LATEST DISPATCHES. about three-fourths of a mile Table of Distance«. farther on. That Wade went The following table • » ditHancea from Portland into his house and pulled off •aat by railroad wifi I » •. nmd v»*ry r<»nv»ni his boots to go to bed, and at rafereuoe. palimi City............... Mí,Menoken .. that time the clock struck 10. ■MMiroit ................ ZJAlto . calilo .................. «f Bi*» G inde Blackburn's hired man said Dot Chute» ............ ltd T .. ................. 10« IG range J ity V/. H. BINCHAM that he was in bed when Black­ Grant« John Day» ............. 114 ’1 Ferry ............... 128bSprague burn came home and that it jtawi* Bl aim fact urei* A Dealer lit Blalock»................ lft»|<’heney .............. must have been 10 o'clock as he Alkali ............... 138 Spokane Faile .. Willow»............... 14 7 Cœur d'Alene had been in bed some time, and Cattle Rni’k.......... 154 Pend d’Oreille ....... 445 FINE FURNITURE Co jote. .............. 16« K'MltOPHl ......... it was 9 when he went to bed. y metili a............... I>s3¡H<»ree Plaine .... .... Of All Kinds. Also .............. 227 ¡Mi Moniti That Blackburn was at home fepdletoD Baker City............. S.'itM Torah................... ........... iPRIBonita and in bed when lie got. up, rordice Wallula Junetio * . 211'Bear Mouth......... 216 Drumiimud........ which was about five or half Bluff Hiding Dinde........... ... 221|Gold Creek.......... past five. Touchet..........'...... *¿¿5 Garrì6OU............. ......... . 281 Avon Depew testified that he was eUymo whitman Jnnct on. 337 Elliston................. 240 Terra Firms............ State Lina............. guard over Kelty on the night Milton .............. 244 Tip Top ............... 787 Mountain ... 255 Sky Lire ................ 7«il of the lynching; that he had no Blue ............. 745 Walla Walla 24? Butler 371 Store Bia^h ............ 74V WaiUbura light in his room; that it was H untavi Ua ............. ............ 276 Bird's Ey«................ 753 ..................... 758 277 not very light, but observed the fefc ? S : i i V s 280 St. Paul.................... .1W face of the leader by the indis­ Valle.T C. oM TAqlltNA. utes earlier or later, went im­ Eastern Oreg, i .... Wednesday, July 6 ...Tuesday July 12 Willamette Vi ley mediately to his garden to hoe­ Eastern Oreg' i ... ..........Tuesday, July 10 .Sunday. July 24 ing, saw a two horseback pass Willamette V lev Friday. Jnly 29 Oreg, n about 6 o’clock going toward Eastern Friday. Aug 28 Willamette Vi Iley.... North Yamhill, recognized PIUM »AN PBANOIHCO. Blackburn as one of the man in Eastern Orogt n . . Wednesday, June 29 Willamette Valley.. .Tuesday July 5 it did not know the others. Eastern ....Monday, July 11 Oreg' n.... Sunday. July 17 i \ alley. ... One of the horses was grey the Willamette .... Saturday. July 23 Eastern Großen other he did not know what col­ Willamette _______ Valley „ Saturday, .July 30 KLY I* The Company reserves the right to change or it was ; it passed within st camera or gulling dates. thirty feel of him, did not speak 8. B. TOBY, Gen. F. A P. Agt. 304 Montgomery St San Franoisoo Cal. tn Blackburn nor Blackburn to him. Was on social and friendly OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD terms with Blackburn, had made him a social visit not 225 MILES SHORTER long since. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. J. L. Castle re called; said Aeuonimodatione nusurpsssed for comfort safety. Pares and Freights via Va­ that it had not been a month and guina and the Oregon Development Co’s. since Shelton told him that if Steamships MUCH LESS I han by any other ronle between all pointam Willamette vallev Blackburn had his just dues he and San Franoisoo would be in. the penitentiary. DAtlY VASSKHOKB THAI»*. (Except Sundays.) Castle testified that Sheltons Leaves Yaquina 6:20 a. in. 10:38 a. m. reputation for truth and veraci­ Arrive Corvallis 11:20 a. m. Arrive Albany ty were bad. Several other wit­ Leave 12:40 p. m. Albany 1:22 p ni. nesses to the same. I Arrive Corvallis.... M c M innville furniture factory . m MEWS OF THE WORLD From Hare. There and Everywhere. WHNTERW. Blackburn Acqnitted S alem , July 26.—This morn­ ing Abe Blackburn, arrested last week as leader of the gang which lynched Kelty, was taken to Dallas by the officers, by a roundabout way, for examina­ tion before Justice Frink. A large crowd from all parts of the country gathered at Dallas. At 1 o’clock the examination began, the prosecution being conducted by Deputy District Attorney Townsend and Benj. Hayden, and defendant was rep­ resented by McCain Ar Hurley, of Layfette. Many witnesses were examined, among them were Lee Laughlinand and Mr Sappington, of North Yamhill, who testified that they had seen Blackburn at North Yamhill as late as 9 o’clock on that even­ ing before Keltv was lynched. A hired mun of Blackburn's swore that he saw him in bed at 5:30 the next morning. Black­ burn, therefore almost conclu­ sively proved an alibi. The annouuceilrent that de­ fendant would be discharged from custody was received with uproarious applause by the crowd. It is not probable that in view of the culmination of the first attempt to successfully apprehend and convict the lynchers, any more arrests will at present be made. -SyaaiHl to tli* Reporter. mohdoii hihh General Furnishing Undertaker Lively ! .. 5:45 p.m. Arrive YaquiDa O. A V. trains oon’ .eot st Albany and Cor­ vallis. Fares, between Corvallis and Ban Frntioisoo, Rail and Cabin. $14: Rail and Steerage, $9.88. Fares tv'twoen Albanv and San Franoisco. Rail A Cabin $14.45 Rail A Steerage »10.33. WM. H HOAG. ' HAS. HOGUE. Geti Manager. toting G. F. A, P. Agt. Corvallis. Oregon D allas , Oregon, July 27.— Tn making up his decision G. W. Sappington testified the court said that the prosecu­ that he and his son were playing tion had no evidence, but that a test game of croquet against the defendant had all that was Abe Blackburn and his son, necessary to cause his discharge from about 7 to 9 p. nt., on the which was done. The court OVERLAND TD CALIFORNIA • VIA evening of July 6 room was filled to its utmost ca­ The Oreqon anti California R. R. F. Archibald testified that he pacity and on thp anouncement And Connections Thr »14. Minoa Route, was clerking for Sappington; that the prisoner was discharged Clowe connections made at Ashland with stages of the California. Oregon and Idaho that ahout 7 o’clock on the 6th, a tremendous applause went up stage company. he sold to Blackburn .’omt to apnarently from every one pres­ Only 20 miles staging, l ime between Port­ land and Ban Franoisco 39 hours. bacco and charged the same to ent. It seems that the best, citi­ Cnlitornia Kxprc»» 'I'rnins run him on the books of Sappington, zens of Polk county are satisfied, RIIUIIA roll Unit, II AMI A ANIII.AMl just before the game of croquet for in passing through the crowd I.HAVR. AHilvr. Portland... .4.'i4>r. «. Ashland .. .. .8:30 A. m . commenced. The. hook was in both in the court house aud Ashland.... 5 Wr. M. I Portland... .. 10:4«! ». ». I.oetll l’nesengcr. evidence to show for itself. street could he heard the off re­ ( da : t . i kxcbpt stmnAV. i Lee Laughlin testifies that, he peated declaration that there 1.ÍAVV ABKtVF.. Portland....’:0(> A. Mi Eugene.... 2:40 p m . saw Blackburn about 5 o’clock would not be another woman Eugene ....'.4:00 a m Portland... 3:46 v. M. in North Yamhill on same day. rhot in Folk county very soon. Pullnv-i Buffet Sleepers. daily belt >en I'ortliui.l aud Ashland. J. D. Castel testifies that I’he O. A <’. it. K. Ferry makes connection There must be a screw loose with about 9 o'clock he saw Black­ all the regular trains on the east side foot of F street burn at Sappington’s croquet at the Indian school, somewhere. division from Weal Side III vision. RUT, I'«1l I.AM» AMI I'OHV AI.I.IK. The Salem Statesman says the ground playing »«Hit Train. ( da ny sxcapi umum.i T. M. Laughlin testifies that superintendent is not the man i.rAVi . Anar s. he saw him there about S o’clock for the place, and the superin­ Portland... 7:30 a . m . Mo'Enville. 10:12 a . m . MoM’nville 10:18 A. M. Corvallis.. .12:25 p. m . tendent replies with the endorse­ Corvallis.. tha same day. . 1 itO r. m . 'loM'nville. 3:43 r. M. MoM ’nville i :44p M. Portland.. . 6:15>. m . Win. Brisbine, that lie saw ment of Indian commissioner At Albanyn .1 Corvallis connect with trains him there playing about half­ Atkins, Hon. Binger Herman of the Gregor, settle R. K. I.H|»re*v Traía. past eight on the evening of the and all the employees. The i'A it rxcBPT srtiPAi Vidette devotes two full columns 6th ahkivp . I.HAV1 A. I>. Runnel« testified he saw for the superintendents reply. Portland....' Hr. M. MoM'nvilíc. .8sO p. m . MoM’nville .' 5 a . m Portland ... .9:00 a . m . him playing at Sappington's There must ba something rot K. P ROGERS, croquet ground from 7 to 9 ten at Denmark G. FA P. Agent. K. KOEHL K, Mi naßer. o’clock saute evening. B. F. Wade, that Blackburn We are in receipt of an invi­ started home about 9 o’clock front North Yamhill on the 6th tation to attend the Pres- asso­ that he (Wade) lived at the ciation whifli meet.-at Yaquina station thre’'•fourths mile from August 12. Tho motto is “Ope North Yamhill, that Blackburn ct consilio;” which means that went in company with him you will have to open clams The Leading Jeweler. as far at hi* (Wade's) house; and then passed on to-1 before (et) eating ’em. We’ll ward home a font. He lived I be there, brothers. McMinnville, or. WX HOLL, Spicy and S o ever’ I*. «»lie fimi 6i«li cate* a rap i«l advance nient of* McMIOVILLE | in particular riniiliill County in general. ♦ A V ♦ Leading Job Printers. < 'oine and see us.