> The Daily Reporter. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. CORRESPONDENCE. Happy Valley. Prof. Crawford was very busy last week ; having examined four classes, viz : geometry, grammar rhetoric and arithmetic. There is a gate on Collegeside that could perhaps tell some very interesting things, that is if gates could hear and talk. People com­ ing from church are getting ac­ customed to see a couple of forms lingering in the neighborhood of the above named gate, as if they were loth to part even for a few hours. T om B ericht . NEW TO-DAY. NEW SPRING There being no corresponden , Subscription Kale«. from this point perhaps a few By Carrier per week............................ 10 cents items would be acceptable. ( Payable on Saturday.) Single Copy........................................ 2 “ B. F. Rhodes of your city has By Mail lOomts per Month tin Advance.) taken charge of our school anc GOODS Hale« lor Advertising will resume stv lies the first Mon­ Will be rande satisfactory to all applicants. day in April. Allie Ewing returned home McMinnville, Or. - - Meli. 29, 1887 from Scio last week where he Freedom of Speech. AT has been attending school. Spring work is prospering anc The absurd and criminally dangerous notion about the free­ many are ready for seeding. Will Casy, who for the pas; Austria’s preparations for war dom of speech is not confined to are herculean but late. Ger­ anarchist agitators. There are five months has been attending many, on the other hand, is pre­ thousands of Americans who, if school at McMinnville college re­ pared to start the campaign to­ not tinctured with the same turned home Friday, and at once morrow. The army contracts idea, have ill-confined concep­ took the plow. Asa Gates met with a misfor­ are signed, the officers have seal­ tions of the subject, and need to ed marching orders, the expec­ be hotter informed. The free­ tune crippling a horse one day tation of immediate war is al­ CALL last week. S. G. dom of speech, which is guaran­ most universal. The state of teed to every American citizen Amity. readiness is perfect, not a gaiter is simply the right to speak or button being wanting to the Amity is looking up. publish anything upon any sub­ Mr. Wise, a dentist from Hills­ equipment of the army. AND SEE THEM. ject which is not in derogation boro has moved in and com­ of private rights. No one has a Hon. C. H. Dodd, in his ad­ menced business. right to use his tongue or pen dress before the meeting called Mr. Cary from Dayton has to the injury of his neighbor, to re-organize the board of em- opened a paintshop. and it is needless to sav that no migration, said that for the $10,- Uncle John Walling and wife individual or association of in­ 000 expended by the state, have returned from Newport dividuals has the right to violate $4,000,000 worth of property was where they have been spending the laws, or counsel or incite brought into Oregon by immi­ the winter. The old man grows others to illegal acts which dis grants. It strikes us that this Hear ye. people of Yamhill county. I will quite eloquent over future pros­ sell my fine stock of BOOTS and SHOES turb the public peace and en­ was a pretty good investment. now on hand at ten per cent discount, and pects, of the empire city of the my danger the lives and property world. NEW TO-DAY. of citizens. When they do such Large, New and Ele­ Mrs. L. and the little L’s are gant Stock acts they are not only lawbreak­ talking loudly offish, oysters, anc <4ARRISO.\ That is en route, will be sold at a profit of ers, but enemies of the state and ten per cent. There is water agates, so I think I may as of society, and ought to be pun­ ONLY well be looking for a tent. One BOOT and SHOE store in MoMinnville ished as such. where you oan get your moneys worth,, and We welcome Dr. Goucher back that is at Deilschneider’s. Come and see me. One Night only, Next door to Yamhill County bank. Condemned and Obliterated. to his old home. I guess we can’t F. DEILSCHNEIDER do with-out him from the way The New York Star always re­ Saturday, April 2d, R. B. HIBBS, garded the inter state commerce he was hustled out this morning. bill as a thoughtless and inade­ He was back however in time —OF MERCHANT TAILOR, for breakfast saying it was a fine quate response to noisy clamor. That’s just what it was, and the joy out at Thom. Ladds. Third St., McMinnville, Or. Bro. Burchett ’ s sermon yester ­ clamor itself was but the froth of ■o- some vague popular foment : the day was splendid. We hope he version of- E. S. L. Is still adding to his large and .well response as impotent and impal­ will come again. pable as its cause. So far as an­ McMinnville College Notes. selected stock of patterns for spring nounced through freight rates and summer wear. The college presents a very will cause McMinnville topav 2A times the present average over­ lonesome appearance. Thecause This company bring their own scen­ land tariff. This is our contribu­ of this is that so many faces with Suita made to order at lowest living ery, their own which, for some months passed, tion to the beautiful law. We do rates. not believe it will operate as a we had become so familiar, are substantial benefit to any single no more to be seen in the halls Give Him A Call. interest; we do not believe it will and on the campus. Where have —and their own blood hounds— serve any desirable purpose, or they gone ? Some to train the promote any useful end; it will minds of the young, others to Uncle Tom's Cabin Only Plays be set in motion intelligently and till the soil,and I hear it rumored E. W. ALLEN. Here One Night. around that still another will (Successor to H. Hanson.) conscientiously by the commis­ Wholesale and Retail Dealer In sioners; will have a patient and prepare himself to extract teeth. ARTISTS Farm, Garden, Flower and Tree Seeds. indulgent hearing; will be con­ One day last week Mrs. A. L. —ALSO- Talmage and Mrs. Ella Wood demned and obliterated. Secure your Reserved Seats Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees, Garden ais honored the school with a visit. Orchard Tools, Etc. at Rogers & Todd’s Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Camp­ Mrs. F. J. Martin, a former Send for Catologue. bell will be pleasod to hear that student, called at the academic Drug Store. 171 Front 8treet, Portland, Oregon. their little boy is out of danger. department on Thursday. Amission 50 and 75c. unseen. For sale in MoMinnville by Charier F. W. Redmond’s. BOOTS i SHOES OPERA HOUSE EWING'S HEW SEEDS. 20 20