The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949, December 23, 1948, Image 1

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Serving the North Santiam
The North Santiam’s
Workers from the Idanha and De­
troit areas coplained to the Enter­
prise Tuesday that it was an injus­
tice to ask them to make the long
trip to Mill City for the unemploy­
ment office examination. We think
they’ve got a legitimate grievance.
There are perhaps a hundred or
moie men temporarily laid off in the
Upper Canyon district.
Wouldn’t it be more sensible for
the unemployment commission to
send one man to Detroit—where free
<[uarte:s are available from R. L. Ry-
nearson—than to ask all these work-
to spend money they can ill afford to
make the trip?
As it was, many workers were told
to go on to Salem because the tem­
porary staff here wasn’t able to take
care of them.
Unemployment insurant« 'o»es its
usefulness when a man has to spend
several dollars to collect $20.
• • •
In this country the average person
begins to have his doubts about San­
ta Claus at the age of six or seven.
But the United States has taught a
good part of the world to believe in
a new Santa, dressed up in striped
pants and plug hat, with chin whis­
• • •
If you are puzzled about what will
happen in 1949, read the polls—
• • •
Oregon sent three turkeys to Wash­
ington this year—the one from the
Salem Chamber of Commerce to Pre­
sident Truman — and Noiblad and
• • •
Willke’s son wants to hold a post­
mortem Republican convention to find
out why they lost. Post-mortems, you
know, are perform ed just before they
bury the corpse.
• • •
Reprinted from The Statesman:
Charles Wolverton, editor of the
Mill City Enterprise, looking ahead
to 1949 wheh construction of the De­
troit dam will bring in an estimated
3000 workers, shudders a bit at the
headaches that will accompany the
Needed will be about lObO new-
home units, better community recre­
ation. same way to find school teach­
ers and pay them, better police pro­
The Mill City editor proposes that
a conference of various agencies be
held soon when plans might be laid
to meet some of these p-oblem«, in­
stead of just letting t’ em roll in on
the communities and flatten them
This suggestion can very properly
be referred to the Willamette River
Basin Commission and the unofficial
Willamette Valley Pioject Commit­
tee. It is recalled that when Camp
Adair was established the nine cities
in the vicinity formed a group to
f*"rt an ! meet the va­
rious problems cheated by the influx
of a two-d-'vision army camp. The
North Santiam project is on a much
smaller scale, but the municipalities
nearby are much smaller and will
need outside asrstance.
Robert Todd of Gates appeared in
Breitenbush court before Justice Ed
Vickers Dec. 15 and was fined $50
and costs on a disorderly conduct
To the Editor:
While looking itp and down the
Canyon, why not peep over the hill
at Elkhrn?
Elkhorn is a small community just
a shoit four miles over the hill from
the highway at Gates, yet it might
as well be 100 miles away, so impas­
sible is the road.
There are about 15 families resid­
ing in the Elkhorn community with
no means of communication with the
outside except by a long, crooked 15
miles of gravel road to Mehama. This
road is often obstiucted by slides in
the winter and was completely closed
for two weeks last winter when a log­
ging truck went through a bridge
across the Little North Folk.
Maintaining a school is an ardu­
ous undertaking. No teacher wants
to live here when it is so difficult to
get out.
Eleven children depend on this
school for education One boy of high
school age walks over the hill to
Gates every day to attend school. He
hikes a good 10 miles every day to
Gates in all kinds of weather.
What do we want? A stretch of
road on one side of the road gravel­
ed. We have petitioned the county
court several times to do this but to
no avail. However, if this shoit part
were graveled, our children could be
safely transported to a good school
and the rest of us wouldn’t have to
drive 15 miles to mail a letter.
Mehama, Ore, Box 86.
From the Editor:
The question raised is a very im­
portant one. What Mrs. Robeits re­
ports looks like a fancy runaround
by the Marion County Court.
Last spring, following the bridge
breakdown mentioned in Mrs. Rob­
erts’ letter, the Mill City Chan ber of
Commerce petitioned t he county to
provide a year round road to Elk­
horn. The couit responded with a
Quit Whistlin’
promise to spend $10,000 on improv­
ing and relocating the Gates-Elkhorn
road. We were given to understand
this work would start in the summer.
Harold and Collis Heath of Gates
Came summer. Nothing was done. have purchased! the IA. B. Homer
In September, alarmed at the fact store fiom its owner, Mrs. Ruby Hor­
that the season for roadbuilding was ner and will take possession the first
drawing to a dose, your editor called of the year. The sale was complete i
Judge Giant Murphy and said:
this week.
“Judge, I know we’re sort of pore
The Heath brothers are the sons
relation up here and usually are for­ of Mr and Mrs Gerald Heath and
gotten when the favors are passed have livedi in Gates most of their
aiound. That’s why when we are pro­ lives.
mised something, we usually remem­
Mrs. Homer also has sol her home
ber it How about the Gates-Elkhorn to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Thomas, for­
merly of Jefferson, who have lived
“What’s that?” asked his honor.
in this area for some tim. He is em­
We repeated it all. Then the good
ployed with the Kuckenberg Con-
judge spoke up.
| strution Co. Mrs. Homer plans to go
“Why, of course. Don’t you worry
to California and may visit in the
about that. We’re going to build that East.
road this year.”
A. B. Horner prchased the store
He meant 1948, when the Repub­ in 1910 from E. L. Payne and oper­
licans were running for election.
ated the place till his death in 1946.
So, in a few- weeks, an engineer
Mrs. Homer has been in the Btore
from the county wandered up this di­
for 37 years, since her marriage in
rection, scratched around the hill and 1912. It is a coincidence that when
mournfully reported tr> residents in Mr. Homer bought the store se sold
the road vicinity he counldn’t find I the home he and his mother were
any rock. They’d have to wait.
then occupying to Mr. ami Mrs. Ger-
We put this question to Judge Mur­ . aid Heath, the new proprietors’ par-
phy, an amiable fellow and up t> now | ents.
a pretty good ; ublic servant:
The name of the establishment will
“Was your promise a political one, be changed to eHath Bros.
calculated to get votes for the coun­
ty Republican administration, or did
Two other real estate deals were
you mean it?”
copleted’ in Gates this week.
L. L. Short purchased the garage
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bodeker of Alsea and machine shop west of Gates be­
visited relatives in Lyons last week. longing to Richard Thomas of Cot­
They were guests at the home of his tage Grove.
sister, Mrs. George Berry and family. i H. M. Agee of Mill City has bought
Mrs. Merrill Brassfield and her sis­ 23 acres from Steve Champ from
ter, Miss Helen Queen, visited last which he will cut piling. The acreage
week at the Fred Brassfield home in (adjoins the Champ property west of
| town.
I It is reported that Dave Reid will
I start the construction of of a large
service station soon after the first of
the year on property on the comer
west of the postoffice.
Wolves Split
$2.00 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A C»PY
Looking Dpi Elkhorn Gets Runaround
Horner Store,
and Down By County on Road to Gates Landmark in
the, Canyon
Gates, Is Sold
UW mi»! HU I» HU.W.
Lyons, Mehama, Elkhorn,
Mill City, Cates. Mongold,
Detroit and Idanha
Mill City Enterprise
Mimi illl.lill
Loot Finances
Drinks for All-
Including Victim
The drink Jack Lake, proprietor of
the Silver Saddle Service Station
heie, was offered last Saturday, was­
n’t exactly free—he ¿-amed later.
In fact it was a $120 shot.
Jack was waiting on trade Saurday
evening and was outside of the shop
while Arthur J. Jaatinin, 26, a con­
struction winker, was inside, appar­
ently just warming himself.
After Jaatinin left, Jack happened
to look in his cash drawer. About
$120 was missing.
Jaatinin, meanwhile, began to show
evidence of a newly acquired wealth,
when he had appeared to be broke
aiound town for the past week or
more. The local taxi business boom­
ed. The tavern patrons were having
a hard time paying for their own
brew—for Jaatinin was there with
his cash on the bar. He even wanted
the recipients of his largess to keep
the change.
In the course of the evening he
paid a call on the green front gro-,
eery-called by some the state liquor
Jaatinin felt so grateful for the
pleasant evening he was enjoying
that it occurred to him—he ought
to show his appreciation in some way
to his original benefactor. Jack Lake.
So he returned to the filling sta­
tion and offerer! Jack a share in his
The rest of Jaatinin’s evening is
obscured behind an alcoholic fog.
NexUday there was to be a reckon­
ing, Chief of Police J. T. King reck­
oned. Jaatinin want to jail. Moreover
he confessed that it wam’t nobody
else. In the course of the evening he
had managed to spend all but $30 of
the Silver Saddle’s silver.
Jaatinin was lodged at city expense
for a day or so. He’s now in the Al­
bany courthouse cooler.
Now the
treats are on the county.
Crime on Rise
In Northwest,
Canyon Told
Rise in the number of thefts in the
Canyon and throughout the North­
west brought warnings this week
from law enforcement agencies that
more precautions should be taken.
Locally Chief J. T. King stressed
the need for residents to report in­
stances of thievery and suspicious
activities immediately.
King made a special r^uest for
all businesses to leave a night light
on, so that their premises can be pa­
trolled more efficiently.
King said he expected to have more
than th« usual amount of thieving
this winter. Other cities, he said, are
finding themselves in the midst of c
crime wave.
This week about $175 worth of al­
uminum roofiing and siding was sto­
len at the aiuport. Byron Davis, own­
er of the strip, said it was matetian
being used for construction of a se­
cond hangnr.
The tl.eft really hurts tile whole
community because the airport is be­
coming a popular landing field and
Davie had hoped to have it in shape
to handle mere traffic by summer.
Ralph Young is being held by Mar­
ion County authorities on a bad check
charge. Young allegedly gave Fred
Lindemann, Lyons merchant, a phony
check for a pistol.
Um eported till recently was the
theft of about $80 from the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lanphear who
operate the Milk Shake Shack east
of Mill City.
Another case was that of an at­
tempt to defraud Don Smith, local
service station operator. Two men
drove up to the pump« for gasoline.
Smith was suspicious of them. They
asked to have the oil checked, and
Smith took the opportunity to get
his gun in the station. After the ser­
vice was completed, one of the Strang
men said:
“What are you going to do for
Smith merely indicated hi* pistol
to the customer» and said:
Installation of officers was held on
“I’ll collect, all right.”
Thursday evening at Scio for th»
'rhe strangers changed their tune
Scio, Santiam Valley and Evening immediately, and said:
Star Granges.
"We were only kiddin’ "
Mrs. Mildred Norman, state depu­
ty from Salem, and Mrs. Alta Bod­ POLIO VICTIM IMPROVING
eker, marshal from Lyons, installed
Claudia Fry, who is at Doembeck-
the following from Santiam G-onge-
Tony Moravec, master; Frank ■>r Hospital for treatment for polio
White, overseer; Vivian White lec­ * proving. She is the daughter of
turer; Wilson Stevens, steward; Mr. an<l Mrs. Perry Fry of Detroit
Frank Basl, assistant steward; gate
keeper, Alta Bodeker; secretary, DRIVE TESTS WEDNESDAY
Fem Sletto; treasurer. Anna B. Jul­
A drivers’ license examiner will he
ian; Ceres, Blanche Wagnei; Pomo­ >n duty in Mill City Wednesday at
na. lela May White; Flora, Elvinia the Fire Hall between the hours of
’0 a m. and 3 p.m., according to an
Mr. Moravec was installed as over­ announcement received from the of­
seer of the Ponmona Grange and Mr. fice of the secretary of state.
Stevens on tse executive committee. Persons wishing licences or permits
to drive are asked to get in touch
with the examiner well ahead of thj
Ms. Walter Thomas Gates, suf­ , I eduled dosing hour in order to
fers ’ painful injuries and was hos­ i««ure complrtion of their applica­
pitalized for a day as the result of tions with a minimum of delay.
an automobile accident Friday, near
Tebanon. A car entering the high­ BURNED BY LAMP
way from a aide road and the one
Mrs. I<es Mullen is recovering in
driven by Mrs. Thomas met broad­ her home fiom bums sustained when
side, completely demolishing Mrs. a paper caught fire from a lamp she
Thomas’ car.
had lit ihiring a recent power failure.
Even in 4 Tilts 6; and I-aw re nee Poole, 3. High man Grange Officers
Mill City School’s Timber­
wolves were even up this week, with
two victories and two defeats in non­
league games.
Tuesday night the local basketball
' team traveled to Salem to play the
Salem JV’s and were defeated by a
score of 25 to 43. Leo Pool iwas high
Doint man for Mill City with 15 to
his credit. Miller scored 6. Verbeck
I 4.
Hunter was at forward and Miller,
who regularly plays center, was at
. forwad, Verrf’.ck at center. Ijiwrence
I Poole was the other guard and sub
I stitutes were Thornley, Baltimore. L.
Thornley, Keys and Wirick.
Monday night Mill City won by 64
•o 39 aga'nst the hitherto undefeated
Valsetz Tige s. Scoring lea 1 was held
by Jerry Hunter, with 24, followed
closely by Miller with 19; Thornley.1:
1. 9; Tx'o Poole 6; Lav’
Pool», 4: and Wayne Wirick, 1.
Tve T mberwolves met thei second
1 defeat of the season at Stayton last
Thursday night, losing to the Stayton
Eagles 25 to 14 in the first game of
the two-night tournament High man
for Mill City was Leo Poole with six
to his credit. Other individual scor­
ing: Jer.y Hunter, 3; Vertnxk, 2; Mil
j let, 1; Thornley, 1; and Lawrence
Poole, 1. High scorer for Stayton was
Lyons with 11.
Friday night the Wolves were mo e
ESTHER WILLIAMS, »ho appears fortunate winning third place in the
in “On an Island With You”, at the tournament by downing the Aums-
Mill City Theater Sunday and Mon­ -ille Rangers 26 to 22; Hunter was
high point man for Mill City with 8;
Leo Poole, 2; Verbeck, 7; Tho-nley,
for the Rangers was Delbert Dalke
with 9.
Sublimity defeated Aumsville giv­
ing them the privilege to play off
with Stayton Friday night for first
place honois. Stayton won
The Junior prom was held Satur­
day night with about 100 in atten­
dance. Many alumni were there. The
auritorium was decorated in mistle
toe and silver stais. At one end of
the auditorium there was ,a huge
Christmas tree.
During intermission W. L. Krause
of Salem, a former teacher, sang two
Christmas songs.
Friday afternoon at 12:45 the glee
clubs of Mill City High School will
put on a musical program for their
The glee eltAs catoled Chistmas
songs throughout the town Wednes­
day night. They were served refresh­
ments by Mrs. Parwelson and Mrs.
Cree folloing.
Christmas vacation fo the high
“chool starts Friday, and school will
be dismissed after the program which
starts at noon. Claeses will reopen
Jan. 3.
Instead of exchanging gifts among
themselves this year, the students of
Mill City High School are bringing
gifts to send to the Children's Home
in Corvallis. The gifts will be put
under the Christmas tree here and
be mailed before Chistmas day.
Installed in Scio
Ernest Podrdbsky Jr., 16, escaped
se io >s injury M< nday when th» rar
he was driving got out of Cortrd on
icy pavement Junt west >f town arr‘
• rsi rd into a tree. The automobile
waa badly 'formated. Th» youth was
•cratched about tve face.
Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Rambo,
Mrs. Norman Garrison, Mr». Burrel
I Cole were elected to membership by
transfer into Santiam Rebekah lodge
at the regular meeting last week. Al-
1 so elected to membe'ihip by initia-
’ion was Bertha Shepherd.