The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949, December 02, 1948, Image 6

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    Submarine Principle
First Used by Caddis Fly
A Stuffed Bunny Toy
The submarine principle wai
used millions of years ago by an
insect known as the caddis fly
The young of certain caddis flies
build a "submarine” of selected
materials found on the bed of a
stream or lake, binding them to­
gether with silk. By attaching or
detaching bubbles of air to their
cases and thereby altering the
specific gravity, the flies are able
to rise or submerge in water.
Send an additional qua. ter
copy oi the Fall and Winter FASHION—
11 i brimful ot ideas lor s. .art »inter
wardrobes. Free pattern printed inside
the boon.
530 South Wells St. • Chicago J. 111.
Enclose 25 cent» in coins tor each
pattern desired.
Pattern No________________ Size-------
Homemade Presents
Are Sure to Please
Discriminating Friends
Get Weft
From Your Cough
Duo to o Cold
I v L l I O Cough Compound
Croud ideo for Sunday Night Supper
Aahl Crunchy toasted Kellogg’s All­
Bran dotted with tlavorful pineapplel
Different and dee-liciousl
>4 cup shortening >4 teaspoon salt
cup sugar
1 cup Kellogg's
1 egg
1 cup sifted flour 1 cup undralned
2'j teaspoons
baking powder
1. Blend shortening and sugar; add
egg and beat well.
3. Sift flour with baking powder and
salt; add All-Bran. Stir Into first
mixture alternately with pineapple.
Mix only until combined.
1. Fill greased muffin pans *4 full.
Bake In moderately hot oven
(400 F.) 35 to 30 minutes.
Yield: 10 muffins — 3'« Inches In
Aawics'a mast
funoua ni lutai
laiativa caraai
— try a bawHul
I amai taw.
ns. in just 7 days... in one short week .
a group oi people who changed from their
old dentifrices Io Calos Tooth Powder aver­
aged .18% bright" trrlh by scientific teal.
Why not change Io Caloy yourself ? Buy
Calox today .. . so your
teeth can start looking
bright" tomorrow !
M. Ke«M>n & Robbins Inc , Bfidgrport, C obm
NO other rub acts faster in
4» 48
Pot Roast with Potato Pancakes
Apple Sauce
Green Beans
Pineapple-Cabbage Slaw
Orange Tapioca Pudding
A DAY or two or three spent in
the kitchen instead of out among
Christmas crowds will yield several
lovely as well as edible presents to
give your closest friends.
114 lemons
Most people are so busy around
14 pound preserved ginger
the holidays, not only with shopping
',4 pint water
but with enter­
taining that food
Pare, quarter and core pears.
presents will be
really welcome. Pare apples, core and cut cross­
Think how nice it wise into one-half-inch slices. Grate
is to receive some rind of lemons and add juice to the
colorful jelly to water. Cut ginger in small pieces.
serve with Christ­ For every pound of fruit allow one
mas dinner or a pound of sugar. Boil sugar and wa­
homemade coffee cake done up in ter to a syrup, then add remaining
ingredients and boil 45 minutes or
gala wrappings!
until thick and clear. Place in
Make a gift list of food presents,
then bring out the recipes and de­
cide just how much of each to make.
Wrap prettily and deliver just as
you would other presents. Keep a
few extra boxes of food gifts to give
just in case someone you'd forgot­
ten drops in unexpectedly.
If you put up a lot of jellies, jams
and preserves during the summer,
bring these out and wrap in gay
paper and tie with fancy bows.
Even one jar makes a perfectly de­
lightful present.
For more elaborate presents you
might want to give several jars on
This Christmas tree coffee cake
a tray that may be used for relishes
will make a welcome present for
or sandwiches.
• • •
neighbors or close friends, be­
cause it’s good to eat as well as
JUST IN CASE you do not have
very festive appearing. To make
enough jars of jelly from summer,
it, use a yeast dough recipe given
here are some recipes to replenish
in the column and decorate with
the supply.
candied red and green cherries to
Cranberry Jam
give the effect of lights.
(Makes 13 6-ounce glasses)
7 cups prepared fruit
sterilized cans or jars and seal at
3 cups sugar
3 cups light corn syrup
Christmas Tree Coffee Cake
1 box powdered fruit pectin
(Makes 1 tree cake)
To prepare fruit, add four cups
1 cup ready-to-eat bran
water to about three and one-fourth
1 cup scalded milk
pounds of fully ripe cranberries.
cup shortening
Bring to a boil and simmer, cov­
*4 cup sugar
ered, for 10 minutes. Sieve pulp to
1 teaspoon salt
remove seeds, if desired. (For
1 cake compressed yeast or
spiced cranberry jam, simmer fruit
1 package granular yeast
with one-half teaspoon ground
1 egg, well beaten
cloves and one teaspoon cinnamon
2’■ cup sifted flour
Combine branj milk, shortening,
sugar and salt. Stir until shorten­
ing is melted, then cool to luke­
warm. Soften yeast in this mixture.
Add egg. Stir in flour to make a
soft dough; cover. Let stand ten
minutes. Knead on lightly floured
surface. Place in a greased boul.
Cover and let rise in a warm place
until doubled in bulk. Punch dorvra
Form dough into a long rope of
roll about one inch thick; swirl back
and forth on a
cookie sheet in
Presents made in your kitchen
shape of a pine
reflect your interest and thought­
tree, reserving a
fulness to the recipient of the gift,
small portion of
especially if you give gay and col­
the dough to use
orful jars of jellies and other
for the trunk of
canned goods. I'se some of the
the tree. Cover
stock you put up this summer for
and let rise until
doubled in bulk.
or one and one-half teaspoons of any Bake in a moderate (375-degree)
oven for about 25 minutes. When
desired combination of spices )
Measure sugar and corn syrup cool, frost with uncooked icing
into a dry bowl and set aside until (made out of powdered sugar and
needed. Measure prepared fruit in­ a little milk) and decorate with can-
to a five to six quart kettle filling died cherries to represent lights
up the last cup or fraction of cup on a tree.
with water if necessary. Place over
HERE IS an excellent fruit bread
powdered fruit |
to have on hand for the holidays
pectin, mix well, '
because it will keep fresh for weeks
and continue stir­
if kept wrapped in waxed paper
ring until mixture
and placed in a tin. Slice it thip
comes to a hard
and use for sandwiches. It makes
boil. Pour in sugar ,
a lovely gift.
and syrup at once,
Eruit Bread
stirring constantly.
(Makes 3 loaves)
foaming, one-fourth teaspoon butter
may be added.) Continue stirring, | 12 eggs
3 cups sugar
bring to a full, rolling boil and boil
16 cups flour
hard one minute.
2 tablespoons baking pouder
Remove from fire, skim, pour
2 cups chopped seedless raisins
quickly. Paraffin hot jam at once.
2 cups chopped walnuts
Apricot Jam
. 1 cup chopped, candied orange
1 pound dried apricots
Hi cups sugar
the eggs and sugar together
1 cup seedless raisins
cup water in which apricots i for 10 minutes on an electric mixer. ,
(Hand beating will take an hour so
were soaked
you'll have to enlist help from the I
1 orange
Wash apricots and soak in water youngsters!) Fold in the flour and
baking powder which have been sift- 1
enough to cover for one hour. Slice i | ed
together. Add the fruits, mixed
orange fine and cut each slice in
fine pieces. Mix all ingredients to­ I and floured with a bit of extra flour. I
Bake in greased loaf pans in a slow
I (325-degree) oven for one hour.
Cook slowly until thickened Fill
This is a nice bread for a gift.
jelly glasses and seal with paraffin
It's rich and has a distinctive flavor i
at once.
' because of the walnuts. Serve it for I
Pear and Apple Conserve
sandwiches when entertaining, i
fl hard pears
' rather than for a meal.
ti tart apples
Released by WNV Features
Relieves Distress of MONTHLY
«MAU £k
Also HHps Build Up Red Blood'
Do remain functional periodic dis­
turbance« mule you suffer pain, feel 9c
itnow. irritable- M as-h times • Then
try Lydia I. Pinkham • TABLETS to
relieve rich symptom* Ftnkhamt
Tablet* are alao eery effective to help
DulJd up red blood la simple anemia
Lydia E. Pinkham s TA8KTS
Make Wrappings Gay
For Home Made Gifts
ini puddings can be gi ven away
in si
‘olorful bowls or molds
aper over the top The
itment around the paper
tive effect.
i re gi\ .ng aw a y cookies
in a
I, flat, tin box. make it
lacv frill
edge of the cover. A
real holly sprig on top iviU show
„dB m
n luch b<
n a small
lace doily.
Make or buy biscuit and pastry
mixes a nd store in the refrigerator
to have them ready for quick u St.
Make it easy to stuff your hoi :day
bird bv getting crumbs ready « arty
and stoiring them in glass jaris.
Round cereal boxes such as t hese
in whic h oatmeal comes ma\r be
covered with candy striped p a per
and filli?d with cookies
Childr ens goodies can be g iven
away in small socks Put *.n a : ed
candy c ane for color and tie the
sock wi th a red. green or coh rful
This Home-Mixed
Cough Syrup Is
Most Effective
\ | AKE this joyful toy for your
1’1 youngster! Funny Bunny is
such a cheerful companion, all
dressed up, too. He’s easy sewing.
a • •
Stuffed bunny, fine for birthday or ba­
zaar! Pattern 962 has transfer of toy,
clothes patterns.
Our new, improved pattern makes nee­
dlework so simple with its charts, photos,
concise directions.
Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept.
W Randolph St. Chicago 80, III.
Enclose 20 cents for pattern.
Name_________________________ ___ _
Do This for
Instantly—the moment
you put a few drops
of Vicks Va-tro-nol in
each nostril—you'll feel
your cold-stuffed nose
start to open up and give you wonder­
ful relief from snlffly head-cold distress.
(Va-tro-nol acts so fast because it work»
right where trouble is. It relieves stuffy
congestion, and makes breathing easier.
If used in time, Va-tro-nol helps pre­
vent many colds from developing! Try
tt! Vicks Va-tro-nol Nose Drops.
LETS—A purely vegetable laxative to
relieve constipation without the usual
griping, sickening, perturbing sensa­
tions, and does not cause a rash. Try
NR—vou will see the difference. Un­
coated or candy coated—their action
is dependable, thorough, yet gentle as
millions of NR's have proved. Get a
2 5c box and use as directed.
Handsome Daytimer
ESIGNED with a flattering
youthful air for the larger fig­
ure is this handsome daytimer
that comes in a wide size range. i
Note the one-sided interest on I
oodice and hipline, the choice of
ileeve lengths.
• • •
Pattern No 1821 comes in sizes 36. 38,
10 . 42. 44 46 . 48 50 and 52 Size 38. cap
ileeve, 5*4 yards ot 39-inch.
'Tis the season to be jolly—and
if you're a woman facing the vex­
ing question of what to get him,
here's a two-way perfect solution:
If he's a smoker who likes his
cigarettes on the cool, mild side,
get him a carton or two of Camels.
Their choice tobaccos are sure to
please him on Christmas Day. Or
perhaps he enjoys smoking a pipe,
too. If so, mellow Prince Albert
Smoking Tobacco will round out
your gift selection in a mighty
handsome manner. Both items are
right in keeping with your holi­
day sentiment; they come gaily
wrapped in special Christmas
packages. The Camel cartons con­
tain 200 cool, mild Camel ciga­
rettes. And the pound tin of Prince
Albert is brimful of mild, tasty
smoking that has truly earned the
title — the National Joy Smoke.
Each gift has space for your writ­
ten greetings.
When you give
Camels and Prince Albert for
Christmas, you can be sure of |
pleasing him! They're easy to or- I
der, too; a local dealer is well
supplied right now. (Adv.)
Cough medicines usually contain a
large quantity of plain syrup—a good
ingredient, but on© which you can
easily make at home. Take 2 cups of
granulated sugar and 1 cup of water,
and stir a few moments until dis-
solved. Or use corn syrup or liquid
honey, instead of sugar syrup.
Then get from any druggist 2^
ounces of I’inex, pour it into a pint
bottle, and fill up with your syrup.
This gives you a full pint of wonderful
medicine for coughs due to colds. It
makes a real saving because it gives
you about four times as much for
your money. Never spoils. Tastes fine.
This is actually a surprisingly ef-
fective, quick-acting cough relief.
Swiftly, you feel it taking hold It
loosens the phlegm, soothes the irri­
tated membranes and makes breath­
ing easy. You've never seen anything
better for quick and pleasing results,
Pinex is a special compound of
proven ingredients, in concentrated
form, a most reliable soothing agent
for throat and bronchial irritations.
Money refunded if it doesn’t please
you in every way.
Pinex I m Dependable:
T h 'II be reiri ot
your strong,
husky children
when you give
them Scott’s
Emulsion every
day ! Scott's is
a “gold mine”
Of natural A&D
Vitamins and energy-building natural
oil. Helps children grow right, develop
sound teeth, strong bones.
Help« ward off colds when they
lack enough A&D Vitamin
) food. Many doctors recommend
it. Economical. Buy today at
your drug store.
MORE mon
than |usi
just a ionic
tonic —
it's powerful nourishment!
The R evised S tandard V ersion
of the N ew T estament
• Easier to Understand.
• Large cleor type.
• Over a million copies sold.
The New Testament of the Holy Bible
recently revised to help you in your
daily reading. Never before at this
price. 553 pages, 5x7 inches, $1.00.
FREE with every Tenement o 72 page booklet
explaining why revisions from Original Greek
were necessary.
Send your $1 00 today to
NEW TO8K 17, N. V.
Find out what
offers you!
— an education leading lo R N.
” f
•-more opportunities every year in
hovpital», public health, etc.
— vour allowance under the G. I. Rill
of Right« often cover« »our entire
Burning cour«e.
— a«k for more information
al the hospital where vou
would like Io enter Burning.
• Rub in Ben-Gay for prompt, s • th ng gt-tle relief
from chest-cold miseries. Your doctor knows about
those fame US pain-relieving agents-methyl salicylate
and menthol Ben-Gay contains up to 2 > j times more
of them than five other widely offered rub-ins. Mild
Ben-Gay was especially formulated for childrens
delicate skin. Ask for genuine Ben-Gay.
*<’• far Ram dee to »HEUM8TISM. MUSCLE ACM. »nd STRAINS
A»k far MM Bea-C», far CMdren