. Made by the makers of world-famous Zenith Radios. •Trial offer era liable on direct »alee by Zenith Radio Corporation or It* eubaKllartea t AUTOS, TRUCKS & ACCESS. ♦ Save on Fuel n ra< k. 15’ bed. 2-speed axle, new motor, heater and isdin. 521"“ Chas. Mc­ Lean. rt. 3, box 694, Albany, Ore., Old Albany-Corvallis Hiway. ALL TIED UP WITH DOGS. CATS. PETS. ETC. POH SALK Magnlfl. .-nt Gr«*t Pan, puppie,. Blue., black, and apottcd. I n t -111 n t, loveable and guard.. J. Sowall, 301» S Grand, dpokana 10, Waahlnrton. ECONOMICAL HEAT TM Si^WPt OH fur*»* burns «Ith«** aistifltts ar «.I ia twk ItoWt Maters turaa»*« twusri basier», •rune dairy tier ihrer», tit Safe Worieei. wy eaavtaiert at»d law •rieW Very easy te iaetall ia a»» Sretei iee««nH far teal er waad MAKES HEAT FOR LESS THAU THE COST OF WtlOD OR COAL »•- »tail it yawrwtf Write »er titular aM •ricee •a Si far vat liras. Dealer» aaatad. Address SIEVERT OIL BURNER CO 7lS N Wen St Les Awfeiee It. Calif. When Your Back Hurts And lour Strength and Energy Is Below Par It tnay ba rwwwad by Reorder of kM- any fuaet ow that perm u po’aonaua •aata to aemmulata For truly many people fael t ’*d. »»ah aad a aoraUa wh«>a ’.M kidnaya tail to ramova eieeaa a'tde and other waato matter from the bloed Yoe may aaffar B«rf4n| baekaebe. *b*amat e pa na. headachea. d!«1naw» F h - ng jp n>