The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, March 26, 1887, Image 1

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M c M innville , O regon , S aturday ,
VOL. II. NO. 70
The Daily Reporter«
Entered in the Postoffice at MoMinnville for
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­
ond Class Matter.
-------- o--------
D. C. 1RELAHD & Co.,
T he D aily R epobteb is issued every day
in the week except Sundays, and is delivered
in the city at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40
cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­
vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb .
Fine Book and Job Printers.
We beg leave to announce to the public
that we have just added a large stock of new
novelties to our business, and make a special­
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads,
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­
grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of
work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­
Office over Braly’s Bank.
DR. I. C.
—— o----—
Late of New Orleans, La..
Piles and Fistula a Spc
ciality. Consultation
free. Ho Cure
Ho Pay.
£-»*“ Office with H. V. V. Johnson, M. D.,
MoMinnville, Oregon.
Coucher & Coucher.
M c M innville -
O begon .
Office and residence, oorner of Third and
D. streets, next to the postoffioe
Hair Cutting, Shaving and Sham-
pooing Parlor.
15c SHAVING 15c.
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
(Successor to A. C. Wyndham.)
Ladies and children’s work a specialty.
have jost added to my parlor the
largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this
city. Trv them.
Mrs. M. Shadden
Fashionable Dressmaker,
tS^The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­
ting employed.
B street, bet. 2d and :id, MoMinnville. Or.
Fine Job Printers,
McMinnville, Oregon.
march 26, 1887.
McCarty's Pension Claim.
A Fine line of gents tine shoes
The nicest things in the market
just received at Redmonds.
for ladies are those summer wraps at “ Are you the pinsion-claim agent
Fresh fish regularly at the
Whose name is down there on the
Eurisko; Salmon, etc., every
Go to Wm. Galloway for gnow
iow>. A
choice selection, closing oil cheaper Will, my name, sor, is Terrance Mc­ Tuesday ami Fri<l|^ nn<l at the
than the cheapest.
Carty ;
Gents and boys summer hats in va­ An’ I’ll put me hat doon on the llure lowest possible prices.
rious styles, for use and good looks, as
Rev. John C. Fair writes from
While I tell you me business. Tim
cheap as dirt, at Apperson’s.
that he thinks he will
Bring on your job work. We are
now prepared to do job work in the
He’s a neighbor of moine, sor, is be able to hold service in St.
latest and most approved style of the
James Epicopal church Sunday
Has jist got his pinsion, an’ I sor,
The Weekly Reporter, a faithful
Roscoe Conkling doesn’t have
and complete compendium of the
week’s news, is furnished for 12^ cents
to stand on a barrel to be coir-
a month.
‘•These pinsions are very convanient, spicuous among men. His brain
Acrobatic drapery at Apperson’s
An’ they’re aisy to git, too, you see.
beats all the ground and lofty tumb­ So I thought that I’d take wan meself, and character give him a Saul-
ling in prices and styles of goods, in
like elevation above his fellows;.
this city.
An’ have Tim do the swarin' for me.
During this coming spring and
Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music
in McMinnville and at McMinnville So many are thrying for pinsions
summer the New York Philhar­
college. Residence corner of Second
That I thought I’d try it a whack,
monic club, one of the finest
and C Streets.
For soi îehow in topping the bounties,
musical organizations in the-
The ladies will be pleased with
Bedad, sor, 1 hurled me back.”
those tine kid gloves at Apperson’s;
—Ki ail O'Mailt/. United States, will make a tour
all new shades of the Constanza style.
of the Pacific northwest.
Also, best pure silk Jersey gloves.
Advertisments, etc., intended for
It is a painful thought that the
publication in The Weekly Reporter ing.
Indiana legislature adjouned
must be handed in Tuesday morning.
Geo. W. Burt is now at home
We cannot in future deviate from this
without paying the chaplain,
i > in his new house.
though it must be admitted that
In consequence of a side of the I I
Mr. Koover is back again. No
he seems to have earned his mon­
premises occupied by L. JJettman, he
is marking prices on gojtfas down be­ Missouri for him.
ey praying for a hard lot.
low cost, to sell out slick *hd clean.
Mr. Detinering made a Hying
Give him a call.
Billy Martin has the ground­
trip to Portland to-day.
The City Grocery Store of Baxter it I
Mi ss Kate Nelson expects to hog which caused such a furore
Rogers, is the place to replenish your
larder. They are selling only fresh leave soon for a visit to Sprague. in San Francisco recently. The
groceries, and these at bed rock prices.
Indian War Veterans will Chronicle had six columns, des­
Give them a trial order.
Apperson’s invoice of Boots and meet at North Yamhill next Fri­ criptive of it. Billy will keep it
at Cooks Hotel for a few days.
shoes, from W. H. Tenney & Co., Bos­ day.
ton, was snow blockaded in Dakota,
King O’Malley is talked of for
Geo. W. Burt yesterday receiv­
but a dispatch to-day informs him that
the car has been dug out and sent ed two tons of goods, oils, white congress. If he will come and
ahead. Look for this stock to open (
locate in this city, and stand by
your eyes, both as to styles and I lead, etc.
Gen. Chris Taylor, one of the us lor the best interests of Ore­
The eighth annual Stallion Show stalwarts of good old Yamhill, gon, he can secure a seat as easily
will be given in McMinnville, Satur­
as did Sun Set Cox. And we will
day April 30th 1887. All breeders was in the city to-day.
are invited to present their applica­
Barnekoff, Thomason <fe Swan­ guarantee if.
tions with pedigree of horses to be
Mrs. Mathieu’s class visited
shown, to Unde Jim Fletcher, that all son set up a specimen of the new
may appear in the report without pressed-drill seeder to-day.
Mr. Underwood’s school near St.
M rs. Maria Kolb, whose Joe yesterday. Mr. Townsend,.
Our agents are advised that we can­
not pay commissions upon reduced death was noted yesterday, was Mart High and Percy Leabo
prices. The Reporter for all of 1887 buried this p. m. Mrs. K. was
drove them out. They spent a
will be $1.50 (to Jan. 1, 1888), but the aged 63 years and 11 months.
subscriber must remit us the full
pleasant afternoon in reading,
Rev. Jo. Cook thinks that
amount. Remit money by Postal
Orddr, Registered letter or express, at Beecher should have died 20 speaking and singing.
our risk, but not at our expense.
Miss Minnie Pierce left for
The Reporter cannot undertake to years sooner. Jo. can die any
preserve or return rejected communi­ time that suits him. His exit is her home at Carlton, this morn­
cations. Contributors who wish to
ing. Just before leaving she-
possess their manuscripts, if unused, just as unimportant as his so­
made the Reporter office a pleas­
should keep a copy. Matter of what­ journ.
ever character intended for publica­
J. 0. Spencer of Clifton, is in ant call and ordered that rep­
tion must, if its appearance the same
day is desired, reach the office not the city, taking his annual rest resentative journal to pay her
latter than 12 o’clock noon. No at- before the commencment of the weekly visits for the coming
tention paid to anonymous letters.
The interior ot Appersons store to­ busy season. He is still the
Monday morning a party will
day resembles spring in all its glory, jolly, jovial good fellow we al-
because of the display of handsome ways found him to be.
leave Sheridan for Netarts bay,
seasonable goods. The stock consists
thirty-four miles across the
in part of Madras drapery, Scrim,
Crinkle, Manchester, Panama, Batiste M rs. Wm. Henderson was at­ mountains, with a view of loca­
lawns, Pac. Organdies, new prints,
elegant parasols, sun-shades, Oriental tended last night by a large cir­ ting land ami a road via Coast
laces, elegant robes, etc., etc., all beau­ cle of friends and acquaintances. creek. The party consists of
tiful, greatly to be admired, and with­ The gifts were numerous, useful Surveyor Maloney, C. B. Wiley
in reach of all buyers, they sell so
I and very appropriate.
and Capt. Tillotson.
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