MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, — HOME OWNERS! BUILDERS We I are starting a new policy by featur­ ing a Special each week on electrical supplies. —Ask for the “Special of the week” and save good money.— Thia week’s special: 43 cent». REGULAR 10c fuse plugs. Box of 5, Mill • Cleve Davis and Joan are spending Thanksgiving with his daughter in Valsetz. Out of town folks seen at the Fire­ men’s benefit included Mr. and Mrs. AVAILABLE NOW! The famous Ad­ Bob Kelle, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Epps, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Longfellow mit al refrigerators — immediate de­ and Ella Marie and Mr. and Mrs livery, all sizes. Dewey Flatman attended the civic Stiffler’s Radio and Apffliance dance in Idanha recently and renewed Mill City Ph. 902 acquaintances and friendships. Mr. an Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood, Mrs. If you have not got yyour ticket Lois Anderson and child: eu plan to for Saturday the 20th. ■M NOVEMBER 25. 1948 friend of heis when she lived at Far­ years. spend Thanksgiving with Mr. Fleet­ Thanksgiving were to be Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Me Fa rl ami of mington, Wash. wood’s cousins, Mr. ami Mrs. G. W. Mis. John Feeley and family, J B. Seattle stopped to see Miss Hendric- Moored of Vancouver, Wash. The Love, Lee Carlson and Jack Bards- son Saturday. He was a high school ley. Moo reds were visiting here Sunday. BENT GRASS HAY Mr. and Mrs. George Vtftcto left Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Schroeder WHEAT and OAT STRAW and Mr. and Mrs. Edwiwn Schroeder Wednesday noon for Mountain Home, 40c per bale at Ranch of Forest Grove an Mrs. Label Bee­ Idaho, to spend Thankagivii | with 60c per bale delivered in AKT TILE SERVICE son of Albany, mother of Mrs. Schroe­ his daughter and family, Mrs. Lila Mill City Drain Board» and Bathrooms, der will be Thanksgiving guests of Gray. The Lowell Stifflers were having Tub Splash. Beautiful Per­ the Herbert Schroeders. manent finish. Stope Leakage. Mr. and Mrs. Einest Graham, Mr. the holiday dinner in Salem with re­ Phone 14P83 Rt 1 Bx. 242 Fireplaces, Front and Hearth and Mrs. Arthur Kriever and Mr. and latives. Stayton Stayton Mrs. Fern Shuey, Mrs. W. W. Ma ­ Mrs. Delbeit Jenkins attended the Free Estimates .21 Miles NW Mehama Shriners meeting at Roseburg Sat­ son and Miss Daisy Hendricson at­ Call evenings 291'5 Stayton tended an Eastern Star meeting in urday night. Ralph Standley Rt. 1, Bx. 17 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis are hav­ Irtlfcpendenca Tuesday evening. The Telmer Iveisons who walked STAYTON ing their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Delaney of Lowell off with three turkeys st the Fire­ men's benefit are having relatives to , for Thanksgiving. > On display in Miss Daisy Hendric help eat them Thanksgiving. Guests | son’s window is a doily crc heted by . are the John Muirs, the Waldo Net- Mrs. L. Olliver of Bedford, England, j tietons, the Lawrence Lerbakkens, OPTOMETRIST a gift from her to Mre. W. W. Hen- I the Orland Iversons of Tiliamc k, the 145 Third St. Stayton derson who has teen corresponding Vernon Digemess of Portland, the L. Nt Tversons of Salem, Mrs. Laura with her for a couple of years. • • • John Mr. and Mrs. <_ __ Montgomeiy Seveieon and Oscar Anderson. SHUFFLE BOARD Mrs. ---------------- James Reed and ---- ----- Office hours 6:00 to 9:00 each were visiting friends in Grants Pass' Mr. • and twins were in Mill City Sunday. Tuesday evening. Sunday and Monday. The E. S. Petersons are having as • • • Guests at the Charles Wolvertons guests Thanksgiving his cousins, Os­ Salem office located at 167 S .High St. Ruby and John Montgomery car, Augustav and Ida Hilse of Ani­ Phone 24469 wa, Wis., and his mother, Mrs. Mal­ MILL CITY tha Peterson of Portland. Mr. Peter­ son has not seen the cousins in 30 STANDLEY Tony Moravec Dr. S. A. WHEATLEV We I)<> All Types of Meat Cutting For Lockers Game Animals Included QUICK FREEZING AVAILABLE KEN GOLLIET Mehama Mill City Bowling Alley Planing and Processing Co • • • I I TRY OUR LAY AWAY PLAN* FOR XMAS TOYS & GAMES Hä a RETAIL LUMBER Lyons Beauty Shop Over Heineck’s Grocery CLARA BASL. Prop. LuziePs Guaranteed Cosmetics 9 U 5 Phone 923 LYONS 163 N. Commercial Phone 21688 WE NOW HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF ELECTRIC AL ITEMS THAT MAKE THAT "IDEAL GIFT” « Xmas tree lites special while they last $1.75 a string. Automatic Pop-up toasters 15.95 — 18.95 and $22.00 GE, Generali Mills and Proctor irons Automatic Electric Roasters, 19.95 and up Electric Percolators and Coffeemakers, 4.95 and up GE Electric Clocks, $450 and up Shirk Electric Razors, 16.50 up Electric corn poppers. $3.79 and up Waffle Irons - 8.95 up Electric Mixers 2595 ami up, Admiral and GE radios from 17.95 Or why not a new Admiral refrigeratois, $279 and up. And many more items too-m:: erous to mention COME IN AND SHOP AROUND 35 MILES I ROM THE CLOSEST PARKING METER Stifflers Radio & Appliance TOY & HOBBY SHOP giue thaiilìH HILLTOP GENERAL STORE Salem .... I* AT YOUR FINGERTIPS ■ .MILL t IT Y • ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. FOR HIRE HAULING CATS, SHOVELS and HEAVY EQUIPMENT Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co. (Winter Wonderland Andrews Sisters Santa Claus is Coming to Town Benny Goodman Silent Night- Joe Green Chimes Santa Claus is on His Way Sammy Kaye Joy to the Worl-t Chimes Jingle Bells Vernon Geyer otgan Santa Claus I : Kitting the Trail Dick Haymes Hark. the Herald Angtls Sing Joe Green—chimes Christmas Carols Dick Liebe.t A Christmas Carol Lionel Barrymore Mery Chiistmas Music Perry Como Album Christmas Tree Lights. Indoor. Outdoor and Bubble Light String Series and Bubble Light Replace ments. PORTER & LAU "First With What You Want Most COMPLETE APPIANCE SERVICE Radio, Washer Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 Stavton 215 Phones: Plant 31641; Office 39408 1405 N. FRONT ST., SALEM MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, PROP. « “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY OREGON Be Sure to watch our Pre-Inventory » Prices beginning next week METAL BAKERY & FOUNTAIN SQUAac BOTTI! BAKER DO YOUR B a OPEN 7 a. m. to 6 p. m.