Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, DECEMBER 16. 1948 HMH tkade in DETROIT BUYING AT HOME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON IS YOUR REFRIGERATOR wo rk- mg right? If not, call PORTER & LAU for fast, dependable refrige:a- tor, washer, electric appliance or ra- • I FOR SALE—circ. wood heater; one young black-eared buck rabbit. 11-2 Good Bets for the Week yr. old; one hot water tank used 2 yrs. B. M. Gunsauies, Stayton, 405 Sunday and Monday 0 Joel McCiw ‘FOUR FACES WEST’ E. at. DETROIT SERVICE SANTIAM SELF L A u n ; d k y THEATRE Standard Rates Washing. Drying or Either Workingmen's Bundies Finished I Ph. 418 !4 Mi. E. of Detroit Saturday 'WINTER WONDERLAND" CANYON GARAGE EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E. FRY, Manager Santiam FOOD MART MEATS • GROCERIES Margaret NOBLE Janet NELSON DAVIS DETROIT HOTEL SPORTING & DRY GOODS Transient andd Weekly Rates L. C. DAVIS & SON Phone 1802 Do Your Christmas Shopping Early DD TAVERN LEN at BOB Baldwin’s DETROIT DETROIT TAVERN Barber Shop and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Redd Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryden E. W. BRAY SR. I Wants and Sales $75.00 AN ACRE — 129.5 acres, known as the Downing farm, adjoin ing Mill City on the south. Fair build ings, 2 cieeks, good terms. Call or write. BURT P1CHA. REALTORS Ph. 23049 337 N. High St., Salem REOPEN1NG my shop for sewing and hemstitching. Tsird house back of Stone's Feed Store. Mrs. H. I. Plymale 7 FOR SALE—10 used washers, $29.50 to $89.50. 90 day guarantee. Santiam HAVE Y’OU ever burnt out a motor Hdw. & Implement Co., Stayton. • or had one get overheated and smoke when the power dropped too low ? WE STOCK all types of Hearing Aid This danger can be- eliminated with batteries. Radio Batteries, and Flash- Stiffler one of our HOPAX CIRCUIT lite and lantern batteries. BREAKERS installed on your ap Radio and Appliance Store. pliance motor. Call us for informa- A GOOD selection of linoleum yard tino. Ph. 902. Stiffler Radio and Ap age, 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per sq. pliance, Mill City, Ore. * yd. Mill City Furniture Co. 7.95 Sq. Butt Shingle 215 lb. 5.93 Hex Shingle 168 lb. 1.93 Mica Roofing 45 lb. 2.47 Mica Rootling 551b. 2.91 Mica Roofiing 65 lb. 3.11 Mineral Roofiing 90 lb. 3.92 Staggered Edge 105 lb. 4.42 Brick Siding 105 lb. Felt, 324 sq. ft., 15 lb. per roll 2.43 Felt, 216 sq. ft. 30 lb. per roll 3.24 Also ask for free estimate on com- pletely installed and guaranteed job. Pay by the month. Phone 504B, Stay ton, Western Store. 3* POLISH your own floors—rent our high-speed polishing and scrubbing equipment. Easily handled by wom i en. Complete line of floor materials and waxes available. Western Store, Phone 504 B, Stayton. • NEED a furnace? Have an Eastman wood furnace, 5 or 6 rm. house size. Uses 24 in. wood. Gan be set up as pipe or pipeless. J. C. Kimmell, Mill City Pharmacy. 9 EXPERT auto and home radio ser vice. 20 years experience, all makes. Guaranteed service. FOR SALE—5 used electric ranges. Stiffler's Radio and Appiance $59.50 to $189.50. Hotpoint, Westing house, Frigidaire. Santiam Hdw. & FOR SALE -enameled Montag range Implement Co. Stayton. * in good condition. Call George Crook 9 F'OR RENT—3 rm. mod. apt. See Ed or ph. 988, Mill City. Cooke, Shephera Add. * FDR SALE—*34 Terraplane, 4 dr., FOR SALE — 5 rm. mod. house in sedan, cheap. Orlando Harris. Mill 9 Detroit. Garage, large lot. $3500. See City. Max Harlin, Detroit. 1 Don’t borrow. Subscribe! R. L. Elfstrom Co Proudly Preseti ts “•»If THE FINEST MATTRESS EVER MADE llfKI I PI I IS FILED IN COURT FOR SALE — 5 acres, 6 rm. older1 ON LIQUOR CHARGE style house plus utility rm; water Joe Cotton pleaded guilty anitAPas piped to house; elec, pump, elec, hot fined in Salem district court this week water heater, laund. trays, show«., on a charge of illsgal sale of liquor. bam. chicken house, dou. gtu .ge, or Burdette Youngs, Detroit Ffttel keep chard, berries, best of garden soli, er, and Margate Aidi, also charged can all be iirigated; fishpond loca with the same offence, pleaded inno tion; marl, school bus service. Easy cent. terms can be arranged. Royal John son, 2 mi. e. of Gates. Linn Co side.3 YULE PROGRAM AT GATES A Christmas program will be given REFINISH your own floors—Easily at the Gates Church of Christ, meet done with our latest model high speed ing at the school, Sunday morning. Floor Sanders and Finishers. Save A pot luck dinner will follow the Time — Save Money — Instructions morning service. Everyone ia invited. furnished. Phone 504 B, Western BAZAAR NET $300 Store, Stayton. • About $300 was cfoaril by the bazaar given last Thursday by the FOR SALE—'practically new Vaughn Presbyterian C-hurvh in the new re dragsaw, 2 blades 5* and 6 1-2’ $120. creation building. General chairman Art Hedge. 9 was Mrs. Heibeit Schroeder. The Women's Missionary Society for " SALE- brand new bathtub and wood range, nw type. Ji F. Smith, was held Wednesday at the Schroe Box 381. Mill City. 9 der home. Mrs. John Swan was lead er, and the church choir sang. FOR SAI Ji Wedgwood gas range, snw .i tup. auto. oven. Can be con The Women's Council of the Chris verted to propane. $40. Boys bicycle, tian Church met Wednesday after- hi-piessure tires, $10. G. W. Coffman noon at the home of Mrs. John Nel- GoHiet’s Store, Mehama. *1 son. FOR SAI Ji 3 mo. old New Hamp. ..A subscriptiim to the Enterprise Rock cross pullets. $1.50, your choice. is a year round Christ nilas gift. Also flyers and hens. Pennicks, 3 1-2 MILL CITY mi. E of Gates, S side of river. Ph. DISPOSAL SERVICE Mill City 702. !• Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. Weekly pickups $1 per month. Also SEE MORRISON for carpentering and concrete w’ork. light hauling. Leonard Herman Phone 2102 Free estimates. Sidewalks a special ty. See D. V. Moirison, Gates, or leave word with Don Jenkins, Mill City. • H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop List your homes and farms with me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, Detroit, Lyons. DAVID M. REID. REAL ESTATE * Blacksmithing * Welding * Logging and Sawmill Repairing. IF YOU would like someone to stay with the children of an evening, see Mrs. R. W. Cai ter, on Slaughterhouse ODD JOBS done Fridays after school and Saturdays. See Pat Wolverton, Wilma Howe or phone 3425. • BABY SITTING week nights and Sat. Call beifore 7:30. Phone 3425 or see Pat Wolverton or WilTlia Howe.* BLOCK WEST OF THEATER Dry Slab Wood PAINTing, paper hanging, paper samples. See Jerry Johnson, 1 block W. of Hilltop Store. 7’ Delivered 16" — $9 per cord. 4' — $6 per cord. This week’s special: Sweep. 89 c. Small 29c- Just in time to clean but your flues before cold wetiUur sets in. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance Mill City Ph. 902 Glenn Roberts Phone 1342 XMAS JUST AROUND THE CORNER ALSO Horner’s Agate Shop IT’S LATER THAN YOU THINK — BETTER HURRY Now Cutting: Emerald Sapphire Aquamarine Ruby Amethyst Toma Beryl Jade Amazonite Morganite Labradorite Black Onyx Tiger Eye Oat’s Eye Bloodstone Pridy Plume Agate We are working our fingernails off on Xmas orders, cutting and mounting the above stones. Visit our shop. Select your «ton and mount—in solid gold or Ster ling Silver. We wiU try to get it out for. Don’t miss weeing our display at the Mill City I harmacy Kt. 6, Lyons, one-half mile aouth of Mill Vity THE KINGS HOME TOWN FOLKS ßüV HO MOU3L KING’S TEEN-AGERS’ DANCELAND” MOBIL-iMINUTE- l\ 1VI kJ MAN SERVICE FREE COFFEE TO TRUCK DRIVERS ’C 3 MILES WEST OF MILL CITY — HI-WAY 222 FOR A FAMILY WHO APPRECIATES GOOD LIVING THE FINEST MATTRESS EVER MADE From where I sit.../>// Joe Marsh . because it does everything a mattress should do ... and does it better! Luxurious ... thick ... millions of bubbles of air forced into The Missus "Ducks" Out naturally resilient rubber give true cushioned support... a real airborne upthrust that lets your body relax, and encourages deep restful sleep Beautifully clean, self-ventilating, Slim Hari.nan took his missus duck hunting the other day. And after live hour« of «it ting in a swairp. she'd had enough! Going home, Slim reminded her good- naturedly of the time she'd taken him lu a woman mrvelist'« lecture, and in dated that he sit it out. allergy-proof, vermin proof, it’s light to lift though you don’t haiv to tum it. The •comeback' makes holding its shape natural, so it refuses to lump, bulge, or sag Specially corwtructed foundation hand-tied eight ways. f Mattrtss 79.50 to 112.90 foundation .. 64-50 nanu mill 11(1(1 ClltMNT So now the missus and Slim have an understanding. No more duck hunting for her— no more lecture« for him. They decided rack to hi* own taste. It's because they run agree to disagree like that, I think, that SALEM, ORE. Slim and the missus get on so well content to stay home nights to gether, enjoying one another's company over a glass of beer and a game of chess. From where I sit. we can't all enjoy the same things—but we can share those little pleasures that we do enjoy — a glass of beer, a game of chess, some music on the radio — and live and-let-live when it com . to the others. ßoe