The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, August 13, 1887, Image 3

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compliments of E. B Fellows. standing upon upon the roof of
In the quiet stillness of eve we a battle-scarred h >use, they
shall throw ourselves with great have just been thri ed by “the
abandonment into this luxurious I proud control of fierce ami
McMinnville, Or. - - Aug. 13. 1887 receptacle for wearv feet that bloody war.” It is, o be sure,
have “dim” the golden stairs only a panorama of the famous
battles of Vicksburg that they
all day long.
kio ;
Ali persons in McMinnville have looked upon, I At the opti­
I *oe ■
in> :
There are 1,000 men now at j having approved bills against cal delusions are so lerk’ef that
Ho :
work on the OP extension.
D C. Ireland, will please pre­ veteran’s who part ’ipated in
At the railroad disaster near sent them to Yamhill Reporter Grant’s great assaud on May
Chatsworth, III., one hundred Publishing Company for :e'tle- 22, 1863, stand i nazed and
wonder what they n :•> doing on
and eighty were killed and four ment.
hundred wounded.
J. II. Lambert returned l<> the roof of a house, as ; ,id)e
«U. *K
spectators, when they might be
Additional names are received Portland to-day.
daily for the W eekly R eporter , i D. i'. I re la nd and family left I rendering service on the hard-
fought battlefield below.
This is evidence that it i< appro-i f< » r Astoria to-day.
Lunch parties are becoming Keep your < \ e on I Ins
ciated as a newspaper.
Our San Francisco Letter.
fashionable in San Fran­
S. G. Reed, of Portland, lias'
Special < orrewpondenue.
They Ir ve, certainly, all
column for in it
sold his mining property for |
S ax F rancisco , Aug. 10.
the element- T early dinner,
12,999,980, a gain of nearly .12,-[
von will find
I he glim faces ot the officials ^nt early dinni "s have long ago
000,000 over purchase price.
tn the ity prison are, errone- been ruled out >f good society,
I). C. Ireland is in the city.) ously, supposed never to relax
and the so-called lunch conve-
He has purchased the Albany into a smile, but a few days ago njellf|v fj|]s t|m hiatus.
Bulletin press, which will be regulation gravity gave way a
parties have become affair- of
shipped to Astoria for his forth­ little when, at I he early dawn of
too pronounced ceremony for
coming Pioneer. His job presses morning, the bell rang, and a
the residents of this genial clime
are now at work.
man with a terribly amazed where the balmy even lugs are
The story of “Oliver Dela­ countenance presented himself |
too valuable to be fl ittered awav
plaine,’ by Edgar Fawcett, will and asked to be allowed to enter
Being grateful for a
between soup and coffee.
be continued in the forthcoming and to have his wounds dressed.
There will be a grand bon-
numb er of The American Mag­ He said his name was Macbeth, fire in (he custom
most liberal pat­
housc in a few
azine. The affairs of the hero-! and that about an hour previ-‘dayg| and gjx hundrod ponnd8
ine are evidently nearing a crisis, j ously lie had quarreled with a;
ronage bestowed
of opium, that might have made
Don’t fill the system with qui­ man named MacDnfi and chal­
many thousands of Chinese
on us by a gen­
nine, to prevent or cure fever lenged the latter to “lav on.”
(and white men, too) happy in|
and ague. Ayers’ Ague cure is This, MacDuff had done to such
forget fulness, will he burned, as
erous public
the specific for this disease, and good purpose, that before Mac­
an offering to Morpheus. This!
leaves no poisons to produce beth could < ry “Hold! Enough!”
we I
opium represents only a small
dizziness, deafness, headache or he was stretched senseless on
part of the seizures made, for
other disorders.
sidewalk. When he recoveredl illicit importation, luring the I pleasure
Owing to an unsual rush of consciousness he was covered
past half year. It is crude,
business yesterday, the article with blood and bruises, and
1 hat our
and containing lets than nine'
on editorial page entitled “Trai­ MacDuff, holding that to the
per cent, of morph a, cannot,
tors,” got somewhat mixed. The victor belonged the spoils, had
under a national law be sold for i
error was discovered and cor­ multched him in the sum of
I medicinal uses.
rected when the edition was seventeen dollars and appropri­
An order just issued by the
about half off. Errors will occur. ated his silver watch and chain.
; police commissioner will make!
Young, old and middle aged, “Stands Scotland where she
it useless hereafter . or any ofli- ’
all experience the wonderfully did?” quoted a Shakespeare-loA-
! cer who has been reported for 1 Goods are now com Of all Summer goods
beneficial effects of Ayer’s Sar­ ing officer, “or has she come to
I needlessly entering liquor sa- j
saparilla Young children suf­ California?” Macbeth's injuries
mg in comprising,
j loon while on duty :> apply for
will run from the
fering from sore eyes, sore cars, ware attended to, but MacDuff
j leave to absent himself from his
scald head, or with any scrofu­ is still at large.
post on the plea of sickness,
5th 1<> the 25th
lous taint, become healthy and
Strangers in San Francisco \ even though a me ical certifi-
strong by the use of this medi­ notice, with some surprise, that
' cate endorses his pet iion. The
cine. Six bottles, $5.
of .August at
not only on the stalls in the supposition being t nit his in-1
Hon. Matthew Deady, of the markets, but displayed in the
I temperance has cat led his ill- |
United States District court will, windows of the restaurants, are
| ness, t hough racked with aches
lecture at Garrison Opera house, piles of large eggs, broad at one
and pains he must patrol his
Friday evening Aug. 19th, for end and narrow at the other,
beat, or make root;, for a man
the benefit of the Guild socie*y and covered with ugly, black
* «
i who will do so.
of St. James Episcopal church, blotches. They are sea gull
on “Law and Lawyers.” This eggs, taken from the thousands A lot of new job type just received
eminent jurist is a favorite both of nests on the Farallones Isl­ la the Reporter job rooms.
east and west, and old Yamhill, ands; where these birds go in
(flail kinds A styles,
the home of his boyhood, should the breeding season. Tin1 l ight
give him a warm welcome. Ad to collect these eggs has been
----- AND—
Ol,j ect is to dispose
mission 25 cts.
sold by the state government to
Mrs. D. A. Wallace, Mrs. E. certain
who send Often indicate* der igofnent of the digest- '
of all
B. Fuller and Mrs. Carl Wallace schooners fliers to bring them ive and asKimiJat < organs Person*
afflicted with this iMrc'^iii“- complaint
honored this office with a pleas­ to the market, but I lie govern- may be relieved b\ tj» u • of Ayer’* Pill*.
ant call yesterday.
We were ment lighthouse keeper looks
• I have used A>ei’- Pills for lleadaeli«-.
which I am predi-|H»-e<L and they in­
shown photographs of the great Upon I lie sea gull’s licet illg-place to
variably ri lirve me of all pain.” < .
< M all kinds. I n fact
ice gorge on the Missouri river as a sort of arial poultry yard Webber, Manchester«N.H.
• Xypr’s Pill« are the best rein« »!;• I ever
near the large railroad bridge which nobody but himself has a , iim tl tor Hie cure of Mck Hcadm-he. I bet
the only complete
help me when all other remedies fail.”
that spans that river at Mandan, right to invade, He not only Ida >kinner. .711 I’lihi- cnth >!.. V "
Washington. 1». C.
Dakota, and in which, for four; takes all the eggs he can get,
line of M <‘iis’.
Pilh invariably ewr»« me «• flic
So as not to Summer
” John Stell. Germantown, Pa.
days, they were isolated from but disputes the passage of the headache.
•| have suffered for year« from Sirk
Youths’ ;tml
’8<1}« i | ip . and have never found a rented \
the busy world.
crews of the schooner- to the H»
I hem over this win
In these days of yatching itisj building places. The price of
expedient to know something of ♦ he eggs in the market arc only
ter. Bttsides shall
the language of the sea. A pa­ twenty-five cents a dozen, ami in for sure and siwedv r. li.-f.” 1: M. < •mi,
per by Lieut. F S. Bassatt, I
th»1 restaurants they can he had,
rn>;r*Mri> by
8. N., in the forthcoming num­ cooked in all sort- of wav-
but ■»
want ¡Le room
Dr J. C. Ayer & Co, Lowell, Mau.
ber of the The /American Maga-; it requires culinary art of a
Sold hr »11 Iln .-eiit-.
To ho I oiiik I in
zine, gives the curious names! ver' high order indeed to make
for grand
(with hints at their derivation) them palatable.
— ’
Yamhill ( *<>.
by which sailors designate the
All day long a crowd of sight­
various parts of a ship and her seers is flowing info a building
Kcmemhcr our motto
at the corner of Mason and Ed­
?rHN() ’ ~zio*rGCN
They remain there Tn uccessful operation srnct t< i, patronized from
E. B. Fellows has just receiv-i dy streets.
Aug! Gru.
all sections of the North we , endorsed by
ed another carload of furniture, for perhap- half m hour, and
business men and leading educators.
The best Goods for
consisting of elegant bed room come nut with l»ewilderment ♦ THE
its class on the Coast, it off* •, private or class
the least money.
ion, day and evening thr $hout
sets and comfortable office chairs, written upon 'I. ir coiintenan- r .•* struct
»ithmetic, Writing, Correspond ce, R
th* pca' ^iul F. •■.ing.Shorthanfl.Type.wrttina,
two of which will grace the sanc­ ces as they wat«
ns and aJI Common Schg^H^nch«
•ity, because
tum of the R eporter , with the
The Daily Reporter.
Ayer’s Pills