Serving the North Santiam Valley The North Santiam’s Lyons, Mehama, Llkhorn, Mill City, Cates, Mongold, Detroit and Idanha Mill City Enterprise VÔLUMÈ IV, NUMBER 49 MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16. 1948 Looking Up Wolves Lose and Down To Sublimity, the Canyon Beat Turner Bear Raids Pantry And Gets Away Schools Set Yule Program ... w $2.00 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A CtPY Santa Can’t Quite Recall Mill City Date By MRS. SCOTT YOUNG These are the Bear Facts: No, Mr. Bear is not in hibernation Santa Claus was reading the road k / yet. The Forest Service has proof reports the other days, and he re By CHARLES WOLVERTON of it While Mrs. Oline locked herself marked to Mrs. Santa: Mill City" High School's Timber in her bedroom of their Detroit Ran By PAT WOLVERTON "The roads are aorta bad around Let’s take inventory. wolves will go to Stayton on Fiiday ger Station apartment, Bud Cline, that little town down in the North This is the time of the year when Mill City grade school will present night to take part in a basketball hearing strange noises, went to their businesses take stock of what they jamboiee sponsored by the high pantiy to find Mr. Black Bear’s long a Christmas program Tuesday, Dec. Sant:-m Canyon -what’s it’s name?” “Iilill City,” she replied, adding, have on hand to get an idea what school there. ' arm thrust through the screen as he 21 in the high s.hool auditorium at with a not of annoyance in her voice, t^e’- need in H'e fntu’e. Teams from Au-msville, Sublimity, helped himself to about everything 8 p. m. What about the Canyon? How does The entertainment is under the di “You’ve been going down there for 1 good. He thought Christmas had its inventory stack up, now and for Mill City and Stayton will partici come. rection of the faculy. It includes a the past 75 yvais and you still can’t pate. remember its name.” the months ahead ?. i He jumped down on Bud's arrival cantata-drama entitled “'They Found Jeiry Hunter lesi the wolfpack on “Mill City, that’s right. On account Housing: and a bear hunt ensued most of the I the Child,” by the upper grades, and of the roads, I thing I’ll figure on The North Santiam Canyon can Tuesday against Turner, 42 to 25. Hunter scored 17 points, almost night with Ranger Mi ore and Cline ' a play, "Farewell to ToyLand,” by getting there, about 1 o’clock on ^t- house about 3500 people, not part;c- the lower grades. double the next high man, Watson of ’ considerably handicapped by snow. ularly well, but enough to get by, in In the upper grades’ presentation, urday, the 18th.„ Mr. Bear finally lost them and Then he pulled his beard, puckered its present built homes. Mongold has ’ Turner. For Mill City, Leo Poole ha i 1 made his escape by swimming the the main rols are played by LeRoy a surplus of housing for about 500 ' 4, Verbeck 7, Miller 6, Lawienre Santiam River. Cline and Moore aie Podrabsky as Jabeth, Christine Lind his brow. "What have you forgotten now,” single men and 48 families—now part Poole 2, and subs Wirick 6, Thornley, waiting for a return bout with re gren as Amrah, Yvonne Dart as Re asked Mrs. Santa. ly occupied. Perhaps 25 home units 0 and Keys, 0. becca, Wayne Morris as Benjamin, Monday the basketball team from vengeful looks on their face«. “Ma. I just can’t remember where are now being built, in the commun Darrell Williams as Daniel, Mary Valsetz will come to Mill City for a ities from Lyons to Idanha. Lou Smith as Sarah, Dick Kanoff as I stop there. I must be getting old.” “You are an old fogy, Santa. Y’ou But we are faced, by summer, with special game. A chili bean supper Jotham, Richard Verbeck as Baltha ought to remember you stop every an influx of up to 3000 workers, or will be given for the players after sar, Herbert Hampton as Melchoir, year at the Fire Hall.” as much as four times the present the game. Bill Shepherd as Cyrus, Elton Gre The Timberwolves met their total of wage earners. If only a third gory as King Herod, Buddy Lind ¡strongest league adversaries Fiiday, of them bring their families, there gren as Asa. I and lost in a game which seesawed is going to be a .shortage of as much Two scribes, Charles Henderson in favor of one and the other and as 1000 home units! and Jimmy Caudle; two guards. Dick ended, the Sublimity Saints, 33, the Retail Trade: If the county won’t do its own Crook and Eddie Gregory; Philip Go Although merchants may complain local team, 31. road work, there are some folks up ble as David, Gail Ctuson as Mary The regular string started for Mill they’ve not enough customers to keep and Benny King as Joseph. them busy now, that won’t be the City: Hunter, f; Leo Poole, f; Miller, in Gates who’ll take care of it for The two readers are Dorothy Dow the taxpayers ’ hired hands. c; Verbeck g; and Lawrence Poole, g. case «when the working population of ner and Mary Jo Wolverton. The mu During the current rain, great The Sublimity team Monday won the Canyon increases three- or four sic is sung by a choir of the upper pools of water collected on the pro by only one point, 25 to 24, against The little FJkhorn community on fold. And many of the normal needs grades under the direction of Miss of a population aren’t even on sale Gates, which the Timberwolves ha( perties of seveial resident, doing con Alice Smith. A special number en the Little North Fork was complete in the area. That calls for planning, defeated by a lopsided scoie a week siderable damage. The floor furnaces titled “Star-Led, Dream-Led” will be ly cut off from the outside last «week in the Joe Joaquin and Melbourne end "by two slides which pouied and by individual businesses as well as or so before. Rambo homes were ruined by the sung by Tommy Kanoff. Dick Syver- avalanche of mud, rocks and logs on the entire trade community. son, Seeley Bennett, Pat Nash, Lyle The seniors have been selling Tim- overflow, all ebcause the county had Commercial recreation is adequate Fleetwood_and Vernon Christensen. the only road out. failed to provide runoff ditches from berwoTY T shirts in the office for the for even a much laryr population. “Farewell to Toyland,” presented • One slide came down ¿n the “old The same cannot be said of commun past week. The B team has been at the road.. After repeated apfpeals to by the lower grades, will have a cast slide stretch” Friday night. Mr. and ity recreation services. Yet it’s going tractively clad in them the past two Marion County officials the citizens including: Jimmy Baltimore as Santa Mrs. Mervin Knox of Lyons Were un took matters in their own hands and able to jeturn to their home. They to be hard, especially fo- the unin games. procured a bulldozer with which they Claus, Robert Ditter as Mike Teddy sipent the night at the Bill Bickett corporated towns in the Canyon to Bear, Colleen Estensen as Glorianna, The annual senior prom will be carved a few runoff channels. subsidize a recreation program, for Ramona Mason as Raggedy Ann, home. It helped, but other problems have held Saturday, Dec. 18, in the high Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mvers were a. lults and youth. Raymond Goodwin as the postman, school auditorium. Music will be fur come up as a result. One ditch they “traipiped out” the same night and Lducatiun: Henry Roten as the hobbyhorse, and Mill City, with its new grade school nished by the Top'Hatters of Salem. dug cut off another resident fiom his eight first gtade boys as wooden sol stayed in Mill City. home by ear. Saturday morning a county road building, with have facilities for the All alumni an school board members And worse, all the water which diers, The singing dolls are played crew cleared one slide and Ercill Wil new population. Detroit and Idanha are invited, plus student body mem by the first grade girls and the toy son’s gravel ttruck pushed a log out with a new school built by the Army bers. It will start at 9 o’clock. A was drained off from the properties orchestra by the second grade: s. of the two or tsree who suffered the of the way in the Freres hill slide so Engineers will be ready, too. Gates Christmas theme will be used. most damage has now collected in six cars that had been waiting for has equipment and space now to take LODGE HONORS KRIEVER The seniors are flashing fancy a pond on the Al Millsaip place. hours could get through. care of many more students. The A county engineer who was called memory books which were received The two slides broke loose again big problem, so far as education is Arthur knever of Mill City was to see the damage promised a culvert Saturday night and the road was concerned, will be finding more teach Monday. installed Wednesday night in Albany would be built. ers, and money to pay them with. M illustrious master, Adoniram coun closer! again until Sunday afternoon. SCHOOL HOLIDAY SCHEDULED Police protection: cil No. 9 of the Masonic Lodge. Mr. The regular matinee at the Mill Kriever has just completed his year RUSSIA IS CLUB TOPIC More officers may have to be hired, The Mill City schools will close but the conditions of law- enforce Dec. 23 for the Christmas vacation City Theater will open at 2:30 in as high priest of the Royal Arch A discussion on Russian commun ment are very much improved over and will reopen Monday, Jan. 3. The stead of 2 p. m. because of Santa's Masons, Bayley chapter No 8. Al ism was held at last week’s meeting a year or so ago. bany. visit Saturday at the Fire hall. high school will close Dec. 24. • • • of the Mill City Women’s Club at the high school recreation room. It seems ill advised and unwise for Mrs. Arthur Kriever was chairman, the state and federal governments to and Mrs. D. B. Hill spoke on music, confront a small community like the Funeral services for Mrs. Millie art and literature in Russia, Mrs. Canyon with the enormous task of LaVine will be held in the Mill City Non is Thomas who was accidently The fifth to eighth giade girls Lawrence Walworth, the educational taking caiv of a population which Presbyterian Church at 1:30 p.m. on shot while hunting is reported to be started practicing for the volley ball system there, and Mrs. Charles Wol may more than double ami let things Friday, Dr. David J. Ferguson offic recovering in his home and while not team Tuesday after school. About 15 verton, its press. work out without planning or help. iating, and interment in Woodburn The club decided to hold a Christ The Detroit dam will be built, not cemetery between 3:30 and 4 o’clock. yet able to walk is permitted to sit glf?9, under the supervision of Miss Alice Smith, turned out. up part of the time. mas party with gifts of 25 cent value for the North Santiam Canyon, but Mrs. laVine, for 28 years a resi In a recent election of song leadeis exchanged ami 25 cents for an elec Mrs. Alber Millsap had as their to serve the Northwest and the na dent of Mill -City and a leader in dinner guest Sunday, Mrs. Henrietta an yell leaders foT the Mill City trie corn popper for the Children’s tion.. Yet most of the problems of several lodges, died Sunday. Quinn who will leave for her new grade school, Dorothy Downer and Home. Mrs. Steiphen Beck was ap keeping a well regulated community Mrs. LaVine was past noble grand Christine Lindgren were chosen as pointed chairman of a committe to for the people brought in by the dam and a 20-year member of Santiam home in Seaside this week. Guests at the George Ditto home song leaders and Carol Blazek and ariange a discussion each month on will be local. Rebekah Lodge No. 166 of Mill City; the United Nation. Are we going to have to solve them past president of Ladies Auxiliary Sunday we:e her son and family, Mr. Mary Jo Wolverton, yell leaders. Mr. and Mrs’. George Stewart and The hall was decorated with holly. by ourselves? Are there no outside Patriarch Militant and of the Secur and Mrs. Bennie Rider and daughter an husband, Mr. and Mrs Matthewe«, Mi and Mrs. Claence Estenson were Hostesses were Mrs. W. W. Allen agencies of the state and govern ity Benefit Assn, of Mill City. all of Salem. Christmas shopping in Salem Tues and Mrs. Don Sheythe. ment which can assume some respon Surviving her are her husband, day. Mr an Mrs. John Such of Triangle BEAR hs.stvrm a$L20 eF sibility? Wilis LaVine. Mill City; a daughter. Frank Rada visited his daughter, The Entenprise proposes that a gen Mrs. Claudia Knutsen, Seattle; and Lake spent the week end with he I eral conference for the North San three sons. Melvin, Mill City, Clif parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Helvey Mrs. John Martin, in Portland over STORM SBWER BEING BUILT tiam be held soon. To this conference ford, of Salem, and Raymond, of The Helveys plan to move to their the week end. A storm sewer is under construc Anto Moravec had a heart attack should be called representatives of: I Vienna, Austria; and three grand- new home in West Stayton soon. tion by the city, from the Mill City Gerald Garrison, son of Mr. and last week and will be in bed for a Federal housing agencies. ! children. » State Bank to the river bank. The rest for some time. Mrs. Norman Garrison, is at home State and county welfare agencies. having received his discharge from The crew of six on SP 732 has newer will drain the area around The Willamette Valley Project JAMES COOKE SECOND the Army after three years service five Mill City peatpie on it. The train the postoffice ami other spots nearby Committee. IN STATE ORATOR CONTEST The first year of his service was Tn is now funning thrice weekly to Id that have filled deep with water. Col. O. E. Walsh, representing the State Side duty, the next 18 month anha and the other three days to Le Army Engineers. James Cooke, former Mill Citystu ROOF BURNS ON HOME A representative of the federal Pub dent and now of Salam high school. in Cold Bay, Alaska, and th past six banon. The run to Albany has been ~A roof fire at the James Moore susipended. month inLetterman Hospital in San lie Roads Administration. ! won second in a statewide oratorical Franasco as an electr ' irf home bume<i a five foot hole and did Mr, and Mrs. Chailes Wolverton A representative of the State contest sponsored by the Junion some damage to the building, but Mr. and Mrs. Willram Rush of Cor entertained Saturday evening with Highway Commission. «'hamber of Commerce . the interior of the house was unharm the John Feeleys, the Robert Veness ’ vallis were week end guests at the A member of the county courts of Y'oung Cooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. .home of his grandparents. Mr and and Al Yankus’ as guests. Overnight ed. The alarm went off at noon Tues Linn and Miarion Counties. I Ed Cooke of Mill City, was winner I Mrs. Lyle Rush, Sunday they attend guests Sunday were Bemie Seega 1 day, almost at the same time for the The Mill City City Council. of the preliminary contest in the mid Chambers of Commerce ani Com Willamette region. Subject was de ed the r edding of his brother, Lyle and William Miller of Portland. Mr. usual noonday whistle. Mr. and Mrs. Veteto were i to Miss Virginia Vandermeer in Mill Miller was press officer for the Polish mercial Clubs, Lions Clubs, etc., of mocracy. Citv. • government atte United Nations ses- guests at the 41st wedding anniver each Canyon town. James has become school cor es sary of his »¡«ter an«i brother-in-law Among those from Gates attending aion in New York City last year. All Parent-Teachers Aesns. in the pondent for the Salesman, writing the Van-iermeer • Rush wedding in Mr. and M s. Claud Miller and Gor Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Parmenter in Canyon. I a by-lined column daily. He was an night. And representatives of all other | active scout leader when he went to Mill City Sunslay were Mrs. Martha don had dinner Sunday at the Salem | I Canby Saturday ---------------- Bowes, 57: s. Blanche Dean. Mr and home of his nephew and niece, Mr. organizations which indicate a desire i school here. NOTICE Knights Templar of San Mrs. CarTes Rush, Mr. and Mrs. Nor and Mr«. WiHiam Roberts. to take definite local responsibility in Mrs. Jack Colburn and Mrs. Albert tiam Canyon are requested to as meeting the problems created by this I - man Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. Clare if necessary it last two days. There Henness, Mrs. Burrel Cole and son Toman drove to Portland Friday and semble at Masonic Hall, Mill City, project. at 10:45 a m. to attend Christmas We further propose that from this after, it might become past of the Marlin, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hennes«, were joined by their husbans Satur service Dec. 19 in a body and in day evening. Mrs. Colburn attended and son Earl, and Mi-« Jean Oliver conference an organ.zation be frrned Willamette Project Committee. uniform.Those who do not have uni a convention, and Saturday evening visiting from Salem, We feel this conference, and a sta- to continue through the four or more Sunday guests at the home of Mr. was «»pent with Mr and Mrs. HaroM form« please aasemide with others. yea: s that the work is under way. J ble program it can develop, will pro- and Mrs. J. L. Spry were their son, Frisch, former Mill City resident». vide a means for an orderly approach We further propose that thia con Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colburn have NOTICE—The postoffVs- will be open ference be held not later than Feb. 1, j to the complexities created by the Alfred" Spry, Waldport, and family all day Saturday. Dec. 18 and M t . and Mr a. George Hayward moved into their new home i dam. » on a week end, with provision that I For Tuesday Road Overflow Irks Gates Mrs. LaVine Dies Gates Road Slides IsolateElkhorn Mill City oMMMMMMMMia,u...dd Couple Killed When Tree Falls on Home Mr. an<TMrs. Clifford Kuhnke, the former employed by the Federal Bureau of Public Works, were killed instantly in Detroit late Saturday when a 150 foot tree fell and crashed through their home during an 80 mile gale. Deputy Sheriff L. M. Wright who investigated (Tie tragedy that night, said the youg couple were in the liv ing loom of their small cabin, Mrs. Kuhnke apparently standing, and Mr Kuhnke sitting on a davenport. The tree, which was moie than five feet in diameter at the base, demolished their little dwelling. Volunteers worked late into the night bo extricate the bodies. The bodies were aken to Vancou ver, Wash., where they had lived un til! thiee weeks ago. Mrs. Kuhnke had been with her husband only a few day’s before their deaths. Mr. Kuhnke. 28, was an engineer employed on the Willamette Valley Project. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kuhnke of Vancouvet and was bom in Salem. Mrs. Kuhnke, 28, was a former em ployee of a steamship company and was bom in Sacramento, Calif. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1). E. Reybum, live in San Francisco. l.(>iV4K ULEA‘9 *>2 About $92 was netted at a dinner given recently by the Three Links Club at the 1OOF Hall. In charge of ticket sales was Mi s. W. R. Olm stead assisted by Mrs. W. W. Hen derson. Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood and Mrs. Mel Robinson had charge of the bazaar, and Mrs. Frank Mei rill, the fi-hpcixl. The dinner was prepared by Mrs. George Veteto, Mrs. Francis Bodeker, Mrs. Merrill and Ms. Lois Anderson. ANOTHER STUDENT FLYER Roy Beebe joiiikxl the ranks of lo cal student airmen when he took off Tuesday with Ted Galbraith, Silver- to flying instructor, ftom Davis Air port. Galbraith is planning regular lessons for student fliers at the Gates field as soon as weather permit«. Byron Davis took off Tuesday for the first time in many weeks because of bad weather. A second hangar, being built by Beebe, ia nearing completion at the airport. GARAGE LEASE ENDS The East Side Garage reve ted to the management of its owner, Lester Hathaway, this week when he took over the business at the termination of its lease by the Bong brothers. They returned to Washington. Dr. David J, Ferguson, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, spoke at the Dec. 8 meeting of the Parent- Teacher Assn, on the brotherhood of man. The widely traveled minister told of many peoples and creeds he had encountered in many parts of the world, emphasizing that nobility ex- isted in all race«, regardless of color or faith. Two films were shown, and Miss H<rpe Baney, music teacher, led the audience in singing Christmas carols. The Presbyterian choir sang. Coffee and Bohemian pastries were served by Mrs. Ernest Podrabsky, Mrs. Joe Podrabsky, Mrs. Joe Fencl and Mrs. Brower. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Harris and Her man Bowers visited at Marion Forks Thursday evening. John Young, Glendale, Ore., neph <-w of Scott Young, will make his home here for the winter. Dorothy Morgan and Mrs. Scott Young spent a few days in Portland on business. M rs. George Streff and son Mike have been visiting with her daughter in law Mrs. Calvin Jones and family in Portland the past week. Marion Forks is now buried under two and one half feet of sno* so if you like snow shoeing or skiink now is the hour. The last services for Charles Cles- ter of Detroit were held Mon lay, Nov 29, at Estacada. Many in the Canyon feel they have lost a real friend in his parsing.