Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1948)
* ———r——------ - MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, DECEMBER ¿3. 1»4| Highlight of the evening was the Gates. The Lee Basets aie spending the dedication of the now electric signet The next reguar meeting if the holiday with her parents, Mr. and recently purchased by the ■ haptt . council will be held in Mill City, Jan. Mra. R. C. Shepherd, in Salem. Installation! of new officers will be 13 in the high school. Harry Wood went to Bend last week Election of officers for the ensuing end to attend tie wedding of his year and initiation of three new mem held Jan. 3 with Rex Hartley, worthy T. e J. C. Kiinmen 11s are having grand .on, Donald Wood. bers were both held at the final meet grand patron, as installing officer. relatives from Eugene for Christmas ing of the year for Marilyn Chaptei, M . and Mrs. Ernest Jose and Cleo The annual council meeting of tho dinner. No: 145, OES. Presiding were Alice are pending Christmas with Mrs. Mra. Ge ge Eve ■ .< i.t . la, s Vein.a Smith l. e < Rupp, worthy matron, and W. B. Shu Marion district Boy Scouts organ:za- g Ertue is tion was held Tuesday night, Dec. 14, in Albany last week with friends. ey, worthy j.ation. taking a busman’s holiday, cooking Mr. and Mrs. George E era are hotdojs at the Jordan dance. Distinguished guests were Alice in the recreation rooms of the Gates w high school, with Scout and Cub lead- spend ng Chi >stmas with their daugh Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Faust and Bob, ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gale and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thacker of Oregon. Elward Hoonsberger, ji .^ jets, sponsors and others p esent. A dinner prepared hy Mrs. Velma Bentz of Oregon City. •vill have Chr.-# i-% nper with Mrs. nior past pat, on of Adah Chapter, Mr. and Mrs. John Swan are hav Alice Thacker. both of Independence, and Sue Tue', Carey was served at 7 o’dock to the ing their son, Ronald, and daughte-, grand chapter by-law^ comm ttoe 22 in attendance. At the Lee Ross’ will be his rela L. E. Spiaker, Stayton pubdsher, Blanche and husband for Christmas tives from Portland and Salem. member, Acacia Chapter, Stavton. Receiving the initiatory degree presided at the meeting which fol dinner. The Don Sheythes are spending the Frank Blazek an Carol Jane and day in Salem with her parents and were Doris Haseman, Gladys Alvin lowed the dinner. F. M. Forrette was and Katherine Slater, all of Idanha. elected chairman of the di itrict, re Patricia Wolverton spent Wednesday thence to Pedee to his parents’ home. Fem Shuey was elected worthy placing Mr. Spraker who had served in Salem Shopping. matron; Wilson Stevens, worthy pa for the past thres years in that of tron; Marguerite McCoy, associate fice. Barney Kirsch of Mehama was matro; Laurence Walworth, associate elected vice iffiairman, and the dis patron; Edith Mason, secretary, Ma trict committee included Clyde Gol- ry Tuers, treasure:; Lois Scott, con en. Mill City, Otis White. Detroit, ductress; and Hallie Toman, associ L. C. Martin, George Huffman, Ken neth Hansen, Mr. Spraker, C. R. ate conductress. ;• <«■ :«• :«• -at Baldwin, Glen Julian, E. T. Moore, T. R. Burton and Raymond Frey. Chfj Ambers' After dinner speaker was M. D. Woolley of the Woodburn State Training School, who urged that the leaders try to impress on the public the need of scouting. He declared JUST EAST OF GATES that scouting taught many things » 4» <«• 4» 4» :«• •t that boys once leared from heir fa thers when life was at a less rapid ipace. Mrs. Woolley stressed the im portance of early training and guid HAULING CATS, ance to direct the boy’s energies into SHOV ELS and useful and productive channels t o HEAVY EQUIPMENT avoid too much idle time, which, he said, leads to serious trouble for the Salem Heavy Hauling & lad. Attending were Mr. Woolley, Erie Equipment Co. Soderbeig, Albany and Walter Scott, Phones: Plant 34611; Office 39408 I Salem, assistant Scout executives; 1105 N. IRON! ST.. Mr. and Mrs. Spraker, Clarence Bald SALEM win and Frank Forrette, Stayton; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Grimes, Lyons; HUl.llUIIMlUi! UM.IIII Itili; llllimiMlM. MILL CITY » i - nMuaMuuiuxiuikmu ' iui umana Mr. and Mrs. Barney Kirsch, Meha ma; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Howe, Don't borrow. Subscribe! M I L L George Veteto, W. Hampton, Clyde Lyons Beauty Shop Golden and R. L. Stiffler, Mill City; Over Heineck’s Grocery and,Mr an I Mrs. Burton, Mrs. Car CLARA BAM Prop. ey, Hany Harmon and Gale Carey, Luzier’s Guaranteed Cosmetics IW'Mlllli imuiKUIII Illium Ull umilllimi.MIM IHI iUi IHI MIM VI imwiul" 9 t. 5 Phone 923 tiny M c D aniels LYONS The Man with the Horn To Wish You Every Happiness this Blessed CHRISTMAS DAY Bridge Tavern MEHAMA THE M aples FOR HIRE HILLTOP GENERAL STORE Planing and Processing Co • • • DINING AND DANCING 3059 Portland Real nr ■ .............. ... '■ » 1 Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance TOY & HOBBY SHOP CI UB COMBO • RETAIL LUMBER COME IN AND SHOP AROUND 35 MILES FROM THE CLOSEST PARKING METER u" 163 N. Commercial Phone 21588 MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, PROP “At th3 Bottom of the Hill” Salem MILL CITY OREGON 9 • LAST MINUTE ALBUM SI GGESTIONS Tommy Doieey’s Clambake Seven Dreamland Special VaugnMonroe Glen Miller Album Bob Wills Round-up Square Dances Cliff Stone Ink Spots, Vol. II Show Boat Tommy Dorsey American Spirituals Familiar Hymns Goldilocks and the Three Bears Margaret O’Brien Bugs Bunny Stories for Children Boogie Woogie Freddie Slack Nil Method Cleaners PORTER & LAI) “First With What You Want Most” COMPLETE APPIANCE SERVICE Radio. Washer Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 Peaches No. 2 1-2 Tins, in Heavy Syrup 42 Tomato soup .32 No. 2 1-2, Breitwest Apricots No. 2 1-2 Elsinore, whole peeled Campbells, THREE CANS FOR Applesauce 11 <>z. Cans -------- THREE FOR Peanuts May there be Happiness Pears Otoe Products .10 5 different kinds of beans and hominy 11 oz. cans, aa. Fresh roasted. lb. tied up with every SMOKED SHANKLESS Gift on Your tree This coupon worth 10c on the Picnic Hams pnrchase of any $1.00 item in the store » SÇUURf BOTTU I Fleetwood’s < 7 a. m. to 6 p. in >