Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1948)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, DECEMBER 21 1948 T TRADE in DETROIT BUYING AT HOME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON I DETROIT SANTIAM SELF - SERVICE L A u n ; d k y THEATRE Good Bets for the Week Standard Rates Washing, Drying or Either Workingmen’s Bundles Finished Ph. 418 Sunday and Monday “FEl DIN’, Fl'SSlN’ AND FIGHTIN’ ” RETURN OF THE BADMEN V4 Mi. E. of Detroit Saturday CANYON GARAGE EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E. FRY, Manager Santiam FOOD MART MEATS • GROCERIES Janet NELSON Margaret NOBLE DAVIS DETROIT HOTEL SPORTING & DRY GOODS Transient andd Weekly Rates L. C. DAVIS & SON Phone 1802 TAVERN LEN BOB and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Redd Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryden DETROIT Idanha Baldwin’s Barber Shop Wish You A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR E. W. BRAY SR. Wants and Sales IS YOUR REFRIGERATOR wo rk- ing right? If not, call PORTER & LAU for fast, dependable refrigeia- tor, washer, electric appliance or ra dio set vice. * FOR SALE—ciic. wood heater; one young black-eared buck rabbit, 11-2 yr. old; one hot water tank used 2 yrs. B. M. Gunsaules, Stayton, 405 E. at. 0 IX) R RENT—3 rm. mod. apt. See E<1 Cooke, Shephera Add. Sq. Butt Shingle 215 lb. 7.95 Hex Shingle 168 lb. 5.93 Mica Roofing 45 lb. 1.93 Mica Roofiing 55 lb. 2.47 Mica Roofiing 65 lb. 2.91 Mineral Roofiing 90 lb. 3.11 Staggered Edge 105 lb. 3.92 Brick Siding 105 lb. 4.42 Felt, 324 sq. ft., 15 lb. per roll 2.43 Felt, 216 sq. ft. 30 lb. per roll 3.24 Also ask for free estimate on com pletely installed and guaranteed job. Pay by the month. Phone 504B, Stay ton, Western Store. 3* Don't borrow. Subscribe! Elkhorn iEimmdU'ik DETROIT TAVERN D&D FOR SALE — 5 acres, 6 rm. older the work have to be done over again. style house plus utility rm; water Think of the tension, til! the tragic piped to house; elec, pump, elec, hot task was done. water heater, laund. trays, shower, ■ Am I not right wflen I echo the By JEAN ROBERTS barn, chicken house, dou. garage, or Mr. an-'. Mrs. Phmil Diliy and thought of the people and say: chard, berries, best of garden soil, Mike have returned home from their Thank you one and all for what can all be irrigated; fishpond loca trip to California. They visited Mr. you did. tion; mad, school bus service. Easy I Dooley's sister in Long Bead! and terms can be arranged. Royal John experienced the recent earthquake in Ed. Note—Reference is to the he- REOPENING my shop for sewing son, 2 mi. e. of Gates, Linn Co side.3 toic job done by volunteers when a Souther California. and hemstitching. Tsird house back One weekend was spent visiting it tree fell across the home of Mr. and of Stone’s Feed Store. Mrs. H. I. FOR SALE— Wedgwood gas range, Tia Juana and Caliente in Mexico. Mrs. Clifford Kuhnke in Detroit, kill amootn top, àuto. oven. Can be con Plymale 7 verted to propane. $40. Boys bicycle, At Caliente fhe attended the races ing both instantly. FOR SALE—10 used washers, $29.50 j hi-pressure tires, $10. G. W. Coffman ; which were very exciting. The wea- Guests of the Wolverton« Saturday *1 I ther was warm ansi sunny during the to $89.50. 90 day guarantee. Santiam J GoHiet's Store, Mehama. evening were Mr. and Mia. Dave trip. Hdw. & Implement Co., Stayton. • FOR SALE—3 mo. old New Hamp. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Billington were Epps of Sweet Home, and Mr. and WE STOCK all types of Hearing Aid Rock erosa pullets, $1.50, your choice. Wednesday night and Thursday vis Mrs. Al Yankus. Ijite callers were batteries. Radio Batteries, and Flash- Also fiyers and hens. Pennicks, 3 1-2 itors at the Bill Bicket home the past Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colburn, Albert lite and lantern batteries. Stiffler mi. E of Gatea, S side of river. Ph. j week. Toman and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Radio and Appliance Store. • Mill City 702. 1* Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts and girls Meinert. Mr. and Mrs. 1iudy Rada and chil j went to Newport Saturday night to A GOOD selection of linoleum yard SEE MORRISON age. 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per sq. for carpentering and concrete work. visit her sister and brother and re li-en of Pendleton and Mrs. Mary Martin of Portlan will spend Chrirt- yd. Mill City Furniture Co. Free estimates. Sidewalks a special turned Sunday. mns with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Some ladies of the Elkhorn com POLISH your own floors—rent our ty. See D. V. Moirison, Gates, or munity met at the Ray Roberts home Frank Rada. high-speed polishing and scrubbing leave word with Don Jenkins, Mill Mons' y afternoon to make candy for equipment. Easily handled by wom City. the school program which was held en. Complete line of floor materials List your homes and farms with me. Wednesday. and waxes available. Western Store, Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, Most of the children of the Elkhorn Phone 504 B, Stayton. * Detroit, Lyons. school went to Stayton to see Santa NEED a furnace? Have an Eastman DAVID M. REID, REAL ESTATE Claus and attend the Ray Rogers wood furnace, 5 or 6 rm. house size. ODD JOBS done Fridays after school show Saturday afternoon. Bill Bicket is again working on SATURDAY Uses 24 in. wood. Clan be set up as and Saturdays. See Pat Wolverton, his house after spen ^g luost of la t MATINEE 2:00 I’. M. pipe or pipeless. J. C. Kimmell, Mill Wilma Howe or phone 3425. * Eiklie CANTOR J opj DAVIS City Pharmacy. 9 BABY SITTING week nights and week workimg on the county road. “IF YOU KNEW SUSIE’’ Sat Call before 7:30. Phone 3425 or EXPERT auto and home radio ser see Pat Wolverton or Wi.Tha Howe.* vice. 20 years experience, all makes. W. of Hilltop Store. 7’ SUNDAY AND MONDAY Guaranteed service. Esther Williams Peter Lawford This week’s special: By CHARLES DE SULLY Stiffler's Radio and Appiance “ON AN ISLAND WITH YOU” Sweep. 89 c. Small 29c- Mr. an Mrs. Albert Brown are vis REFINISH your own floors—Easily Just in time to clean but your flues iting friends in Portland and Taco • • • done with our latest model high speed before cold weather sets in. ma, Wash. Floor Sanders and Finishers. Save TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance Times are very much like Thanks Time — Save Money — Instructions Mill City Ph. 902 giving: everyone is away, or receiv- furnished. Phone 504 B, Western Fred Mac-Murray Ava Gardner Store, Stayton. • NOTICE—Beginning Jan. 1 the Milk I ing friends. To all, a truly Merry "SINGAPORE" Shake Shack will be closed for one Christmas and Haptpy New Year. HAVE YOU ever burnt out a motor month. The weather conditions were the or had one get overheated and smoke cause for the turkey shoot being can THURSDAY and FRIDAY when the power dropped too low ? FOR CASH or tiac—First class pa celed. Yvonne DeCai-lo George Brent per hanging-, painting for car, wash This danger can be eliminated with Mt. Jefferson Cafe has opened with “SLAVE GIRL” one of our HOPAX CIRCUIT ing machine, chickens, wood, tele C. M. Veal and B, B. Blan as pro- Jerry , prietors. BREAKERS installed on your ap phone, dentistry, anywhere. pliance motor. Call us for informa Johnson, Gen. Del. Mill City. Ore. Re 2 tine. Ph. 902. Stiffler Radio and Ap sidence bl. w. of Hilltop store. No! nothiig could be done for tjie • PAINTING, paper hanging, paper two, who met such a sad and untime- pliance, Mill City, Ore. ly end. Possibly a prayer to help FOR SALE—5 used electric ranges I samples. See Jerry Johnson, 1 block those near and dear to them to bear I I W. of Hilltop Store. 2 $59.50 to $189.50. Hotpoint, Westing the great shock. What onlooker that ' house, Frigidaire. Santiam Hdw. & terrible night could see the way «those | MILL CITY Implement Co. Stayton. • * Blacksmithing men worked in sheer desperation to | DISPOSAL SERVICE * Welding FOR SALE — 5 rm. mod. house in Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. buck that huge log fiee, not showing ' * Logging and Sawmill Detroit. Garage, large lot- $3500. See Weekly pickups $1 per month. Also exhaustion when one knew they I Repairing. should rest. What again, the thoughts Max Harlin, Detioit. 1 light hauling. Leonard Herman Phone 2102 i of the cat driver, when he felt the BIXKK WEST OF THEATER 'cable might snap at any moment and $75.00 AN ACRE — 129.5 acres, krvwn as the Downing farm, adjoin- ng .Mill City on the south. Fair build ings. 2 c.eeks. good terms. Call or write. Bl RT PICH A. REALTORS Ph. 23649 337 N. High St., Salem H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop s XMAS JUST AROl’M) THE CORNER ALSO Horner’s Agate Shop IT’S LATER THAN YOU THINK — BETTER HURRY WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP " * CONSERVE ELECTRICITY: . k Now Cutting: Emerald Sapphire Aquamarine Ruby Amethyst Totpaz Beryl Jade Amazonite Morganite Labradorite Black Onyx Tiger Eye Cat’s Eye Bloodstone Pridy Plume Agate fingernails off on Xmas orders, cutting and We are working our mounting the above stones. Visit our shop. Select your ston and mount in solid gold or Ster ling Silver. We will try to get it out for you for Xmas. Don’t miss seeing our die-play at the Mill City Pharmacy Rt. 1, Lyons, one-half mile south of Mill JUity THE KINGS To avoid danger of serious breakdown in the electric systems of the entire Pacific Northwest, with consequent loss of industrial production jobs, and curtailment of growth and prosperity in your community, USE OF ELECTRICITY MUST BE CON SERVED FROM 11:00 A. M. TO 12 NOON AND BETWEEN 4:30 AND 6:30 P. M. DAILY. Here s how you can help: HOMEMAKER From 11:00 a. m. to 12 noon and between 4:30 and 6:30 pm., eliminate all space heating by electricity; in so far as possible, serve oven meals prepared in advance of 11:00 a. m. or 4:30 p. m. and confine sur face cookinc to the fewest possible units: wash dishes and bathe after 6:30 p. m.; restrict washinc and ironing to hours be fore 11:00 or slier 6:30 p. tn.; turn off all lichts not aeioslly needed between 4:30 and 6:30 p. m INDUSTRY From 11:00 a. m. la It noon and between TU KRFP 4:30 and 6:30 p. m , reduce use of electric ally operated machinery and equipment to a minimum; eliminate pumpinc. air conditioninc and all ornamental and leas eseential llchtlnc eaeept as necessary for safety. PRO «i ITT GROW INO “TEEN-AGERS’ DANCELAND FREE COFFEE TO TRUCK DRIVERS IZ ÏV/1 ’ Q 1\ 1 11 I I O MOBIL-MINUTE- MAN SERVICE 3 MILES WEST OF Mild. CITY — HI WAY 222 4- From where I sit... //Joe M arsii BUSINESSMAN Turn off or reduce to a minimum ail win dow display and ornamental licht between 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. Reduce air cendi- t.(Miina durine these hours. Reduce use of electrically operated equipment after 4:30 p. m. Cut use of outdoor and Indoor electric liens and llchtlnc to minimum between 4:10 and 6:30 p. m. Make Every Kilowatt Count! JOB-j GOING . . . TO KMT KING’S Mountain States Power Co. "A SELF SUPPORTING, TAX PAYING, PRIVATE ENTERPRISE" In cooperation with all major Northwest Utilities Both Public and Private Dutch Miller's Reck In Uniform Allei ten u ' « in the eity. Dut. h helping to keen this rati-n strong bolstering the fore . of democ is bsck in unii :»m. I d->n’t mns racy that guard our free lom. Armv khaki er Navy b’u -but • And in their nay of life, ton. different uniinrm. that » every hd t' -y a r champions of freedori. as --tri-rtic a-4 /.meri-sn. Blie ieans and •» <f-ni: t ¡'mpr, itr folk who enjoy a mid- fot work am- nd tus vnr ’s end < -ate g!t«s of heer—but never •jn’rel with those who prefer barn:; i.-ut boots f-r tr-meln- 'J ol-rnrt people wh-> fight to th- -.--h the and a straw th- I.' “ <-r end against oppression ha‘. when the sun g-ts hi.rit - a nd intolerance. From where 1 sit, uniform yo'i s— from Moine to .» credit to Aafflea! Texas, Iowa to Alab-mr.. It’s the tr i’or'T cf an army-- t’ e rr'S* e;my if .’.meriean f ■ m- ers vho, by their productivity. are . i r- » J I, 1 1 ith id. \- dl- he it. he le ns as id. ill le se 1- h i- ». 0 R P )