MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, DECEMBER ». 1»48 the scene of a quiet wedding Friday morning when Mrs. Esther Hi kman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons, became the bride of Ed Gisler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis GfitTb'r of Scio. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schwindt were their attendants. A weiFUng break­ fast was served at the Riverview Cafe following the ceremony. Huffman. Mrs. Walter Bevier drew the traveling prize. Also present were Mesdaanes Bob Carleton, Albert Bass, Earl Allen, Herman Free, Pat Lyons, Bert Lyons, and Merrill Bras« field. The next party will be held at the Brassfield home with a Christmas party and gift exchange. Mrs. Floyd Baseett was sostess for the afternoon card club with the par­ ty held at her Fox Valley home. A 1:30 dessert luncheon was served, fol­ lowed by several tabl««» of 500. High honors were held by Mrs. Orville Downing, second high to Mrs. Vern St Patrick’c Church in Lyons was Nydegger and low to Mrs. Georg* The kindergarten school which has been held at Rebekah Hall has moved to Twin Cedars schoolhouse. The mothers held their monthly meeting Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Power. Plans were made for a Christmas party for Wednes­ day, Dec. 22, with gift exchange for the kiddies. All mothers are invited to attend. LYONS By EVA BRESSLER The annual WSOS bazaar was held at Rebekah Hall Friday evening. A turkey dinner was served to 55 or 60 people, followed by motion pict­ ures and a short program. Marjorie Prichard played a piano solo. Norma Jean and Loiena June Devine of Gates entertained with accordion and vocal selections. There was a good display of fancy Work and jwme made candy which sold well. The evening was a good success HOME TOWN FOLKS The Mill City Enterprise MHI City, Oregon. Charle» Wolverton, Editor and Publisher Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager * Entered as second-class matter November 19, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon jnder the Act of March 3, 1879. ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the “Too Late to Classify" section. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. CLASSIFIED RATE One insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1.00. Display advertising 40c inch Sunday afternoon’s storm. A tree fell acroes the road below the fish hatchery west of Mehama, breaking both long distance line* into Salem and both local lines to Stay- ton. Lines above Mill City to Detroit and Idansa were out intermittently througout the week end. THE KINGS nuCH t nume ne. oom tip •s n ooh 'T you fi/eic* rntr ivriir aerSovy V ue hi veu n r m i *i*<' , > f a TH OOl/GH • / Sü#£ ,Hf\ rrs e// C#US£ — KING’S ’’TEEN-AGERS' DANCELAND’’ FREE COFFEE rr j XT/"1 ’ Q MOBIL-MINUTE- IXlllVI O MAN SERVICE TO TRUCK DRIVERS 3 MILES WEST OF MILL CITY — HI WAY 222 A dinner was held at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heineck Sunday, honoring Mr. Heineck on his birth­ day. Covers were laid for Mr. and Heineck, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Veek of Olympia, Mrs. Evelyn Rutschman of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Fields of Portland, Mrs. Anna Rose, and Mrs. Messinger of Oswego. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heineck and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Garber of Lyons. Mrs. George Clipfell is spending some time at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mis. Ben Hartley, in Portland. Wayne Bass, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Base, who has en- 1 : Mrs. Dell Westenhouse and daugh­ ter Charymane of Scio visited one <)ay Ugt at the Johh Neaf ana Alex Bodeker homes. ] < S°0.000 H¡m Sleep«» cant be iWBny Directory of Yes, today there are more than half a million happy users of General Electric Automatic Blankets. AVAILABLE IN THRU MODUS: Twin-bed One-control 66 by 86 inches Now’s the time for you, too, to assur«* yourself of wonderful automatic deeping comfort. Buy a cozy C-E Au­ tomatic Blanket It will give you ju»t« right warmth during normal change« in room temperature night after nil winter long night . Double-bod One-control 72 by 86 inches Choose your Automatic Blanket from any one of four lovely colors: rose. blue, green or redar. The Automat it Hlanket is care­ fully ni (ide to meet rigid General Electric safety standards, and is approved by the I’nderwriters* Lab­ oratories, Inc. It is certified tvash- able by the American Institute of Laundering. » Double-bad Two-control 72 by 86 Inches R. L. Elfstrom Co listed in the U. S. Marine Corps, left last week for San Diego, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Cheffing who recently purchased the W’ayne Ransom oro- iperty, have taken occupanry. *The Ransoms moved to the Ella Keys home west of Mehama and plan to build a new hose. Mrs. Sarah Cookingham returned Monday after spending several days in Portland due to the illness of her son, Paul. Sam Bridges moved his family here from Portland the last of the week. The Bridges purchased the Francis Jungwirth property east of town. He is in the appliance and gas heat bus­ iness here. The Jungwirths moved into a house west of town. They are building a new home in Stayton. Mrs. Pat Lyons spent several days in St. Helens with her daughter, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Meilke. There will be a cleanup day at the Lyons Methodist Church Saturday At the same time the parsonage will be shingled and other repair work done. The women will serve a pot luck din­ ner at noon. Any help will be appre­ ciated. Considerable damage was done to the telephone lines in the vicinity in SALEM, Organizations LYONS WOMEN’S CLUB Meets every Thursday at the Com­ munity Hall, Lyons, at 2 P. M. CAPITAL SANTIAM AERIE OF EAGLES No. 2945 Meets al Idanha Rod and Gun Club Monumental Works J. C. JONES, Prop. MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS NOW ALBUS DRUG STORE 2210 So. Commercial St. Salem Office Ph. 6887 Res. Ph. 6887 20 years of Continuous Servie» PIANOS F. H. ALBUS, RG. PH. BAND INSTRUMENTS STAYTON :■£ INSTRUMENT REPAIRING ACCORDION LESSONS I ¡Tex’s Tavern Jacquith Music Co. 136 N. High St. A friendly family atmosphere prevails SALEM Regular Meeting Nights X3»<3> OOOOOK MILL CITY—4th Friday Monthly IDANHA - 2nd and 4th Thursday LYONS - 1st and 3rd Friday Monthly- Second Friday open for special meet­ ings. Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON, OREGON GENERAL DRV GOODS MILL CH Y Service Station ■>0 cents in city 15 cents per road mile outside Mili City Taxi Sen-ice Phone >!602 WOOD’S STORE Ladies' and Children’s DRESSES C-E.’ Pink ■ Mason Prop Shell Products Auto Storage. Batteries Fishing Tackle Bell & Devers — Zt nith Tires ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1>. W. Reid MD Stayton 324 All types and makes to choose from Selling and servicing transportation is our business Drop in and let us show you what we See Vern McFadden or ('. E. (Buzz) Cheffings Herrold-Philippi Motor Co STAYTON kiMH.büV AVF H \RLOW L WEINRICK Attorney at Law 31M Broadalbin You vr never had a permanent like r4z> before’ Thralling Killing KlXTLER WAVE iv the profewjl »me that actually mikes W" mlei happen .. beings vou the flattering, smooth and •*•»>»/ waves vou adore’ It» wdt. en veloping Vug » I . if mrub a new kind of loveliness n»> fairy ends — ea»ier to get longer lasting Call for vtnaa apro.ntment reZzr Mill City State Bank Mill City, Oregon A Home Bank.Owned and Managed by Home People. FataMiuhed in 1*19 All Oppositori Insured up to SH I RLEYS 44080 00 Under thè Terni, of BEAL TY SHOP Ph. Mill City * che Federai Deposit Inaurane* Corporation. Flre and AatomiXiv* Inaurano* Notary Public. «