L Fl r VOL. III. NO «8 M c M innville , O regon , W ednesday , july 27. 1887. Still Searching After Truth. EDUCATIONAL. i 'Flic article signed “Liberal” WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, SALEM, OREGON. | seems to admit that “nature” is PRICE TWO CENTS. the church is not what it should be, when there is such golden wedge among her voting mem­ bers— one place devoted to the building up of Christianity and five times as many for its dis- truction, what will the harvest be? will ye as christains pursue this course any longer? God help the followers of Christ to come from among the world, and with spotless garments, do their whole duty, then will we see Zion prosper and souls re­ turning to God.—Pacific Bap- tist. the author of the Bible, natural ■men made its teachings, men 1 -College of Liberal Arts. who practiced and taught super­ 11—College of Medieine; Dr. E. P. Fra­ ser, dean. stitions, lying, theft, murder, III. College of Law: Judge Win. ¡adultery and all the abomina- Ramney, dean. IV— A'oman’s College: Mrs. C. C. jtionsof theearth. Then should Hawley, dean. V— Conservatory of Music; Z M. Par- ' we hold up our hands in holy vin, director. , VI— University Academy. ¡horror and cry out; 0 Nature! VII— Art Dopattpiont; Miss Mitri» Craig, instructor. ¡thou author of so much evil, man in sin and g«O STI RENTS—400 GK Ull . ¡conceiving ATEN. bringing him forth in iniquity, Thirty teachers. Day board for young men, tl-AO per week. to curse the bosom of the earth Ladies' board in Woman's College with his presence, setting him $2.50 with unfurnished room; with nicely furnished room. First up to write blasphemous books, Lafayette. begins September 5. (■RHt- lognes and information sent free to make idolatrous sacrifices of PORTLAND OR SALEM,OR. Mrs. Belcher has been very human life, thou art an inhu­ Address, THOS. VANSCOY, Salem, Oregon man monster, a mirciless God: sick for more than a week, She Alluring man with deceptive il- is afflicted with a sort of nervous HOLMES fever. loading him with bur­ BUSINESS COLLEGE llusions, Misses Agnes and Maud Cook, dens of priestcraft, and burning ( Formerly Shorthand end type writing Newberg, Yamhill County, Ore gon. clerk and cashier of Old’s & innocents at the stake. Thou School.) King, Portland, have been visit­ Portland, Oregon. vile and impious fiend, that ing their parents the past week. A oomplette business oonrso, penmanship, ¡hath power over the same par- short hand, type writing, business oorrea- Hazel nuts are getting ripe First term 1887 begins Sep­ pondenoe, eto , taught day and evening. j tides of matter to make a don- tember 12. Total expense for Shorthand lessons by mail. Address for and it would make you want G. HOLMES, Principal. ! key or a deist; why hast thou tuition, board and lodging for catalogue. ju 20-61H one year $110. Instruction | made me thus? Yes there is some yourself, to see the average thorough. Especial attention some good ip nature, but the small boy cracking them with MISCELLANEOUS. given to physical culture and teeming millions of earth, like his teeth and rattleipg thorn in beallUof students. Moral and religions influences carefully ravenous wolves have kept the his pockets. guarded. No saloons nearer The children’s sociable held air resonant with moaning and than eight miles. Situated in Littlefield’s hall on Friday on the P. A W. V. R. R., 20 curses since the advent of life. miles from Portland, and one evening, was well attended, and What a responsibility. This mile from Rogers’ landing on I the Willamette river. I is on the supposition that there afforded lots of enjoyment for M. -I. niNTIIOHN, Supt. I is no God but nature. Then the little ones. We have not tf-Mnd for l alalojur. the Bible is the word of nature. heard what sum was realized. The town seems almost de­ Hour ye, people of Yamhill county. 1 will MISCELLANEOUS. Now suppose the Bible to he aell my fine «took of BOOTS and SHOES serted, so many having gone to now on hand at ten per cent disoonnt, and the word of God, and the works J. F. GALBREATH E. E. GOCi HEB. I >ny The Cheapest Place to Buy Large, New and Ele­ of nature to be the works of God the coast. County Clerk Bried- Caibreath &, Goucher. God being a perfect being, you well and family, Judge Lough- v stove gant Stock say his word must be perfect ary and family, McCain and PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Tnat Received, will be gold nt a profit of H as b(*en fon nd to b* «t MoMnncvmLE .... O begom . but his works imperfect. Your Gates, with their families and— I ten per cent. There is ONLY fine BOOT and SHOE «tore in McMinnville where yon can get vonr mnnoya worth, and reasoning will not parallel, it we don’t know who all else. (Office over Braly's bank.) that in at DeilRChueider’s. Como and aeo me. plays at cross purposes. Again Well, maybe we will take a ( Next door to Yamhill County bank. F. DEILSCHNEIDEK a perfect penman cannot make notion to go next year. DR. I. C. TAYLOR. Who havo just received direct from S ki , ina . * o-------- perfect writing with an imper­ Late of New Orleans, La.. fect instrument. The writer Newberg News. Piles and i'istiila a Spe­ “^Eastern Factories* begs pardon for the imperti ­ The largest and most complete assortment ciality. Consul tat ion over brought to the city, and they will Joseph Hoskins anti son are free. Afo Cure nence in presuming to be able sell you one for less money than was burning a kiln of brick. ever heard of in Yambill County. Ao Pay. to criticise his intelligent high­ Edwards & Co’s sawmill is I-v*- Office with H V. V. .lolmson, M. D., ness, S. R.Putman, but it was They kep a general line of— Mo.Minnville. Oregon. having quite a lumber trade. done in all kindness and with a Hardware, Dr. Morse is building a barn thirst for truth and knowledge Tin, which often makes us walk octagon in shape, a model of Sheet Iron, convenience. Ilalr Cutting. 'Iiaiiuv and slmili, “where angels fear to tread.” Copper pwoing I'nrlor. Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield of Day­ It is best to stick to the text and Granite Iron-ware, 15c SHAVING 15c. HENDERSON BROS., and not discuss too many ques­ ton, spent the Sabbath with < tliev will sell way down at rock bottom friends in this vicinity. price». We have the Ample room to care tor horses. Livery tions at once or be too long, the C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. Mr. Miles has bought five teams at as reasonable rates as any where in (Snoceaaor to A. U. Wyndham.) INcCormick & Deering Oregon. Newstable Third Nt.. McMinnvilU. editor and reader may both be acres of land from Mr Cottle nil Steel Bindern, universally admitted to be Ladies and children's work a specialty, annoyed, but some would like and will build a dwelling at __ _____ ________ have * just added _ to my r parlor the THE BEST IN THE WORLD. to know whereon “Liberal” largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this Is I ll< ‘ TilllC once. Deering and McCormick Iron Mowem, that oitf. Trv their. basis the hope of fhture life. have no superior. Also Hay Rakes. Plows, Mr. B. G. Miles who is book- Harrow«. < ultivators. Grain Drills, Seeders. to Buy Your Not defending dogmas but Buggies. Hacks and Wagons, the best to be JOHN J. SAX. keeper for the State Insurance I nvestigator . had in the state. Hawkey and Buckeye self a Home merely an pumps and pipes of all sizes and kinds. Has his Co., of Salem spent the Sabbath Come one, come all, oome everybody and bring your Read This at this place. While iho tendeuov of inlereat ia down — ----- Cash==— ward, the prospect for farming is better. Five saloon for each church Th rep other dwellings in And wp guarantee yon will go home happy Henoe land will go no lower in this country. What are the town are in process of erection In Running Order, EXTRAORDINARY OFFER. A H. * O. O. HODBON. 140 acre farm for sale, 1 mile south of fruits of these saloons9 drunk- and still more house room is - AND— Amity: 75 <