WIT AND WISDOM. FOREIGN GOSSIP. MISCELLANEOUS. J POPULAR ROUTES. —The German War Office has decided —Timid buyer—Is the horse shy or limited 1 that all sub-officers must learn telegra- timid? Ardent seller—Not a bit of it. Why, he sleeps all alone in his stable.— | Phy- —According to recent statistics, there Botbon Beacon. are 4,570,(XM> more women than men in —It is the fashion to name children Europe CHAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver. at the present time. after flowers ii^ Virginia. That is proba­ — The French Chamber of Deputies bly because they all start out as Virginia Portland and Willamette Valley Railway. creepers. — Piit»burgh Chronicle - Tele­ has voted the adoption of the bill pro­ hibiting the sale of oleomargarine and graph. To Foriiaad. From Portland. kindred substances as butter. —One of wise Dr. Franklin's wise say­ ; Coburg —Jewels to the value of 30,000 francs, Coburg ings was: “It is the eyes of others that and Passen ­ and ruin us.” It is a good thought to “chew deposited in the famous grotto of Airlie STATIONS. ger ixiurdes, in honor of the Holy Virgin, Airlie Mail. on”—and also to act on—in these hard Far®. Mail. have been stolen by thieves. 1 times.— N. Y. Independent. According to the census of Saxony OUR MOTTO IS SMALL Prof­ —Teacher—Of what is the ocean com­ for — 1885 AK Ar p.m I,v a.m LV the population of the Kingdom 4 45 posed? Boy—Of salt water. Teacher w as 3,182,000. 915 Portland. PWV ‘ In Dresden the popula­ its and quick returns. Ft. Jefferson St. —Why is the water of the ocean salt? tion numbered 248,046 and in Leipsic Boy—Because so many salt codfish 170,340. i|i5 Elk Roek . 11 60 $ .24 swim about in it, 1 suppose.”— Texat 4 60 Oswego .. 11 06 .29 — Prof. Manassein recommends the Sifting». 3 40 .. Tualitan.. 5’2 11 46 Winters... 3 10 —“I have here a letter directed to the watermelon as a cheap but effective sub­ 12 10 .75 253 Summit .. .a nt-Giugolphe, 7 30 2.80. 7 47 ling business of any kind the —A lady who has been abroad was 255 mt tres; and between Lausanne and 7 14 . Simpson. s 00 2.91 describing dome of the sights other trip Evian. 330 metres: Brienne. 261; Thun, 7 00 8 15 . A irlie . 3.02 volume of business enters to her friends. “But what pleased me 217: Lucerne, between Geru and Rtie- AR as much as anything,” she concluded, teren. 214 metres Zug. 19*; Neuchatel, largely into the account in • ' has . N. S cott , • ‘was the wonderful clock at Strasburg. ” 1.).'!: Wallenstad:, 151; and Zurich. 143 Receiver ORCfLd > Line. determining the profit or • Oh, how I should love to see it!” gush- metres. W illiam R eid , ^•d a prettv Voting woman in pink. 111 President PAWVRCo. —An analysis of 439 samples of wine margin to be realized out of am so interested in such things. And in the municipal laboratory of Paris did>yoti see the celebrated watch on the during the month of September showed it. Therefore all Rhine, too?”- Drake'» Magazine. that only 95 were unadulterated. Of do have an ad­ y “Why, Mr. Fogg,” urged the land- 402 samples of milk, 29o proved pure, Jtfrdy.*;jou are not eating anything. and salicvlont ingredients were discov­ vantage over special dealers, Oome, now,,try one of mv nice biscuit«.” er«^ in 96 out of .‘¡91 samples of beer. It “Thank you. ma’am,” replied Fogg, was further found that 9 out of 22 sam­ and the greater quantity of “but when 1 was child I was told never ples of flour were adulterated, anil 11 goods sold or the volume ot to ask for anything I didn't see on the out of 24 specimens of preserves dyed ’table.” Tlie landlady remarked to the with poisonous substance-. business done, the greater servant, after tea, that she wondered A recent trial in Paris has disclosed what Mr. Fogg meant; something hate­ some of the secrets of the dressmaking that advantage and the less ful, she'd be bound.—Bottom Tranteript. trade. Mlle, l.erask was “first hand” ——----- --------------- the price ought .to be. Hav- at Messrs. Raudinty’«. at a salary of The Consequences if he Got Left. 12,000f per annum. She was made to ing a full and * É -■ - sign a document avowing that she had ••I would lilft,” said the timid lover robbed her employers, and that she was of the following to the maiden,who had just accepted indebted to their generosity for not hav­ lines of goods City Stables Complete Stock HENDERSON BROS., > Auction Short Weight > \