DAILY EVENING REPORTER VOL. II. M c M innville , O regon , M onday , march 28. 1887. PRICE TWO CENTS. CITY Court week at Lafayette. Emperor William, it is rumor­ W. F. Collard will have fishing ed, may resign. Everybody Now is the time to subscribe. JSntered in the Postoffice at McMinnville for The best printing in th« county at tackle to give away on Friday. seems to be resigning in these Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ the Reporter job rooms. days excepting Garland. K/f'he finest croquet grounds in ond Class Matter. A lot of new job type just received Ladies are invited to call and -------- o-------- the city are owned by Mr. Gant. at the Reporter job rooms. D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. Born in this city to the wife inspect the nice line of shade Bring on your job work. We are now prepared to do job work in the I>. C. IRELAND & Co., of A. Smith, March 27th, a son. hats just opened to-day, at the latest and most approved style of the Pl HI.ISHI.HS. Services this evening at the millinery store of Mrs. II. P. Stu­ art. The Weekly Reporter, a faithful Christian church at the usual art, opposite Grange store. She OREGON and complete compendium of the McBISNVILLE also invites attention to a choice ------------- 0- week’s news, is furnished for 12| cents hour. Abe, our worthy cotemporary, assortment of trimmings just re­ T he D aily R eporter is issued every day a month. ja the week except Sundays, and is delivered Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music boards his favorite canine at the ceived from importers. in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 in McMinnville and at McMinnville C. I. Cook the popular car­ cente per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ college. Residence corner of Second Cook hotel. I vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . and C Streets. The ladies Guild will meet at penter was so happy this morn­ Advertisments, etc., intended for Mrs. Charles Palmer’s Wednes­ ing that he came walking into Fine Book and Job Printers. publication in The Weekly Reporter our sanctum with a small oak must be handed in Tuesday morning. day, March 30th, at 2 p. m. We beg leave to announce to the public We cannot in future deviate from this Miss Redmond will go to Port­ grub for a cane, and his face that we have just added a large stock of i . jw rule. wcvelties to our business, and make a special­ land to-morrow accompanied by Wreathed in smiles. Cause: he’s The City Grocery Store of Baxter A ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, her niece, the bright little Miss a happy grand pa. Mother and Statements. Business Cards, Ladies' Calling Rogers, is the place to replenish your grand pa doing finely. It’s a boy, Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ larder. They are selling only fresh Smith. groceries, and these at bed rock prices. weight, seven pounds. grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of ZUncle Tom ’ s Cabin Friday Give them a trial order. work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ Postmaster Coleman of Sheri­ Any person sending us four sub- evening. Take the little ones to vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. sribers for one year each,with $6.00 in see the donkey and the blood­ dan, has written a good letter to cash, will receive an extra copy for one the department concerning the DOCTORS year. This is a rare opportunity for hounds. boycotted Bellevue mail, over getting the best weekly paper west of LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, Dr. Howard goes to Florida in the Rocky mountains free. route 44,133; the people demand ■ the hope of catching in alligator We want a thoroughly reliable man its restoration. Bother the old Office over Braly’s Bank. at every postoffice in Yamhill, Polk large enough to i>ake a pair of 9Kc51innville, • Oregon. and Washington counties. We will narrow gouge 44,009 route order boots for Tom Fields. make it an object for those willing to of February 28th, it will not go Our farmers are putting in the work, who can show results. Write to DR. I. C. TAYLOR, us for particulars. We want no dudes seed this month just as if wheat down the throats of the public. --------- o--------- All manner of mean things nor tricksters to apply. Late of New Orleans, La., The eighth annual Stallion Show was sure to be worth a dollar a are said of the M. E. Church Piles and Fistula a Spe­ will be given in McMinnville, Satur­ bushel—so mote it be. south for its late action at Cor­ ciality. Consultation day April 30th 1887. All breeders The feathered songsters filled vallis, concerning the college. It iYee. IWo Cure are invited to present their applica­ Ao Pay. tions with pedigree of horses to be the air with music yesterday in is called “contemptible,” the shown, to Uncle Jim Fletcher, that all Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson. M. D., may appear in the report without every grove that encircles this Re­ church is accused of “bad faith,” McMinnville, Oregon. markably attractive city. confusion. “crawfishing,” etc., but we are Our agents are advised that we can­ «. W. QOUCHEB. E. E. GOTJCHEB. Hon. Jas McCain, and Messrs. assured by Uncle D. W. McCall not pay commissions upon reduced Coucher & Coucher. prices. The Reporter for all of 1887 I J. M. Kelty and Frank O’Conner that there are two sides to this will be $1.50 (to Jan. 1,1888), but the I of Lafayette, visited this city of question. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. subscriber must remit us the full Mr. Mrs. Wm. A. Henderson M c M innville .... O regon . amount. Remit money by Postal churches and attended services Order, Registered letter or express, at yesterday. take this method of expressing Office and residence, oorner of Third and our risk, but not at our expense. Is there a wife in this city to­ their heartfelt thanks to the fol­ 1». streets, next to the postoffice. The Reporter cannot undertake to preserve or return rejected communi­ day V who makes her husband’s lowing named ladies and gentle­ cations. Contributors who wish to shirts? No; not one; because men for the kind wishes and possess their manuscripts, if unused, she can buy them cheaper ready beautiful gifts tendered them on Haar Cutting, »having and «hum. should keep a copy. Matter of what­ ever character intended for publica ­ the occasion of their tin wed­ made, of Bishop & Kay. pooing Parlor. tion must, if its appearance the same 15c SHAVING 15c. day is desired, reach the office not It is now positive that Dr. F. ding, March 25th 1887. Mr. latter than 12 o’clock noon. No at- M. Davis did commit suicide at and Mrs. A. C. Davis, Mr. and C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. tention paid to anonymous letters. Los Angeles, six weeks since. Mrs. G. W. Olds, Mr. apd Mrs. (Successor to A. C. Wyndham.) W. C. T. U. Convention. His wife identifies trinkets and W. D. Fenton, Dr. and M^. Cal- Ladies and children’s work a specialty. ----- y—J—— breath, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wil­ £W"I have just added to my parlor the There will be a county con clothing left there by him. Lrgeet and finest stock of cigars ever in this wtv. Try them. vention of the W. C. T. U. held I have a few nice pigs of the cox, Mr. and Misu Ireland, Mr. j|r. in McMinnville, March 29th and little China stock; any one de­ and Mrs. E. L. E. White, F - r -'"I 1 Mrs. M. Shadden 30th. All are respectfully in­ siring that breed can get them and Mrs. Frank Wright, Mr. vited to attend. by applying soon, to T. D. Hen­ and Mrs. Elsia Wright, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. R. E dwards , Newberg, Fashionable BreeHmaten Diot. Pres. W. C. T. U. derson, McMinnville post office, Mrs. II. F. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. pF The Tailor System of Cutting gad Fit­ M rs . J. 8. C albreath ,McMinnville, C. P. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. G. ting employed. Yamhill Co. Pres. W. C. T. U. Oregon. E. Detmering, Mr. and Mrp. J. B street, bet. 2d «nd 3d, MoMinnville, Or. Henderson Bros, have adopted L. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Fresh fish regularly at the a new method of lighting the up ­ I» C. IRFXAM) A CO., Manning, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Eurisko; Salmon, etc., every per story of their stable ya^d Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tuesday and Friday j and at the by a front glass window. Billy Martin, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. To4d, lowest possible prices. says that if it seems too dark with Mrs. E. J. Snelling. M’ss ¿atie If you warit a live to#n pa­ the window he has put in a sky­ Nelsdh atid Mr. aHd Mti. Geo. tronize your daily paper. light will be erected. H. Burned. McMinnville, Oregnn. The Daily Reporter la I . . - X - - ...... Has Job Printers, « V. i REL ato McMi-