DAILY EVENING REPORTER. VOL. II. NO 67. ^*2^ M c M innville , O regon , W ednesday , march 23. 1887 PRICE TWO CENTS A. P. Wilson, of Carlton, has and contents. The total loss will been awarded $3,500 damages, probably exceed $100,000. J. S. Martin went to Portland Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for in his suit with the Portland Uncle Jim Fletcher last year Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ this a. m. on business. paving company, who left a man planted three-fourths of an acre ond Class Matter. Board of trade meets first Mon­ trap open which caught him. • ---------- o---------- to water melons, from which he day evening in the month. D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. The independent voters of the realized $200; in cash $130, and A Fine line of gents fine shoes country gave Mr. Cleveland the in fun selling them, $130. This D. C. IRELAND A Co., just received at Redmonds. PUBLISHERS. Opening day at Appersons, presidency. Have they reason year he is taking extra pains to Goods ar­ to be satisfied with what ho has put in the seed, and will plant OREGON lawns, etc, Thursday. MCMINNVILLE done since he entered the White one and a half acres. ------------- O riving. Newspaper editing is a very T he D aily R eporter is issued every day A. R. Brown of Amity, made house. tn the week except Sundays, and is delivered The country is without a sec­ funny amusement. If you give pleasant call. Always in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 retary of the treasury and the a puff, he never sees it; but let cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ vertising same as for T he W eekly R eport ’ r . Cooper is surveying lines inter-state commerce commis­ one line against him appearand sion has not yet been appointed. he sees it before the paper is off Fine Book and Job Printers. on the J. W. Baker place, near The latter especially should be the prv£s; and while he would We beg leave to announce to the public Glenbrook. looked to at once. not have time to stop on the that we have just added a large stock of new The Choral Union will meet novelties to our business, and make a special­ President Adams of the UPR.; street and say ‘thank you,’ he ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, next time, April 5th, at the resi­ Jno W. Mackey ; President Smith has time to run all over town to Statements, Business Cards, Ladies Calling dence of Wm. Bingham. of the NPR.; Charles Crocker, denounce the editor who seeks Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ The state board of agriculture grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of the President of the SPR, and to print the news. work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ have arranged the speed program other railway barons, are expect­ A movement is on foot to es­ vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. for the coming fair at Salem. ed in Portland soon. tablish a manufacturing center Uncle Tom’s cabin, with all DOCTORS Messrs. Powers and Son were in Yamhill county, at what is its paraphernalia, at Garrison at the rooms of the immigration now called Whites station. The LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH. Opera house Saturday, April 2d.1 committee in this city yesterday, new name selected for the place Mrs. ami Miss Burnett and Office over Braly’s Bank. direct from Indiana, looking for is made up from the names McMinnville, - Oregon. Miss Callihan, of Corvallis, are White and Garrison, and will a location. If you have land to be Whitson. Power will be ob­ guests of Miss Katie Nelson in j sell, give Mr. Magers a descrip­ tained by bringing the Yamhill DR. I. C. TAYLOR, this city. tion of it. — —o-------- river in from Broadmeads, emp­ The Reporter office was favor­ Late of New Orleans, La.. tying it into Salt creek with a Rev. J. C.., Baker, financial ed yesterday by a call from Miss Piles and Fistula a Spe­ secretary for the Home Mission fall of fully forty feet. Ora Warren and Miss Lenore ciality. Consultation Prof. Crawford’s rallying song, society will preach in the Baptist free. Ao Cure Kirkwood. words and music, will be sung i church in this place next Sab­ No Pay. at the county convention of the Mr. Thomason, of Barnekoff, bath morning and evening. All | [-jT Office with H. V. V. Johnson, M. D., T. vi1le, Satur­ 1887. All breeders breeder« yesterday, set the tin wedding a night swept away eighty build­ day April 30th 1887, are invited to present their applica­ day ahead of time. Mr. and ings, including several large tions r- :*v ;' J:—- of ■' horses ‘------- to be with pedigree shown, i, to Uncle Jim Fletcher, that all Mrs. Wm. Henderson will be at boarding houses; among them may appear in the report without home F riday evening . McMinnville, Oregon. the Eckert and Parkhurst houses confusion. Th© Daily Reporter, Fine Job Printers, CITY