* The Earthquake and the Tar Heels. NEW TO-DAY. MlSC E LL A N EOUS BUSI N ESS. I was in court when a colored man was being tried for killing another colored man, and, on asking why his jury was wholly white, was told that he was given the choice of being tried by his own color or by whites, and he chose the whites— wisely, it seemed to me, as he got off with seven years’ sentence, instead of life or worse. While listening to the trial of this case every one, excepting a very few, hastened out of the court room aud down stairs, and in a few moments tiled back into their places. The judge remarked: “Gentlemen, the shock is past, and we will proceed with the case.” Yet I had not felt any jar or tremor, but both white and black natives are very sensitive re­ garding earthquakes; the one manifests it by fear, and the other by nightly prayer meetings ever since the great shock. At Morganton I was told that the colored churches had not been closed since the latter event, and that meetings were held every night in the week.—Raleigh Co!». Boston Transcript. A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON W. T. BAXTER. I Dealers In J. O. ROGERS. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of HARDWARE, TINWARE & BAXTER & ROGERS Stoves < Successoes to Baxter & Martin,) Third street, McMinnville, Oregon Agricultural Imp ements. Pumps, Pipes, Etc. A new. neat and dean stock. Every article A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter ('rocks. Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ bacco. Pi,H's and Cigars. Tresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season. Give us a call. Inspect our stock, and we will guarantee prices to suit vou. Alli of which will be sold as As the times will allow. A. A. KENYON We Hake a Specialty of all The Uso of Calendars. Kind* <»t Job Work Par­ 1 believe that the use of calendars as an advertisement is purely an invention of ticularly the devil, and I should like to organize a religious crusade against them. At all Iron and Tin Roofing, hours of the day my office is pestered with a continuous stream of boys, who seem to Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps. feel that they have been defrauded out of In faot we do anything that comes in their just and natural rights if their re­ our line, with neatness and dis quest, or rather demand, is refused. They patch and, rush in noisily, and either shut the door with a bang that shakes the very floor and sets the desks dancing, or they leave it half open until the room is filled with Bring on your designsand we will cut yonr patterns, and do your work, and draughts of cold air, when the thermom­ don’t you forget it. eter without is perhaps several degrees below zero. Of course the companies South east cor. 3d and C streets, McMinn* themselves are most to be blamed. They A. H. A O. O. HODSON. vie with one another in getting up cards ville, Oregon that are reallj' artistic, but I think it questionable whether they do any good in a business way, and I believe it about Brewster’s Patent Rein Hollier. time that the nuisance should be stopped. Your lines are where you put them—not under horses’ feet. One a«ent sold 12doz. in —Insurance Agent in Globe-Democrat. KENYON & RAY, Proprietors. (Successor to W. F. Bangasser.) Will keep on hand at all times the very best quality of fresh meats, that can be ob­ tained in the market, and respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. £W~Giveus a trial order and we will guarantee satisfaction. Never Tell You it Can’t be Done. 5 days, one dealer sold 6 doz. in 15 days. Samples worth $1.50 fkee . Write tor terms. E. E. BKEWS”1'« Holly, Mich. Bo-Shway is an Irishman. Letters received at Plymouth from Ran­ goon. dated Nov. 27, state; “The greatest of the Dacoit leaders, one Bo-Shway, seems to defy us everywhere. He is most active in the Minhla district, where the naval brigades are acting, and has a well equipped following of daring and desper­ ate men. Every effort is, however, being made to surround him, jungle ami all. It Is said that this freebooter Is really au Irishman, named Barney O'Shea, which, from the abbreviation of B. O’Bhea, has got corrupted into Burmese as Bo-Shway. London Telegraph. (Sucoessor to L. ROOT.) Dealer in -PRACTICAL— All Fresh Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, and Glassware and Crockery. bm é mi M c M innville F urniture F actory W. H. BINCHAM. Propr. Manufacturer and Dealer In Third St., bet. C. & D. WcM inn vlllc, - Oregon. I am now fully prepared to do nil kinds of work inJE A ELERY, WATCHES, CLOCKS and all kinds of pins for 1 edges, trades, ate. Jewelerv made to order. Everything guar* anteed, Good and reliable work. Cheaper than the cheapest where workman snip is concerned. Give me a trial. FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPE­ CIALTY. JOHN J. SAX, 4 Has his FINE FURNITURE of all kinds. •Just received an extra tine lot of Black walnut Furniture, and designs. Call and prico my stook. THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL H Undertakers Goods of - route - 11111 ■ I HI II I1111111 Id 11111111111 In Running Will chop Feed for S2 per ton or one-tenth toll. ----------(o)---------- Farmers and others having grain to chop can oome to tuy mill, and attend to any business in the oity to better advantage than driving two miles out of town to get their chopping done. 'JOHN J. SAX. McMinnville, Or. SHOREST! The Central Hotel, nilllllllllllllTHi: DINING ('.lit line ////,7/////////,' the DIRECT KOI TE! NO DELAYS; FASTEST TRAINS! ---------- <)---------- T Feed Chopping Mill -AND— 'ORTHERimACIFIC a - ham X XdUWvMW JbWwLwW TO now being made in microscopical science may be formed by the fact, as stated by the president of the British association lately, that results are now attained in this line which mathematicians five years ago declared to be impossible.—New York Sun. A lot of new job type just jprccived at the Reporter job rooms. BOLLACK, J. Harv. Henderson, I KA«T T o Dining Station of the 0. C. R. R. McMinnville, Oregon. CHICAGO and all points EAST. F. Mulxxier, Prop. »old to all PROMINENT POINTS Throughout the Eaat and Soiitlieaat. ( Late of the St. Charles.) This Hotel has just been refitted and new­ ly refurnished throughout, and will be kept in a first class style. The table is supplied with all the market affords, and guests can roly upoh good olean beds, and oomfortnble rooms. Special accomodations for commercial travelers. KOI \D D’ASM/AG lilts! Some idea of the wonderful progress rs'* BE CAREFUL ANI) DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE It has l>een shown by actual experiment that the water which streams down tha inside of the window of a closed sleeping room is so impregnated with the noxious exhalations of the sleepers that one drop is sufficient to poison * rabbit. ERNEST Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. LSf Good» delivered to purchasers in the city Progress in Microscopy. Noxious Exhalations. Notice is hereby given that the Oregon and California Railroad company, of Portland. Oregon, a common carrier having transport­ ed the personal property hereinafter describ­ ed, from various points in the state of Ore­ gon, to the town of McMinnville in the state of Oregon, at the request of the owner or law­ ful possessor thereof, and having safely stor­ ed and kept said property, and by virtue thereof Inn ing a lien upon the same for its just and reasonable charges, and more than three months having elapsed since said transportation and oare has been performed, and no part of said reasonable and just oharges having been paid, all persons whom it may concern are hereby notified that said Oregon and ( nlifornia Railroad company by its receiver wi'l on the -’Sth day of March 1S87, commencing at eleven o'clock a m.. sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the warehouse of said company, in the town of McMinnville, in the state of Oregon, h II and singular said personal property or sufficient thereof to satisfy said lein and charges and the ousts and expenses of making said sale. Said prop­ erty having been shipped, consigned and transported between the points hereinafter named, and being more particularly de- scribed as follows: Lot 1 from Portland, 3 Pieces Bowling Alley, marked E. B. Berry. Lot 2 from Portland, 1 bdl. w. paper, mark, d P. F. Brown. R. K okhleb , Receiver of the Oregon & Cal. R. R. Co, Portland Oregon, March 3, 18''". Family Grocery Store. Tobogganing in Canada. Said a Canadian to a scribe recently: “ Tobogganing is essentially a Canadian sport. Not because Canada is the land of winter snows, but because Canadian life, Canadian manners are not the manners of the ‘states.’ You may say all you please about our slowness, our want of enter­ prise; that we out-English the English in our snobbishness; still, the fact remains that we manage to get a great deal of en­ joyment out uf life. Of course a great deal is said about the fast life of Ameri­ cans; but I believe with the majority the trouble lies more in the long hours of work in which you indulge. I can’t see where the rapid life comes in, unless it be the slow, steady grind for 300 (lay in the year. Now, tobogganing, like a great many other of our sports, cannot lie taken up at odd hours. To thoroughly enjoy