The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, August 13, 1887, Image 2

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ing bridge near Chatsworth, Ill., '
it gave way, causing instanta-j To the Type iu the (dem) Telephone
THt WÖRTER. neous death to over a hundred
Fomentation» of Jeremiah.
persons. Relief trains were im­
YAMBILL REPORTER PUBLISHING CO mediately dispatched to the And it came to pass when the
scene, and thousands of kind daily Campaign had laid its ar­
Entered in the Postoffioe nt MoMiuuvillu for
Transmission Throuuh the Mails as Sec­ hearted people did everything mor by, and those little type,
ond Class Matter.
T hk D aily K kpobikb h . is . led every uay in their power to alleviate suffer­ that had so often cheered repub­
in the week eroept Sundays i nd is delivered
lican hearts, had passed into
in the oity at 10 oents per wt >k. By maih
oents per month in advanoe. Rate« for ad­
vertising same as for T hk W kkklt H kcortv .».
The English ironclads are ; democratic bands, that Jeremiah
Subscription Kates.
sat by Babels stream and wept,
By Carrier tier woek.......................... 10 cents busy exterminating each other
(Payable oil Saturday, i
by collision. Is it possible that saying; Woe is to me! my sor­
Single Copy........................
, -
By Mail 10 oents per Month (In Advance.) Britian is crowding herself off row is great; ye little type, how
fallen, how fallen. Once you
Kates tor Advertising
the sea, stepping on her own
Will be made satisfactory to all applicants.
revived the weak, confirmed the
sternpost, as it were?
strong and called democrats to
Fine Kook unti -lol» Printer«.
Jones, of Florida, is no fool, repentance You told of repub­
We beg leave to anuounoe to the public
that we have just added a largo stock of now
novelues to our business, and make a special if he did sigh like a furnace lican glory and honor, now you
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads,
Statements, Business CardH, Ladies Calling while in pursuit of Miss T*alms. don’t, and 1 sit all the day long ■
Cards, Ball Invitations I new designai Pro He made investments in Detroit
clothed in burlap and
grammes. Posters, and all descriptions of
work. Terms favorable. Cull and be con­ which make
him immensely
Once you cheered
Y àmuiu . K ei - obtkk P ublisuino C o rich.
plumed knight, now cheer for
The. Chicago sheriff has taken the inoffensive partisans.
• McMinnville, Or. • • Aug 13, 1887.
down the motto over the jail Once you yelled for Fog Horn
Town Builders.
door, “God bless our home,” and Watts, and yowled at Galloway,
The question often arises by put in its place. “No bath for Now you ; yell for Galloway and
yowl at Foghorn.
what manner can the popula­ boodlers.”
tion and industries of a town be
increased? In what manner can cure socialism by having the so­ ing above 99 deg., now you are
the place be brought prominent­ cialists take land. But they down to kiver pulling weather.
My ears droop and my stom­
ly before the public so that at won’t. They take beer.
will not be ice creamed.
all times it stands forth an ac­
‘Can a man open his wife’s
for a thunder pump to re­
knowledged monument of life, letter?” is asked again. Yes, he
can, but if he is governed by vive my spirits and tell republi­
energy and business activity?
cans that the days of our cap­
There are many and various our advice, he won’t.
tivity will soon be o’er.
answers to this question; any of
Ye little types, to think that,
them good. Establish manufac­ Vacation Over—Homeward Bound.
would allow the Philistines
tory» and patronize them; help
N ewport , Or., Aug. 10.
with my heiffer, verily
them to secure a solid footing,
E d . D aily R eporter ;—You the jawbone is laid at the root
then foster new ones. .Speak may discontinue sending the
well of every venture that has a Daily to us at Newport as we of this iniquity.
tendency to develop the inter­ shall leave for home on Friday, i The great perverters shall
weep when Babylon is fallen, is
ests of the community; lend August 11th, stopping over at
your aid to undertakings that Independence a day. This com­
Their downy scalps and fet­
require support so that as they pletes our month's “outing” and
locks will yet dangle from the
prosper and flourish, your town we have passed it pleasantly.
masthead of a number 11 shoe­ Co., are now prepared to receive for stor­
will do likewise. There should The camp on South Beach is
string or tny name is not
be no selfish, jealous-heartedness composed of Elder J. W. Webb
J eremiah C aliqula C ooper , age, all kinds of grain at
about your endeavors. If you and family, of Salem. Mrs.
Editor Campaign, Broom Brig­
say one thing and do another, Adair and family, of Albany,
c innville
c innville crossing
ade, Building committee and
that demoralizes the old project Mr. Alvord and family, of fcjprt
other blessings.
and (.1ARLTO5-
and for want of encouragement lane, , Mrs. White, mother of[
Remember, the WEEKLY I
the whole scheme collapses. Mrs. E. L. Heckham, Mrs. Og-
There is not a town or village den, of Portland, Mr. Roswell REPORTER, the largest and vv arehouses. 'Hiey also otter to sell or lend
in Oregon, to-day, with a bright­ Shelley and family, Mrs. J. S. best paper (no patent), in the sacks at a low price.
They bought their
county, from now till Jan. 1st,
er future before it than McMinn­ Cooper and family, Mrs. Ida for FIFTY CENTS. This means
ville. It has the ground plan Vaughan, all of Independence, for new subscribers. Take it sacks early in the season and it will he to
for a large city; its resources are and ourselves. On Sunday last and send it to your friends in the farmer’s advantage to call and see them
numerous and varied, and what Mr. Webb preached for us, and the east. Progressive in all
is far better, it yearly shows every night the songs around the things for the county’s good; i before making arrangements for storing
fearless and aggressive against
substantial improvement. The merry camp fire float out upon all manner of wrongs, but no their grain of this season.
percentage of growth, both in the sea and over the shore. We vehicle for personal spleem.
Long experience in buying grain gives
population and building, is 80 have indeed a merry company.
solid assurance* that the farmer’s interests
per cent, greater tliau any place To-morrow the camp will beat i
in western Oregon, excepting reveille at six a. m., and em-i
will be carefully guarded
New’org, in this county. There bark upon the steamer Benton
Has been found to be at
a most harmonious method pre- for Elk City, fishing for salmon i !
vails, and they work unitedly trout in tide water. It is re-*
and together.
ported that the fishing there is
It is time that we were mov­ excellent. Many celebrities have1
Who have just received direct from
Phyaiclan, Surgeon and
ing, time to wake up and be do­ called upon us since our ren­
ing; time to grasp the precious dezvous at “Camp Giggle," so! -«•Eastern Factories^- will visit McMinnville every Wednesday and
be oensnlted at bis pleasant roon a at
It 1€W AUll
moments before the sword falls named after certain clever' The largest and most complete assortment may
1 ook’a hotel Will lecture to ladies only at
ever brought to the oity, and they will
upon ns We speak to you all; young ladies who sometimes
sell you one for lees money than whs
Grange I ih II until further notice. Admis­
ever heard of in Yamhill County.
ión free. He will diagnose disease without
there arc no exceptions. Every­ take that method of laughing.
I xplanation from the patient, treat all
hronio, and other ailments on the most
---- They keep > general line of—
body, rich and poor alike, can Senator Mitchell, H. A. Gilfry.
easousblo terms.
do something that will add to reading clerk of the U. 8. sen-1 Hardware.
-------- EHR \--------
the commercial importance and ate, Judge N. L. Butler, County
The Leading
prosperity of the place.
Sheet Iron,
Clerk D. W. Sears, of Dallas. A. j
Editorial Notes
and. Granite Iron-ware,
are some of our visitors.
— OF -
Than the ones sold at
way down nt rook bottom
The weather has been delight-j tbey will well
The Oregonian devotes three
price«. We have the
columns to the railroad horror fill during our whole stay—and ‘ INcCormick & Deering
iu its lastissue. It is one of the time has gone away quite' all Steel Hindera. nniveraallv admitted to be
ths saddest casual it ies ever briskly. But for some reason
known in the annals of railroad­ there is hut little seaside travel i
Deering and McCormick Iran Mowera, that
ing. Some of the scenes arc to this point this year, and it is I have no aoperior. Aino Hay Hakw. Plown,
Harrow», < nltivaton, Grain Drill«. Seeder«,
represented as pictures that no I said to be true of all of our sea­ Baggie«. Hack» and Wagon«, the beet to be
in the «tale. Hawkey and Bnckeye
pen could faithfully portray side resorts. Cause, mainly, it J had
rumps and pipes of all sires and kina».
Furniture Emporium
all. ootns everybody and I come and sec Prices.
Running at the rate of a mile a •* ,he ,ong co°l summer in the Coms ons. come bring
minute, a hundred human be’ Willamette valley.
-------- POR*
ings arc hurled into eternity,| Mrs. Fenton and the children!
von will go hows happv
and four hundred wounded and ft,p hearty And have been much And « gnarsntes AH.
& O. O WOWN.
W. J. Garrison & Co.
maimed. The train consisted of, benefited. The month’s vaca-
TsVswr Beta WnMev.
fifteen passenger coaches crowd- «’on has been well spent and
_______ __
ed full of excursionists, and as regret to close it.
’ba oolj first olaaa Market m the oil J. Come and see them.
.beat pnoa paid in oaah for all kind, nt Nt
w n.
the engine rushed upon a burn-
buya one
rk. hide« and pelt«.
The Daily Reporter’.
If true, and it is true that
Has the largest stock of OILS
Ever brought to Vaniliill
County and offers them
f°r sate at prices that defy
It will nay you to cal! and
get prices before buying
elsewhere, and don't you
forget it-
Geo. W. BURT.
Prescription Druggist.
Barnekoff, Thomason &
, M M
Better Be<l!
Yamhill County
E.B. Fellows’