The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, July 22, 1887, Image 4

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    I hill county, situated in the north-enst-
Students are offered fine facilities to
j ern part of the county, is live mües acquire a good education at a small
from McMinnville as the roads gc. and cost.
thirty miles from Portland via the i.-ir-
There are tin saloons in this peaceful
Lafayette has long been hampered by
Cliehalem valley pays tribute to this
1 having no direct communication with little town, cosily nestling at the foot
the world, and her progress somewhat of the Chehalem range of mountains.
LEADS THE STATE IN ITS PRO­ retarded. Better things are now ex­ The town has two general stores, a
pected. Thé town needs only to waken blacksmith and carriage shop, dress­
j from its lethargy to arrive at a busy, making establishment, etc.,
I bustling village. lis merchants and large sawmill and grist mill, including
Come You lloine-secker» from enterprising citizens must recognize warehouses, etc.
the Iìa«t tinti nil Over tlie
the fact that the best advertisement of
a wide-a-wake towu is its local paper.
World and Be Our
Willamina, twenty miles southwest
They must not expect any live man to of McMinnville, near the foothills of
put capital into a place where there is the coast range, is the most attractive
M c M innville , population 1*00, the no effort made to attract public atten­ rural towu iu the’ county. The stage
business center of Yamhill county, lie­ tion. Live business men want live road crosses the South fork of the Yam­
fifty miles south-west of Portland on towns. The future prosperity of La­ hill river at this place, on its way to the
the Oregon and California railroad. It fayette depends mainly upon the Grand Konde valley.
is situated in the midst ol the finest amount of energy put forth by her rep­
There are two general stores, one
saw mill, one large grist mill, two ho­
agricultural legion in Oregon, and is resentative men and women.
tels, good schools, church, blacksmith
widely known as the Farmers Paradise
of the Pacific slope. The population
( arlton, seven miles north of Me- shops, etc. The valley for ten miles
of the county is put at 10,000 which Minn ville, is a small town on the Ore around draws its supplies principally
yearly receives large additions. There gon and California railroad. Itsprin- from this place. There is considerable
are thousands of acres of valuable < ipal industry is shipping wheat. It is grain raised higher up the valley. The
land to be had at prices ranging from in close proximity to the Yamhill river. farmers have to haul their grain to
$5 to $50 per acre. All this land lies
This village is situated in the heart Sheridan, a distance of five miles, in
within easy access of steamboat and of a large farming community. The order to get it to market. Ultimately
railroads. The climate is mild and place itself is more of a shipping point the narrow gauge will tap this section
agreeable. The winter months are than anything. There are three com­ of country and be amply repaid by the
mostly given lorain. The Pacific ocean, modious grain warehouses. One of farmers-.
fifty miles west of McMinnville, is them stored 50,000 bushels of wheat
reached over toll roads, and furnishes last season. Barnekoft' A Co. have a
The town of Amity rests upon a level
a most invigoratingpliicc to whileaway large granary here, and also one at Mc­ plain, near the Bald hills, that lie be­
the hot summer mouth* <>f July and Minnville
tween d -"id the Willamette river. Salt
The village boasts of a good grocery creek, a small stream, passes the town
store, an agricultural warehouse, an on the left. In the summer time Amity
This city boasts of a well organized, apothecary shop, good hotel, boot and presents a cheerful appearance.
well equipped volunteer tire depart­ shoe maker, a blacksmith shop, two
The business portion of Amity com­
contractors and builders, also one large prises one large agricultural warehouse,
four general stores, one drug store, one
general store.
livery stable, ope public hall, two
The city is well lighted on its princi­
blacksmith shops, one carriage shop,
pal business avenues. The rapid strides
Dayton, situated at the head of navi­
being made by McMinnville, in ad­ gation on the right bank of the Yam­ two churches, a good public school
vancing to n prominent place among hill river, lies in an easterly direction with seventy pupils enrolled, aud one
the live towns of the northwest, is from McMinnville. In the days gone grain warehouse.
Amity is a shiping town for farmers
giving a new life to its enterprising by this place was the liveliest burg in
merchants, and the bright star of Hope the county. It is connected with the in this vicinity. It is situated seven
beams brilliantly down upon us. There narrow gauge system by a branch road. miles south of McMinnville on the
is a better feeling throughout the The Oregon Kailroad and Navigation Oregon and California railroad. Con­
country than for years past. The farm­ Co. operate a line of tri-weekly boats siderable grain is raised in this neigh­
ers are hopeful and happy. The indi­ to this place. This town has been, until borhood.
cations for a good crop this year were the completion of the narrow gauge to NORTH YAMHILL— POPULATION 250.
never better, collections are easier, Elk Kock, the shipping point of all its
This town, situated eleven miles
money circulates more freely and long freight.
north of McMinnville, and three-
credits appear to be a thing of the
Dayton's business representation fourths of a mile west of the Oregon
comprises six stores, one hotel, two and California railroad,is tliefirst town
blacksmith and carriage shops, four in Yamhill county coming south. It is
< )nr eastern friends are informed that churches, neat and attractive, large a vast grain growing district ami for
in close proximity to McMinnviller "warehouse*owned LyCapt. W. S. Pow­ miles and miles the eye beholds a sea
there are some of the tlnesl farms for ell and J. W. Ingle, capacity 150,000 of waving grain.
There are two general stores, one
sale that can be found on the Pacific bushels; enjoys good schools; has a
const, Thu reason that they are lor lodge of odd Fellows, and Good Tem­ drug store, one tin shop, baker shop,
sale is. that the owners have more land plars, also a prominent feature not to blacksmith and carriage factory, a
than tiny need, consequently they ale be overlooked, a most beautiful and at­ good public hall, church, schools and
willing to ell and settle up i lie country. tractive city park. The only one that secret societies.
Come to Oregon! is the cry. Come we are aware of in Oregon.
to old Yamhill county win i. the gar­
on the west bank of the
The pi esent outlook is a favorable
den of Eden exists in all its varied
or more correctly speak­
beauty and wonderful productiveness. one for Dayton. Situated at the head ing, both sides. ¡Since the narrow
The city usa summer resort furnishes
gauge road has made this place the
lu t ter inducements than ottered by any mand a certain amount of trade that southern terminus, the town has work­
other place in Oregon. You can get
ed toward the eastern side.
first-class accommodations at the hotels erty owners and representative busi­ There are half a dozen large grain
ness men are not alive to their own in­
for it reasonable price. Within five
oi they tvonld. see that some warehouses, a three-story Homing mil],
hours diivi over picturesque country terests,
move was set on foot to attract atten­ a handsome depot, good hotels, pleas­
loads, you are in the heal t of the Coast tion to its locality. The town enjoys ant homes, halt a dozen well-stocked
range, where angling, hunting and splendid drainage ; lias an attractive stores, two livery stables, drug store,
prospecting can be indulged in to your appearance, with broad streets and furniture factory, boot and shoe mak­
hearts content. You can take your tent handsome shade trees.
ers, public halls, school, churches and
hi I get on the stagi ami away you go
Dayton is three miles from Lafayette secret societies.
to the grand old ocean where fot $5 the county seat, and seven miles from
per wet ’. \ ou cun roll in primeval lux­ McMinnville. Good roads lead to all
of McMinnvilleiu the
uries in iirt, and return to your homes the principal points in the county.
agricultural region,
reenpe e<l in health and spirits. The
consists of a church, school house and
liest w.i to reach the ocean aud the
propet inc to start is about the first of Is fifteen miles south-east of McMinn­ general inerchandiese store. The land
July . I'urel'.ise your tickets fol Mc­ ville on the Willamette river, and is a is entirely devoted to grain.
In closing this brief resume on the
Minnville'. then take the stage via shipping point of considerable import­
I wish to say, that in the main,
Grand Koude itilley, to the camping ance. The average of wheat handled
grounds, or turn your attention to the y tally amounts to about 2.00,000 bush­ you will find that my pen statements
J tie Nest ticca; climb those towering els. This embrace* Wheatland and vi­ can be relied on. The truth has been
mountains and be repaid with a pano­ cinity. There isadaily line of steam­ told for the sake of those who are seek­
ramic view from Nature’s hand that ers to this port, thus affording every ing homes. The R eporter is a friend j
casts into the shadow all landscapes opportunity to the farmers to ship of the people and its statements can
seen in ait galleries. Stretching out their wheat at a low rate, either to be relied on.
before the observet lays the great val­ Portland or San Francisco via Yaquina.
ley of the Willamette. Here and there Tributary to this section of the coun­
appear upon the green surface towns ty is some of the finest farming lands
and villages, with great fields of wav­ to be found anywhere. Here. also, is
ing grain whose tawny coloring vies produced magnificent fruit, especially
harmoniously with tlie deep foliage ot peaches.
the trees. < Hi all sides 1 ise majestically
There is one general store, one hotel,
heavenward the snow-crowned kings
blacksmith and carriage shop, one
of Oregon, shooting upward into the
A’hile the tendency of interest is down­
drug store, church, school and a large
very dome of blue vaults above.
ward. the prospect for fanning is better.
By all means come to Oregon where warehouse.
Hence land will go no lower.
the crops never fail! By all means
come to Old Yamhill, the wealthiest
This is a new settlement made up
140 acre farm for sale, 1 mile south of
and most productive county in the principally of Friends, who are as busy
■Late, where the great bonded ware- as a hive of bees in making this place Amity: 76 sores now summer fallowed. Will
houses are filled to roof with rich gold- the coming school town of the west rent 225 more of farm land with a sale with
privilege of summer-fallowing half each year.
“•* grain.
i—---- forever. Old Yamhill against side counties. The Friends have a A reasonable imonnt down will be accepted;
large academy, handsome in exterior balance in 3 or 5 equal annual payments to
appearance with a commodious board­ suit tbe purchaser. For further particulars,
ing hall attached. There are several come and see, or address J. P. BEELER.
I th* county scat of Yam handsome and costly residences here.
Amity. Or
M c M innville
furniture factory .
V Manufacturer A Dealer In
Of All Kinds. Ako
General Furnishing Undertaker
Tlie finest line of
Coffins, Caskets A:
I n <1 e r t a 1 k e r *i
goods generally
in tlie tut«», sitLoMi'st Hate*
------- Also; An Extra Fine l ot of--------
Give us a call, at tbe old stand. Third St.. McMinnville, Oregon. .
Spicy and
tie* a rap
id adían ce
ment of
| in ¡»articulai
•Ind l*anihtlf County
in general
<■ y
Leading Job Printers
Come and see us