NEW TO-DAY. NEW TO-DAY. the Standard oil company, would give the large city papers a se­ garrdox I). C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. vere letting alone they would NEW SPRING soon find hundreds of dollars ■SiihMcription Kate*. By Carrier per week.......................... 10 oents flowing into their pockets for (Payable on Saturday.) every one paid out for papers Single Copy........................................ 2 “ By Mail 40 oents per Month (In Advance.) that work in their interest. Jay One Night only, Gould knew perfectly .well that Itutes for AdvertiUiig GOODS Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. the press rules the country, or Saturday, April 2d, he vould not have invested so McMinnville, Or. - - Meh. 30, 1887 many millions of dollars in the —OF— associated press and in the tele­ STINGINESS. AT graph lines, even resorting to Think This Over. Then Talk About anarchy in crushing out lines It. which he could not buy. A man Did you ever, says the Future, is a fool that can’t see that. ----- version of- stop to think why it is that near­ ly all newspapers work for mo­ Let us remember that a well nopolists as against the farmers will drain an area with a diame­ and other labores?” The rea­ ter equal to twice its depth. son is simple. It is because the Therefore, a well twelve feet deep mass of gamblers and monopo­ will drain an area the diameter This company bring their own scen­ GALL lists are great readers and take of which is twenty-four feet; ery, their own a great many papers. A news­ that is to say that it will drain paper soon learns what sort of the surrounding soil for twelve people will patronize it and does feet in every direction. Obvious­ I 9 AND SEE THEM. not work against that class to ly, then, the privy should be the favor of others which give a more than the depth of the well —and their own blood hounds— stingy support. The great rail­ away from it, and more than this road monopolists know that a again if it is proposed to place it Uncle Tom’s Cabin Only Plays great many farmers are so stin­ on a higher level, which, how­ Here One Night. j / ever, should never be done. The gy that they will not take more than one pltper, therefore they well should be lined inside have indirectly bought up nearly thoroughly with mortar, so that ARTISTS all the great city papers. They the percolation cannot occur be­ ye, people of Yamhill county. I will put the price down to cost or tween the crevices of the bricks, Secure your Reserved Seats sell Hear my fine stock of BOOTS and SHOES now on hand at ten per cent discount, and less and issub large sheets of and it should be well covered, so my Rogers & Todd ’ s at sixteen tb twenty-four pages, that surface drainage cannot get Large, New and Ele­ Drug Store. The farmer sees that he gets a into it, for von want to drink gant Stock large amount of reading cheap, water that has come into the Amission 50 and 75c. That is en route, will be sold at a profit of ten per cent. There is and he takes one of those papers well from the bottom, after it only, to the exclusion of his has been purified by filtration OWED TO One BOOT and SH< >E store in McMinnville where you can get vour moneys worth, and county paper, very often. He is through the earth ; these are the that is at Deilschneider’s. Come and see me. Next door to Yamhill Countv bank. not conscious of the fact that he precautions to be observed in lo­ Ik F. DEILSCHNEIDEK the. cating and building your well in is falling into the trap the mo ­ Wl) R. B. HIBBS, nopolists have set for him, and the country. How about the the that expert editors are employed city? Wjpll water in the city n MERCHANT TAILOR, th. to stuff, cram and feed him with should never be used; the sources r 1 taffy and soup, so that he will of contamination are too numer­ Third St., McMinnville, Or. f ous and hidden to be avoided. vote for monopoly while hur ­ w h I -0- ••a ’A rahing for anti-monopoly. .Jay P* The supplanting of the nar ­ Gould and other monopolists do th». Is still adding to his large and well row by the standard gauge width frinir • not care how much money they 6,Of selected stock of patterns for spring in sink irt these metropolitan pa­ of railroad tracks goes on quietly a pers. They know they will get but steadily. Attention is called THE ROOSTER. and summer wear. w it buck with compound interest to the gradual extinction of the How dear to my heart is the elegant rooster, ----- o----- s < ‘Id Public Opinion we all know so well, 1 in other ways. Their main ob­ narrow guage system at the Who lifts up his voice when people are tickl'd. Suits made to order at lowest living p< when his tidings are joyful to tel!. ject is to crush out all local pa­ south, where at one time it was And crows m The dooster the booster rates. The bouncing old rooster ac pers and then they alone will preferred to the broad gauge. The jolly old rooster with tidings to tell. fai fMa make American ideas for their Narrow gauge roads of Texas Now lately this rooster has taken to crowing Give Him A Call. outi In favor of ns and the goods that we sell. victims. They know that the were left without an outlet last Our trade is increasing and daily increasing flap the public opinion I know very well. be». natural stinciness of most of year. It seems only a question Due to Then hurrah for the rooster down » The bouncing old rooster life, and » their victims will lead them into of a short time, when the nar­ The jolly old rooster with tidings to tell. «▼•n after _ the net. While this is going row gauge railroad will have dis­ ¿W“That people are please with the ^•d. There a E. W. ALLEN. appeared. I*cph- in thia ___ l on, the papers, like the Reporter, prices and goods sold bv (Successor to H. Hanson.) Wholesale and Betail Dealer In prevaj^hich are honestly working in One way to encourage manu­ BISHOP & KAT ory 1B *****e interest of the farmers, la- facturing industries to come to The past year, is an established fact, Farm, Garden. Flower and Tree Seeds. ■•v part of tb« u -ALSO— as they all S?Z.,b,jr1*’ tbr€rs an