W. T. BAXTER. F. W. REDMONDS COLUMN. •>. O. ROGERS. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of BAXTER Ar ROGERS (SnooeMors tn Baxter A Martin,) 1 bird street. McMinnville, Oregon fa F amilt Om A new, neat and «ium tuek Every A No. I. Fruit Jars, ButterCr'æks,Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Good», To­ bacco, Piper and Cigars. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable« in Buaeoti. Give ns a call Inapect oar Mock, and we will guarantee price« to mi it you. JOHN J. SAX- H sb bin WANT Feed Chopping Mill In Running Order, - AND— liw (vlluwiug itUa vi O vni Foi i . íb - jí b> railroad will b» fbnind tery conrenient for refareuoe. Dall»« City............... 94 M«nnk*n................... Bum m if.................... WAD*. .............. Celilo ................... Big Grade................. pea Chut«*.............. Ud ¡Fsrwnn.................... Grants...................... 101 Grana. I-if,............ John Days............... 114|T9SM Ferry............ Qoiime....................... lWtBLHMfUO .................. Hlalns'k».................. J* ....................... ISS fpokan« Fall«........ 14i Cœiu d'Alana......... Caetle Rock.............. 154.'Fand d'Or^illa........ Coyote.^.,........ . ..... Iff?1 KnotmiM ................. lMIHnr«« Pl aim............ KI Mi san nJ a ..... KM hmli Bonita ........... . Ill gwr Month.............. Î1B L>r»?mnvorid .......... WlJGold Creek............. 225'Gamaon.................. 2,1 £ ivon Ti ............ WliP-ma* Jncchno. afe niieton...... Éftnta Lint» . .......... Jerre Firma jp Top....... Iky Lira .. . .. M2 ‘ itler. ... Ft ___ Z Bra»> __ a. — Btorv Biid’e Eye. H a I« îiâ . . fe. Fani .... l«T Grove ÇhefMLse ... Doy ..... Omaha ....... rhlind.... Chicago. ... New 1 ork... 8£. '«netím POPULAR FREE ! PATTERN A HANDSOME GIFT To Our Lady Readers By special .lrangHnrnt with \V. D emorest , Publisher of DEMOREST MONTHLY MAGAZINE. 15 East I itli street. New \ wrk. tve ire enabled tn make all iif our lady renders a handsome present. Bv inel.»ing (as directed therein) th»' t'oiipmi Order found below, the sender will receive by mail a Pat­ tern of this graceful Jacket, and of the size she may select The pattern will Im perfect in every ticular, the name -■( W. .leuning' D< in­ being sufticient guarantee that if will I, that is promised for it Cut this Coupon Ordei o:i( In lines, and mail a« directed flu lilai k ROUTES. Will chop Feed for $2 per ton or one-tenth toll. DEVELOPMENT OREGON CO. ----------- (o)----------- First olasa steamship lin« betweou Yaquina Faimers and others having grain to chop and Han Franeisoo oonneotmg at Vaquimi oan come to my mill, and nt tend to any with the trains of th» OregnD Psoifio Rail business in the city to better advautago than road cotopanT- SAILING DATES driving two mile« ont of town Io get thoir chopping done. fOHN J. SAX. » bom Taqunra. McMinnville, Or. Willamette Valiev Friday, Aug 6 Eastern Oregon Wed. Aug. 10 Willamotta Valley •Tuesday A ur . lb H. H. WELCH, A. M. DEE. Eastern Oregon Sunday. Aug. 21 Taquiua City '-aturdav, Aug. 27 Willamette Valley ..Thursday Hept I ___ Eastern Oregon ... Wednesday. Sept. 7 non UH IU4MCISOO. - OF - Willamette Valley Saturday, July 30 Eastern Oregon .... Thursday, Aug. 4 Tuesday, Aug. 1« Dealers in cigars, cigarettes, tobaooo«. can­ Willamette Valle,.... Eastern Oregon... ...Sunday. Aug 14 dies. nuts, arotio soda water, etc 4 agnina City Saturday, Aug. 20 WiUamette Valle, Thursday Aug. 26 VI «»VI I ■« li a lile. Or. Tuesday, Aug. 30 Eastern Oregon jy-ll-tf The Company reserves the right to change at earner« or «ailing date«. 8. R. TOBY, Gen. F. A P. Agt. Tourists Attention ! ■04 Montgomery St. Han Francisco Cal. 1 am now prepared to take partie« to and from the ooaai in an abort a apaoe hr posai OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD ble. 1 have already made engagements for several tripe. Peinons wishing to avail thomeelvea of a oareful driver who will make the trip as pleasai t as possible, w ill oonsnlt thoir own interests by nailing on me. Shotaid I 20 HOURS LESS TIME travel justify, I will make regular trips from Aucoromodations unsurpassed for oomfort now until the niiddla of He •md safety. Fares nud Freights via Va- jylltb 1 auioa and «be Oregon Development Co’s. toBmships MUCH I.EMH than by any other| route betwetm all pointsill Willarnetl. valley and Han Franeisoo Billiard Rooms WELCH & DEE, PUBLIC COUPON ORDER Joed for One Tattern of the Frederica Jacket, Bust Measure, 34,36. 38 or 40 Ins < Kun a pju or a pencil through the size desired.) If «ent, with a 2-cent stamp for return postage, U D emorest ' s M onthly M agazine , 15 East 14th street, New York, before January I, 1888. This pattern will be a full-size pattern of the size desired, «nd is furnished by special arrangement with the Daily or Weekly R eporter . McMinnville, Oregon. The holder of this ' oupon may be assured of the value of the pattern as it is 6eiit as a sample of those obtained through the coupon system of the Fashion Department of D emorest ’ s M onthly M agazine . In sending this coupon to obtain the pattern, plena© All out the following blank: W. JENNINGS DEMOKEST: Inolosod find the coupon order and two cents for return postage, for which, please send me the Frederioa Jacket of the size marked out above. Name Street * Town state [Do not. enclose a letter with this ooupon: simply fill it out as directed, and inclose with the 2-ceut stamp. 225 MILES SHORTER tlAILV V*«S«SGBB TB*lb«. (Efoept Sundays.) 0:50 a. m. Leaves Yaquins Leaves 1 orysllis 10:42 a m. 11:15 a. m. Arrive Albany 1:15 p. m. Lieave Albauy Leave flor i «114« 1:58 p. ni. Arrive Yaquins .. 5:45 p. m. 0. <*r It.nigii HU I it. . .ee»Hße * Htee ’sp.e ik10.B3. . ....... .. In short, «II dl«< ij »« rauserl bv bad blend «r* Rail A Cabin JU.I.' Hail < HAH C HOGÎ7F. W m . H. HOAG. conquered by this powerful, rurtt'yfaff. «B-1 Acting G. F. A P Agt. Gen Manager. Invigorating inedtefne. <4ye«4 l afln* *r*. rsra rapidly benl under It. b»n|gn Infliietj'*. Gnrvallin. Oregon Especially ha. Il tnunifeste-i Ha po«rn--y in curing Tetter, Ro«o Hath, Holl«, 4 «yr u. . rU‘v leading “t’EKLY lb 1 CURES ALL HUMORS, bunch «, «<>re t;,c«, Mcrnfnlnna Wore« nitd Swelling«, HIP-Joint ni«.««*, Ulllto Nwollliig", Goitre, or Thl.-M Reck, and Enlarged Olntid«. Rend ten cents in slumps for a large treatise, with l- ored plate«, on' RkJn Itlsoases, or the «am« amount for a trial Iso od Pcrof,u«'U" Afferttnnw OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA ru Thfi Di'figon and California R. R. And < kinneotions Th* Wt. *h«»ta Tlnufr, “THE a HI.0411» IN TH*: I.IEEJ* Close connections made at Ashland with Thoroughly I'l- amm it by using Dr. Piere«*« «tags« of the California. Oregon and Idaho Golden iVfedl. nl hl«inv*r>, and iiinj «lege o-imp.iny dlg atlon, n fair akin, biiornn« «plr. Only .’0 milesafaqing. Time between Port. I It«, vital «trciigtli, and *'"i'"lurn of land and han Franotaco 39 hours. coustllutlon, will be established. CONSUMPTION, V Read il Well, which Is N. rotulou. Di.nn.n of tfe. I,ling«, is promptly and certainly arrested I and cured bv thia o.sl piven remedy, if ««ken I before the last M sroso , ,he f calung It his "eon. an oiplion 4' ii re,” bn« Hlumdonc) «hat natn« as too limib-d for » medtetuo which, from tta ! wonderful oomhinatlon of tome, or ««mnafhen* • Ing, «Iterative, er bl-ssl C|.-nn»ing, snti.blltoua poctnral.and nutrltt, -• Prop^ctr«. ,a unenimk^ I no* only a" a rrtnn’iy l -r «oneuinfdton of tbi I lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES OF THR Liver, Blood, and Lungs. falKwruln f'xpr««» Train» rnn Dally METWEEN roHri.tf»A AkHI.AWD t.aivr *nRrvr. Portland... .4^4) y. m . I Ashland.......... 8^» *. m . Ashland ... 5:40 r. u. (Portland. • ■ .10:40 ». si. I.acai Pakarngrr. (n*n>T »xerrr swwn»v.) I.MTB. AHHTVS. Portland....8:00 *. «.¡Eugene.... 2:10 r. M. Eugene ....fid»» M Portland... 3:45 r. w. Pullman BiifFnt Steppers. daily bctwaeii Portland and Ashland. I he O. A C. H. U. Ferry makes connection with all the regnlar trains on the eaat side division from foot of F street **e«i »Ide Diviclan. HET. I’OHTI.AVtD AKIi COHVALI.IA Vfall Train. ( dailv nonrT « unit ?.; If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, bar* u-aVK. lajirva »allow color of «kin, or yellow lab-brown spots 7:30 *. M. MoM'nville.lO:12 A. M. oo face or body, frequent b.wilaohr or dial. Portland... nraa, t<1 (1TH4HTIC "Reiste. S5 o ut, a vi*L \ucl-6cu. t ta$500 REWARD MB 1« ■ -r.-s-a : ,'rerrietor» WV fBKkt • In. « < 1-H-rh ,‘mmudy ■v '"r " ‘ ' 1 ■ s’-ofh «ba ll thè, V ■ canno* cure. B V M If re» have • rhsrharav frem thè n--wr, "offensive nr other. T wt»e, partisi l« of «meli, tasta, orb-«on«. wnak.yva.du ----- Or rrrsmire In head, you nave Catarro. **SS* -'«"e* terminale in cenaiìm Or. Sa^e « t'ATaniui Ruii-rcur e—yot <’at«rrb12‘C*»ld In *h- uid Catarrhal Haadacb«. K V Lively! Spicy and AWAKE S To every is that indi I sue a i" ( CÍ advance $ id ment of I I M c M innville „ . J in particulai •Ind Vtnnhill County in general <♦ %♦ %♦ <♦ <77 McMinnville, or Mrs. M. Sbaditeti Leadin lob Printers. •J Fashionable Dressmaker. ylor 8y«t««o of Catti g «nd Fit- . Or Come and see us