a model of perfection, but as we MISCELLANEOUS. do not find the Bible God a perfect being, but as changable YAMHILL REPORTER PUBLISHING CO. as the low, undeveloped minds, that Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnvilte for made him sometimes angry, at other Tratumaiaaion Through the Mails as Seo- times sorry, the same as we, finite be­ ond Class Matter. Whenever the Liver becomes torpid, or T he D aily R eporteb is issued every day ings ; so we very reasonably draw the otherwise gives evidence of disease, tho ia the week except Sundays, and is delivered conclusion that science and nature in the oity at 10 cents per week. Hy mail. 4" quicker it receives judicious treatment, cents per month in advance. Bates for ad­ are more to be relied on than the im­ the more certain and speedy the cure. To vertising same as for T he W eekly K epobteb . aginary God of the Bible. stimulate the Liver, and arouse it to Subscription Kale». You speak of the great discord in healthy action, there is no remedy so By Carrier per week............................. 10 oents (Payable on Saturday./ the works of God in nature. We lib­ effective as Ayer’s Pills. ‘•I was troubled with Liver Complaint Single Copy............................................ 2 “ for some months, and was permanently Hy!) fail 40 cents per Month (III Advance.) erals do not claim that nature matures cured the us ■ of Ayer’s Pills.” T. C. its objects to perfection at one step, Griffin. by Moline, 11!. Ilute, lor Advertising but development and progression be­ “I have suffered from Liver Complaint Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. the last year, ¡.nd, until I com­ ing the law, by which we see lower during menced taking Fine Book and Job Printer». forms of creation developing into We beg leave to announce to the public higher and better conditions, gradu­ thut wo have just added a large stook of new novelties to our business, and make a special­ ally, step by step, attracted or repulsed ty of Letter Heads. Hill Heads, Note Heads, by the law of attraction or repulsion Statements, business Cards, Ladies’ Calling could find nothing which afforded me Cards, Hall Invitations (new designs) Pro­ pr positive and negative principles. relief. These Pills began to help me from grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of The law which attracts particles of the first, and I am now perfectly well.” work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ matter together and causes motion W. E. Preston. Gloucester. Mass.' vinced. Y amiui l R eporter P ublishing Co and life, by the same law the planets PREPARED BY are attracted or repulsed, so as not to Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. July 22, 1887 McMinnville, Or. clash or interfere with the rights of Sold by all Druggists. each other. And so we could go on, The Truth will Make us Free. reasoning from cause to effect and ARE YOU SsCK E ditor R eporter :—We have just from effect to cause, judging the pres­ Of paying high prices for unsntie read a piece in your paper entitled “A ent by the past, the future by the o y goods? D<> the noisy gt'gtim ¡Í Searcher after Truth," which criticises present, using our reason all the while of some merchants, in then the lectures of Mr. 8. I’. Putnam, de­ as a guide to lead us into paths of sell very ordinary ;oods at nary prices, distress you about livered in McMinnville July 5th, 6th knowledge which will develop hu­ much as it would to manity up to a higher standpoint of and 7th. We think this searcher after CO TO BED manhood, thereby developing honesty, truth will have to delve considerably a brotherly love and a general good lam? If such be the ease. i: deeper into the laws of nature than prescription which w l»e a feeling, and interest m the welfare of curt-all for your ¡¡:!in<-n Is. a nt ho ever lias done, to be amply qualified to criticise, and do justice to lei tures humanity. Then we will realize what to your troubled spirit-, T it is to have a heaven on earth, and if one firm who can supply t as scientific and intelligently delivered î ne there is a future life, (which we hope cuts. You will i.nd tm-. as were those of S. P. Putnam. prescription. Try it I there is) we will be ready to go on This seeker after truth’s remarks were right concerning Mr. Putnam's progressing through ceaseless ages. I have tried to show hat the inher­ views, and also the- views of all liber­ ent laws in nature which are ever als, that the Bible is not inspiration, existent with matja-i, is all the God we but the work of designing men. teach­ THIS ing by their precept, and example of can c>mprelwu4, ¡mil guided by rea­ son we c ^ r " delve into the seeming Prescript! n careful. / many of the character- therein, that myetpjg i of nature and learn more pounded at all hour they were ignorant, superstitious ami more of the law- by which she I he day. bloodthirsty, lying, adulterous, and works. A. L iberal . on ; but this truth seeker would cl The Daily Reporter. LiverDisorders Ayer’s Pills, _jJmt G .i told to- lj‘ 'pie to ( I«. NEW TO DAY. those thmgsF’iincI of course/’ right in those days; but you/sa, Styles is the same unchangeable living Busi lies, Notice. terdav, to day and forever; it so Any one having business with W. Qualities things are right to-day. I). Fenton or with the firm of Fenton . ing, no 11 round it. i I {ta» on a hie Kate». ’-Ibi- tra l <1 ¿»it Vls tile] B”t “i works of wregullafitv 1 •rib’,000—to loan on approved mortg­ id lodging can be had Kill BUYERS. Splendid Warehouses MACHINERY. Thorough and long exper- ience in handling grain. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. NI .V