SIMPLE ISLANDERS. A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON i Three Sabbaths before the interest­ ing ceremony the banns are proclaimed in church. A week before the mar­ riage dav a repast consisting of the chief luxuries of the island is provided for the whole of the islanders in the intended bridegroom’s house. The “luxuries” include tea—which is drunk out of bowls—cheese, buttef Scotch bannocks, and last, but not least, “a wee drappie o't.” But the islanders never disgrace such feasts with drunk­ enness. A curious feature of the gathering is that the sexes are kept by themselves in different ends of the house. For the comfort of the men tables and ehairs are provided, and in the event of the supply running short the women have to remain standing. The “feast” is, of course, a most fune­ real affair. What else could it be when the Pope of the place has forbid­ den even singing and whistling? There is no singing, and, of course, no dano- jng. The time is passed in general "re­ marks on the coming event and the “news of the day.” I really do not know what the “news of the day” means in St. Kilda unless it be that Mor Bhan was publicly reproved in church the Sunday before for sleeping, or that the minister's housekeeper had patched up her latest quarrel with the prettiest woman on the island (com­ monly called the Queen). When the wedding day comes everybody gathers into the church, including the bride and bridegroom, attended by the best man and bridesmaid. They are rigged out in their summer finery, and privileged with a front seat to the left of the pulpit. Everybody is agog with excitement, for the occasion is a great one. Soon there enters the Rev. Mr. Mackay. Bible in hand. Mounting the precentor’s box the minister engages in a Gaelic prayer. Then follows a sermon on the duties of husband and wife. The sermon over. Mr. Mackay goes through the marriage ceremony in the orthodox fashion. There is another prayer and then the curtain falls. After the mar­ riage another jolly feast is provided in one of the houses of the village, but to this only natives are invited. The “strangers” who include the school­ master, the old nurse and Che minister himself, hie themselves to "the manse, where they attempt to make merry in a humble kind of way, and the newly married couple are gracious enough to look in and smile on the proceedings. The husband and wife bring provisions with them, generally mutton, it being considered unlucky that they should come empty handed. Tea is supplied in great abundance. A bumper is drank to the health and prosperity of the newly wedded pair, and this formality over the oontptfnv breaks up. The couple are seen to rest for the night, and the event is at an end. There is a difficulty usually about the honeymoon. It is the correct thing to spend it from home, but there is only the choice of going to a friend's house ten yards away or one twice the distance.—Cbr. Glasgow Herald. Dealers In IV. T. BAXTER. J. O. KOGERS. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of HARDWARE, BAXTER & ROGERS TINWARE & t Succeesoes to Baxter & Martin,) Third street, MoMinnville, Oregon Agricultural Imp enients, Pumps, Pipes, Etc. Alli of which will be sold as LOW FOR CASH. As the times will allow, —- -------- We Fra ta Enn A new, neat and clean stock. Every articl. A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goode, To­ bacco. Pipes and Cigar». Frosh Fruit and Vegetable« in Season. Give us acai). Inspect our stock, and we will guarantee prices to suit vou. MXNrOBD BAY. a. A. KENYON Make a Specialty of all Kinds of Job W ork Par- ticiilarly Iron and Tin Roofing, Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps. In faot we do anything thai comes in our line, with neatness and dis patch and, CITY MARKET, Trnr KENYON & RAY, Proprietors. (Successor to W. F. Bangasser.) Will keep on hand at all times the very best quality of fresh meats, that can be ob­ tained in the market, and respectfully solicit a share of thepublio patronage. OF“Give us a trial order and we will Bring on your designs and we will cut your guarantee satisfaction. patterns, and do your work, and don’t you forget it. Never Tell You it Can’t be Dene. South east cor. .'»d and C streets, McMinn­ ville, Oregon. A. H. 111111111111111 THE 1H31IXG CAH LI* I THE DIRECT KOI TE! NO DEI.AYN; FASTEST THAINS! T Daia* «UWvWU XwMWwS Feed Chopping Mill —AND— ORTHERH RELIGIOUS AND «EDUCATIONAL. —Brooklyn has only one church to every 2,624 inhabitants—less than any other city in the United States. —The late Robert Treat Paine, of Boston, bequeathed $¿0,000 for the en­ dowment of a chair of practical astron­ omy at Harvard college. —Nineteen Sunday-schools are con nected with the iJondon Church, of which the Rev Newman Hall is pastor, and these schools at present contain in all 5,000 children. —There are three Presbyteries in South Carolina, composed almost ex­ clusively of colbred people, and in con­ nection with the Northern Assembly. It is thought that the erection of a synod in South Carolina must shortly be the re­ sult —The Presbyterians, according to a correspondent of the Scottish-American Journal, have determined to establish a church in every New England city where there is’ a sufficient element which has been educated in the Presby­ terian faith NEW TO-DAY. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Description of a Marriage a»»* Marriage Feast at St. Hilda. To CHICACO and all points EAST. 'rlck,‘’* *«•<* <« “u PHOmiYEYT POINTS Throughout the Ea.t and Southeast. Dining Station of the 0. C. R. R. McMinnville. Oregon. F. Multner, Prop, (Late of the St. Charles.) This Hotel has just been refitted and new­ ly refurnished throughout, nnd will be kept TO EAMT »Or AD PASSENGERS! m n first class style. !«'■ BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE The table is supplied with nil the market affords, nnd guests oan rely upon good olean - ----- TO TAKE THE------ beds, and oomfortable rooms. Special accomodations for commercial travelers. I And see that your ticket reads via Portland and —^St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, ==!" Star Restaurant, - AND— Z-odging House, To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Third Street, opposite the Braly Bank, Emigrant Sleeping Cars arc run on Regular Express Trains Full McMinnville, .... Oregon. Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! _£J------- FT QUICKEST TIME! O. C. II hit t, Prop. ------- o------- (¿ENERAL OFFICE OF THE COIN PANT, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. 1». (TIAHLTON, General Weelrrn Paaeenger Agent. Finest domestic and imported cigars. Board and lodging. Meals at all hours. Publio patronage respectfully solicited.