The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, July 27, 1887, Image 3

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    The Daily Reporter,
Mrs. Gallentine is sick-a-bed.
Prof. Randall and wife left
this morning for Corvallis.
Mrs. Holt Turner, of Portland
McMinnville, Or. - ■ July 27,1887
is visiting with her mother in
this city.
Mrs. ( ins. Detmering left for
Johnson is coming.
Dayton this morning, on a visit
Wait for Johnson before hav­ to her parents.
ing your picture taken.
Messers. Wortman and Hibbs
Remember that Johnson the captured seven tine grouse last
photographer will be here Aug. evening on the Hibbs farm.
A union temperance meeting
Mrs. M. T. Collins returned to will be held at the Ghristain
her home in East Portland this church, Sunday evening at 8 p.
m. 'fhe public are cordially in­
The Y. W. C. T. U: meats vited to attend.
Wednesday evening July 27, at
St. Nicholas for August has
the residence of Mrs. Dr. Jobson reached our table.
It is a
at 8 o’clock sharp.
splendid number and as interest­
L. Rogers and wife and Tom. ing for old as the young. Get
Rogers, who have been enjoyiiig a copy and read it.
camp life at Nestucca returned
John Wortman yesterday re­
yesterday afternoon.
ceived his commission to act as
Bishop <fc Kay have their win­ agent for the Columbia Fire and
dow full of straw and summer Marine Insurance Co. of Port­
hats that can be bought, at your land. His certificate is No. 1,
own price. Don’t fail to see the first issued.
The contract has been lei ’ by
W. P. Johnson the leading Gen. Anderson, of the Northern
photographer will be here Aug. Pacific, to Hoffman & Bates, of
3d, 4th and 5th, for three days Portland, for the construction of
only, at the old stand. Get ready a drawbridge in the high tres­
and have a splendid photo taken tle across the bay at Tacoma.
for your friends.
C. C. Campbell, foreman for
T. B. Henderson Esq. of A. W. Berry at Cape Fox, Ton­
Amity called yesterday and left gas narrows, Alaska, fell from
his contribution for the leading, the roof of the cannery on the
liveliest journal *in the valley. 9th inst.
He struck on the
Mr. Henderson has been spend­ rocks, and lived only half an
ing the summer at the coast and hour.
his wife’s health was greatly im­
This morning Mr. R. M. Day,
proved. As soon as harvesting a prominent furniture manu­
is over he will return for a facturer, fell from the roof of
ins factory, a distance of twenty-
S. F. Harding, formerly em­ fiv<e feet, sustaining injuries
ployed on the Astoria Transcript from which his life was despair­
has bought the Lafayette Regis­ ed of.
ter and will take possession
It was rumored on the streets
August 1st. Politically it will yesterday that the judges of
probably have a. tendency to­ Polk county were shaking in
ward democracy. Mr. Harding their boots, because three hun­
is known as a prohibitionist, dred farmers and others had
and some sympathy may be ex­ said that Blackburn should go
tended to that party.
home free.
The concert, at the M. E.
Ruby Gill, aged nine years,
church last everting given by
Prof. Randall and his class of an adopted daughter of Mr. and
forty voices, was well attended Mrs. John Pennington, died
and highly enjoyed by all. The yesterday morning and was
choruses were well sung, the buried to-day. She has been a
main deficiency being in the sufferer from spinal complaint
tenor cleft’. The duos, trios and since infancy.
“Facts are stubborn things,”
quartetts were well rendered.
sufferers from chills and
The class shows excellent train­
ing reflecting credit on Prof. fever find this complaint a very
Randall, as a teacher. A per­ stubborn fact until they com­
manent organization was effect­ mence the use of Ayer’s Ague
ed by electing Prof. Crawford Cure. This medicine never fails
leader, and meeting Friday to cure even the worst cases.
Greater benefits may be de- |
evening at the M. E. church.
from the vacation season
The undersigned has not the
largest stock of harvest machine if, at the same time, the blood is
oils in the world, but has got being cleansed ami vitalized by
the use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.
some castor oil.
An increase of appetite, vigor,
Castor machine oil.
buoyancy of spirits attend
Lard oil.
of this medicine.
Challenge machine oil
Journalism appears to he on
Cold Test lubricating oil.
the change in Yamhill at pres­
West Virginia oil.
ent. First comes D. C. Ireland
Skidgate oil.
who retires from T he R eporter
Rhode Island axle oil.
followed shortly after by A. L.
Neats foot and sweet oil.
And if those in need of oils Talmage retiring from
will call, will be pleased to make Telephone and these two now
you price on same by the case, dove-tail with the Westerfield
can or gallon, and if you don’t Bros, who step down and out
buy, it may assist you in getting Truly the life of a journalist is
very uncertain, especially in the
cheap oil elsewhere.
A. J. A pperson . country.
The West Shore for August
is at hand,
every issue.
We have received the pros-
pectus of the State Normal
school located at Ashland for
1887-8. It is a neat and at-
tractive pamphlet of over 30
pages, and contains much mat­
lint we don’t blow very mudi about our
ter of interest.
We observe
that Yamliill county is entitled
to three free scholarships in
the institution. For particulars
address J. S. Sweet, president
Ol Drugs, Medicines, School Book, Station­
Ashland Normal school, Ash- ary, etc., because every one knows that we
land < Iregon.
have the largest and best stock in the Coun­
The first installment of the ty, and a
Ghehalem valley board of ein-
migration society’s descriptive j
circular is ready for destribu- ■
lion. It a well written article Will convince yon
that we are selling
on the Ghehalem valley pro­ Drugs Medicines, School Books, Stationary,
fusely illustrated, and printed Conibs, Brushes, Sponges, etc.
on heavy folio paper. This
work speaks well for McMinn-1
ville, ae it was printed at the
R eporter job rooms, ami will
Thau any firm in Yamhill County.
compare favorably with similar
When you are in McMinnville come and
work issued in the east. Send look over our stock and find out our prices.
for one at the boards office,
Next door to First National Bank.
Newberg Oregon.
Even Harper's Weekly is
lamenting to think this great
reform civil service administra­
tion has been so hypocritical as
to pretend to be mugwump in
its tendencies and yet at the end
of t wo years 97 per cent, of the
offices which are under its con­
trol are in the hands of partisan
democrats. It is as it ought to
be, only the three per cent,
should be removed and proba­
bly will be within the next six
• >n every dollar you spend at
months. The pretense of living
up to the civil service reform
principles is a sham and a fraud
and only worthy of a humbug
and should be abandoned for­
This is because he squeezes it so hard
to get the small profit lie
F. W. Keàmonâ’s
RiiMinesK Notice«
Any one having business with ty.
I). Fenton or with the firm of Fenton
& Fenton, will call at the McMinnville
office on Wednesdays and Saturdays
at 3 o’clock p. m., or at the Lafayette
office at. any other time. W. D. Fen­
ton will be absent until August 15th.
jyl.r> Im
How dear to my heart is the elegant rooster,
< >ld Publio Opinion we all know so well.
Who liftHuphis voioe when pooplo are tickl'd,
And crows when his tidings are joyful to tell.
'The doosler tho booster
'('he bouncing old rooster
The jolly old rooster with tidings to tell.
Now lately this rooster lias tuken to crowing
in favor of us and the goods that we sell.
Our trade is increasing and daily inareasing
One to the public opinion 1 know very well.
Then hurrah for tho rooster
The iMiuuoing old rooster
The jolly old rooster with tidings to tell.
Desperate Means Re­
quire Desperate
Io counteract the effects of dull trade
he has a complete new stock at
figures which make them jump.
Flint people arc please with the
prices ami goods sold bv
• all and price this stock before mak­
ing purchases.
The pnst year, is an established fact,
as they all
I Of the past year, anil now flock in to
ins|ieet the new spring styles.
I'he doors are open ; no ju ice
for admission, Conic right along.
This space reserved for
New Firm. New Goods, New Prices
At the New ft re of
(SncoeRHor« to Baxter «t Martin, i
Third street, McMinnville, Oregon,
F amily tas.
The popular New York Ladies Hat (or
Spring and Hummer. A full line in several A new, neat and
-lock. Every artic‘4
braids and styles of trimming. Various
A No. I. Emit Jars, Rutter < r» <4: s, Colored
prices. Unusually becoming and highly
Glaiwwarc, Cutlery, <‘ hmc »I Good*, T o -
commended Every Ladv should see it be­
harrn, Pipes and Cigars.
fore buying hrr Spring or Snmraer hat.
in Season.
Also many other popular styles of liats Fresh Triilt and
and Bonnets A good assortment of lips.
Give iim a mil. inspect our
Plumes. Flowers. Ribbons, Laces and Suring will guarantee prices tx» suit vnu.
and Summer Millinery centrally. All di­
rect fr m New York
Iters insures the la­
test stylos and lowest nnoes.
Family Grocery Store
Hiss »*.
Lat« of Ii.-i. j endenae. having purohased the
lit’I in ii v il le. Or.
I •
Moore’s Hair InvjgoratoT may be
found on sale al •’. H. Fleming's bar­
ber shop. Sample Imftles (rec.
Third Street, MeMinnnlle, Oregon.
J. Harv. Henderson,
fSnanemior to I».
D fr I ai * tn
tkah *
Of l-ogn.i l’rn,< ,t Henderson, offers his
■ervioes in that line to the public, nnd will
Guarani«*« Salislaction
'tn e.ll wb>i f'vor <un with their patronage.
He will keep a wagon specially adapted to the
Good lionrd and lodging can be had
of parcels, trunks satohefs. etc., for
al reasonable rates by applying to Mrs. All Fresh Ooois, jroccnc:, F'.our, Biwn, »nd delivery
the accomodation of the puhlio. Orders left
Breon corner 3d «nd H next the mil- !
Glaaware and Crockery.
■t the stable will be promptly attended to nt
| 1-dTGood, delivered to porebssers in tbeeilv reasonable rates.