MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, JAM ARY 20. 191» LYONS Hr EVA BRESSLER Jack Nash left fr Indiana where he will spend the next month visit- ing with relatives. Don Gibb of Independence is at the home of hi« giandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fet'herston. Gibb, who is a licensed electrician, expects to establish himself in business here Sunday dinner guest» at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Andersen were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spaulst a week in Salem visiting ! datives and her, and Hazel Lewis; examining, Verna West, I.azel Lewis and Hazel friends. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Shields. Helen Anderson was elected Cecil were Sunday evening guests at a trustee ftfr a term of three years, 1 (the home of his cousin and family, to replace Ethel Huffman, outgoing Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bassett in Salem. member^ A? the cloze' of the business Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bassett * Cor meeting a no-host pot luck supper vallis visited relatives in Lyons and I was served. Mill City over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cookingham of ! The Altar Society held its meet­ Portland were Saturday guests at ing at the home of Mrs. Pat Lyons the home of his mother, Mrs. ferrah Wednesday afternoon. Many plans •'were made fr*the coming year, with Cookingham. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield wo k under way for the bazaar to and son Bob were dinner guests at be held in the Fall. At the close of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Bet- the meeting Mrs. Calvin Trahan was cke of Aumsville. The occasion hon­ | honored with a shower. Those pre­ 111 ored Mis. Brassfield n her birthday sent were Mesdames Mike Schwindt, annivessar.,. Herman Free, Bob Free, Lloyd Free, Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Cullwell are John Jungwirth, Lol Doerfler, Philip the parents of a baby girl born at Pietik, Merrill Brassfield, Sam Salem Memorial Hospital Monday, Bridges, E’ather Schneider and the Jan. 10. hostess. and children of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Teagen of Mehama. Bob Brassfield and Don Gibb spent the week end in Port' #visiting relatives and frielrfs. -.-'U. Mrs. Nannie Martin of Salem is visiting relatives in Lyons. She is a guest at the Bert Lyons, Clyde Lewis and Velvie Lewis liomes. Mrs. Hetshei Culwell and infant daughter were brought hc.w from the Salem MemoriST Hospital. Her mother, Mrs. Joe Weitman of Aums­ ville will spend several days with her. • Mrs. Henry Skeils Is spending this Trade b •>**.*. Your Oh i — furniture, when the dam gets g< •ing. I E Why not get rid of your old ■tuff | NOW? Mill City Furniture Co. Installation preceded all other bus­ iness at the regular meeting of Faith ' : Rebekah Lodge in Lyons Wednesday Stop and shop at evening. District deputy president, Effie Heineck, and the following in­ stalled the new officers: Verna. West, deputy marshal. Alice Huber, deputy Aarden, Hazel lewis, deputy chap­ lain, Ethel Huffjnan, deputy secre- tary-treasure, and Eva Bressler, out­ side guardian. Installed Wire: Helen McClurg, for latest fashion in coats noble granm Frances McCarley, vice rrand, Helen Andersen, conductor, suits and dresses ; lllanche Wagner, musician, Alta Bo- •1 < leker, right supporter to noble grand Pay one-half, charge one-half ast ni.le grand, Hazel Shields, left Burners Water Softeners 1 1 s supporter to vice grand, Lois Mye:s, J U D S O N’S : i nside guardian, Zona Sischo, outside Plumbing - Heating ruardian, and Eva Bressler, flag Service Anywhere” ID >earer, will be installed at a later 14 279 N. Commercial ' d Salem, Oregon ::i Hazel Lewis was appointed staff c aptain, and Alta Bodeker, good of ■ t he order chaiiman. The following Weddle Funeral Home committees were appointed: floral Alta Bodeker, Alma Olmstead, anil MODERN FUNERAL ■ Patton; publicity,/* va Bressler, SERVICE due Heineck and Ethel Huffman; Stayton, Oregon auditing, Anna B. Julian, Alice Hu- The ' ittle French Furniture foi New , We anticipat a brisk trade in used ,TilH— | > The Mill City Enterprise Mül City, Oregon. Charlea Wolverton, Editor and Publisher Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager Entered as second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the "Too Late to Classify” section. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. CLASSIFIED RATE One insertion for 50c or three insertions for »1.00. Display advertising 40c inch O rec I P ublish Pi« I â T I 0 N T'ARD OF THANKS We are very grateful for the many acts of kindness and expressions of I sympathy during our recent beieave- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Beauford Flatman Mill City Plumbing & Heating Supply Directory of Bill Do* ■ n Organizations LICENSED DUMBER Phone 2152 Spire Jymrs I' .i.m. to 5 p.m. LYONS WOMEN’S CLUB Meets every Thursday at the Com­ munity Hall, Lyons, at 2 P. M. CAPITA L Monumental Works SANTIAM AERIE OF EAGLES No. 2945 Meets at Idanha Rod and Gun Club J. C. JONES. Prop. MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS NOW ALBI S 2210 So. Commercial St. Salem Office Ph. 6887 Res. Ph. 6887 DRUG ST' >R • ", - i F. H. ALBIS. RG. PH BAND INSTRUMENTS INSTRl MENT REPAIRING STAYTON F LESSONS Jacquith Music Co. Tex’s Tavern SALEM 136 N. High St. Tel those "Sofa Wide'Seats... up to five feet wide! And soft! v Feel that *A1id Ship' Ride.. .you'll ride in the level center section of the car! Feel thatTqua-Poise'power in both the new lOOh.p. V-8 and the 95h.p.Six! Feel those‘Hydra-Coil' Springs in front teamed with Tara-Flex‘Springs in the rear! steering I A friendly family a innsphere prevails I. W. A. - C. I. 0 Regn ,r Meeting ights Feel the'll love that arrow-straight n i u ii.ïr.'W 20 years of Continuous Service PIANOS ACCORDION ; MILL CITY -4t>' Friday Monthly IDANHA - 2nd and 4th Thurs ay LYON'S - 1st and 3rd Fndav Mont:; \ Second Friday open for special m-e' t I ngs. I'AXl tn Wood’s Stors 50 renta in city 15 .enta per road mile outside Mill City Ta i Service Phone ••>02 Bell & Devers reel that heavy gauge steel ‘Lifeguard' Body and 5 member box section frame 59% more rigid ATTORNEYS AT LAW rn I