T T H I' VOL. Ilf. ,4 M c M innville . O regon NO 82 S aturday , august EIM'CA 1'1 ON A I.. • ■ i : i 1887. OREGON AS IT IS." Ï! PRICE TWO CENTS. Co. operate a line of til-weekly boats to tins piai e. This tow n has been,until the comidetiou of the narrow gauge to Elk Rock, the shipping point of all it» freight. Dayton'' business representation compii-e- six stores, one hotel, two blacksmith and carriage shops, four cliiireluneat and attractive, large warehouses owned byCapt. W. S. Pow­ ell and .I. \V. Ingle, capacity 150,000 Im hcls: • ujovs good schools; has a lodge of Odd I elfows, ami Good Tem­ plars, .d on prominent fcature not to ne overlooked, a most beautiful and at- tmetive city park. The only one that we are aware of in Oregon. Daytou is three miles from Lafayette the county seat, and seven miles from McMinnville. Good roads lead to nil the principal points iu the county. AL M innv it. i t .population isoo, the business center of Yamhill county. j , lies .............................. fifty miles south-west of Portland on the < Legón and ( 'alifoi nia railroad. ........... ................ it —DEPARTM ¿NTS — is situated in the midst ol the. finest . I t U-. X I College of l ib. - I r agricultural region in Oregon, mid is nf Medí *n H ( Hr I., 1'. Fr«. widely know n as the Farmer- Piuadise hjB .gasa • v. dean. of the Pacific slope. The population III. i-olhvi <»f E.” of the county is put at 10,DOO which yearly receives large additions, There jrÿâL' « (V - d < Hu.Pl’ -, < id.* *.* Mr«. i'. (J. are thousands of acres of Valuable tiawhiv. dean. ff/- i from V—(■••ns< rv».lnry <»f M mu : Z M. Par land to be had at prices ranging $5 to $50 pet acre. All this Jatid lies vm. dir«M)Uir. r>: within easy access ol steamboat and VI I i.iWNity Acadei VII \rt department; M i s Marie railloads. The climate is mild and agreeable. The winter mouths are __ < 'r: i/, instructor. mostly given torain. The Pacific ocean, h* fifty miles west of McMinnville, is W ill ATLAS» fllft l.A IION 100, •i'll S’!« VIA TX,. OO «.KUH reached over toll roads, and furnishes VI I • ■ Is fifteen mil« s south-east of McMinn­ l liirti t .i.-ln r.s. Day board for voriuj' a most invigoratingplace to whileawa.v ville on the Willamette river, and is a the hot summer months of July anil men, q'LAU p< • week. shipping point of considerable import­ August. ance. ITie average of wheat handled Undies’ board in W tuau's College THE IIRE DEI'AKI MIX I . j rail' amount.'to about 200,000 bush­ 31 bull, 12.5*» with uu irnished room; 1 ilis city boasts of a well organized, il® els. I hi- embraces Wheatland and vi­ $•» 5U with niuelv fnrni ied rm. First I here is n daily line of steam­ L rm begins September 5. < 'ant- well equipped volunteer tire depart­ cinity. COLLEGE OFMEDICI ME UNIVERSITY HALL SALEM OREGON ment. WOMAN'S COLLEGE Jo^ues and information sent free ers to this port, thus affording every PORTLAND OR salf . m , or VAST, PRESENT ANI> FUTURE. opportunity to the farmers to ship The city is well lighted on its princi­ their wheat at a low rate, cither to Âddress. THOâ. VANSCOY, Salem, Oi jgon pal business aven lies. The rapid strides Portland or San Francisco via Yaqnina. being made by McMinnville, in ad­ Tributary to this section of the coun­ vancing to a prominent place among ty is some of the lincst farming lands the live towns of Die northwest, is to be found anywhere. Here, also, is giving a new life to its enterprising produced magnificent fruit, especially merchants, and the blight star of Hope peaches. T here is one general store, one hotel, beams brilliantly down upon us. There Newberg. Yamhill County, Oregon. is a better feeling throughout the one blacksmith and carriage, shop, one country than for years past. The farm drug store, dinrch. school and a large ers are hopeful and happy. The indi­ warehouse. cations for a good crop inis year were X EWBERlI—POPULATION 150. ! never better, collections are easier, This is a new settlement made up money circulates more freely and long principally of Fl it nils. who are as busy First term 1887 begins Sep­ credits appeal to he a thing of the as a hive of bees in making this place tember 12. Total expense for Hear ye, people of Yamhill county, 1 Will past. the coming school town of the west tuition, board and lodging for sell my fine stock of BOOTS and SHOES FOOT NOTUS. side counties. The Friends have a one year $110. Instruction now on hand at ten per o-rnt disoonnl, and Our eastern friendsaie iuformed that large academy. handsome in exterior thorough. Especial attention my iu close proximity Io McMinnville, appearance with a commodious boaid- given to physical culture and Ear-ge, X'(*w unti Ele there ure some of the finest fnrms for ing hall attached. There lire Severn) sale that, cau be found on the Pncific ! handsome and costly residences here. health of students. Moral and const, The reason that they are for Students are offered line facilities to religions influences carefully sale is, that the owners have more land | acquire a good education at a small gani Slock guard' ll. No saloons nearer than they need, consequently they me • CORI. than eight miles. Situated lust Received, will ' e sold at a profit of willing toseli and settle up the.country. ‘ I hi li* arc no kd I ooijh in tIlin peaceful "" on tlm P. 1 < -’M ill ,1 vilI< ptospeeling can be indulged hi to your wan houses, etc. lieatts content, You cau take your tent Will IMIXl PllPI l.ATHIN 150. Slid get on llm stage aud awsv you go twenty miles southwest ’n the grand old ocean whete fur $5 of Willamina, Mi-Mmuvdie, near the foothills of ;r week you can roll in primeval lux ii n- and dirt, and ref tn 11 In your hmm ' the .lie two general stores, one Miutivilie, thru take the stage via l(> - rainii- i iow from Xalun 's hand that trom tin' pl. hi There is considerable ui.nn lai • d liighei up the valley. The X«'«i C.:»i’!¿ •. :*r.o ca I - into the shadow all lamlArai»' Im mi i ' li i vc io haul their grain to *icn m art .-alli'iies. '•Stretching out 'lieridmi, a distance of live miles, in «¿«Î5«' as S5«»í'nrx, bctnii- tin- iili riiei lays the great liil- lei of I in- il bum 11 e. I lore ami I here ord> r to j i i it to market. Ultimately •nV thiiif’ i.i I be Eivcrv bin*. ipp'.ii upon the green .-.urlme towns i In- limin e gauge w ill tap this section L« „i.o.t l.lipu count! , ami l-> amply repaid by the and villages, with great h«dds of wav ul ilig giiiin w I iom law ny coloring vics farmers. i u 11 v ■ Pl in L AVION 200. harinmilmi ly w H h I he deep h>| 1.1 ■•<• of I the I H i '. I In all -ides I iso Ilia,j«'et irail.I I In town ul \inily rests upopa level heavenward llm sim.i crowned kings plain, m.u the Bald hills, that lie Ite- of On .-on, slim,ling upward into tile iwri n it and i Im Willamette river. Salt very dome ol blue l imits almi <’. ci ' el,, a i in.ill stream, passes the town on i In li lt. In i Io- -.iiminer time Amity I 11 11 I 11 r rm't i itiox " ii'H. • - . nt a < In ii fa I appeal ante. I,., fa vet t«’, the county seat of Yam­ pi Tlu lm-im .portion of Amity com- hill county, situated in the north.east­ ern p'll of th'- coUjitl, is five mills pit -i on. I.irgi ii a iiltiiral warehouse, ne . I .lop -. om drug store, one liom ’t< Mintivill. as the road', go, and tom lb'.rfi mill hum Portland vi illie nar­ Im i i .i.ibh . om public hall, two iil.u k .uith hop', one carriage shop, row gauge. Lafayette Inis long been hampered In two i bun lu „, a good nubile school w il.li si 11 nly pupils enrolled, and one baling no direct eoiiimunicalion with grain waiehniisc. the world, and her progress somewhat Amity is a sliiping town lor farmers retarded. Better things are now ex pcctcd. T he tow n needs only to w aken in tlii' vicinity. It is situated seven from its lethargy to arrive at n busy, miles soulIi of McMinnville on the bustling village. Ils niereliants and < tregon and California railroad. Con­ grain is raised in this neigh- enti . prising citizens must recognize siderable the tact that the lust advertisement of borlioi al. Tuition in Preparatory Department BROS., a I' ido-a-wake town is its local papei. Minin iamiiii . i .- ropi i . ation 250. “ iu Academic .... *• in < -olleginte “ .............. T’ley '.mist not expect any live man to This town, situated eleven miles Li wry put capital into a place ivlien tbi'ic is Ample room to care tor ! i ses. 1 lint r net ion Thorough anu Practical. north ol McMinnville, and three* teams at as reasonable rate s any where ir no effort made to attract public atten­ fourths oi a mile west of the Oregon Board will be turnin'ted at the < 'olioBuilding foreboat 7 > p prefer can obtain board in private families at from >2 «.3 t«» f I ■* ■ per w- Live business men w.int live and I aliloi nia railload,is the first town Oregon. New stable Third Kt . McMinnville tion’. towns. The future prosperity of La­ in Yamhill county coming south. It is 7«*"Catalogues giving full information • t free. 2 fayette depends mainly upon the a vast grain growing district and for Addre**, A.('. Srcrrlurj of Bikini, ’icUinnvillf, Oretfoii. amount of energy pill forth by hei rep miles and miles the eye beholds a sea :iugl2-in3 HOLMI S resentatire men and women. of waving grain. r. K GOUCHER. t. r. cALBBF.srn cAitt.TON—iNift t.ynos loo. There aie two general stores, one Carlton, seven miles north of Mc- drug store, one lie shop, baker shop, Calbreath &. Goucher. type-writing blacksmith and carriage factory, a • Form« r’.y Shorthand and Minnville, is a small town on the Ore School. ) public hall, church, schools und gon and California railroad, Ils prin good secret societies. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Fortland, Or jan. cipal industry is shipping wheat. I Ill ItlllAN I'Ul'tT.ATION 250, Phis village is situated in the lit .nt McMnrrvn.i l .... O rroo .’. A oomplette buaiutaH coiu. i, peiituaiuliip; •hurt-band, type-writing, I iisinesH corn»« I of a large farming community. T he la located on tin- west bank of the d evening. place itself is more of a shipping jioint Yamhill river, oi more correctly speak­ pondence. etc., tanpht day (Offioe over Braly> bank. Hhortbai <1 k***ortM by jr; 1. Add reha for than anything. I here are tluee com ing. Loth ides. Since the narrow (i. HOT. E>, Principa!. niixlioiis grain warehouses. One of gangi road h.i- made this place the I catalogue. ju 20-<»m them stolid 50,000 bushels ol wheal -oitthcrn terminus, the town has work­ last season. Bartiekoll'A Co. have a ed toward the eastern side. large granary here, and also one at Me Their are half a dozen iaige grain Family Grocery Store Hair CnUing. shaving and shuw- Minnville. warehoui * a three-story flouring mill, peeing Parlor. J Tie villa;.’«' Imm-ts of a good gristry a handsome depot, good hotels, plcas- Late of ImL ¡x-iit’' nee, h lia stole, an iigticiilltllal waichoiiM. an int holm . half a dozen well-stocked apothecary shop, goml holt I, bool and stoics, two livery stable», drug store, Timi*. AM) TH! (KN shoe maker, a blacksmith shop, two fiirnitiiie factory, boot and shoe mak- I'liird Street. McMinnville. On -on. C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor. contractors ami builders, also nuc large ■ 1-, public halls, -cliool, churches and / tSwooessor to A. C. Wyndham.) gen« t ai store. secret societies. Of Jrog.iD Bros U I«* or in r.s-line-. Fl< ■ 111' Jkoe D XYTON -riil’I LATfoN 250. I >a i ton, situated »1 the head of nav i- g.ittco on the tight hank of the Yam hill river. Ilea io an eaaterl; airection ir McMinnville. In the days gone f this place was (be liveliest burg in ac county. It is connected with the ■arrow gauge system by »branch road, the Oregon Railroad and Navigation HLf.I.F.VUK, I n i mib outh of McMinnville iu the h