MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. THE FOOTLIGHTS. NEW TO-DAY i e Tom's Cabin," Clara Monis and J. R. Grismer. A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON W. T. BAXTER. J. O. KOGERS. ERNEST BOLLACK, New Firm, New Goods, New Prices Dealers In A new verson of Uncle Tom’s j At the New Store .of Cabin is to be at Garrison Opera i BAXTER & Li O« 3«S faouse Saturday night by the Ew-' HARDWARE, i Successoes to BaxterJ ting dramatic company. Consider-I Third street, MoMinnvl TINWARE & fible liberty has been taken with She original text, but the play is fc. •improved in consequence. The ■ I new scenery, well painted, well A new, neat and clean stock. ylihfry arlicl. ^conceived, adds much to the A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Croaks, Colored • Glassware, Cutlery’, Cased Goods, To­ | representation. The colored Third St., bet. A D. bacco, Pipes and Cigars. Jquartet "s “way up,” the Marks McMInnv llle, - Oregon. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season. «Very cleaver and not coarse, the Give us a call. Inspect our stock, and we I am now fully prepared to do all kiuda of will guarantee prices to suit vou. iLegree sufficiently repulsive; work in J K A’ELEHY, WATCHES, CLOCKS A3 the times will h II ow . and all kinds of pins foi lodges, trades, etc. Topsy is equal to the best we A A. KENYON MANFOBP HAY. Jewelery made to order. Everything guar­ thaye seen and Phineas Fletcher We Make it Specialty of all anteed. Good and reliable work. than the cheapest where workman leaves nothing to bu desired. CITY MARKET, Cheaper snip is concerned. Give mo a tiial. Kinds of Job Work Par- jUncle Tom is wanting somewhat FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPE­ ticularl} CIALTY. the pathetic, but be does well. The bloodhounds and the don­ Iron and Tin Roofing, KENYON & RAY, Proprietors. JOHN J. SAX. key play their parts to the satis­ Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps. Has his faction of all concerned. By all (Successor to W. F. Baugasser.) In fact wo do anything that comes in our line, with neatness and dis means go. Will keep on hand at all times the very patoh and, ------- ---------- best quality of fresh meats, that oan be ob­ in the market, and respectfully solicit ¡4 The papa system of govern­ Never Tell You it Can't be Done. a tained share of thepublio patronage. Give us a trial order and we will ment is being run in the ground Bring on your designs and we will out yonr guarantee In Running Order, satisfaction. patterns, and do your work, and £ in the east. In Pennsylvania -AND— don't you forget it. | the legislature has passed a law to prevent any merchant from South east cor. 3d and C streets, McMinn* Family Grocery Store, Will chop Feed forS2 per ton or one-tenth toll. A, H. Ä O. O. HODSON. »“carrying more than on6 line of, ville. Oregon. --------- (o)---------- I Third Street, McMinnvillo, Oregon. goods” in his business. It will i Farmers and others having grain to chop come to my mill, and attend to Hny J. Harv. Henderson, can I last just long enough for a judge ! Brewster’s Patent. Rein ITolder. ' business in the oity to better advantage than Your lines are where you put them—not | driving two miles out of town to get their I that has some sense to declare it under horses’ fret. One scent sold 12doz. In (Successor to L. BOOT.) ohopping done. JOHN J. SAX. 5 days, one dealer Bold 6 doz. in 15 days. • invalid. Dealer in Samples worth |1.M free . Write for terms. McMinnville. Or. E. K. HREIVS”1« Holly. Mich. All Fresh Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, and One of the steel cruisers for ! Glassware and Crockery, E the navy being built in San t-#“Goods delivered to purchasers inthecity i Francisco, has been named | Charleston. Citizens of San Dining Station of the 0. G. R. R. Francisco think that as the McMinnville. Oregon. ACTORY | cruiser is the u >t to be built on 7. Multner, Prop. the Pacific coa. it should be (Late of the St. Charles.) ‘ named after theii wn city, W. H. BINGHAM. This Hotel has just l»een rt fit ted and new­ ly refurnished throughout, and will be kept delegation of Cai pans in a first olass style. cently waited on J- . Whitney Propr 4The table is supplied with ell the market affords, and guests can rely upon good dean and made him a convert to their beds, and oomfortnble room». Manufacturer and Dealer In views. He went with them to Special accomodations for commercial travelers. Mr. Cleveland, who persistently refused to grant their request, FINE FURNITURE and the cruiser will remain the of all kind»«. Charleston. Under that name it is hoped that she will be able Just received an extra tine iot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of designs, ('all and price my «took. to produce an occasional earth­ Third Street, opposite the Braly Bank, quake. THE GREAT McMinnville, - Oregon. When the OCR is completed TRANSCONTINENTAL A?OUTE O. C. Hiatt, Prop, things will assume a new shape, Finest domestic and imported oiganu i »r our Front street merchants Board and lodging. Meals at all hours. L will have to go to the wall, I ‘u bl io patronage respectfully solicited. r Wide awake drummers from »HÖREST! j BEST! f| QUICKEST! ■ 1887 San Francisco, will invade The Weekly 1888 southern Oregon and the Cen­ tral Willamette valley, and the ’ I Hill!! I III III TH E DINING CAR LIN l-UUll HHII/tl{ THE DIRECT KOI TE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! stolid wealth of Portland will have to bestir itself or sink in T ONLY $1 FOB TWO Y1ABS. *R a 4* ao Ticket* To CHICAGO and ail points EAST. AJUWU m U Iwwuww sold to ull l»IM»MI!NF!NT FOINTN the mud of the flats.—Welcome. This period inoludea the next Presidential Throughout the Ea.t and Nontheast. campaign. Dr. Blalock will use on his ex­ TO EAST BOCJiwi>~PASSEIV«ERS! Republican Success Demands tensive farm at Blalock’s a trac­ ty BE CAREFUL ANI) DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE Constant Work. tion steam engine to haul plows ------ TO TAKE THE------ Parties sending five subHoribera with fr in the place of horses. The arif| will receive an extra copy free. E. W. FOX, . President and Manager, width of the tires of the Washington, D. 0. drive wheels are eighteen inches. And see that your ticket reads via Portland and The doctor proposes to plow this Readers of THE REPORTER can =St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, have the NATIONAL REPUBLICAN season 10,000 acres. He has avoid changes and aerioua delays occasioned by other routes. Through and THE REPORTER for the ba! seventeen gang plows for horses To Emigrant ance of this year , 1887, for f 1.75; u Sleeping Cara are run on Regular Express Trains Full . Len