k ■■■ i ! I ■ NEW TO-DAY MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. CITY Now is the time to subscribe. ERNEST BOLLACK, 4.O.— The best printing in the county, at the Reporter job rooms. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices Dealers In At the New Store of A lot of new job type just received at the Reporter job rooms. i BAXTER X ROGERS HARDWARE, Bring on your job work. We are I o’ ( Successoes to Baxter & Martin,) **>w prepared to do job work in the N k Third street, MoMinn ville, Oregon, TINWARE & latest and most approved style of the ta ta! Sims. art. The Weekly Reporter, a faithful PRACTICAL— anu complete compendium of the Agricultural Imp ements, Pumps. week’s news, is furnished for 12| cents A new, neat and clean stock. Every article a month. • A No. 1. FruitJars, Blitter Crocks, Colored Pipes, Etc. Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music Third St., bel. (?. & D. Alli of which will be sold as báceo. Pipes aud Cigars, in McMinnville and at McMinnville McMinnville, - Or-gon. . college. Residence corner of Second LOW FOR CASH. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season. Give us a call. Inspect our stock, and we I am now fully prepared to do all kinds of f and C Streets. will guarantee prioes to suit vou. work inJE WELERY, WATCHES, CLOCKS As the times will allow. Advertisments, etc., intended for and all kinds of pins for lodges, trades, eto. i publication in The Weekly Reporter Jewelerv made to order. Everything guar­ MANFOB1> RAY. A A. KISNVON anteed, Good and reliable work. I must be handed in Tuesday morning. We Make u Specially of Hl I Cheaper than the cheapest where workman I We cannot in future deviate from this ship is concerned. Give me a trial. Kinds of Job Work Par ­ f rule. FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPE­ ticularly In consequence of a sale of the CIALTY. I premises occupied by L. Bettman, he | is marking prices on goods down be- Iron and Tin Roofings JOHN J. SAX, KENYON & RAY, Proprietors. ’ low cost, to sell out slick and clean. Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps. Bas his Give him a call. (Suocesaor to W. F. Bangasser.) In fact we do anything that comes in our line, with neatness and dis­ Will keep on hand at all times the very The City Grocery Store of Baxter 4 patch and, best quality of fresh meats, that can be ob­ Rogers, is the place to replenish your in the market, and respeotfully 3olioit larder. They are selling only fresh Never Tell You it Can’t be Done. tained a share of the pubiio patronage. groceries, and these at bed rock prices. £^*Giveus a trial order and we will In Running Order, Bring on your designs aud we will cut your guarantee satisfaction. Give them a trial order. patterns, and do your work, and -AND— don’t you forget it. Any person sending us four sub- «ribers for one year each,with $6.00 in Family Grocery Store. Will chop Feed for $2 per ton cash, will receive an extra copy for one South east cor. dd and C streets. McMinn­ or one-tenth toll. A. H. & O. O. HODSON. year. This is a rare opportunity for ville, Oregon. -------- (o)-------- Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. getting the best weekly paper west of Farmers aud others having grain to chop oan come to my mill, and attend to any the Rocky mountains free. Brewster’s Patent Stein Tlolder. busiuess in the oity to better advantage than We want a thoroughly reliable man Your lines »r. where you put them—not driving two miles oat of town to get their (Suooessor to L. HOOT.) under horsM* Net. One agent soit* .¿dor. 'n at every postoffice in Yamhill, Polk ohupping done. JOHN J. SAX- 5 days, one dealer sold ü doz. in IS dava. Dealer in McMinnville, Or. Samples worth fl.50 .» bee . Write tor ternis, and Washington counties. We will K. E. BKEWS^'« Holly. Mich. All Fresh Grooli, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, and make it an object for those willing to Glaraware and Crockery. work, who can show results. Write to fcty Goods delivered to purcbaseraniibeeity us for particulars. We want nodudeB nor tricksters to apply. The eighth annual Stallion Show Dining Station of the 0. G. R. R. MoMinnville. Oregon. c innville urniture actory will be given in McMinnville, Satur­ day April 30th 1887. All breeders F. Multner, Prop. are invited to present their applica­ (Late of the St, Charles.) tions with pedigree of horses to be W. H. BINGHAM Thia Hotel haH just been refitted and new­ shown, to Uncle Jim Fletcher, that all ly refurnished throughout, and will be kept may appear in the report without m a first class style. Propr The table is supplied with all the market confusion. affords, and gnents oan rely apon good clean Our agents are advieed that we can­ beds, .nd comfortable rooms. Manuftcturer and. Dealer In Speoial accomodations for oommeroial not pay commissions upon reduced travolers. prices. The Reporter for all of 1887 will be $1.50 (to Jan. 1,1888), but the subscriber must remit us the full amount. Remit money by Postal of nil kinds. Order, Registered letter or express, at -AND— Just reoeived an extra tine lot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of a our risk, but not at our expense. designs. Call and price my stook. Lodging H oum , The Reporter cannot undertake to preserve or return rejected communi­ Third Street, opposite the Braly Bank, THE GREAT cations. Contributors who wish to McMinnville, .... Oregon. possess their manuscripts, if unused, <>. c. lliiut, Prop. should keep a copy. Matter of what­ ----- (o)----- Finest domestic mid imported cigars. ever character intended for publica­ Board and lodging. tion must, if its appearance the same Meals at all hours. day is desired, reach the office not Public patronage respectfully solicited. hiiu i«t«t i Mil, l.i.i ri i, i ■ J— hi iim . ii ............... um BK ■ 11 ■»■■■■ I ■ I ■■■■ i 1111 ■■■ i ■ I latter than 12 o’clock noon. No at- tention paid to anonymous letters. 1887 1888 A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON"1/'"1 „ H f 1 Stoves ■> I a 14 CITY MARKET, Feed. Chopping Mill I L ■ I J. Harv. Henderson, The Central hl, F M M : I '1 F FINE FURNITURE TRANSCONTINENTAL Star Restaurant, I i ■ route ORTHERNTJACiriCnAILROADI W. C. T. U. Convention. There will be a county COD ventioil of the W. C. T. U. held in McMinnville, March 29th and 30th. All are respectfully in­ vited to attend. N SHOKEST! J T awwar A JdU VV WWW Atewtes BEST! The Weekly a || QUICKEST! ■ T o CHICAGO and all points EAST. Ticket* «old to Illi I* HO.VI in ENT POINT« Throughout the East and Soullieaxt. National Republican ONLY $1 FOB TWO YEABS. This period inolades the next Presidential oampaign. Mrs. M. E. R. E dwards , Newberg, TO EAST BOUND PASSEAGERS ! Republican Micro»« Demuiid« Dist. Pres. W. C. T. U. 13 ” BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE — BUT BE SURE Constant Work. M rs . J. S. C ai . breath ,McMinnville, ------ TO TAKE THE------ Parties sending five subscribers with 85 Yamhill Co. Pres. W. C. T. U. The Olympian, one of the fin­ est pasoen^sr steamers in the And Bee that your ticket reads via Portland and world, will be on the Alaska route this season in command of Capt. =St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS,=-■ Jas. Carroll, one of the best navi­ To avoid changes nod serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full gators and most obliging officers Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! ------- fF QUICKEST TIME! on this coast. ------- o , GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, MF I1A0 in advance! for the Reporter for Ire', means joat «teat it aayn—m wvamcb . Not a month aft«« th« beginning. * i A ( Li No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. I D. CHARLTON, General Wentern Pnuenier Areni. —- ***•" -G..ÿrJ d will receive nn extra copy free. E. W. FOX, . President and Manager, Washington,!). C. Readers of THE REPORTER can 4 have the NATIONAL REPUBLICAN I and THE REPORTER for the bal-J ance of this year , 1887, for $1.75 ; oM both , for the two years ensuing till^ after the inauguration in 1889, for J four dollars cash. Now is the time to subscribe. Address, D. C IRELAND & Co., A McMinnville, O^H C. ibklaxd i C o z \ ♦ JI A