Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, DECEMBER 18. 1948 -------------------------------------------- _ . — LEAVES FOR ARABIA NO MORE lice on chickens after you apply SIX roost paint to perches. One application of this new Dr. Hess pro duct, containing benzene hexachlor ide, rids all roosting birds of lice. Good against mites, too. Santiam Farmers Co-operative Gilbert Wells, local millwright, left Tuesday for Saudi Arabia where he will wbi k for 18 months on a re finery construction project. He and Mrs. Wells went to Los Angeles, and Mrs. Wells will remain there for a month. Mr. Wells will fly to New York for embarkation, Mrs. Wells will return to Mill City and continue her work as a bookkeeper at Manthis mill in Lyons until hg. returns. HOG SPECIAL PIGS make better use of feed when they eat HOG SPECIAL, a Dr. Hess product, long used by successful hog raisers. Contains essential minerals and tonics. In critical tests shotes getting HOG SPECIAL finished 10 days to 2 wks. sooner on 1-10 less grain and 1-3 less supplement. Santiam Farmers Co-operative Theodore Burton, principal of the. GATES SCHOOL EDITS PAPER high school, took four of ths high The December issue of the Pirate school bys to attend the annual meet Press, a paper edited and printed by ing of the Older Boys Conference at the students of Gates High School, the YMCA in Salem Friday and Sat is off the press, full of school news urday. the boys were Daniel Romey, and jokes. No: ma Jean Devine is ed- Wiley Muise, Jimmy Carey and Earl itcr, Eileen Ecc lesion, assistant ed Henness. itor and Daniel Romey, printer and of Salem. artist. The latter’s clever drawing on the front page deserves spec'll men Ihm't borrow. Subscribe! tion. NOTICE — The Church of Christ will have its Christmas program on Sunday evening at 7:30. There will be pictures in technicolor with life pLUGGMG 'I'afCTRIC APHUntS G ATES GAGERS LOSE \rH^ ^cfífíiSTMAS l/STS The Gates High School basketball team lost a close one to the highly touted Sublimity Saints ^Monday eve ning, 24-25. The game, played in the local gym was marked by very careful defense by the Gates team. The score remain ed close throughout. At the quartc MLSCELLANBOUS it was 6 to 8, the half, 10 to 11, the PREVENT BLACKHEAD <’ turkeys thirquarter ended 16 to 17 and «• by using ITZ to re,* >ve cecal worms end of the game found the teams still which are the carriers of blackhead only a pofrrt apart. For Gates, Crites,3; Oliver, 5, Ro organisms. PTZ, the Dr. Hess pheno thiazine product, is more widely mey, 8, Muise, 2, Eccleston, 4, Caiey, used than any other brand. For 2. for Sublimity Hartman. 5, Brail- blackhead control, n.ix it in feed ac ley ,2. Kintz, 4, Albus, 2, E. High- cording to directions on the package. I berger. 4, T. Highberger, 8, Robert.“, Ask us for folder, “Turkey Troubles.” I °- Santiam Fanners Co-operative IJonel Electric Trains Xmas tree lites — special while they last [—$1.75 u string Automatic Pop-up toustwrs r- $5.95 18.95 and 22.00 GE. General Mills and Proctor irons—10.95 up Automatic Electric Roasters, 19.95 and up Electric Percolators and Coffee makers, 4.95 and up GE Electric Clocks, 4.50 and up Shick Electric Razors, 16.50 up Electric Corn poppers 3.79 and up Waffle Irons—8.95 up Electric Mixers — 14.95 and tip Or why not a new Admiral rvfrigWatoir, 279 and up And many more items too numerous to mention COME IN AND SHOP AROUND 35 MILES FROM THE CLOSEST PARKING METER THE -at- -3» MILL CITY w»»iaiiiiiiaawi'b|i uiiiimw •:« Cliff Ambers ..A subscription to the Enterprise is a year round Christmas gift. OFFICE NEEDS FURNITURE AND BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES FOR XMAS TOYS & GAMES JUST EAST OF GATES r«e- Phone 3-4534 141 N. Commercial St. GERTIPS Over Heineck’s Grocery CLARA BASL, Prop. Luzler’s Guaranteed Cosmetics Phone 923 9 ta 5 LYONS IMNUIN imoill ifflilWHM'IIHUHIIIWnil Uli Iffli tiny M c D aniels The Man with the Horn TOY & HOBBY SHOP SALEM, ORE. ■ BYRON DAVIS, PROP. “At the Bottom of the Hill” Winter Wonderland Andrews Sisters Santa Claus is Coming to Town Benny Goodman Silent Night- Joe Green Chimes Santa Claus is on His Way Sammy Kaye to the World Chimes Bells Vernon Geyer—organ Santa Glaus Is Riding the Trail Dick Haymes Hark. the Herald Angels Sing Joe Green—chimes Christmas Carols Dick Liebeit A Christmas Carol Lionel Barrymore Mery Chi istmas Music Perry Como Album DINING AND DANCING 3069 Portland Road • ..A xubecriptiftn to the Enterprise is a year round Christ max gift. PORTER & LAU “First With What You Want Most" COMPLETE APPIANCE SERVICE Radio, Washer Refrigerator and • Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 Stavton 215 It Pays to Trade at Home - .->..... MILL CITY TAVERN ¿»ss* CLUB COMBO Christmas Tree Lights, Indoor, Outdoor and Bubble Light String Series and Bubble Light Replace ments. 163 N. Commercial Salem Phone 21588 OREGON MILL CITY Pre-inveiHory Peaches iS No. 2 1-2 Tins, in Heavy Syrup No. 2 1-2, Breitwest Apricots No. 2 1-2 Elsinore, whole peeled Applesauce 11 os. Cans -------- THREE FOR » » Tomato soup Campbells. THREE CANS FOR * ! Otoe Products » 3 different kinds of beans and hominy 11 oz. cans. «a. ► Peanuts R ' ! Fresh roasted. lb. At Muirs it will pay double. First in high quality Baked Hoods, and second— SMOKED SHANKLESS This coupon ivorth 10c on the pnr chase of any $1.00 item in the store Five Cakes Each Week w ill be given to coupon holders purchasing 25c or morej of Muirs products First Week Has Everything for Your LAY AWAY PLAN’ Lyons Beauty Shop i The Commercial Book Store S&WiIBÆÜJ'MiBIJiW jIMM.'lilWWl» I Wl TRY OUR M aples X at- Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance HILLTOP Phones: Plant 34611; Office 39408 1405 N. FRONT ST, SALEM M I L I, C I T Y • RETAIL LUMBER IDEAL GIFT Salem Heavy Hauling Equipment Co. STAYTON Planing and Processing Co. • • • WE NOW HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ITEMS THAT MAKE THAT HAULING CATS, SHOVELS and HEAVY EQUIPMENT I*OULTRY lice are killed without ' handling the birds when you apply I SIX roost paint to perches. A new Dr. Hess product containing benzene I hexachloride. Santiam Farmers Co-Operative ------------- FOR HIRE PASTURE MIX k»wps sheep fretn be coming reinfested with parasites af- | ter ¡spring worming. Contains PTZ phenothiazine, salt and essential min erals. Put it in a trough where sheep can help themselves. 50 lb. bag lasts 50 head 2 months. Santiam Farmers Co-opeiative tableaus of the acenes. Friends and visitors are welcome. There will be treats for the child:en after the pre- gram. 018017. 01056«. 018. 274. 018,0'6, 018,27t Picnic Hanis 1 MET Al Fleetwood’s til. TliKETS \RE GOOD I ll.l. THE END OF I H E MON I II PE BAKERY & SQUARE Borni I 7 a. m. to 6 p. m I