DEC EMBER 23. 1948 MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. LYONS Joyous Christmas to Each and Every One of You! HEINECK S STORE LYONS r • 1 By EVA BRESSLER The December meeting of th« Me hama exteuoo unit was well attend ed Friday afternoon at the Women’s Clubhouse. Mrs. Miller, assistant ag ent, gave an interesting talk on meal planning. Gifts were exchanged. Pre sent were Mesdames Ira Ki sch, How ard Rose, Luther Stout, J. K. McCall, Arch Kimsey, Chester Blum, Vernon Goodell, Charles Crook, Seth Crook. Jack Ryland, Giles Wagner. Ed Cas- tel, Raymond Branch. Earl Wolfkeil, Roy Philippi, Jack Teeters, Milton Roten, Harry Monroe, Russell Wil son, Louis Kiikland and Donald Tee ters. Mr«. Merill Bnussfie’d was hostes- for the afternoon card club with the party held in her home. A 1:30 des sert lucheon was served, followed by several tables of 500. High honors were held by Mfes. George Huffman and low went to Mrs. Oscar Nau». Following the cards a Christmas par ty was enjoyed. Present were Mes- dames Walter Bevier, Floyd Bassett, Earl Allen. Albert Bass, Roy Huber, Bert Lyons, Art Olmstead, Herman Free, Bob Free, Percy Hiatt, George Huffman, Orville Downing, Bob Car leton, Helen Queen and the hostess. Mis. Herman Free will be hostess for the next party. p ngram, singing and refreshments followed by a gift exchange. Mrs. John Neal whe has been secretary of the union for several years was presented a lamp by the memabrs. The Mill City Enterprise MHl City, Oregon. Chari«« Wolverton. Editor and Publisher Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager Th* Mehama Farmers Union held it» Christmas party at the Women’s second-class matter November 19, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Ckwubbouse with their regular busi Entered __ ness meeting, group singing and a Oregon Jtider the Act of March 3, 1879. ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING gift exchange. Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and received later up to 10 a m. Thursday will run in the “Too Late to Classify’’ CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and section. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not neighbors for the lovely flowers and many act soiflmdness extended to be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. CLASSIFIED RATE us during our bereavement and death One insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1.00. Display advertising 40c inch of our belove wife and mother. Mr. Wilis LaVine and Family. Millard Bass suffered a smashed LODGE MOURNS DEATH finger when his hand was caught be- ..A subacriptian to the Enterprise OF MRS. LAVINE U m Bonne- is a year round ' ’hniXmas gift. Santiam Rebekah Lodge of Mill ( ville line project this week. City draped the charter Wednesday evening for a departed sirter, Mrs. Millie LaVine, who was a past noble garni and a member for 20 years. Mrs. LaVine was an active leader in lodge affairs until her health failed. KOOI.EKWAVE A Friendly Place THt MO#fS$lONM To While Away MIMAKtMV You »e never had a Mill City Plumbing Your Idle hours permanent like tbit before' Thrilling Rilling KOHLER WAVE is the profeiiioutl ujie that actually nukes wzr- jrlri happen . brings vou the Richards Tavern flittering. smooth «nd « rou adore' its soft, en veloping ’Vap»»-l-’rz/” mean, May the divine Mogie of Christmas be with You The bazaar sponsored by the Lyons extension unit was held in Rebekah hall Saturday evening. A 6:30 cafe teria supper was served, followed by a short piogram of accordian music. Proceeds are to go to the Azalea House. The Jordon FarmersrUnion held its business meeting which was followed by their Christmas party. A short a new kind of loveliness GATES no furrv end* — easier to ger longer lasting Call for voui appointment ' o J ji Directory SHIRLEYS BEAUTY SHOP Ph Mill City 2F4J13 of Organizations Bill Dotson OWNER and MANAGER Ph. 3218 LYONS WOMEN’S CLUB Meets »very Thursday at the Com munity Hall. Lyons, at 2 P. M. CAPITAL Monumental Works Free's Garage SANTIAM AERIE OF EAGLES No. 2915 Meets at Idanha Rod and Gun Club J. €. JONES, Prop. MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS NOW ALBI’S DRUG STORE 2210 So. Commercial St. Salem Office Ph. 6887 Res. Ph. 6887 20 years of Continuous Servie« ■ERRY christma PIANOS F. H. ALBUS, RG. PH. BAND INSTRUMENTS STAYTON INSTRUMENT REPAIRING ACCORDION May every gleaming Everybody Points to Hot Point candle add light SIIUX ELECTRIC to Your Christmas Joy! I LESSONS JC.^x|»«iasa I Tex’s Tavern VU 136 N. High St. SALEM* ■ mbmwl ammctaMB« j A friendly family atmosphere prevails % .aouic» ooooa« JOY TO THE WORLD MILL CITY—4th Friday Monthly IDANHA • 2nd and 4.h Thur? ly LYONS - 1st a.. . 3rd Friday Monthly Second Friday open for special meet ings. end to everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS 50 cents in city 15 tents per road mile outside Mill City Ta i Service Phone :: »02 When Merry Christmas Stavton Hardware & Furniture Every toy it a gift Every gift is a precious thing HARLOW L WLlNRIfK Lovingly tied with Altóme» at Law enchanted string! Mill City Suite Bank Mill City. <>regon A Home Bank,Owned and Managed by Home People. EoUb.ished m 191» Merry Christmas! W 3M MILL CH Y Service Station C.E.”Pink Mason Prop Shell Products Auto Storage, Batteries Fishing Tackle Tires II. W. Reid Ml) apart :• M GENERAL DRY GOODS •Zenith Rule» the heart Freres Lumber Co WOOD’S STORE Ladies' and Children’s DRESSES I vons Garage & Mill Supply All Depositors lasur.d up te SMM00 Under the Terms «f the Federal 1»»posit Insur» ce Cocpovntiàa. Fire and Aatometix« Insurance Notary Public.