The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, March 28, 1887, Image 4

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whom he has to deal.”—New York Jour­
A few days ago, while hunting antelope
on the divide between Horse and Adobe
creeks, I came in sight of a band of wolves,
thirty or more, which were closely herd­
ing about 200 head of range cattle. My
curiosity to learn their object induced me
to remain a couple of days in seeing dis­
tance to observe their actions. When my
attention was first drawn to the wolves
they were together in the rear of the cat­
tle, but very soon they separated and sur­
rounded the gradually outspreading herd
and chased the animals together. They
would then await the notions of an ap­
parent leader, who would run into the
bunch, cut out a calf, when the rest would
rush to him, help throw and hastily tear
out its entrails.
Thus mangled they
would leave it, separate, and run swiftly
to surround the now fleeing cattle, again
round them up, single out another calf,
throw and leave it in a dying condition.
If any of the older animals hung back and
showed fight they would be instantly ham­
stringed and left thus disabled.
In no instance did the wolves seem dis­
posed to further mutilate these old ani­
This maneuvering was repeated
time and again, until the wolves must
have satiated their taste for blood. Then
these varmints seemed to be inspired by
the teaching of the author, “Music hath
charms to soothe the savage breast,” for
they would raise a hideous howl, which
effect on the cattle was not satisfactory,
for they would trail out and try to get
away, when they would again be chased
close together and held to await further
action. How large this bunch was when
the wolves first gathered them together I
have no means of knowing, but am satis­
fied that the wolves and cattle will be in­
separable until the calves are all killed.
Then I think they will gather another and
again another bunch and kill all the
young. I counted in two days eleven
calves, some yet alive, with their entrails
protruding from their sides, besides seven
large and older ones with their hind legs
rendered useless.—Ell<rt (Colo.) Tribune.
A I*h yulo jnonil»t studieH Human Nature
Street Car—Curioux Iixllcation«
of Dlupoult Ion anil Character—Move­
ments of the Eyelid«.
“ Did you notice that old man who just
went past!'” asked a young doctor the
other day. “ Well, he will sit with his
right leg crossing the left,”
“ Why, what do you mean ?”
“ Nothing much. Only that any ob­
server can tell what leg a man will cross
by the way he wears his clothing.”
“You don’t mean to say. that you know
from the appearance of a person how they
cross their feet ?” I inquired.
“Yes. that’s it. You don’t believe it 4
Well, with me. We’ll take a short
yide on a street car, and I’ll prove my as­
sertion to l»e true.”
A few moments later saw me aboard a
car, the sole occupant being a German
woman with a basket.
“She don’t count?” I suggested, inquir­
“Oh, yes. You can tell women just as
well as men. She will put the left foot
over the right.” Almost before he hail
finished, as if to prove the truth of his
statement, the left broad shoe was slowly
put over the right.
“There’s a subject for us,” he con­
tinued, as a thin young num with an im­
mense walking cane entered the door.
“Ixxik how neatly his coat fits; see how
his silk hat shines: observe his polished
boots. You will notice the height of his
collar and his spotless linen. All right
now. That man will pull his pantaloons
gently at the knee, and then with care
cross the right leg over the left.”
It was getting rather interesting, and it
was with delight I welcomed another pas­
senger. He was fair and fat, but more
than forty. His ruddy, over hanging
cheeks rivaled his scanty locks in the
fashionable tint, “town red.” His weight
was something remarkable, judged from
the space ho occupied, but, despite this
fact, he dropped but one fare in the box.
“A cherub, eh?” said the physiognomist.
“Now, that man is lazy. See how limp
his collar is, and how unclean his cuffs.
Even the age of slobbering is not past,
which is responsible for those marks on
his coat. Now, one glance is sufficient to
show that he will use great work to get
the left leg over the right See him? It’s
a difficult task, but he imagines that it is
as nicely crossed as any man’s can be.
“You will find the majority of people
are not over neat al»ont their appearance.
While they may bo cleanly enough, they
haven’t much pride in the fit of their
clothing; consequently, most people give
the preference to the left foot. It is even
noticeable by the hands. See our fat
man; see how snugly be crosses the right
hand with the left. It’s the most inter­
esting study one can have, the study of
human nature. I practice at it contin­
ually, I have taught myself to read peo­
ple’s thoughts.”
Oregonian R. R. Co. limited [¡ne,
A Wyoming Cloudburst.
Of all the phenomena of the country the
aerial are the most curious and uncertain.
Your first impression of a great sand la^l
“draw” is that it is the result of years*
gradual washing, but the interruption of
an old trail hundreds of yards from its
head soon ends the beautiful theory, and a
companion will show you a yawning gulch
formed at the beek of a single cloudburst,
whose discharge will fill the “draw” half
full in an instant and raise a rivulet to
which it is tributary twenty feet in as
many minutes. The duration o' irrigat­
ing improvements upon such .streams is
usually six months. Then at no moment
arc you certain—rain out of a clear sky,
clouds below yon, in the midst of clouds,
riding l*elow the clouds, and nt the edge
of a storm anil avoiding it—all these
things so preposterous in well formed
storm centers as we are accustomed to see
them in the east are among the common
things here, where nature is scarcely old
enough to be comely, or experienced
enough to practice temperance. Think of
Hail stones as big as your fist and of their
effect upon a growing crop.—Wyoming
Cor. Detroit Free Press.
The car by this time was comfortably
filled Along the opposite side, with the
The Death of (ten. Ewell.
exception of the old man, the left leg was
of the death of Gen.
crossing the right. One woman out of the
were both pathetic
four female passengers crossed right, and
if appearance counts for aught I could, and amusing. At the close of the war
Geu Ewell bought a large quantity of
have tokl it would be so.
“Another thing I have studied,0 con­ clothing from the quartermaster’s depart­
tinued this student of human nature, “and ment for the use of the hands upon his
that in the movement of the eyelids. If I plantation. One wet, blustering day Gen.
want to tell a woman's temper I watch Ewell, who was rather careless about his
hsr eyelids. You can read a man in the attire, put on a pair of soldier's trousers
same way, but not so readily. A woman taken from his stock, and walked about in
With a fiery temper will move her eyelids the wind and rain superintending the
The trousers were
with a snap, and that snap lietrays her. work in his fields.
he had been
Another who is easy going and hard to
in conse­
arouse moves her eyelids languidly. One
with a quick bruin nnd a temper furious quence he caught a cold, which devel­
when aroused justly wtnks steadily, but oped into pneumonia, and eventually
neither quickly nor slowly until engaged caused his death As he lay upon his death­
in interesting conversation. Even bright bed he turned to a friend and said: “Well,
thoughts will cause her eyelids to move this is strange 1 have fought in nearly
with rapidity and show’ the state of the all the battles along the Potomac and
have been badly wounded, but escaped
bnaiu as well NS her temper.
“Why do I study these human jxiints? with my life, and thought I was safe
you ask In the first place, because it is from all dangers from the work, but here
interesting to me. and next, because it is I am at last, dying of a pair of Yankee
useful for a man in public life to have an breeches.” The old general's courage was
iusighl into human nature When we have as unfaltering tu the presence of death a.»
learned just such little things as these we it bad always been, and he may be said
have died with a jest upon his lips —
oan tnorc qtiiclly tell the men or Women to
We come in contact with, which Is always Cor. Glebe-Democrat.
Ajpadvantagv (Tothtng, hats.seal saeqnes.
IL50 in advance! for the Reporter for
even a place where a button should be,
Jnst what it naya—ni AD’ amcí
rlkee oi the character of the wearer
Ulis a student a« plain m nrint with Not a month after the besinnt ne-
CHAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver
Portland and Willamette Valley Railway.
To Portland,
From Portland.
Passen­ and
Fare. Mail.
its and quick returns. Holi­
est Goods, Honest
Weights and Full
Upon which we hope to win
your esteem and patronage.
Our connections with East­
ern and Pacific coast dealers
and manufacturers are such
that we are enabled to
buy these goods as low or
lower than our competitors,
whether general or special
dealers. Buying goods in
greater quantities than most
competitors, and when hand-
ling business of any kind the
volume of business enters
largely into the account in
determining the profit or
margin to be realized out of
it. Therefore all General
Dealers do have an ad­
vantage over special dealers,
and the greater quantity of
Soods sold or the volume of
business done, the greater
that advantage and the less
the price ought to be. Hav­
ing a. full and Complete
Stock of the following
lines of goods from the lead­
ing dealers and best manu-
facurers, which we replenish
with new fresh goods month­
ly or oftener a« the trade re­
quires, to wit: LADIES
AB Ar pan
Lv a.m LV
4 45
915 . Portland, PWV*
Ft. Jefferson St.
$ .24
Elk Rock .
11 00
11 06
.. Tualitan..
11 46
12 10
12 26
12 50 . . Newberg ..
1 10 pwv Dundee jun
4 15
4 60
3 40
3 10
2 29
2 15
oRy Dundee
2 32 West Dayton
2 44
3 02 .Davton Juncton
308 McMinnville Cs..
. Armstrong
3 19
3 30
Briedwell ..
3 52
3 57
4 08 .Broadmeads ..
4 10 Sheridan Junc’n
1 25
1 03
12 53
12 35
12 29
12 18
12 07
11 45
11 40
11 27
11 25
1 28 .
5 00 ........Sheridan.
11 08
10 45
5 55
6 17
Polk .
6 31
6 50 .... Dallas....... ..
7 10 ... Cochrane
. Monmouth,
7 28
Luckiamute .
7 47
. Simpson.
8 00
. AlRIiIE.
8 15
9 25
8 46
8 30
8 06
7 50
7 30
7 14
C has . N. S cott ,
Receiver ORC( Ld) Line.
W illiam R eid ,
President P&WVRCo.
City Stables
Ample room to care tor horses. Livery
teams at as reasonable rates as any where in
Oregon. New stable Third St., McMinnville.
Lat« of Independence, having purchased the
Dre»« and Fancy Goods, Gent»
Of I.dfcan Bros. & Henderson, offers his
and Boys Clothing and Furnish­ services in that line to the public, and will
ing Goods, Hats and Cap*, Boots
Guarantee Satisfaction
and Shoes, Crockery, Queen#
To all who favor him with their patronage.
ware and Glaus Witre.
He will keep a wagui specially adapted to the
delivery of parcels, trunks satchels, eto., for
and a full line of fresh grocer­ the aooomodation of the public. Orders left
the stable will be promptly attended to at
ies, so our customers do not at
reasonable rates.
have to deal at half dozen
Al c AI i im V i 11 e
places to supply their wants.
While we do not propose to LIVERY FEED AND SALE STASLES
be undersold, yet do not and
oan not put these goods in
competition with Auction
or Short Weight goods
sold to the trade by unscru-
pulous dealers. We fear no
honest competition. Thank­
ing people for past patron­ LOGIN BROS. 4 HENDERSON «
age and favors, will be pleas­
Hack« and
ed to have you call and de-
Saddle Homes,
• termine for yourselves what
And everything in the Livery hire,
merit is in onr modest claim.
in good shape
At Reasonable Rates.